MCB Reagents

High-Performance Management. Washington, D.C. (178th ACS Nation- al Meeting). Sept. 8-9. J. H. Morrison. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmem- bers...
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News shank, Director, Gordon Research Conferences, Pastore Chemical Laboratory, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881. 401783-4011. After June 11, mail to Colby-Sawyer College, New Lon­ don, N.H. 03257. 603-526-2870. Page 585 A, May 2nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrome­ try. Aug. 26-31. Stanford Universi­ ty. Contact: R. A. Powell, Electri­ cal Engineering Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. 415-493-4000, ext. 2815 4th International Symposium on Polynuclear Aromatic Hydro­ carbons. Oct. 2-4. Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Alf Bjorseth, Rattelle-Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201. 614-424-5024 Optical Society of America N a ­ tional Meeting. Oct. 8-12. Roches ter, Ν.Υ. Contact: Optical Society of America, Suite 620, 2000 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 93rd Annual Meeting of AOAC. Oct. 15-18. Washington, D.C. Con­ tact: Kathleen Fominaya, AOAC, Box 540, Benjamin Franklin Sta­ tion, Washington, D.C. 20044

Quantitative S u r f a c e Analysis. Oct. 16-17. National Physical Lab­ oratory, Teddington, Middlesex. Contact: C. Lea, Division of Chem­ ical Standards, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middle­ sex TW11 OLW, UK

Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Chemical Abstracts Workshops Philadelphia, May 10-11; Los Angeles, J u n e 7-8. CA staff. $75, ACS mem­ bers; $135, nonmembers

Capillary Gas Chromatography Philadelphia. May 11-12. S. P . Cram and Milos Novotny. $250, ACS mem­ bers; $300, nonmembers Gas Chromatography Chicago, May 18-19; Atlanta, J u n e 14-15. R. A. Keller and M. F. Burke. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmem­ bers Federal Regulations in the Chemi­ cal Industry Chicago, May 18-19; Los Angeles, J u n e 8-9. G. S. Dominguez. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Toxicology for Chemists Chicago. May 22-24. Morris Joselow. $485, ACS members; $555, nonmem­ bers

Creative Problem Solving Philadelphia. May 10-11. Moshe Ru­ binstein. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers

Planning for Safe Laboratory Han­ dling of Highly Toxic Chemicals Chicago. May 30-June 1. N. V. Steere and Maurice Golden. $295, ACS mem­ bers; $340, nonmembers

Interpretation of N M R S p e c t r a Philadelphia. May 10-12. LeRoy Johnson and Roy Bible. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers

Safety and Health for Academic Chemistry Laboratories Chicago. J u n e 2-3. N. V. Steere. $130, ACS members and nonmembers


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News Liquid Chromatography, Theory and P r a c t i c e Blacksburg, Va. J u n e 4-7, Dec. 10-13. H. M. McNair. $450, ACS members; $510, nonmembers H i g h - P r e s s u r e Liquid Chromatography Apparatus Workshop Los Angeles, J u n e 7-8; Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 15-16. D. H. Freeman. $250, ACS members; $300, nonmembers Multinuclear N M R Spectroscopy Los Angeles, J u n e 7-9; Tallahassee, Fla., J u n e 14-16. G. C. Levy. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Microprocessors and Minicomputers—Interfacing and Applications Blacksburg, Va. J u n e 10-15, Sept. 23-28, Dec. 9-14. R. E. Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. Instrument and Design Group of VPI&SU. $455, ACS members; $515, nonmembers Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Atlanta. J u n e 14-15. Samuel Koirtyohann, Michael Epstein, and Theodore Rains. $245, ACS members; $290, nonmembers

Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments Atlanta, J u n e 14-16; Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 14-16. John Hromi. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Carbon-13 N M R Spectroscopy Washington, D.C. (178th ACS National Meeting). Sept. 7-9. G. C. Levy and Paul Ellis. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Effective Writing for Scientists and Engineers Washington, D.C. (178th ACS National Meeting). Sept. 7-9. Henrietta Tichy and Sylvia Fourdrinier. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers H i g h - P e r f o r m a n c e Management Washington, D.C. (178th ACS National Meeting). Sept. 8-9. J. H. Morrison. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Electroanalytical Chemistry Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting). Sept. 14-16. Dennis Evans and P. E. Whitson. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers

Laboratory Automation: Micro-, Mini-, or Midicomputers? Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting). Sept. 15-16. R. E. Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. Instrument and Design Group of VPI&SU. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Thermal Methods of Analysis Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting). Sept. 15-16. W. W. Wendlandt and I. M. Sarasohn. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers

Basic M a s s Spectral Interpretation Atlanta. May 7-11. G. Vander Veld and D. De Jongh. $450. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Basic G C / M S / D S Cincinnati. May 7-11, J u n e 18-22. Q. Thomas. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500

istilled solvent from MCB. • Spectrophotometry · Chromatography · HPLC · Residue Analysis • Pesticide Analysis · Gas Chromatography For more information on the full OmniSolv line, consult your copy of the 1979 MCB Buying Guide. Then place your order with your local MCB distributor. For the name and address of the distributor nearest you, write: MCB Reagents, 2909 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 Associate of E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany