McGregory Hall of Chemistry at Colgate University - Journal of

Journal of Chemical Education · Advanced Search. Search .... McGregory Hall of Chemistry at Colgate University ... Published online 1 March 1931. Publ...
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It appears that the matter of adequate abstracts is one which has been considered a t previous meetings of the International Union. We, in America, are so fortunate with our own Chemical Abslrects that this problem perhaps does not seem so important to us as to some of the other nations. A majority of the delegates, however, seemed to feel that some form of unification of chemical abstracts was desirable. The chairman of the American delegation, Dr. Charles Reese, pointed out that this matter had been very carefully considered b y the editorial stat? of Chemical Ahrlractr in conjunction with editors in other countries, and it was felt that, in this case a t least, the various national points of view were so a t variance with one another that a proper scheme of unification would he almost impossible of attainment. I n spite of this, however, the view finally prevailed that certainly nothing o u l d be accomplished if no attempt were made and therefore a committee of four, representing England, France, Germany, and the United States, was appointed to consider this matter.

MARCH, 1931

I t will he recalled t h a t although there have been frequent meetings of the International Union of Chemistry, particularly since the War, there has been no real International Congress since the one which was held in New York in 1912. After considerable discussion i t was finally voted that the Union would hold the Ninth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry in Madrid between the 15th of April and the 15th of May in 1932. This lceway was allowed the committee in charge in order that the most satisfactory time might he selected, but i t is understood that the Congress itself will last only five days. I t is to he open to all nations and is to include all of the various phases of chemical activity. The matter of subdivisions is being left entirely with the Spanish committee of organization. I t is also the intention to so organize the program that there will he ample time for discussion of the various papers, i t being the plan t o have a number of papers b y invitation and only a limited number of other papers.

MeGREGORY HALL OF CHEMISTRY AT COLGATE UNIVERSITY COLCATEUNIVERSITY, HAMILTON, N. Y. R. C. ROBERTS, The erection of McGregory Hall of Chemistry on the campus of Colgate University brings t o mind the beginnings of chemistry in the college. A search of the minutes of the Board of Trustees gives a good idea of the way things were done in an earlier day. The following paragraphs are taken from these minutes:

2. The committee reeommendcd to the Board that the Treasurer be appointed to raise said eodowment. June 19. 1883. Rcsolurd: that,the (ime in come in the history of Madison anlverrlty when a ~enaratedeoartment in Chemietrv be established.

the Board. ~ h i r d l y .that the Board will expect Mr. McGregory to enter 0" his d"tiC5 at the opening of the Academic year in 1884. Follrthly. that his salary be $1600 per year, to begin Sent. 1 1884. Carried. n m e ~ e d :;hat the Board of the Univerdtv

above committee.

This is the record then of the original building erected in 1884 t o which a n addition was made in 1906, which doubled the size of the laboratory. It was in this huild-

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ing that PROPES~OR J. F. MCGREOORY spent the years from 1884 to 1929 as professor of chemistry and head of the department. A tribute to his work and influence has already been given by one of his former students and colleagues.'


* Eowaao Emsau. "Joreph Frank MeGregAn Appreciation," 2nd. En& Cham., 16, 530 (1924).


lrerhman and s o ~ h o m d r eyears. !index the admirable and inspirational teaching 01 t h e M c Grcpory kina. Thin 1s wrttten in the pert tenre, as if i t were all ovrr. That is far from the f*et. some of i t is i n the part. Madison University is now Colgate. A student body of less than two bundled is now over reven hundred. A little chemical laboratory of four or five rooms, one of which wan devoted to "hysics. is now a well-equipped, expended building with reparate apartments for each branch of the rcience. The chemical faculty of one man is now a neoartmental facult" of r i r men. There are



are interested in the development of chemists, is the fact that Professor McGregory is still there. and teaching.

At commencement in June. 192.9, the first ground was turned on the place chosen for the site of McGre~oorr HaU. Several years study of plans of &&laboratories and the devebpment of features especially required for the local situation had been made preceding this event. During the summer of 1930. the department was moved from the old laboratory into the new one. Classes and laboratory sections were held for the first time in McGregory Hall in September. 1930. Dedication The formal dedication of McGregory Hall occurred December 5 and 6 . 1930. Delegates from thirty-four universities, colleges, and scientific societies came to Hamilton to spend the better part of two days as guests of the university. The formal program began on Friday the 5th a t 2.00 P . M , following the academic procession to the lecture room in McGregory Hall. PRESIDENT GEORGE BARTON CUTTEN of the university opened the program by paying a beautiful tribute to the memory of MISS MARY EVELYN COLGATE, who, by the terms of her will,


