May's Headlines. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

May's Headlines. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1945, 37 (6), pp 603–604. DOI: 10.1021/ie50426a029. Publication Date: June 1945. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:In...
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Events during the Chemists, Chemical

Interest t o Executives

67 t L e TI MAY 1. War Production Board estimates military consumption of copper will fall 15% with shift to one-front War.-Devoe & Raynolds acquires Trucson Laboratories of Detroit. --Producer announces cut in penicillin price to hospitals to $1.10 per 100,000 units.--President Trumm cuts estimate for Office of Scientific Research and Development $13,200,000.w7 Blaw-Knox purchases Buffalo Foundry and Machine CO.

7 MAY 2. WPB revokes three orders restricting controls on printing inks, calcium metal, and nitrocellulose.--House Select Committee on Postwar Military Planning recommends passage of H.R. 2946 which provides that Government appropriate funds annually to National Research Council for scientific research in interest of national security. 7 MAY3. Lederle Laboratories release “veticillin”, a penicillin developed for veterinary use.--WPB bars use of imported cane alcohol for blending beverage spirits and miscellaneous uses.


MAY4. Senate committee hearings on carbon black shortage bring Senate charges of an industry strike against production expansion and testimony that WPB compromised with the industry.. d-Witco Chemical observes 25th anniversary1.

TI MAY0. WPB plaoes container board, including solid and corrugated fiber sheets, used in manufacture of fiber containers and boxes, on National Production Urgency List.--H, L. Derby, president, Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, in coast-to-coast radio address, says chemical industry has met wartime challenge by more than trebling output since 1939. 7 MAY 7. Foreign Economic Administration says penicillin is available for export commercially to a11areas.--Scrapped planes yield chemically pure aluminum by process developed by research engineers of Aluminum Ore Co., working with engineers of Air Technical Service Command and Redistribution & Salvage Office of Army Air Force.--WPB directs production of 46,300,OOO pounds of rayon tire yarn by American Viscose to meet critical shortage, W. C . Appleton, company president, says.-Chief Justice Stone names Federal Judge Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., to try suit of Standard Oil of N. J. against Alien Property Custodian in New York May 2 1 . ~ ” . Leroy Whitney, former technical adviser to Donald M. Nelson, tells Senate investigators shortage of carbon black is due to lack of push by top WPB officials for a program recommended a year ago.N-Germany surrenders unconditionally to Western Allies and Soviet Union at Reims at 2:41 A.M., French daylight saving time. T MAY8. House committee, created to study economic policy and planning, outlines 15steps to increase international trade.

7 MAY9. Peace in Europe came technically at 12:16 A.M. Berlin time.N-WPB releases idle and excess stocks of steel, copper, and aluminum for delivery after July 1for civilian goods. 1

Chem. Eng. Necor, 23,414 (May 10, 1946).

7 MAY 10. PEA says Argentina’s exportable surplus oilseeds and their products will be purchased, and petroleum will be furnished in return for linseed oil diverted for use as fuel. 7 MAY 11. John W. Thomas, chairman, Firestone Tire & Rubber, in medal award address before American Institute of Chemists, says science, with its limitless capacity for eliminating want and creating plenty, may develop formula for lasting peace.

7 MAY 13. Secretary of Commerce Wallace issues instructiona to agencies to start planning services to aid industry’s changeover from war to peace.--Use of glycerol in explosives to clear wardevastated areas is expected to approximate wartime use of glycerol in military ammunition, according to Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.“WPB amends Conservation Order M112 because of critical shortage of antimony and antimony oxide; purchasers are,now requircd to certify as to their needs. 7 MAY 14. Interior Secretary Ickes, speaking before Senate Subcommittee Investigating Small Business, urges that Government cut back aluminum contract with Canada and utilize domestic facilities to fullest extent and that independent enterprises be given a chance to take over government-built aluminum plants. Ickes says U. s. industry is competing with Canadian plant built with U. S. funds.--WPB Chairman Krug asks government procurement agencies to cancel orders for shipment of containers not required as result of contract cancellations.N-Edwin R. Gilliland, former Assistant Rubber Director, in accepting Leo Hendrick Baekeland Medal, North Jersey Section, ACS, predicts that synthetic rubber will equal performance of natural rubber in all uses within 5 years.--WPB lifts restrictions on manufacture of paper mill machinery and wire cloth used in production of pulp and paper.--WPB says no additional steel will be allocated to can manufacturers for second quarter of 1945.~-WPB sets aside 240,000 pounds of hydrogen peroxide for use in May and June to prevent shutdowns in civilian goods industries. --Former Rubber Director Bradley Dewey tells Senate Defense Investigating Committee that carbon blaok cut in synthetic rubber tires is a terrible thing.--WPB amende Schedule 17 of M-300 on acrylic monomer and acrylic resin to bring them into line with amendment easing controls on sale of surplus stocks.

