May 5, 1963 BOOK REVIEWS 1367 - ACS Publications

jects that seem to me to deserve more emphasis than they get are. Winstein's work on ion pairs, Cram's work on the stereochemis- try of electrophilic ...
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May 5 , 1963


Solids”), and the other three by chemists. All three of the latter omit the rare earths almost entirely. In size, price and amount of mathematical analysis, Professor Ballhausen’s volume is intermediate between Orgel’s “Transition Metal Chemistry,” which contains not a single equation, and Griffith’s “The Theory of Transition Metal Ions,” which develops such mathematical refinements as fractional parentage and parity in half-filled shells. Ballhausen’s book is, however, more complete than the other two in giving historical perspective and especially in references to the literature. For example, proper credit is given to the often overlooked pioneer work of Penney in 1940 on the stabilization of binding energies in the solid state by crystalline Stark splittings. Almost a thousand papers are cited, the bulk of them within the last few years, an indication of the rapidity with which the field is growing. By ligands are meant the cluster of atoms about a central ion. Ballhausen and other modern writers use the term crystal field theory for mathematical analysis in which one treats the transition ion as a one-atom problem with the effect of the surrounding ligands represented b y a static potential field of some particular symmetry type. The term ligand field theory is then employed for a more general treatment based on the method of molecular orbitals in which electrons can wander from the central ion t o the ligands and vice aeysu, and various degrees of covalence thus are obtained. The reviewer was shocked recently to learn that one aptitude test question given to pupils in a suburban Xew York school was to distinguish between physicists and chemists by whether they are interested in atoms or molecules. If such outmoded compartmentalization is employed, crystal field theory is Inorganic lsotopic Syntheses. ROLFE H. HERBER, Editor physics and ligand field theory is chemistry! Actually the two W. F. Benjamin, Inc., 2465 Broadway, New York 25, N. Y fuse together closely. Ballhausen’s book combines both the 249 pp, 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $7.50. 1962. vii basic central core of crystal field theory, roughly the first half of the book, and the modern ligand field ramifications. Recent In accordance with the stated intention of its editor, this work in paramagnetic and nuclear resonance has shown that even volume is an excellent guide to the preparation of isotopically in the most ionic cases, except in the rare earths, the wandering labeled inorganic compounds. A brief introductory chapter or incipient covalence tendency is larger than was supposed in reviews radiochemical technique in general and radiochemical the early work. terminology. Each of the following eight chapters is devoted to As the pages unfold, the character of the book properly changes a particular nuclide and is written by a separate author whom the considerably. After a brief historical introduction, there are editor considers t o be an authority for that nuclide. The isochapters on the theory of atomic spectra and on symmetry, which P32, S3s,C136 and I1S1. topes discussed are: H2, H3, I P , 01*, serve substantially as digests of Condon and Shortley type of Over 300 syntheses are described. Some preparations are material, and the results of group theory. Then two chapters given in great detail, sufficient t o enable the reader to proceed give the mathematical development appropriate to crystalline without further recourse to the literature. For other cases, fields of different symmetry types. The next chapter is on spinwhen sophisticated equipment is required or the preparation is orbit interaction, and the comparison with experiment becomes quite involved, the discussion is intended only as a guide and the more frequent. The following one on molecular orbitals introreader must resort t o the original publication. References t o duces the more general ligand field theory. Chapter 8 treats the original publications and related material are given for almost vibronic interactions and the Jahn-Teller effect, a subject to all but the most trivial syntheses. In all, almost 1000 references which the author naturally gives particular attention because of are listed. his original contributions in this field. After a short chapter This reviewer believes that this book would be a valuable edidealing mostly with rotary dispersion, there is a