MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. Norwood ... Lab Products. Four pages ... The 1971 edition of “Index to Kodak. Technical Information,” L-5, lists more than...
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Manufacturers' Literature

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Lab Products. Four pages picture, de­ scribe, and price drawer spacers, clamps, thermometer holders, etc., for the lab. Spectrum Medical Industries, Inc. 213-483-9984 610 X-Ray




4-page brochure describes the Model 700 X-ray fluorescence analyzer and its applications with accuracy detection limit data. Columbia Scientific Indus­ tries. 512-926-1530 611



Magnetically Operated Solid-State Switches. A 20-page manual, "Appli­ cation Notes on Magnetically Operated Solid-State Switching," gives detailed descriptions of these new Hall-effect switches. Honeywell, Inc. 215-6431300 612 Tic. Four pages, Bulletin 14, provide principles and instructions for thin layer chromatography. Included is a bibliography. Applied Science Lab­ oratories, Inc. 814-238-2406 613





The 1971 edition of "Index to Kodak Technical Information," L-5, lists more than 500 pamphlets, data books, and photo guides about all aspects of pho­ tography. Eastman Kodak Co., Dept. 412-L, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14650

Then send for it! It's FREE This u n i q u e 56 page r e f e r e n c e was d e s i g n e d to assist the Spectroscopist and researcher in se­ lecting t h e right solvent for each application. This b o o k obviates the need to consult several refer­ e n c e s as it contains c o m p l e t e information on usage, transmittance, absorbance, physical prop­ erties and M C & B specifications with over 300 charts and graphs. Do w e pass i n s p e c t i o n ? If so, fill out the handy c o u p o n and mail.



Norwood, Ohio; Baton Rouge, La.; Raleigh, N. C; East Rutherford, N.J.; Los Angeles, Calif.

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Rotometers. A 4-page bulletin, DS1110-24, describes Models 1110-24 and 1140-24 rotometers which have a stan­ dard calibrated accuracy of ± 1 % of reading from 100 to 10% of full scale. The rotometers are available in seven meter sizes. Emerson Electric Co. 215-247-0876 614 Determination of Chlorine and Sulfide.

A 4-page bulletin explains how the so­ dium electrode can replace the conven­ tional silver wire or billet in argentometric measurements and titrations. With the sodium electrode, chlorine and sulfide can be determined potentiometrically with a pH meter or volumetrically with an automatic titrator. Fisher Scientific Co. 412-391-1330 615 Automation Computer. A 24-page brochure describes the company's SPC-16 automation computer. The computer can be used in industrial ap­ plications, and in process control, data acquisition, and laboratory and instru­ mentation. General Automation, Inc. 714-778-4800 616 Chemical Catalog. The company's Alfa 1971 catalog lists 2500 research materials including inorganic, organometallic and ultrapure chemicals, pure metals, and assay information on par­ ticular research chemicals. R. Locke, Ventron Corp., Chemicals Div., Con­ gress St., Beverly, Mass. 01915

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132 A .


Coulometric Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer.

A 6-page bulletin, 4097-A, shows how the Model 906A works on the coulo­ metric principle and features an auto­ matic water addition for long periods of unattended operation. Beckman In­ struments, Inc. 714-871-4848 617 Electrical Microbalances. An 8-page bulletin, 7173-A, describes the principle of operation of the LM 500 and LM 600 microbalances; full specifications are given. Accessories for the instru­ ments are also fully described and pic­ tured. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714871-4848 618 Flexible Connectors. Four pages de­ scribe flexible connectors of stainless steel and glass for vacuum and pressure applications and Teflon and glass for chemical applications. Pope Scientific, Inc. 414-251-9300 619 Ultracentrifuges. A 12-page bulletin, SB-364, provides complete information on the Model L2-65B which operates at 65,000 rpm and generates forces up to 420,000 g, and the Model L2-75B with its 75,000-rpm and 503,000-^ potentials. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714-8714848 620 Flash




9-page bibliography includes photo­ chemistry, visual pigment studies, trip­ let-triplet absorption studies, photo­ synthesis, electron transfer reactions, and gas-phase photochemistry related to atmospheric pollution studies, photodynamics of RNA and DNA, and many more. Xenon Corp. 617-395-7634 621 Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Tests. Il­ lustrated bulletin, 85AP, gives full de­ tails and prices on the Model 85 dis­ solved oxygen meter with unique sample agitator accessory for rapid and easy DO and BOD tests. Delta Scientific. 516-884-4422 622 Thermometers. Catalog 710, 34 pages, describes a complete line of lab ther­ mometers, including mercury-in-glass, general use, and precision thermome­ ters with accuracies up to 1 / 2 oo°C, and others. Brooklyn Thermometer Co., Inc. 516-694-7610 623 Lab Equipment. Catalog 700, 20 pages, describes lab racks and accessories, brackets, clamps, Plastisol-coated wire racks and baskets, stirring blades, tub­ ing clamps, scientific rubber stamps,' and many other lab items. Penn-Chem Corp. 717-397-0308 624 Environmental Rooms. A 12-page il­ lustrated bulletin describes the EnvironLab line of environmental rooms in­ cluding reach-in and walk-in models. Lab-Line Environeers, Inc. 312-3457400 625