July 6 to 10—Conference on. Micro- wave ... California Medical Center, San Fran- cisco ... stacked against the best in the current state of the art...
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News Allied Topics. Sheraton-Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Contact: J. M. McCrea, Applied Research Laboratory, U. S. Steel Corp., Monroeville, Pa. 15146. Page 128 A, Feb. June 16 to 20—American Association Americana of Bioanalysts. Hotel, New York, IN. Y. Contact: AAB, 805 Ambassador Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 63101 June 17 to 19—Analytical Chemistry New Annual Summer Symposium. Mexico State University, Las Cruces, N. M. Topic: Trends in Electroanalytical Chemistry. Contact: Peter James Llngane, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455. 612-373-2324. Page 69 A, Apr. June 17 to 24—European Meeting of Chemical Engineering and Achema 1970. Frankfurt/Maln, Germany. Contact: Dechema, 6000 Frankfurt (Main) 97, Postfach 9701-46, Germany June 18 to 19—Great Lakes ACS Regional Meeting. North Dakota State Contact: University, Fargo, N. D. Dr. Allan G. Fischer, Dept, of Biochemistry, North Dakota State University, Fargo, N. D. 58105 June 18 to 19—Northwestern ACS Regional Meeting. Seattle University, Seattle, Wash. Contact: Dr. William Scott Chilton, Dept, of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98105 June 21 to 26—ASTM 73rd Annual Meeting and North American Materials Exposition. Royal York Hotel, Contact: Toronto, Ont., Canada. American Society for Testing and Ma1916 Race St., Philadelphia, terials, Pa. 19103. (215) 569-4200 June 29 to July 1—17th Annual Sym-



Compare our new spectrophotometer with any other and see 30 times better resolution at a glance.

Microscopy, INTER/MI-

CRO-70. Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, III. Contact: Inter/MIcro70, McCrone Research Institute, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, III. 60616.

(312) 842-7105 July 1 to 3—8th International Gel Permeation and Liquid Chromatography Seminar. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Contact: Philip W. Almquist, Waters Assoc., Inc., 61 Fountain St., 617Framingham, Mass. 01707.

879-2000 July 6 to 10—Conference on Microwave Spectroscopy. University College, Bangor, Wales. Contact: The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.l, England. Page 74 A, Jan.

July 6 to 11—Symposium on Nonaqueous Electrochemistry: Organic and Inorganic Solvents Including Fused Salts. France. Contact: Paris, Mme J. Badoz-Lambling, Laboratoire de Chlmle analytique, Ecole superleure de Physique et de Chlmle industrielles, 10, rue Vauquelln, F-75

Paris 5°, France July 7 to 10—International Conference on Organic Scintillators and Liquid Scintillation Counting. University of California Medical Center, San FranContact: Donald L. cisco, Calif. Horrocks, Chemistry Dlv., Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, III. 60439. (312) 739-7711. Page 72 A, Jan.

Now there’s one spectrophotometer that outperforms them all. It’s the McPherson Model RS 10... the new recording double beam spectrophotometer designed to let you see 30 times more detail in recording analyses of gas, liquid or solid samples. Its wide dynamic range provides uninterrupted scans for measurement from below 2000Á to over 8000Á at absorbances 0-1,0-2 and 0-3 with constant resolution. You can also do emission studies without instrument modifications. Compare the graphs. Notice how much more detail the RS 10 trace shows when stacked against the best in the current state of the art. The RS 10 is actually 30 times more informative and infinitely more useful than any other commercially available spectrophotometer. Our engineers are eager to show you how easily the new RS 10 spectrophotometer can improve your laboratory experiments. Ask for our RS 10 brochure. A call today could help you observe more about the matter of the universe tomorrow.








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