Measurement of Abrasion Resistance: I--Paints, Varnishes, and

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and the least that can be done is to pay a tribute to the authors who have contributed to such a method that has served well for so many years. We are now confronted with rapidly changing practices and materials, and it is very obvious that it may become necessary to devise an entirely new method to take care of this new product. By continuing with the present method, a hardship is being worked on the manufacturers of fertilizers and on the manufacturers of synthetic and by-product ammonia, as well as on the users of fertilizers. There is no doubt but that the injection of ammonia into fertilizer materials will remedy a number of difficulties with which the manufacturer and farmer have contended for a number of years. By this statement a reduction in the free acid content and an improvement in the storing and drilling qualities of fertilizer materials is meant. By an injection of ammonia as such into superphosphate or superphosphate-bearing fertilizer materials, it is only with the greatest difficulty that the so-called reversion of the available phosphate is prevented. Numerous publications by various investigators lead to the belief that most of the available phosphoric acid under its present classification reverts to an insoluble form shortly after application to the soil.

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A number of investigators have also shown that phosphoric acid in that condition is still available as plant food. If these reports be true, and there is every reason to believe that they are, then it seems only reasonable and fair to both the manufacturer and the user that a thorough study be made as promptly as possible of the compounds formed in superphosphate during the injection of ammonia, with a view towards reclassifying and reinterpreting the term "available." Such an investigation involves a large number of pot and field tests and would necessarily have to be accompanied by a large amount of laboratory work. The writers understand that much of this work is now under way. This seems to be one of the most important manufacturing problems with which the fertilizer industry is confronted today. Much benefit will result to all concerned if the maximum amount of this form of nitrogen can be used. It is essential that this question be very definitely worked out and as soon as possible, because the manufacturer must necessarily anticipate his processes of the future. It is a duty of this organization to lay aside all precedent and carry on a well organized system of experiments, the results of which will answer the questions with which we are confronted.

Measurement of Abrasion Resistance I-Paints, Varnishes, and Lacquers' A. E. Schuh and E. W. Kern BELLTELEPHONE LABORATORIES, 463 WEST ST., NEWY O R K , N. Y.

A method of measuring the abrasion resistance of air stream and allowing the INCE organic finishes materials in the form of thin films has been devised. uniform mixture of air and such as paints and varWhile designed primarily for the study of paint, lacCarborundum to i m p i n g e nishes are often subject quer, and varnish films, the method should be useful against a film of known thickto abrading forces, it is desiralso in the study of a wide range of other materials. ness of the m a t e r i a l to be able to evaluate them with reThe method consists essentially in the following: tested. The weight of Carspect to their resistance to Carborundum powder of uniform particle size is adborundum required to wear abrasion. Several m e t h o d s mitted at a constant rate to a directed stream of air through the film is measured have been developed for this under constant pressure and the resulting Carborunand arbitrarily defined as the purpose, some of which have dum-air blast is allowed to impinge upon a film of the abrasion value for a given been described by G a r d n e r test material mounted at a fixed angle. The weight of thickness of the material. (1). Among these, the Parlin Carborundum required to wear through a unit thickObviously, in order to obtain method is representative of a ness of material is taken as the abrasion resistance of reproducibility of measuretype of test in which an abthe material. The development of this test has inment, it becomes necessary to rading surface is moved a t cluded an investigation of the variables pertaining hold the conditions of the c o n t r o l l e d p r e s s u r e and both to the apparatus and to the material under test. test constant. With a view speed over the organic film, to making the method generand the abrasion value taken as the number of passes required to cut through the material. ally applicable, the variables that affectthe abrasion value This method is open to criticism in that an appreciable have been studied both as to their nature and relative magnifrictional heating is produced a t the interface of film and tude. Although the method is by no means restricted to the abrasive and, furthermore, that the abrading surface undergoes variation with use. On the other hand, Gardner's determination of relative abrasion resistance of paint films, falling sand method, in which the abrasive falls by gravity the test has been developed using these as the test materials. through a long confining tube and impinges on the paint It is well known that the properties of material of this type, film, appeared more suitable in principle for the develop- especially when of oleoresinous origin, are much affected by ment of a precise test. The method to be described in the temperature and humidity. It seemed necessary, therefore, present paper has employed a modification of this principle to carry on this study under controlled air conditions. The in that air a t carefully controlled pressure is used to drive effect of temperature and humidity of the air was investigated over a wide range of indoor variation, the air condithe abrasive against the film under test. The present abrasion test consists essentially in admitting tions ranging from 21.1" C. (70" F.) and 41 per cent relative a stream of Carborundum particles into a rapidly flowing humidity to 32.2"C. (90°F.)and 90 per cent relative humidity. The materials tested were: (1) three varnishes of differing 1 Received September 19, 1930. Presented before the Division of oil lengths but of a common synthetic resin; (2) two series Paint and Varnish Chemistry at the 80th Meeting of the American Chemical of lacquers each of a different resin in three different concenSociety, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 8 to 12, 1930.


