MCB Manufacturing Chemists, Inc. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

MCB Manufacturing Chemists, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (13), pp 1377A–1377A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50063a718. Publication Date: November 1980. Copyright ...
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W H O KNOWS, SOMEDAY THE POWDERED COCHINEAL MAY FLY. Granted, it hasn't lately. "We haven't sold m a n y this year. But, someday, someone will call for the Cochineal. And at that point—it's up, up and away. At MCB, we believe in providing a complete line of laboratory chemicals. The familiar items that you use every day. As well as those you may only use once. The innovative, high technology items that we developed and are proud to offer: OmniSolv™, LiChrosorb® and Hibar 9 II, Suprapur R and Colorphast® Strips. You can find them all, here, in our catalog. Along with other items for HPLC, TLC, Histology, Cytology and Hematology. Next to the analytical reagents. Or, across from the high purity solvents. They're here. And they're waiting. Just like the Cochineal. To take off whenever you call. Cochineal (Dactylopius Coccus)—desert scale insect, dried and crushed to make red dye— Cat. Item * CX1840.

MCB REAGENTS MCB Manufacturing Chemists, Inc. Associate of E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany 2909 Highland Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 (513) 631-0445 An CIRCLE 145 ON READER SERVICE CARD


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