Measure magnetism of hydrogen atom - Journal of Chemical

Measure magnetism of hydrogen atom. J. Chem. Educ. , 1927, 4 (1), p 98. DOI: 10.1021/ed004p98.1. Publication Date: January 1927. Note: In lieu of an a...
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UNIVERSITY OF NORTEY CAROLINA, Chapel Hill, N. C.-3 Teaching Fellowships ($500): seven Assistantships ($500) ; 1 Fellowship ($300) and 2 Instructorships ($1500). UNIVERSITY OF F'ENNSVLVANXA, Philadelphia, Pan&.-A number of Fellowships are open t o students in the Department of Chemistry. These carry varying stipends from $200 to $1500 per annum. UNNBRSI?~OF TEXAS, Austin, Texas.-25 Tutors ($72M1200) and Assistants ($550) in Chemistry. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, Madison, Wis.-1 Scholarship ($300); 1 Fellowship ($500); 1 Fellowship (1750). YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven. Conn.-24 Laboratory Assistants (6750, less fees which amount t o about $250): 1 Fellawshi~awarded on basis of com~etitiveexamination (51200). a nurnher of specml Frllowsh~p~ avcragmg about $750: in addition to thc ahove, there arc a number of llniverrllv Fellowships (SIOl1 and of Stcrlinr Fellowships (~1000or more). Measure Magnetism of Hydrogen Atom. The United States is forging ahead in the field of atomic physics where the brilliant theories of the Germans and Scandinavians have long held more or less undisputed sway. Experiments recently completed by Drs. J. B. Taylor and T. E. Phipps in the department of physical chemistry a t the University of Illinois have produced results which throw a new angle on the quantum theory advanced by Dr. Neils Bohr, of Copenhagen, Nobel prize winner in physics, and that proposed by Drs. Max Born and W. Heisenberg of Goettingen. Etponents of the German school have developed a theory that is based on a nonmagnetic atom but the American scientists have found that the hydrogen atom is magnetic ahd have made a direct experimental determination of the degree of magnetism i t possesses. They found that it was equal within the limits of experimental error, t o one Bohr magneton, or unit of magnetic moment hased on the Bohr quantum theory. The atoms of the alkali elements such as sodium and potassium are known to behave as tiny magnets and since hydrogen is the simplest of all the chemical elements, knowledge of the degree of magnetism possessed by its atom is of great importance. All of the accepted theories of the continental school account for the spectrum of hydrogen accurately, in consequence of which a test of the nature of the hydrogen atom is of great scientific interest.-Science Senice Hydrwyanic Acid Poisoning May Be Prevented by Sugar. Death by hydrocyanic acid, one of the quickest and most effective ways of vacating this terrestrial sphere, quite popular with suicides a few years ago, may have a preventive in glucose, one of the simple chemical variations of sugar. According t o a report t o the Prcsse Medicale, Dr. H. Violle, a t the University of Marseilles, has made studies of the antitoxic effect of glucose against the poisonous si; which ;ndi&te that the supar, &her taken internally or in intravenous injections, will protect laboratory animals against the deadly fumes. These experiments offer a possible explanation of the reported mysteriouq failure of Raspntin, the favorite of the former Czarina of Russia, to succumb t o cyanide poisoning. Potassium cyanide is said t o have been offered t o the monk in a glass of port wine and. in the frosting of accompanying cakes. , The victim partook of all of the refreshments with groat equanimity hut failed t o pass out as anticipated, so the Sonspirators fell upon him and made a good, though messier, job of it with revolvers. Rasputin's resistance t o the poison is thought t o be accounted for, according t o the medical report, by the sugar ia the wine and the icing acting as an antidote against the poison.-Science Seryice