7 MAY 15. WPB recommends drastic cut in purchases of aluminum from Aluminum Co. of Canada’s Quebec plants.“ U. S. paper and paperboard output for first quarter of 1945 about 2% less than authorized minimum production.--Defense Plant Corp. announces that three magnesium plants are being returned to full production schedules at request of WPB.--Du Pont and Rohm & Haas charged in U. S. District Court, Newark, N. J., with conspiring with individuals and interests in Germany to controlmanufacture and sale of acrylic plastic materials.--WPB Chemicals Bureau officials tell Cellulose Acetate Molding Powder and Sheeting Producers Industry Advisory Committee production 603



rate of cellulose acetate molding powder has been maintained at about 4,000,000 pounds per month for past 9 months,

fi MAY 16. S. T. Crossland, executive vice president, Rubber Reserve Co., says synthetic rubber industry must produce at 124% of rated capacity in 1945 and at 145% in 1946 to meet demands of armed services, and civilian and export uses.-Chicago Section, ACS, awards 1945 Willard Gibbs Medal to Frank C. Whitmore, Dean of Pennsylvania State College and an ACS past president.--Metals Reserves Corp. cuts purchase contract for 250,000,000 pounds of aluminum from Aluminum Co. of Canada’s Quebec plants to 150,000,000 pounds.--Petroleum Administration for War predicts crude oil production this year will increase 15@,,000barrels daily over recorded average of 1944. --Federal Loan Administrator says Government will continue to buy manganese and chrome ore, at least until end of year. --Assistant Attorney General Wendel Berge advises Washington Trade Association Executives of procedure to follow in postwar without trespassing on antitrust laws.

7 MAY17. Attorney General Biddle and Assistant Secretary of State Clayton support O’Mahoney Bill which would bar secrecy in international agreements.--Westinghouse awards George Westinghouse Scholarships, each valued at $1850, to ten pupils who will attend College of Engineering a t Carnegie Institute of Technology.--Assistant Secretary of State Clayton announces at Senate hearing that State Department will try to outlaw cartels through international agreement.-NWar Manpower Commissioner delegates discretionary authority to regional directors to revoke 4&hour week in 28 areas.--WPB amends Schedule 71 to clarify definition of imported ethyl alcohol. U MAY18. Assistant Attorney General Berge tells joint meeting of Senate Judiciary Subcommittee and Committee Investigating Petroleum Resources our national security has often been endangered by American businessmen in their cartel policies.-WPB issues list of materials which it believes will continue in short supply.--WPB again permits use of naphthenate driers for army paints.

7 MAY19. Orville Harden, vice president, Standard Oil of N. J., in unscheduled appearance before Senate Judiciary Committee, defends prewar cartel agreements.--WPB places sodium metasilicate under allocation control of Schedule 106 of Order M-300, general chemicals allocation order. --WPB says superphosphate industry is willing to expand to meet requirements. 7 MAY 21. R. J. Dearborn, president, Texaco Development Corp., and chairman, Patents Committee of National Association of Manufacturers, says postwar expansion of industrial research by small companies will be limited by scarcity of scientific and technical men.--I. W. Wilson, vice president, Aluminum Co. of America, in letter to Chairman Murray cites “glaring misstatements” by Secretary of Interior Ickes before Senate Small Business Committee, “resents unfair criticism based on misstatement of fact”, and asks that record be set straight.N-University of North Carolina discovers new sources of tannin in southeastern trees.--Trial, instituted by Standard Oil of N. J. to recover 2500 patents seized by Alien Property Custodian in 1942 and 1944, begins.N-W. S. S. Rodgers, Chairman of Board, Texas Co., testifies a t hearing of Special Committee Investigating Petroleum Resources that, unless foreign governments adopt American competitive system, domestic oil interests may be forced to abandon position in foreign markets.--Justice Department wins case in U. s. Supreme Court against Alkali Export Association under antitrust l a w , independently of whether Federal Trade Commission has originally questioned legality of operations.--Senate confirms David E. Lilienthal as chairman of TVA for another 9-year term.--Aluminum Co. of America denies Secretary of Interior Ickes charges that it has any connection with Aluminum Co. of Canada.