provided the original gift toward the erection of the laboratory. To this sum, her parents DR. and MRS. Jnms C. COLOATE of New York, added the funds necessary to complete and fully equip the structure. Resident Cutten paid a similar tribute to the long and faithful career of Professor Joseph Frank McGregory. who has headed up the work in chemistry from its beginning through a period of forty-five years. The first speaker on the program was DEAN EDWARD ELLERY of Union College, an alumnus of Colgate and a former member of the staff of the department of chemistry. I n a brilliant and happy address, Dean Ellery gave a historical account of "Chemistry a t Colgate," linking up the local development with that of the subject throughout the world during the past half century. He made many interesting and complimentary references to his former teacher, whose presence on the platform beside him added to the joy of the tribute. The dedicatory address was then given by PRESIDENT LNINOSTONFARRANDof Cornell University. Dr. Farrand extended greetings from sister institutions, reminding the audience that i t is no longer

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true that one institution is envious of the additions obtained by another. "Everything that aids in the development of one assists in the development of all." He congratulated the university on naming the laboratory for one who has served the institution so long and faithfully. Then drawing illustrations from his varied experiences as administrator, educator, physician, and public health worker, Dr. Farrand made a plea for cooperation between the sciences. He showed bow interdependent the sciences are, how necessary it is that their work be integrated. "It behooves us t o see that we exercise toward our problems of human relationships, of economic values, of the maladjustmeuts of society, the same probing mind, the same recognition of truth, when found, that characterizes the science of chemistry. To the advancement of that age of human welfare, McGregory Hall is dedicated." At 6.30 P.M., the dedication dinner for the delegates, university trustees, and invited guests was held a t Colgate Inn. Following the dinner, every onereturned to McGregory Hall for a public address by DR. HARRISON E. HOWE. on "Chemistry Re-making the World." Making use of his modern, magic, black bag, Dr. Hawe gave many interesting illustrations of the present-day uses of chemistry. He was introduced by his friend of many years, Dr. J. F. McGregory. The program for Saturday was started with a complimentary breakfast a t the College Commons given by Alpha Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma. The rest of the morning was spent in a conference on chemical education, a t which DR. R. C. ROBERTS, head of the department, presided. DR. NEIL E. GORDON, editor of the JOURNAL OR CHEMICAL E DU CATION, gave the first address on "Chemical Education for Teaching and Research." He told of the origin of the Division of Chemical Education, and made a strong plea for cooperation between chemists, as wellas other scientists,in developing educational methods and courses in chemistry He also gave an intimate outline and view


of the work being done a t The Johns Hopkins University in the selection and training of men for chemistry under its new fellowship plan. "Chemical Education for Medicine" was the subject of the address by DR. associate dean of the WALTER R. BLOOR, Schwl of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Rochester. Dr. Bloor indicated the dif6culties and intricacies oi medical training, the necessity of sound training in the prc-medical years and the dependence of modern medicine on chemistry. He made a strong plea for more thorough training in chemistry especially, so that the student would be the better able t o solve the problems of medicine. The closing address of the conference and of the dedication program was given R. WEIDLEIN,director of by DR. EDWARD the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. on "Chemical Education for Industry." Dr. Weidlein pointed out the qualifications necessary for a successful career in industrial chemistry, giving many examples in connection with the work of the Institute to Drove his ~ o i n t . He stressed the importance of better trainina .in chemistry, the necessity of a knowledge of economics, the ability to use the English language, an agreeable personality and last but not least, the necessity of hard, painstaking work.

The New Laboratory McGregory Hall is a fire-proof, fivestory building. I t has a steel frame construction with none of the stone walls acting as bearing walls. The stone was taken from the university quarry and is trimmed with Bedford stone. The partitions are all of hollow tile with the corridors and all laboratory walls of a special chemically resistant tile. The offices and classrmms are plastered. On the wncrete floors, a special composition floor covering has been laid. There are laboratories for all the usual courses given in college, as well as a number of special roams fitted up for research and other uses. These laboratories are



supplied with gas from a Matthews gas machine which is an automatic electric one; with compressed air, hot and cold water, A. c. and D. c. from a special installation furnished by the Standard Electric Time Co. A large lecture hall

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combustion and glass-blowing rooms are found on this floor. The basement floor is used for the work in organic and physical chemistry. The first or main floor contains three offices for instructors, the departmental library, and reading room, the