long final one, tion in any laboratory, since today every laboratory is interested almost devoid of equations and replete with references to the in isotopic syntheses t o some extent. literatye, on “electronic structures of selected inorganic comDEPT.OF RADIATIOS BIOLOGY plexes. OF ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY ISAAC FELDMAN Professor Ballhausen has struck a good compromise between P.O. Box 287, STATION3 readers who would like to see everything proved mathematically ROCHESTER 20, NEW YORK and those who want merely the results of analysis. I n a book of its dimensions, it is impossible to derive everything, and occasionally he could delineate a little more sharply between what he Introduction to Ligand Field Theory. By CARLJ. BALLHAUSEN, has and has not proved. Professor of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The English and literary style are excellent, though the author McGraw-Hill Book Company, I n c , 330 West 42nd Street, is not writing in his native tongue. 298 pp. 16 X 23 5 cm. S e w York 36, N. Y. 1962. ix I n summary, Professor Ballhausen is to be congratulated in Price $11.75. writing a valuable, comprehensive and authoritative volume on a timely subject. In the borderland between physics and chemistry, one of the most fruitful applications of quantum mechanics is found in DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS crystalline or ligand field theory, which is the key t o understandJ. H . VANVLECK HARVARD UNIVERSITY ing the magnetism, optical properties and coordination chemisCAMBRIDGE 38, MASS. try of solids containing ions of the transition groups. A review article written by the late Professor W . Moffitt and Dr. Ballhausen aptly concludes: “It will be a long time before a method is The Opium Alkaloids. Selected Topics. By DAVIDGINSBURG, developed to surpass in simplicity, elegance and power that of Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Interscience crystalline field theory. Within its extensive domain, it has Division, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, provided at least a deep qualitative insight into the behavior of a Xew York 16, Ii.Y. 1962. 111 pp 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, many-electron system. No other molecular theory, to our $6.50. knowledge, has provided so many useful members which are so nearly correct. And none has a bztter immediate prospect of This is a pleasant, personal little book written by a n author extending its chemical applications. who is indeed expert in the field about which he writes. It is the The broad outlines of crystal field theory were developed in child born of the author’s research interest, develc7ed from a the 1930’s, but the subject has come into its own only in the last series of lectures, and intended as a teaching tool to assist organic decade or so. New experimental techniques, such as microwave chemistry graduate students. It cannot serve as an alternative spectroscopy and better facilities for preparing single crystals of to the various compendia on the opium alkaloids (Small, Bentley, exotic compounds, have made it possible to put the theory on a Manske and Holmes), and, of course, Ginsburg does not purpose more quantitative footing. In addition, the advent of the maser to do so. The chief, and considerable, value of this book is that and laser has given it important technological repercussions. it reflects the author’s personal interest both in research and I n view of the current wave of interest in crystalline or ligand teaching. field theory, it is to be expected that a number of books would be “Selected Topics,” is part of the title and this is indeed the written recently on the subject. I n addition t o numerous review case. Selection is the book’s virtue from the pedagogic standarticles, there are four such volumes of which the writer is aware. point. A tasty mixture of classical and recent topics in opium One of them is by a physicist (Low’s “Paramagnetic Resonance in alkaloid chemistry is presented, flavored by the author’s own

cellent chapter on methylenes, an area in which Dr. Hine has made major research contributions. Inevitably, anyone covering such a broad field will slight some important subjects, and give a somewhat distorted emphasis on others. Along this line, I regret the impression given by D r . Hine that the steric effect of the leaving group is a generally accepted explanation of Hofmann-rule orientation in elimination reactions. Certainly many workers in the field, probably a majority, ascribe the major role to electronic effects. Some subjects that seem to me to deserve more emphasis than they get are Winstein’s work on ion pairs, Cram’s work on the stereochemistry of electrophilic replacements, and studies on the stereochemistry of free-radical additions. Some important advances in these fields may have come after the deadline for the manuscript, however. By way of minor quibbles, the stereo formulas for the bicycloheptane system ( p . 324) are such complex jumbles of lines and circles that they are more likely to confuse the student than help him. These are all minor faults, and I am sure Dr. Hine himself is not laboring under the illusion that he has written a perfect book. He has written a very good one that will be useful both as a textbook t o the student and as a source of ideas and leads to the practicing organic chemist. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY OF ROCHESTER WILLIAMH. SAUNDERS, JR. UNIVERSITY YORK ROCHESTER 20, SEW





original contributions in several places. There are five chapters on the hydrophenanthrene alkaloids-morphine, codeine and thebaine-including chapters on synthesis, stereochemistry and biogenesis. These three chapters in particular are up-to-date and should be pertinent instruction for any graduate student embarking on research in natural products. Several examples also are presented of a historical and classical approach t o structure elucidation. This approach certainly has its value in the presentation of logical reasoning and a large variety of degradative reactions. T h e last chapter on papaverine illustrates the labyrinths into which one may be led by reasonable but incorrect conclusions. In general, Ginsburg’s exposition and explanations are lucid and valid, although we disagree with the conclusion drawn from hydroxycodeine on page fifteen. The book is singularly free of typographical errors, and the structural formulas are clearly drawn and liberally presented. T h e avowed purpose of a teaching monograph has been achieved-it is unfortunate t h a t it could not have appeared as a paperback so as to get into more of the hands for which it was intended. DEPARTMEST OF CHEMISTRY USIVERSITYOF CALIFORSIA HESRY RAPOPORT BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA

VOl. 86

C. W. DAVIES. “Ion Association.” Butterworth Inc., Medical and Scientific Publishers, 7235 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 14, D. C. 1962. 198 pp. $7.50. G . P. ELLISAND G. B. WEST,Edited by. “Progress in Medicinal Chemistry.” Volume 2. Butterworth Inc., Medical and Scientific Publishers, 7235 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 14, D . C. 1962. 201pp. $11.25. HENRYEYRINGA S D EDWARD M , EYRISG. “Modern Chemical Kinetics.” Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, Xew York 22, iX.Y . 1963. 114 pp, $1.95, LOUISF. FIESER A N D MARYFIESER. “Topics in Organic Chemistry.” Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, Y. 1963. 668 pp, $10.00. New York 22, hT. DAVIDGLICK,Edited by. “Methods of Biochemical Analysis.” Volume 11. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Interscience Division, 440 Park Avenue South, ?Jew York 16, S . Y. 1963. 442 pp. $14.50. J. HAWTHORN ASD J. MUIL LEITCH,Edited by. “Recent Advances in Food Science.” Volume 1. Commodities.” Butterworth Inc., Medical and Scientific Publishers, 7236 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 14, D. C. 1962. 284 pp. $12.50. J . HAWTHORN AND J. MUIL LEITCH.Edifed by. “Recent Advances in Food Science.” Volume 2. Processing.” ButterDirect Analysis of Diffraction by Matter. By R . HOSEMANN, worth Inc., Medical and Scientific Publishers, 7235 Wisconsin Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, and Avenue, Washington 14, D . C. 1962. 317 pp, $12.50. S. 9.BAGCHI, Calcutta University, India. Interscience LUCIASOJELLICI A N D LUCIASAGRIGGIO. “Bibliografia PolaroDivision, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, grafica (1922-1961).” Parte I . “Elenco dei Lavori E Indice S e w York 16, N. Y. 1962. xxi f 734 pp. 16 X 23 cm. Degli Autori.” Supplemento N.14. Centro di Polarografia, Price, 821.75. del Consiglio Xazionale Delle Ricerche, Padova--L. Loredan, This book is exactly what its title implies. I t is a treatise on 4. 1962. 9 7 p p . $2.00. the direct analysis of diffraction by matter, where matter is taken in its most general sense and includes any type of structure, LYDIAM . MICHEJEWA UND SIKOLAI B. MICHEJEW. “Radioaktive Isotope in Der Xnalytischen Chemie.” Akademie-Verlag, whether it be crystalline, liquid, amorphous, gaseous, etc. The Leipziger Str. 3-4, Berlin W.1, Germany. 1962. 