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trations; (3) a baked japan, a baked varnish, and a varnish enamel. Apparatus and Procedure

The abrasion machine, which is shown together with pressure regulating devi9es in Figure 4, consists essentially of a box into the upper portion of which a nozzle confining the airCarborundum stream is inserted. An adjustable table, upon which the sample to be tested is mounted, is brought into position against the lower end of the nozzle. For films over opaque base materials, illumination is effected from the front through a window in a door through which the sample is introduced. For films over transparent base, illumination is effected through a window in the rear. The Carborundum falls into a lower compartment of the box and a finely meshed screen allows the air to escape while retaining the Carborundum. For an actual determination, the test specimen is mounted in place, the air turned on, and when a t equilibrium pressure, the Carborundum stream is started by removing a pinch clamp from the tube leading to the weighed container of Car- borundum situated above the abrasion box, As soon as the blast of Figure l-Diagram Nozzle Of abrasive wears through the film revealing the u n d e r l y i n g base uniformly over a small area about 2 mm. in diameter, the Carborundum stream is shut off and the loss in weight of the Carborundum container measured. The thickness of the film is determined a t several points at the edge of the wear spot and the number of grams required to wear through unit film thickness calculated. I n the present study, air a t the desired temperature and humidity was obtained by compressing the air from the room, which was automatically conditioned. The heat generated by compression was dissipated by allowing the air to flow through a copper coil within a large water bath held at room temperature. The pressure of the air was then regulated by an adjustable T-outlet in a column of water. An equalizing reservoir was employed to smooth out minute fluctuations. Pressure as delivered to the abrasion machine was determined by means of a mercury manometer. The heart of the instrument consists of the nozzle in which the air and Carborundum streams are intimately mixed. Many designs were tried and for the present development a nozzle shown in Figure 1was employed. This design combines simplicity of construction with ease of duplication, and it has made possible measurements of high precision. For ease of duplication of nozzles, a straight air tube was found essential, since any bends or kinks markedly affected the abrasion value obtained. I n order to calibrate a new nozzle of this same design against a nozzle of known performance, it was necessary only to adjust the position of the inner air tube, by lowering or raising, with respect to the outer confining tube. The difference of diameters of the two tubes produces a flaring of the air stream with the result that the Carborundum which is introduced by gravity a t any suitable point above the end of the inner tube is uniformly mixed with the air. Variables Pertaining to Method

Since this study was conducted on paint films of various types, which unfortunately are variable in both physical

and chemical behavior, it seemed desirable to segregate the variables that pertain to the method from those dependent on the material tested. Consequently, the various test variables are first discussed, and afterward the application of a standardized test to a variety of materials is shown. EFFECTOF POSITION OF TESTSPECIMENON ABRASION VALuE-The position of the test specimen with respect to the end of the nozzle was varied both in distance from the end and in angle with respect to nozzle. The results are summarized in Table I. of Position of Test Material, Lacquer No. Abrasion Value DISTANCE FROM ANGLETO

Table I-Effect

NOZZLE Cm. 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0



Degrees 45 45 45 30 45 60


18, on

31.8 35.8 44.5 22.2 31.5 50.1

The selection of a definite position is more or less arbitrary, so that in all subsequent experiments the test specimen was placed against the nozzle and a t 45 degrees. EFFECTOF PARTICLE SIZE-By means of standard A. S. T. M. sieves of 80, 100, 120, 140, 170, 200, and 230 mesh Carborundum was separated in a mechanical shaker into the various intermediate fractions. Sufficient time was allowed in the shaker to permit reasonably clean separation. A lacquer film of known composition and thickness was then FI .2



tested for abrasion resistance using these various fractions of Carborundum and keeping all other conditions of test constant. The results of this experiment are given in Table 11. Table 11-Effect

of Particle Size on Abrasion Value MEANDIAMETER ABRASIOV MESHSIZE OF PARTICLES VALUE Cm Grams/O 0127 mm.

