important rolein the quality control of Bausch & Lomb's outstanding line of Certified Precision Diffraction Gratings. Installed in the grating product...
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BAUSCH & LOMB Measures Coating Efficiencies with a McPHERSON Model 235 Monochromator A McPherson

M o d e l 2 3 5 Seya-Namioka Type


U.V. Scanning M o n o c h r o m a t o r plays an important role in the quality control of Bausch & Lomb's outstanding line of Certified Precision Diffraction Gratings. Installed in the grating p r o d u c t i o n area, the McPherson M o d e l 2 3 5 is used to assure the performance of Bausch & Lomb U.V. coatings of M g F 2 , platinum and g o l d .


Mc Pherson Technic, Sales and Service Offices:

vacuum measures

the efficiency of mirror and grating coatings from 5 8 4 A t o 2 2 0 0 A . (Instrument range 5 0 0 A to 6 0 0 0 A ) The Bausch & Lomb quality control application is only one of the many that this half meter unit is successfully performing for companies around the w o r l d .

For c o m ­

plete performance data on this versatile McPherson M o d e l 2 3 5 , write for free bulletin.

I N S T R U M E N T 5 3 0 MAIN ST., A C T O N , M A S S . 0 1 7 2 0

LaCanada, California . Livonia, Michigan Circle No. 75 on Readers' Service Card




C O R P TEL: 617-263-7733 . Tel Aviv, Israel .


VOL 36, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1964


