MATERIALS HANDLING - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - PRESENT METHODS of palletizing both bagged and packaged commodities are challenged by American Cyanamid's development or the Accopak Pal...
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HANDLING of extra heavy, electric-welded steel pipe, a n d 2° tilted e n d stands for engineered belt training. H2

Paper Pallets Come to Fore Strong Melostrength paper poller offers new methods of palletizing b a g g e d and packaged commodities METHODS of palletizing both PRESENT bagged and packaged commodities

are challenged by American Cyanamid's development or the Accopak Pallet. New paper pallet, already in use for palletizing company's shipments of phthalic anhydride, offers important time and money saving advantages in shipping and in storing. The Accopak Pallet features simplicity; it consists of two durable cardboard tubes and a strong paper sling. Sling is made of Melostrength Resin treated paper, designed to impart unusual w e t and dry strength. Two bayonet type forks, also designed by American Cy and which attach to any fork lift truck, slip into the rubes. This enables the palletized load to b e lifted, carried and stacked in single, double, or triple-deck tiers without removal of the pallet during storage or shipment. O n e pallet is capable of holding 24 80-lb. bags. An important advantage which this method of palletizing offers is in facilitating t h e loading and unloading of freight cars, says American Cy. T h e sling is no thicker than heavy wrapping paper; entire pallet weighs less th?

Pallets remain with unitized load in shipment and in warehousing 3 lb. An entire load can b e shipped double-decked and completely palletized without t h e use of wooden pallets. I t arrives completely palletized, each pallet staying with its unitized load during shipment. Tests conducted by company show that u n 3080

Pallet features simplicity of design

• P o r t a b l e c o n v e y o r s u p p o r t developed b y Speedways Conveyors is d e signed for use with Speedways conveyor curve sections. Formerly m a n u factured only for straight sections, n e w Curve SpeedTRUX is designed t o accommodate curved pieces of b o t h t h e Speed ways Gravity W h e e l a n d Gravity Roller Conveyors, plus maximum load of either. T h e Curve S p e e d T R U X is of welded construction, has adjustable vertical arms of lV4-iri. pipe t h a t can b e raised to any height desired, or lowered to minimum of 16 in. Horizontal arms are adjustable for length of curve. H3 • Electric t o w i n g t r a c t o r has b e e n added to Clark E q u i p m e n t ' s line. Known as the Electric Clarkat, tractor has normal rated d r a w b a r pull of 8 0 0 lb. a n d is offered i n t w o models: t h e Clarkat-24, w i t h 400-lb. b r e a k a w a y drawbar pull, a n d t h e Clarkat-30, with 3000-lb. breakaway d r a w b a r pull. Comp a n y says tractor features ease of operation, simple, effective automatic m a g netic-controlled electrical system, a n d m o d e r n styling. H A-

loading of a shipment palletized the Accopak w a y saves between eight and 10 man hours as compared with a nonunitized method. T h e palletized traveling also helps bags to retain a more compact shape. T h u s they stack more neatly and occupy less space. T h e wooden pallets usually required for warehouse storage c a n also be elim- • Flexible oil h o s e for use in loading inated by use of Accopak Pallet. As a n d unloading tankers a n d b a r g e s has in the railroad car, t h e bags can be b e e n developed b y U . S. Rubber. Hose, tacked in multiple-deck fashion, pallet designated as Amazon Oil Discharge Hose ( H - 1 5 1 5 ) , is one-third weight of -naming with its unit. °allets themselves present no storage conventional types, has working presor assembly problem. T h e y c a n be sure of 200 l b . / s q . in., a n d c a n b e bent rolled up like m a p s or stored flat; ac- a n d kinked without d a m a g e , springing companying tubes form a convenient back t o shape instantly. Hose is offered in sizes r a n g i n g from 3 - to 12-in. size bundle. Development of t h e Accopak Pallet inside diameter. N e o p r e n e t u b e a n d is a by-product of American Cyana- cover make it oil resistant a n d give it mid's study of materials handling tech- increased resistance to aging a n d sunH5 niques and also its research in field of light. paper chemicals. C o m p a n y will p a t e n t t h e n e w pallet, a n d manufacturing • Jib c r a n e s in 6- a n d 15-ton capacities licenses will be offered to companies in are offered by R. G. LeTourneau. N e w t h e paper industry. H 1 cranes a r e self-supporting, pillar-type a n d are designed for heavy manufacturing a n d materials handling operations indoors or outdoors. T h e y feature con• Belt idlers, Series M D a n d H D , of- tinuous 360° pivoting i n either direcfered by Jeffrey Mfg. feature dual flex- tion. Cranes h a v e span of 2 5 ft. Jib ible contact seals which, company says, has a 14.5-ft. vertical clearance, properform double function of keeping viding room for h a n d l i n g bulky or tall H6 o u t dirt a n d retaining t h e grease for objects. exceedingly long periods. As idlers are factory packed, adjusted, a n d sealed, • Hand truck offered by Precision this provides a permanently lubricated E q u i p m e n t embodies a hydraulic lift idler. Design of idler permits regreas- capable of raising loads u p to V 4 ton. i n g from either e n d w h e n a n d if de- Two-wheel truck, called Shop C a d d y , sirable through shaft, t h e grease reser- has a four-speed r a m furnished as voir, and neoprene shaft connectors. standard equipment. This allows liftA m o n g other features are easy roll re- ing speed to b e s e t according to t h e moval, belt carrying rolls constructed load. Truck's capacity is 5 0 0 lb., liftCHEMICAL