Crx~rnrs~aY, COLCATE UNNERSITY seating 236 men with four small class rooms seating about 45 men are found in the building. The sub-basement is devoted mostly to storage and service rooms, although dark rooms, a constant temperature room,

museum, first-aid room, and a large laboratory for general chemistry. The second floor comprises the large lecture ball a t one end with the laboratory for qualitative analysis a t the other end. There are also special laboratories, a mn-

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ference room, and two offices and private laboratories on this floor. The third floor is used for the work in quantitative analysir with one end of the building taken up by the upper part of the large lecture hall. On this floor two rooms are set aside for


an automatic steam still for distilled water, which is piped throughout the building in block tin pipes, and twenty-six motors connected with blowers which take care of the hood ventilation in the various laboratories. The ducts from these hoods

(UPfieper) SECOND FLOOR PLAN, (Lower) THIRDFLOOR PLAN, O F COLGATE U ~ w ~ n s r r uN ' sEW CHEMISTRY BUILDING the use of Alpha Chi Sigma, national chemical fraternity, and Chi Pi Mu, alocal fraternity, composed of students expecting to study medicine. There is a full-sized attic in which can bc found the room for the machinery of the electric elevator serving all the floors,

are of tile until they reach the attic floor where they are made of Alcumitc, a special fume-resisting alloy. The moton are all operated by remote control switches located conveniently in the laboratories. Each large laboratory is served by its own dispensing room in this building.



Student help is necessary for this dispensing service and this arrangement was made to take advantage of that necessity. The dispensing rooms are stocked from the larger stockrooms located in the subbasement. Visitors to the building have commented on the fact that plenty of room has been allowed for those who have to work in thc building. It was felt that better work could be obtained if there is no crowding and this idea has been carried out quite successfuUy throughout the entire structure.

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glass fume hood is also provided, the exhaust from which is connected with the ventilating system of the room and operated by remote control from a switch near the lecture table. A small lecture room, accommodating about forty students and arranged in a similar manner, is situated just south of the main entrance. Adjacent to themainlecture room is a small prepargtion room and a small storeroom for lecture apparatus. Two recitation rooms and the department library are located on the second floor. The main Laboratories for regular class work are grouped together in the norrb DEDICATION OF MACKAY SCIENCE end of the building in such a way thst HALL, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA students working in them have easy acctus to the distribution room situated on the The dedication of the new Mackay first floor. The laboratories in the baseScience Hall a t the University of Nevada took place on October 24, 1930. The cor- ment and on the second floor are served nerstone was laid by MR. CLARENCE H. by a dumb waiter operated between the MACHAY, who presented the building to distribution room and these floors. The the University in memory of his father, plan has been t o provide a number of smalt John W. Mackay, a pioneer in the de- laboratories accommodating a single clasq a lamer number of , velopment of the state of Nevada. Ad- instead of ~rouping -~ dresses were made by Mr. Mackay, E D - students together under the direction of I two or more instructors. The laboratories, WARD A. DUCKER, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada and chairman of therefore, for general, analytical, and orthe honorary board of visitors of the Uni- ganic chemistry are arranged to accommoversity of Nevada, WALTERE. C ~ m n , date twenty-four students each, working a t thesame time. Those for general cherppresident of the institution, and ]mce GEORGE S. B n o m , chairman of the board istry and qualitative analysis are situated on the basement and k s t floors and pmof regents. The building is t o house the departments vide space for a maximum of three hundred thirty-six students. Each student is of mathematics, physics, and chemistry The department of chemistry occupies all provided with gas, water, suction pump, desk fume hood, and reagent shelves, so three floors of the north wing. The main lecture room is located immediately in that the need for leaving his desk during a front of the entrance t o the building and laboratory period is reduced t o a minimum. has seats for one hundmd eighty students. The tablet arm chairs are placed on risers The laboratories for quantitative analyarranged in a circular form so that the lec- sis and organic chemistry are situated on ture table is dearly visible from all posithe second floor and are provided with tions. Light enters the room from sky- large fume hoods, steam drying ovens, lights, fitted with shades for darkening the steam-baths, and sand-baths. I n addition room. The lecture table is lighted by to these, which are for general use, each means of two shell rekctors located in the student is supplied with gas, water, steap, ceiling and operating from the table. It vacuum, compressed air, and electricity. is equipped with outlets for both alternatA steam-cold water mixing faucet located ing and direct current, gas, water, vacover the sink a t the end of each desk prouum, end compressed air. A removable vides hot water for these laboratories.