100 pp. exposition of this subject is excellent and elaborate. The book is not intended for use by the novice but rather for experienced D M 13. theoretical chemists and X-ray crystallographers and physicists G . J . MISKOFFA N D C. F. H . TIPPER.“Chemistry of Combustion in the ficld of optics. The presentation is authoritive, quantitaReactions.” Butterworth Inc., Medicinal and Scientific Pubtive in a rigorous manner and elegant. The mathematical forlishers, 7235 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 14, D. C. 1962. malism required throughout the latter part of the book is de393 pp. $14.95. veloped exhaustively in the first five chapters (197 pages) and includes such topics as: the fundamental equations of diffracRALPHT. OVERMAN.“Basic Concepts of Nuclear Chemistry.” tion of wave fields, convolution operations, Fourier transformaReinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, S e w York tions, convolution polynomials and function algebra. .4fter this 22, K. Y . 1963. 116pp. $1.95. detailed introduction, a large number of widely varying physical TREVOR ROBIXSOS. “The Organic Constituents of Higher systems are considered, some of which are: the single crystal, Plants. Their Chemistry and Interrelationships.” Burgess the single paracrystal, Compton scattering by a single atom and Publishing Company, 425 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis electron, polydispersed globular aggregates, micellar and fibrallar 15, Minn. 1963. 306 pp. $6.75. systems, fluids and others. Crystal structure analysis through the use of convolution integrals and the problem of uniqueness of M . H . ROKDASD 0.KUBASCHELVSKI. “The Thermochemical solution are also discussed. Of the remaining topics, one of the Properties of Uranium Compounds,” Oliver and Boyd Ltd., more important and probably more neglected fields in general, Tweeddale, 14 High Street, Edinburgh 1, England. 1963. the analysis of small angle scattering, is given a fine treatment in 9 6 p p . 30s. a relatively long chapter. ERIC SCHRAM. “Organic Scintillation Detectors Counting of The book contains very many mathematical expressions which Low-Energy Beta Emitters.” American Elsevier Publishing seem t o be remarkably free of error. In addition, it is abundant Company, Inc., 52 Yanderbilt Avenue, S e w York 17, S.1’. with excellent illustrations and photographic reproductions. 1963. 212pp. $7.50. The reviewer’s opinion of the book is extremely favorable. It serves as a superb theoretical reference on diffraction by matter, FREDERICK SEITZA N D DAVIDTURNBULL, Editprs. “Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications.” Volume STERLISG CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 14. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 3, YALEUSIVERSITY A. TULINSKY S. Y. 1963. 519 pp. $16.00. SEW HAVEN,COSSECTICUT HARRYSOBOTKA AND C. P. STEWART, Edited by. “Advances in Clinical Chemistry. Volume 5.” Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, X. Y . 1963. 329 pp. $12.00. C. H. SORUM.“How to Solve General Chemistry Problems.” Third Edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 2 5 5 p p . $2.95. BOOKS RECEIVED “Paint TechC. J. -1. TAYLOR AND S . MARKS,Editoys-in-chief. March 1, 1963-April 1, 1963 nology Manuals.” Part Three. Convertible Coatings.” Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, x e w J . LEGCETT BAILEY. “Techniques in Protein Chemistry.” York 22, S.Y . 1963. 318 pp. $7.50. American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Kew York 17, K. Y. 1963. 310 pp. $11.00, SIDSEY B. TUWINER. With sections by LAWRESCEP. MILLER A N D W. E . BROWS. “Diffusion and Membrane Technology.” XNSE BURGESS A N D R . F. A. DEAN,Edited by. “Malnutrition Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, Xew York and Food Habits.” The Free Press of Glencoe, A Division of the Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 11, 22, S . Y. 1963. 421 pp. $12.00. S .Y . 1963. 210pp. $4.50. C. J. VANNIEUWENBURG AND J . W . L. VANLIGTEN. “Quantitative Chemical Micro-Analysis.” American Elsevier PublishDAVIDB. CLAYSON.“Chemical Carcinogenesis.” Medical Book Department, Little, Brown and Company, Boston 6, Massaing Company, Inc., 52 I‘anderbilt Avenue, S e w York 17, chusetts. 1963. 467 pp. $15.00. S. Y. 1963. 181 pp. $6.00. CARLE. CROUTHAMEL. “Progress in Nuclear Energy.” Volume R O R R R TK WILLARDSON L. GOERING,Edited by. ~. ASD HARVEY 3, 1-3. “Analytical Chemistry.” Series I X . Pergamon “Compound Semiconductors.” Volume 1. “Preparation of Press, The Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Avenue, New York 111-1’ Compounds.” Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 11, S . Y. 1963. 93 pp. $4.50. Park Avenue. New York 22, S .Y. 1963. 553 pp. $25.00. ~