MATERIALS HANDLING - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Beginning the second year of a two-year schedule, show plans to go ... tanks, and other storage units is said to be prevented automatica...
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MICRON TROUBLE? A, micron is e q u a l t o 3 9 millionths of a n inch. Particles that small a r e most difficult t o remove f r o m gas streams. BUT M i c r o Metallic p o r o u s stainless steel filters w i l l remove particles as small as 2 / 1 0 of a micron!

Gas Filters Featuring * high f l o w r a t e * l o w pressure d r o p * h i g h - t e m p resistance * corrosion resistance * i n line construction * v a c u u m to hi-pressure service request


Tank C a r Storage

Another Filtration Engineering Service of

Micro Metallic Corporation 47-1 SEA CLIFF AVE.


PALL The Pall Filtration Companies Micro Metallic Corporation

Porous Plastic Filter Company

Aircraft Porous Media, Inc.

Traveling Show Begins Second Year

e&m ADSORPTION ffl&Ê&iï&fe

FLORIDIN PRODUCTS In laboratory and industrie processes requiring adsorption p r o c e s s i n g of gases or solutions, Floridin prepared forms of Fuller's Earth and Bauxitebased adsorbents, available in a variety o f mesh classifications for specific re­ quirements, offer an extremely porous adsorptive capacity unequalled by other low-cost natural materials. Almost a half century's experience assures intelligent, confidential, and immediate attention to inquiries on any problem o f adsorption, dehydra­ tion, catalysis o r decolorization.

-UORUMW-COMMIWADSORBENTS D e p t . Β., 2 2 0 Liberty Street « W a r r e n , Pa.


When American Maize-Products began a building renovation project, it became neces­ sary to remove a wall upon which sulfur dioxide absorption equipment depended for support. Company faced a six-month shutdown of burner and absorption tower, but in cooperation with Ansul Chemical a liquid sulfur dioxide installation was set up with a tank car assigned to American Maize for the duration of construction work. Tank car was refilled regularly from an Ansul tank truck. Although company concedes it was more expensive to purchase liquid sulfur dioxide than to operate a sulfur burner, cost was considerably less than would have been incurred by shutting down the burner and idling the plant. Inset shows close-up of hook-up with lines to steep tank

Traveling materials handling show, p r o d u c e d by Yale & T o w n e , covered 2 5 , 0 0 0 miles in 30 states in its first year o n the road. B e g i n n i n g the second year of a two-year s c h e d u l e , s h o w plans to g o through all the western states and into Canada. C o m p a n y spokesman says road s h o w personnel observed a m a r k e d interest in special attachments i n talking w i t h visitors. T h e y f o u n d that palletizing is still t h e most c o m m o n solution to materials h a n d l i n g problems, and the fork remains the b a s i c attachment on industrial trucks.

A l a r m Device f o r Bin Level Control Accidental overfilling or e m p t y i n g of bins, silos, tanks, and other storage units is said to b e p r e v e n t e d auto­ matically b y an e l e c t r o n i c signal de­ v i c e d e v e l o p e d b y Hewitt-Robins. In­ strument, called t h e Robintronic L e v e l Indicator, uses a radio signal to indi­ c a t e a n d control the level of stored material. C o m p a n y e x p e c t s it to find w i d e s p r e a d use in the h a n d l i n g of ore, coal, sand, gravel, grain, chemicals, a n d other bulk material. D e v i c e consists o f a s m a l l radio trans­ mitter h o u s e d in a rugged steel probe CHEMICAL

w h i c h is placed at t h e level w h e r e t h e f l o w of material is to b e controlled. W h e n t h e stored material rises and e n v e l o p e s the p r o b e (or drops a n d ex­ p o s e s it ) , the c h a n g e in surrounding d e n s i t y distorts the signal b e i n g broad­ c a s t to t h e r e m o t e control unit. This c h a n g e t h e n either sets off a n alarm or actuates the m e c h a n i s m w h i c h regulates t h e flow of material. H 1

• Electric fork truck d e v e l o p e d for u s e i n narrow aisles can right a n g l e stack p a l l e t loads from aisles only 6 ft. w i d e . Truck, p r o d u c e d b y R a y m o n d , is for u s e with skids, o p e n face, or f o u r - w a y e n t r y block t y p e pallet w h e r e lifts are required. H 2 ί Conveyor unit with 180° curve on l i v e roller is p o w e r driven and d e s i g n e d for horizontal operation. A l v e y C o n ­ v e y o r unit has roller actuated b y c o n ­ t a c t with a b o t t o m - m o u n t e d flexible belt. Η 3 • Coal h a n d l i n g s y s t e m built b y Giff o r d - W o o d has c o n v e y o r w h i c h b o t h fills and empties p o w e r h o u s e coal silos.

For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y keyed item mentioned h e r e , see coupon on p a g e 1521





Conveyor acts as a bucket conveyor when ascending and as a flight conveyor when traveling horizontally. H4


t All-purpose dolly, manufactured by Browning Laboratories, consists of two steel shelves rigidly mounted in a frame­ work of chrome-plated tubular steel. Four casters provide mobility. Com­ pany has a number of accessories which make the basic dolly adaptable to a variety of requirements. H5 ί Electric fork truck designed to give the operator protection against low overhead clearance objects is introduced by Barrett-Cravens. Lo-Head truck has shortest possible over-all length and turning radius, is suitable for loading and unloading trailers and box cars, as well as for operations in tunnels or areas with low ceilings or overhead obstructions. Η6 t Winch hoist introduced by Lug-All has anodized aluminum castings, stain­ less steel cable, and oiled-for-life bear­ ings. Company suggests use of Marine Model for applications where corrosion problems exist. Η7 • Hand truck, with improved glides, provides better balanced traversal up and down curbs or stairs. Nutting Truck and Caster says glides permit smooth slide in position approximately parallel to slope of curbs, stairs. Η8 • Speedtable




P a l l e t : 4000. 60O0 lbs. c a p .

Detailed job-studies in customer plants, warehouses and terminals dictated the features of the POWRWORKER "26". N o truck on the market today can match the P O W R W O R K E R ' S c o m b i n a t i o n of user-benefits. € M a x i m u m Maneuverability — O n l y


rounded formed box-type frames which enclose the conveyor, can be ordered in any length from Speedways Con­ veyors. Conveyor is available in canvas, oil-resistant neoprene, or rough top, or with sliders or roller bed to reduce friction. Η9


R l a t f o r m : 4000, βΟΟΟ l b s . c a p

S t a c k e r : 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 lbs. c a p .

26" longer than the load, the shortest standard truck on the market. « Light Weight—Completely fabricated c o n s t r u c t i o n combines m a x i m u m strength with least weight. # Stability—Close-to-the-floor, low center of gravity. 4 Great Efficiency—Double reduction o f spur gears gives maximum tonmiles at least power cost. # Balanced Load Distribution—Double lift cylinders for smooth lifting and lowering. 4 Safety—Deadman switch cuts power when brake is applied, handle automatically returns to brake-position. # Easy to Service—All operating units accessible without lifting or dismantling. Drive wheel tire is quickly demountable. We invite you to compare the 1954 POWRWORKER with any truck on the market! For details, call your local Clark dealer, listed in the Yellow Pages. Or send the coupon for literature. Ask your Clark dealer about Clark's low-cost Pay-As-You-Go leasing plan.


POWRWORKER SECTION Industrial Truck Division

CLARK EQUIPMENT C O M P A N Y Battle Creek 3 6 , Michigan D Ptease send POWRWORKER literature. Q Have representative call.

Bin Feeder Acts as Crusher


New application of Pulva's Corn-Bin Feeder is used as crusher as well as surge bin and feeder. Here unit is used for the three operations in handling a nonferrous sintered cake coming directly from a sin­ tering machine Η 10 (Continued V O L U M E

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Complex Mixtures isotope Assays Leak Detection

Consolidated Engineering CORPORATION 3 0 0 N O . SIERRA MADRE VILLA, PASADENA 15, CALIF.

EVANS· RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORP. Chemical Research ί Processes ^ Products Development Problems Complete Laboratory- ί Pilot Plant f Mechanical and Optical Sections Ask for NEW Scope Sheet Ε listing over 100 ot our activities.

250 East 43rd Street, New York 17, N. Y^

FOOD RESEARCH LABORATORIES, I N C . Founded 1 9 2 2 Philip Β . H a w k , P h . D . . Preiident 3 4 r n a r d l.Otmsr, P h . D . , Director

Research ·• Analyses · Consultation Biological, Nvfritional, Toxicological Sfudiei for the Food, Drug a n d Allied Industrie*

4 8 - 1 4 33rd Street, Lor*g Island City 1, IM.Y.





ί Electric fork truck w h i c h operates in a 7-ft, aisle and can pick u p a n d deposit loads without straddling pallets or skids has been developed try Yale & T o w n e . Warehouser Extend-A-Load has 20OO1b. capacity a t 24-in. load center. It can reach out a n d pick u p or deposit a load a t any height from floor level to 126 in. Η Π • General


t o w i n g tractors in

Clark Equipment's Clarkette 5 line have improved features said to provide greater driving safety, comfort, and simplicity. Basic dimensions of 5O0-lb. d r a w b a r pull capacity machine have b e e n retained, but driver platform h a s b e e n lengthened and brake p e d a l r e ­ located. Η12 • S le id for general yard storage of mate­ rials consists of railroad rail, c u t to length, a n d precast concrete supports witii anchor bolts cast in place. T o assemble a skid, supports are spaced 1530
