Mattson Instruments, Inc

Mattson Instruments, Inc. 1001 Fourier Drive. Madison, Wl 53717. Tel.(608) 831-5515. Fax:(608) 831-2093. Mattson Mattson, Orion, and Unicam are operat...
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And More FTIR Users Buvina Mattson? Analytical Spectroscopy

Research Spectroscopy

Workhorse FTIR for QC or teaching applications.

Flexible systems for analyti­ cal spectroscopy

Spectroscopy for research applications.

High return on investment quickly justifies purchase. Gets analysis routines on line fast—short operator learning curve. Survives harsh lab environ­ ments with sealed and desic­ cated optical system.

Π Unparalleled flexibility—high resolution and the fastest scan speed of any FTIR. : GC-FTIR includes full automa­ tion and control of GC auto sampler with real-time IR acquisition and display. D Full range of IR-Microscopy systems; both in-compartment and external bench TGA interfaces.

D Spectral range coverage from 25,000 to 225 cm"1 at 0.25 cm"1 resolution. Π High-intensity fluid-cooled source and continuously adjustable computer con­ trolled iris aperture. D Two external beams for mounting external bench experiments and accessories.

Low Cost

NEW $13,500.00

Mattson Instruments, Inc. 1001 Fourier Drive Madison, Wl 53717 Tel. (608)831-5515 Fax:(608)831-2093


Mattson, Orion, and Unicam are operating divisions of Analytical Technology, Inc.

Call us today for a close look at Mattson's complete line of FTIR systems and applications software. You'll see why Mattson is the fastest growing FUR company.