And More FTIR Users Buvina Mattson? Analytical Spectroscopy
Research Spectroscopy
Workhorse FTIR for QC or teaching applications.
Flexible systems for analyti cal spectroscopy
Spectroscopy for research applications.
High return on investment quickly justifies purchase. Gets analysis routines on line fast—short operator learning curve. Survives harsh lab environ ments with sealed and desic cated optical system.
Π Unparalleled flexibility—high resolution and the fastest scan speed of any FTIR. : GC-FTIR includes full automa tion and control of GC auto sampler with real-time IR acquisition and display. D Full range of IR-Microscopy systems; both in-compartment and external bench TGA interfaces.
D Spectral range coverage from 25,000 to 225 cm"1 at 0.25 cm"1 resolution. Π High-intensity fluid-cooled source and continuously adjustable computer con trolled iris aperture. D Two external beams for mounting external bench experiments and accessories.
Low Cost
NEW $13,500.00
Mattson Instruments, Inc. 1001 Fourier Drive Madison, Wl 53717 Tel. (608)831-5515 Fax:(608)831-2093
Mattson, Orion, and Unicam are operating divisions of Analytical Technology, Inc.
Call us today for a close look at Mattson's complete line of FTIR systems and applications software. You'll see why Mattson is the fastest growing FUR company.