MATERIALS HANDLING - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

First Page Image. ▸ Storage ... Controls may be set to weigh one batch, any specific number of batches, or for automatic continuous batching. System...
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ciucosinc α n e w low-cost p o l y o l for c o a t i n g resins, v a r n i s h e s , d r y i n g o i l s , and surface active agents Η ,C — OH

OH Η v OCH 3




Special Forks f o r Handling


Modified Yale & Towne Model H4P hand-lift pallet trucks are used to handle cylinders weighing more than a ton and a half at Moreland Chemical's Spartanburg, S. C., plant. The cylinders, which measure 30 in. in diameter and 82 in. long, had previously posed a real handling problem. Special forks on the truck form an inverted V which serves to cradle the cylinder when forks are raised. In picking up a cylinder, truck is maneuvered so that forks straddle it. A multistroke hydraulic lift raises the forks 4 in., cradling the cylinder and lifting it off the floor for transit Η1

White, crystalline Non-hygroscopic Four esterifiable hydroxyls Melting point 166-168°C.

M e t h y l Glucoside c o n t r i b ­ utes faster drying . . . i m ­ proved

adhesion . . .


creased hardness . . . a n d i m p r o v e d water resistance to d r y i n g

oils, varnishes,

a n d tall oil esters. N o w available in commer­ cial quantities. W r i t e t o d a y for samples a n d technical literature.

"Fine Chhmiails Chemical






• Storage rack for drums offered by Star Welding is designed to raise drum spouts to pouring heights or for stor­ age. Unit is all-steel welded construc­ tion and is capable of supporting a fully filled 55-gal. drum. Η2 • electronic batching system for con­ tinuous process industries offered by Thurman Machine's Scale division is adaptable to either accumulative or consecutive weighing. Controls may be set to weigh one batch, any specific number of batches, or for automatic continuous batching. System is also unlimited in number of materials which may be batched in one formula. Η3 • industrial batching scale offered by Richardson Scale is designed for weighing hot materials in high-tonnage quantities. Key features of scale in­ clude heavy-duty construction, weigh hopper of 25-cu.-ft. capacity, dust-tight housing covering entire scale, sepa­ rately housed controls, and 3 / 8 -in. steel plate contacting material being weighed. Company says scale has demonstrated accuracies of 0 . 1 % at operating speeds of five weighings per minute. Η4 • Electric





4000-lb. capacity will stack in as little as a 56-in. aisle. Developed by Yale & Towne, the truck, designated RL-4, has three forward and three reverse

speeds. A two-position speed control lever and controls for hoisting and lowering loads are located for finger­ tip control. A safety type foot o p ­ erated brake cuts off power and a p ­ plies brake when operator leaves t h e truck. Platform widths are 19, 24, and 26 in., with lengths of 36, 42, 48, 54, and 6 0 in. Η 5 • Rider-operated stacker with a re­ tractable mast and fork assembly is a new development of Automatic Transportation. Designed especially for tiering and detiering in aisles as narrow as 6.5 ft., t h e E S R T Transveyor features a retractable fork and mast assembly which extends and re­ tracts 36 in, and can carry 4000 lb. with pallets u p to 48 in. in size. Fork and mast assembly is an integral part of truck which extends a n d retracts within t h e truck frame. Other features are center pivoted steering and driv­ ing axle, eliminating frame distortion and uneven load distribution; and onehand control grouping. Η 6 • Conveyor





stainless steel construction which are corrosion resistant and can b e washed or steam cleaned repeatedly are of­ fered by Harry J. Ferguson. For use with Ferguson gravity roller conveyors, new steel bearings are in conveyors in 2-, 2 1 / 4 - , and 2 1 / 2 -in.-diameter rollers. Company says that bearings assure





ease of maintenance and long service life on conveyor installations where ordinary steel or wood-type bearings will not give satisfactory service. H 7 • Clark Equipment has redesigned its electric Stoway stand-up type, end-con­ trol fork truck to include easier steer­ ing, more efficient hydraulic control of lifting and tilting mechanisms for smoother handling of fragile loads, and positive hydraulic braking for in­ creased safety and improved mainte­ nance accessibility. H8 • Section b a g conveyor offered by Stephens-Adamson is a heavy duty unit designed for handling bags, boxes, and cartons. It is offered in 18- or 24-in. belt widths with standard 20-ft. inter­ locking sections. Drive units are equipped with tail shaft mounted sprocket for powering driven units. Ends of carrying rollers on conveyor are spun to form smooth radius. Roll­ ers turn in precision ball bearing units protected b y noncorrosive labyrinth seals. Standard roller spacing is 16 in., but decking is punched for variable spacing to meet j o b requirements.

Fits places and budgets that no other loader can!..

H 9

• Pallet stacker offered by Raymond and originally designed t o plug into an electrical outlet is now offered with a 12-volt battery-operated lifting motor and automatic built-in charger. Stacker is designed to lift 2000-lb. pallet loads and h a s adjustable base forks that will straddle all popular size pallets. Stacker is positioned manu­ ally, and company says a fifth wheel steering arrangement provides excep­ tional maneuverability. H 10 • Corrugated skid boxes offered by Palmer-Stile are of heavy duty allwelded construction. Boxes feature drop doors for easy accessibility; com­ pany builds boxes t o any size and load capacity to customer specifications. H 11

• Materials handling device devel­ oped by Rapids-Standard combines gravity wheel track with Rapistan rack components. Called Rapistan FlowRack, the rack employs gravity to move goods to its front. Company says it reduces amount of aisle space required for ordinary shelving or bins a n d puts a greater selection of materials within sight and reach at all times. Of free­ standing design, Flow-Rack is made of rolled steel with corrosion-resistant enamel finish. It is produced in 6-ft. rack height for normal reach b u t may be any width or length over-all. I t is adaptable to size, weight, and nature of any product. H 12

Clark's new BULK LOADE T h i s little end-loader will do m a n y of t h e things t h a t bigger, more expensive machines can do—plus a lot of things they can't do! T h e Clark B U L K L O A D E R h a s t h e shortest turning radius of any machine on t h e m a r k e t — 5 Ί 0 " . W i t h i n i t s capacity (11 cu. ft., 1200 lbs.), it's unbeatable for handling loosely packed material in cramped quarters—boxcars, nar­ row aisles, close approaches t o hop­ pers. There's plenty of power, plenty of traction for light shoveling, with speeds u p t o &lA m p h in b o t h direc­ tions. Fully loaded, t h e B U L K L O A D E R will climb a 14% grade. Bucket action is also outstanding.

For further information o n a n y item mentioned here, see cou­ pon on page 5 0 7 4


3 2,

NO. 51 ·


Low-level independent tilt-back guar­ antees full bucket loads every time, permits carrying i n lowered position without spillage. T h e 60 degree d u m p ­ ing action h a s a full 76 in. clearance under the hinge, 47 in. under t h e lip. Compare t h e performance of this new B U L K L O A D E R against com­ petitive machines. And remember t h a t you'll have n o service problems with this n e w Clark machine—parts and components a r e mainly inter­ changeable with t h e standard Yardlift-20. Service is immediately avail­ able from your local Clark dealer, listed in t h e Yellow Pages under " T r u c k s , Industrial. , ,

Ask your Clark dealer for a demonstration of the new Bulk Loader. Send the coupon and w e l l make the arrangements.

D Send details o n the BULK LOADER D Contact me for demonstration Name,

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Industrial Truck Division


Battle Creek 36, Michigan

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