80-100 100-120 120-140 140-170 170-200 200-230

0 0193 0 0134

0 0115 0 0097 0.0081 0 0068

77 73 65 51 40 30

5 3 2 0 0 7

The variation of abrasion value with particle size is graphically shown in Figure 2. For the small particles, the relation seems to be linear. For practical purposes, a given range of



particle size must be selected, and since the smaller particles tend to give a more uniform wear spot the fraction between 170- to 200-mesh sieves was used in all succeeding experiments. EFFECT OF AIR 'PRESSURE-In this experiment the effect of changes in air pressure alone was investigated. The results are given in Table 111. Table 111-Effect of Air Pressure on Abrasion Value PRESSURE ABRASIONVALUE Cm. Hg Grams/O 0127 mm. 2.8 246,5 3.85 151,s 5.0 99.6 6.0 79.0 6 9 66.9 7.8 56.5





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wear determinations. On comparison of this used Carborundum with fresh material the same abrasion values were obtained on a given film. Furthermore, a screen analysis of the used and unused Carborundum showed no reduction in particle size, although a microscopic examination at a magnification of 170 X revealed slight ,chipping on some of the cutting edges. REPRODUCIBILITY OF ABRASION VALUEWITH DUPLICATE r\lOZZLES-It is of practical importance to know how abrasion values on any one material can be duplicated with different nozzles of the same design. By using glass tubes of approximately equal bore, and adjusting the position of the inner tube, it was possible to construct a second nozzle which gave an average abrasion value for a given japan film of 100.4 grams as against 100.2 grams for the first nozzle. For purposes of calibration of nozzles it was found desirable to use a test film of other than organic nature. A thin electroplated coat of cadmium or zinc over polished copper or brass proved satisfactory. It is well known that if the conditions of plating are held constant, a coating of uniform thickness is obtained. The exact amount of metal distributed over the surface is readily determined. I n addition, the material is not subject to the physical and chemical variation which organic films show with age. I n recapitulation, the following conditions of operation were shown to be well adapted for the measurement of the abrasion resistance of paints, lacquers, and varnishes : Position of test specimen-flush against end of nozzle and at 45degree inclination Particle size of Carborundum-170 to 200 mesh Air pressure-6 cm. of mercury Rate of flow of Carborundum-24 grams per minute Application of Test

It now became of interest to apply this standardized test to the evaluation of the abrasion resistance of various organic finishing materials. For this study a number of different varnishes and lacquers were formulated. The varnishes designated as V-15, V-16, and V-17 were of the compositions shown in Table IV.







Table IV-Composition COMPONENT

of Varnishes V-15 V-16 91, bv wl. 9% " bv - wt. I "

EFFECTO F RATE O F FLOW O F CARBORUNDUM-The Carborundum from the container above the abrasion box passes through a small circular orifice, which by its size controls the rate of flow into the nozzle. A series of orifices was tested which gave a range of rate of flow of Carborundum from 12 grams per minute to 86 grams per minute. On holding all the other variables constant the abrasion value was found to drop from 86 grams at the slowest rate to 80 grams at the highest. I n other words, a 700 per cent change in rate of Carborundum flow caused only an 8 per cent change in abrasion value, showing that the distribution of the Carborundum in the air stream is almost insensitive to its rate of introduction. A rate of flow of about 24 grams per minute of 170- to 200-mesh Carborundum was selected as standard. EFFECTOF SOURCEAND USE OF CARBORUNDUM ON ABRASION VALUE-TWO separate lots of Carborundum were screened and the 170- to 200-mesh fraction was used to determine the abrasion value of st given material. The same average value was obtained in the two sets of determinations, the difference being within the experimental error. Various experiments indicated that, if so desired, the same Carborundum could be used safely for several determinations. A 5-pound (2.3-kg.) lot of Carborundum of 170 to 200 mesh was used repeatedly in the course of 200


20.62 23 92 5.92 0.18 0.27 49.72 0.086 18

Amberol resin China wood oil Linseed oil (bodied) Lead acetate Liquid cobalt Mineral spirits Total metal (ratio Pb:Co = 19:1) Oil length, gal.

