East Rutherford, N.J.; Los Angeles, Calif. 4-70MCB. MC&B MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. 2909 Highland Avenue. Norwood, Ohio 45212. Send me "Safety in ...
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Report for Analytical Chemists

versions take place within the solid, its release rate of emanation mea­ sured at room temperature is di­ rectly proportional to specific sur­ face area Ε — k · S. This is the principle of the emanation method employment to the study of aging of precipitates (1) or study of powder materials sintering at elevated tem­ peratures {25). The utilization of the emanation method is advantageous for the continuous qualitative observation of specific surface changes under

experimental dynamic conditions. The reactivity and sintering ac­ tivity of ferric oxide obtained by thermal decomposition of various iron salts at different temperatures were studied by means of the ema­ nation method in our laboratory {26). As shown in Figures 14a and b, emanation release curves of Fe 2 0 3 prepared from different iron salt at 1100°C differ. This is more clearly demonstrated in the graph plotted in semilogarithmic coordinates —

Send for f r e e book on safety in handling hazardous chemicals Sure, everyone w h o w o r k s in a lab has a basic k n o w l e d g e of c o n t r o l l i n g hazardous c h e m i c a l s . But M C B feels that a " r e f r e s h e r c o u r s e " is p e r i o d i ­ cally called for — just to be on the safe side. T h i s book covers the sub­ ject of " H a z a r d o u s Chemicals Out of C o n t r o l . " T w e n t y - n i n e classes of chemicals are i n c l u d e d : W h a t do you do f i r s t ? H o w do you clean t h e m up? H o w do you dispose of t h e m ? H o w are they safely stored? H o w to get our free book? Just f i l l out the cou­ pon and m a i l .

MC/B MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS Norwood, Ohio; Baton Rouge, La.; East Rutherford, N.J.; Los Angeles, Calif. 4-70MCB MC&B MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS 2909 Highland Avenue Norwood, Ohio 45212 Send me "Safety in Handling Hazardous Chemicals." Name Company Address City State


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Figure 14. Temperature dependence of the emanation release of « = Fe 2 0, prepared from different iron salts during heatingtollOO°C (26) (a) Coordinates: a) χ = Τ, y = Ε = f(T); b) χ = 1/Τ, y = log Ed = f (1/T) Γ } _, . m , t l a l l r o n , s a l t s w e r e taken: iron carbonate (curve 1 and Π ) , ferrous sulfate heotahydrate (curve 2 and · ) , Mohr's salt (curve 3 and O ) , and ferrous oxalate dihydrate J (curve 4 and ψ)