ing height is 36 in., and platform is 16 in. long by 20 in. wide. H7 • Crane for trucks developed by TruckCrane converts any standard truck into dual purpose hauling and handling unit. Unit which is called Truck-Crane lifts up to 5000 lb. at one time, swings it on to truck, lifts it off, and spots it within a 16-ft. 280° radius of truck. H 8 • Forks that adjust hydraulically from side to side are offered by Towmotor. Company says they are designed for operations where Towmotor truck must be used alternately as clamp truck and fork truck. Forks also speed handling when a variety of different widths of pallet loads must be handled. H9 • Electric ptsllet truck offered by Raymond is narrow-aisle, rider-type low lift design. Its eight load wheels are arranged in dual, tandem fashion. Company says sufficient wheel bearing surface of truck reduces both wheel and floor wear. H 10 • Cable hoists offered by Coffing Hoist range in capacity from 500 to 4000 lb. with a choice of lifting speeds and types of suspension. According to company, hoists are designed for heavy production line work and feature strength and long life, push-button control, separate load and motor brakes, foolproof limit switch, and other safety features. H I T • Can conveyor developed by M-H Standard is designed to convey cans and similar items with rimmed bottomsthrough any desired path at speeds ranging from 0 to 12 ft./min. Cans can be loaded or unloaded from conveyor, called Monoflow Canveyor, at any point. Unit is available in fixed or adjustable widths to handle cans of any size. H 12 • Storage bins designed by Day solve the problem for buildings which have limited head room. New Horizontal Type bins are only 11 ft. high and can be furnished in almost any length. Bolted sections can be inserted to make bins taller or longer as. desired. H 13 • Adjustable ramp for loading docks is offered by Rowe Methods. Known as Commercial Adjust-A-Dock, model No. 8 M.F., ramp permits a quick adjustable connection between loading platform and highway truck floor. In operation, ramp's deck is raised by instant-acting push button control to clear floor of incoming carrier. Deck is then lowered until its layover arms rest on truck bed. Self-leveling floating action automatically compensates for vertical changes in level of truck as load is lightened or increased. H 14 For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y i t e m m e n t i o n e d h e r e , s e e coupon on p a g e 3 0 8 4


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At Allied Paper Mills, 3 5 0 tons of bulk clay per w e e k is unloaded 1 7 % faster, with Clark truck and scoop! sjs W h e n men and shovels proved art exhausting and costly way to unload clay at Allied Paper Mills, Kalamazoo, a front-end loader was tried by Broofcs, Inc., traffic contractor for A.P.M. This was a tremendous improvement—unloaded a boxcar in 3 hours; but it was hard t o maneuver, so Brooks decided to try a 5fc Clark 2,000 lb. truck with a 9 cubic foot hydraulic scoop . . .

" D r i v e r f a t i g u e is n o longer a p r o b l e m , " says G e o r g e Brooks, t r a f f i c "The





?Jc Bull's-eye! T h e Clark unloads each. car in approximately 2J/£ hours—7 cars per week, averaging 50 tons each—a 1 7 % c u t in unloading time. More than. t h a t , t h e Clark converts easily to standard forks for handling pulp, supplies, wastepaper.

e v e n in c l a y 1 2 inches d e e p . I can't g e t the men t o use anything else."

Isn't this exactly the versatile, l o w