Materials in a Ton of Kelp - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Materials in a Ton of Kelp. G B. Rigg. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1916, 8 (6), pp 568–568. DOI: 10.1021/i500006a600. Publication Date: June 1916. Note: In li...
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Vol. 8 , No. 6’

MATERIALS IN A TON OF KELP Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: The seriousness of the current shortage of potash gives increased importance to a careful consideration of the American sources of it. The following table gives in pounds the quantities of the materials mentioned that are contained in a ton (2000 Ibs.) of fresh kelp. The three species mentioned are the ones that are harvestable in commercial quantities along the Pacific coast of North ilmerica. The supply available on the California coast is mainly Macrocystis, that in the Puget Sound region is mainly Nereocystis, while that in Southern Alaska is Nereocystis, Macrocystis and .%laria. In Western Alaska the supply is Nereocystis and illaria. The sources of information for’the data given in this table are fully indicated in the notes.

Macrocystis are made on the basis of 264 pounds of dry matter per ton of fresh keIp. All computations for Macrocystis are made in the same manner as those for h-ereocystis. The per cents are all taken from ( I ) , p. 15, and (3), p. 43. (;)-Computed on the basis of data given in (2), pp. 64-65, All other computations on Alaria are made on the basis of 2 7 4 Ibs. of dry matter per ton of fresh kelp. All computations for Alaria are made in the same way as those for Kereocystis and kIacrocystis except that ( j ) is figured €or the minimum only, since no data in regard to Alaria are given in ( 3 ) , and that ( k ) is based on ( I ) , p. I S only, for the same reason. All per cents for Alaria are from (I), p . 18. CNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTOK G. B. RIGG

Potassium Other Crude NitroChloride Salts Iodine Algin fiber gen 52.7 25.1 to 3 7 . 7 0 . 2 2 2 3 . 4 8 . 4 2 . 9 (b) (C) (d) (e) (f) (9) 5 2 . 5 26.7 to 55.7 0 . 6 1 4 4 . 4 1 9 . 3 4 . 3

SYNTHETIC PHENOL RESINS Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Permit me to adjust to their proper value some statements contained in a letter signed by Messrs. L. V. Redman, and his business partners, A . J. Weith and F. P. Brock, published on page 473 of the May nurner, 1916, of THISJOURNAL: Dr. Redman says: “One method of producing these resins was developed by Dr. Baekeland.” The fact is that I developed and patented several methods; each of them is suited to special conditions and is preferred, in one case or another, according to the varying requirements or purposes of different technical applications. One of these several methods refers to the use of bases, in small proportions, as a condensing agent, in the manufacture of infusible resinous phenolic condensation products. The action of bases under these restricted proportions makes it unnecessary to resort to counter-pressure during the hardening, and the last step of the process, which brings. about final hardening through polymerization by heat, can then be carried out a t relatively moderate temperatures. However, this still necessitates longer time than if higher temperatures are available. Slow methods are a great objection for most industrial processes. Rut the use of counter-pressure can be here called into service to excellent advantage, because it permits much higher temperatures and thus shortens considerably the hardening process and renders the method available for the majority of technical applications. A4mmonia,whether it be used directly as such, or combined to formaldehyde as hexamethylentetramin, is still preferred over other bases for the great majority of phenolic, resinous condensation products now in the market. iZ careful search in the literature or in the prior art, which has been carried on now for about nine years by all my opponents, as well as by myself, has failed to disclose one single instance where ammonia has been used or recommended for the prodzictioiz of infusible synthetic resins from phenolic condensation pyoducts, prior to the time when I discovered and employed the eminently valuable properties of ammonia for this purpose. It is true that ammonia, or hexamethylentetramin, had been used in some instances, but for entirely other purposes, for example in the manufacture of antiseptics derived from phenolic condensation products, and not for the production of iizfusihle phenolic resins of the kind which have found, of late, so many industrial applications. Dr. Redman should not overlook the important €act that the use of ammonia in the proportion of less than one-fifth of a molecule, is only one of the 34 U. S. patents which I obtained thus far in relation to phenolic condensation products. There are other ways of using ammonia, as such, or as hexaniethylentetra.min in large proportions, which in some instances may answer the purpose; these I have covered by some pending patents. As to the Luft process, it consisted in obtaining some kind of a phenolic condensation product by the use of strong acids. The latter have a tendency to produce the kind of condensa-

Water Nereocystis ..... .. . 1834 (a) Luetkeana. . . . . . . . Macrocystis.. . . . . . 1736 pyrifer (h) Alaria tis 1726 (i)








No 7 . 1 data ( k )


I-F. K. Cameron, “Pacific Kelp Beds as a Source of Potassium Salts,” U. S. Dept. Agr., Rept. IOO (1915), pp: 9-32. 2-T. C. Frye, “The Kelp Beds of Southeast Alaska,” U. S. Dept. Agr., Rept. IOO (1915), pp. 60-104. 3-D. R. Hoagland, “Organic Constituents of Pacific Coast Kelps,” J . Agr. Res., 4 (I915), pp. 39-58, 4-G. B. Rigg, “The Kelp Beds of Puget Sound,” U. S. Dept. Agr., Refit. IOO (1915), pp. 50-58. 5-J. W. Turrentine, “The Technology of the Seaweed Industry,” Sen. Doc. I 90, Sixty-second Congress, second session ( I ~ I Z pp. ) , 232-262. NOTES

(a)-Computed from an average of the per cent of moisture reported in ( 2 ) p. 63, (3) p. 43, and (4) p. 54. All other computations for Kereocystis are made on the basis of 166 lbs. of dry matter per ton of fresh kelp. (b)---Computed according to the per cent given in ( I ) , p. 17, using the factor 1.58 in figuring KC1 from KsO. No account is taken anywhere in this table of differences in content between stems and leaves. The samples of Nereocystis and Macrocystis from which the data here referred to were secured usually consisted gf the harvestable portion, which comprizes both leaves and stems. The samples of Alaria usually consisted of leaves only. In general there is more potash in stems than in leaves, and more nitrogen in leaves than in stems. See ( I ) , pp. 26-27. (c)-The minimum was computed as follows: The per cent of KC1 was figured by multiplying the per cent of K20 given in ( I ) , p. 1 7 , by 1.58. This per cent was then subtracted from the per cent given on the same page for “total soluble salts” [46.9--- (20.1 X 1 . j 8 ) ] X 166 = 2 5 . 1 . The maximum was computed in the same way except that the “total salts” reported in (3), p. 43, was used [ j 4 . j - ( 2 0 . 1 X 1 . j 8 ) ] X 166 = 37.7. (d)-Computed according to the per cent of iodine given in ( I ) , p. 17. For a discussion of the forms in which iodine is present in kelps see ( 3 ) , p. 5 2 . (e)-Algin is the material that can be dissolved in sodium carbonate and precipitated with acids. Computed according to the per cent given in ( 3 ) , p. 43. For a discussion of its properties see (31, pp. 47-50, and (51, PP. 249-253. (f)-Computed according to (3), p. 43. The crude fiber reported was approximately half cellulose. See- ( 3 ) , p. 50. (g)-Computed from an average of the percentages given in (I), P. 1 7 and (3), P. 43. (12)-Computed according to the per cent of moisture given in ( z ) , pp, 64-65, and (3), p. 43. All other computations for

SEATTLE, March 23, 1916