Vol. 37, No. 6

7 MAY 22. National Board of Fire Underwriters announces establishment of division of applied research, with Matthew M. Braidech, Case School of Applied Science, director of research. “Emil Schram, president, N. Y. Stock Exchange, appearing before House Small Business Committee, urges postwar tax relief for small business to encourage investment of local capital. 7 MAY23. Blaw-Knox opens plant in Philadelphia for Solid Fuels Administration. Plant will manufacture combined anthracite and bituminous coal product known as “white glove pa&aged fuel”.--President Truman accepts resignation of A t torney General Biddle, Secretary of Labor Perkins, and Secretary of Agriculture Wickard, and nominates Thomas C. Clark Attorney General, ex-Senator Lewis L. Schwellenbach Secretary of Labor, and Representative Clinton P. Anderson of New Mexico, Secretary of Agriculture.--Philip W. Amram, Special Assistant U. S. Attorney, in Federal Court accuses Standard Oil of N. J. and I. G. Farbenindustrie of pooling patents to create a worldwide partnership.--Justice Department charges Libbey-OwensFord Glass Co., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., and seven other manufacturers with conspiracy to eliminate competition in flat glass industry. --WPB announces appointment of reconversion cbairmen for approximately 400 industries.--Charles D. Robeson and James G. Baxter of Distillation Products, Inc., announce discovery and isolation of new vitamin A in fish liver oils.-Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association opens new phase of petroleum production research based on role of bacteria in petroleum production operations.

fl MAY 24. WPB authorizes beverage alcohol “holiday” for month of July.--President Truman asks power for unlimited changes in administrative set-up of Government to make executive branch “more businesslike and efficient”. --Glenn L. Haskell, president U. S. Industrial Chemicals, says on June 1 Dodge & Olcott, essential oil company, will be merged with it.--Wm. P. Boyd, Jr., president American Petroleum Institute, announces organization of Medical Advisory Committee to promote additional studies in arts and sciences connected with petroleum industry.--Wm. J. Robbins, director N. Y. Botanical Garden, announces discovery of six new antibiotic substances that resemble penicillin in inhibiting growth of other microorganisms.--WPB and Surplus Property Board combine with separate actions to accelerate reconversion.--Secretary of Commerce Wallace urges U. 8. to lower tariffs and trade with other countries on a live and let-live basis. fl MAY20. House of Representatives votes tariff bill t o extend and broaden reciprocal trade program. --American Museum initiates 3-year preliminary survey of biogeochemistry. 7 MAY27. WPB Chairman Xrug assures industry all possible regulations and production restrictions will be 1ift)edafter Japan’s defeat. fl MAY 23. Eastman Kodak officials reveal plans for two large buildings to be erected as soon as possible after the war at a cost of “several million dollars”.--Government begins suit ‘to settle old question as to who owns oil deposits under coastal waters of U. S.--Lt. Gen. Wm. S. Knudsen, director of production, will retire June 1, War Department announces. 7 MAY 30. WPB removes limitations on use of carbon black in tires, tubes, and other rubber products, effective June 15.” Department of Agricuiture’s northern research laboratory, Peoria, Ill., makes liquid motor fuel from corn cobs, oat hulls, peanut shells, and other waste farm materials, J. M. Dunning, one of scientists developing process, says. 7 May 31. General Electric President Charles E. Wilson says company will build $S,OOO,OOO research laboratory in Niskayuna on Mohawk River cliff.N-Senate confirms Lewis B. Schwellenbach as Secretary of Labor.--WPB amends order M-337 for rosin to make it mnre workahle fnr industry.