punch. Traccrlab, Trapelo Rd., Wal- tham, Mass. 02154. 412. Look what tiny tube fittings ... You can connect and discon- nect everything with your han...
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we want to meet you at the 1968 Pittsburgh Conference See h o w you can create special purpose instru­ mentation—tailored to your needs! W e have produced a versatile system which provides the building blocks common to most instruments. The MP-SYSTEM will perform almost any photo- or electrometric instrument function you can devise.

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BOX 322, DANVILLE, CA 94526 Circle No. 163 on Readers' Service Card ·

Λ^> The Uni-Die is a 13-mm evacuable KBr die-holder. The pellet is formed in the die barrel which is then mounted in the infrared spectro­ photometer beam for spectral analy­ sis. The careful manipulation of the pellet with risk of breakage and con­ tamination is eliminated. The UniDie comes in two sizes, one which fits the micro sampling space of PerkinElmer spectrophotometers and the other which is for use in any instru­ ment. Wilks Scientific Corp., 140 Water St., Box 4 4 1 , South Norwalk, Conn. 06856 410 Automatic-Derivative Thermobalance Model T-l simultaneously records the temperature (as compared to a standard) and the weight of a sample. The sample can be subjected to a pro­ grammed temperature cycle, gases, vacuum, or other programmable en­ vironments, with all changes recorded directly or as a rate of change (deriva­ tive). Samples are contained in a horizontal tube and displaced hori­ zontally from the balance mechanism, resulting in minimized thermal effect on the mechanism and more accurate re­ sults. Plug-in modular design increases versatility so that the basic instrument can be used as an automatic thermo­ balance, an automatic derivative ther­ mobalance, or an automatic derivativedifferential thermobalance. Voland Corp., New Rochelle, Ν. Υ. 411 Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer System


170 A



The Coru-Matic II is compatible with gamma scintillation or planchet counting systems and is also expand­ able to two or three channel operation. It features a fully automatic 100sample changer with external standard, a sample changer control with six pro­ gram selections, multiple sample repeat, and a solid state scaler, timer, high voltage spectrometer with automatic background rate subtraction, autocycle display, and low activity sample rejec­ tion. Data printout may be lister, calculator, typewriter, teletype, or tapepunch. Traccrlab, Trapelo Rd., Waltham, Mass. 02154 412

Look what tiny tube fittings can make To any Chromatronix I fitting To pipe


"T" joint ι

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To glass To metal tubing

Chemically inert * No mixing cavi­ ties • Quick connecting · Leakproof at 5 0 0 p s i . Cheminert™ valves and fit­ tings will cut hours from the time you spend assembling tubing for chemical analysis. You can connect and d i s c o n ­ nect everything with your hands, making finger-tight joints that w o n ' t leak at 500 psi. Π There are fittings for 1 / 1 6 " and 1 / 8 " t u b i n g . T h e y h a n d l e n e a r l y any fluid because only c h e m i c a l l y inert mate­ rials—Teflon, Kel-F and glass —touch the stream. All are designed with zero dead volume, so there will be no m i x i n g . Π Other advanced Chromatronix apparatus includes precision pumps that p r o d u c e unfluctuating flows at pressures up to 500 psi, and high-resolution c o l u m n s for liquid chromatography. Send for catalog.


Chromatronix, Incorporated, 2743 Eighth St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Phone (415) 841-7221 Circle No. 31 on Readers' Service Card