Matheson Coleman & Bell

High Input Impedance. Amplifier Announced. A new amplifier, designated Type 104, is now available from the Atlantic. Research Corp. Designed for gener...
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NEW PRODUCTS Heat loss is prevented by specially designed doors, which also allow free access t o the furnace chamber. All models are equipped with a n external blower connected t o a duct system to speed up the cooling cycle when neces­ sary. 10 High Input Impedance Amplifier Announced A new amplifier, designated Type 104, is now available from the Atlantic Research Corp. Designed for general laboratory applications where high input impedance and broad band re­ sponse is required, it is said to be especi­ ally useful for maintaining low frequency response and signal level of piezoelectric accelerometers, pressure pickups, and similar transducers. The company says the amplifier works well into oscillo­ scopes, tape recorders., and other meas­ urement equipment where t h e load impedance is greater than 5,000 ohms.

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Coleman Nephelometers Dept. A. Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, III, For further information, circle number 85 A-i on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A

Only MC&B packs under Argon Because of its compact design, t h e Type 104 is convenient for multichannel use. U p to 10 amplifiers will fit side by side in a special frame for rack mounting. 11

to a s s u r e h i g h e r p u r i t y T o m a i n t a i n t h e e x t r e m e p u r i t y of some organics i t is_necessary to package t h e m under a n inert atmosphere.

Pipet Pump

process consists of b l a n k e t i n g t h e c o n t a i n e r s a n d t h e m a t e r i a l

A novel pump introduced b y Micro Fine Instruments is designed to elimi­ nate use of lung power common in pipetting. T h e action of the new instrument is controlled by two rollers which pinch t h e rubber tube closed to form a seal. When the knob is turned, the pipet pump rolls up the tube. This causes a partial vacuum to form, thereby drawing the , liquid into t h e pipet. According to the company, t h e smooth action of rotating the knob gives delicate control of the amount of fluid in the

The MC&B

For further information, « · · coupon on page 77 A

to b e packaged with argon.

Before t h e bottles a r e r e m o v e d

from t h e a r g o n - b l a n k e t t h e y a r e sealed. than

air t h e compound

Since argon is heavier

remains protected.

p a c k s organics u n d e r a n i n e r t a t m o s p h e r e .



T h i s is a n o t h e r

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Matheson Coleman&Bell Division of the Matheson Company, Inc. Norwood tCincinnati), Ohio; Bast Rutherford, N. J. For furtber information, circle number 85 A-2 on Readers' Servie· Card, paie 77 A

V O L . 2 9 , N O . Λ, APRIL 1 9 5 7 ·

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