V-17 % ," bv - wt 16.7 14.11 26 26 28.42 6 68 7.13 0.165 0.18 0.30 0.33 49 90 49.83 0,095 0.103 25 32

Six lacquers of the composition indicated in Table V were used. Table V-Composition COMPONENT L-17 L-18 %

I/%-sec.cotton, dry basis 60 5 Ester gum 30 4 Amberol gum Dibutyl phthalate 9 1 5 All per cents by weight.


of Lacquers L-19 L-20



45 4 45 4

36 4 54 5




L-21 %

L-22 %

60 5

45 4

36 4

30'4 9 1

45 4 9 1


9 1

I n addition to these materials, a baked varnish, a baked black japan, and a varnish enamel were studied. The abrasion values for these materials as given in the succeeding tables represent the mean of two or more readings with the precision of the order given in a later separate discussion on the precision of the method. All of the test specimens were prepared on best grade window glass by the spinning disc method and the films were allowed to dry in a horizontal position. Glass was selected

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as the base material because it is inert, relatively flat, and permits greater ease of observing end points. Furthermore, i t was felt that the absolute abrasion value would be only slightly affected by this choice, since in the test, cohesion of the material primarily determines the values and adhesion plays only a small part. Only with extreme care was it possible to obtain thicknesses of good uniformity. In general, varnishes were better than the lacquers owing to their longer period of leveling. The uniformity of the lacquer films was definitely improved by the addition of slower evaporating solvents. The thickness of the films was determined by means of an Ames dial gage reading to 0.0001 inch and permitting estimation of hundredths of a mil. The gage was checked against a Zeiss optimeter, Johannsen blocks, and a Pratt Whitney Super Micrometer, and showed excellent accuracy and precision. For use on compressible paint films, the practice of gently lowering the spindle of the gage on the surface was adhered to. An accuracy within *0.02 mil was attained. However, an accuracy of 1per cent is desirable in the thickness measurements when the precision of the abrasion measurement is considered. EFFECT OF FILMTHICKNESS ON ABRASION VALUE-Since varnishes were expected to show a non-linear relationship between film thickness and abrasion value, the three different varnishes were each spun to three different thicknesses and their abrasion value measured. The sample panels were allowed to age 18 days after preparation. The results are shown in Table VI.


investigation were allowed in different experiments to come to equilibrium with the air and were maintained at four different conditions of temperature and humidity. The values obtained for abrasion resistance are given in Table VIII. Table VIII-Effect


of Temperature and Moisture on Abrasion Value 70°F. 70'F. 90°F. 90' F . (21.1'C.) (21.1OC.) (32.2OC.) (32.2'C.) 41% R. H. 65% R. H. 41% R. H. 90% R. H. G.;O.O127

mm. 53.5 45.3 30.0 54.3 38.7 41.7 v-15 61.0 V-16 69.0 V-17 106.0 Baked varnish 88.0 Varnish enamel 6 1 . 4 Baked japan 77.4 L-17 L-18 L-19 L-20 L-21 L-22


mm. 44.3 37.8 24.8 55.8 38.9 41.3 79.2 93.0 118.8 78.6 58.2 66.4


mm. 49.0 36.6 25.6 44.6 33.1 34.7 76.9 88.1 119.0 82 5 62.5 66.4


mm. 49.7 40 0 30.1 48 3 35.5 36.7 98.2 118.8 172.2 95.6 81.6 68.8

It has been shown by Lowry and Kohman (2) that the quantity of water absorbed by rubber and paper from the atmosphere is approximately constant at various temperatures provided the relative humidity is held constant. It was assumed that the same relationship held true for paint films and a means was thereby afforded of separating the effect due to temperature changes from those due to changes in moisture of the film,

Table VI-Effect of Film Thickness on Abrasion Value of Varnishes MATERIAL V-15 V-16 V-17 Thickness: Mil 0 . 3 7 0 62 1 . 0 3 0 . 4 4 0 . 5 3 1 . 1 3 0 . 4 9 0 . 7 8 0 . 9 6 Cm. X 1 0 - 8 0 . 9 4 1 . 5 8 2 . 6 2 1 . 1 2 1 . 3 5 2 . 8 7 1 . 2 5 1 . 9 8 2 . 4 4 Abrasion value, grams 4 5 . 2 9 0 . 0 1 5 1 . 1 6 7 . 0 8 2 . 7 1 9 2 . 6 8 6 . 9 164.9 255 0

Table IV, which contains the varnish formulas, and Table VI show that as the oil length of the varnish increases the deviation from a linear relation becomes more pronounced. This indicates that such films a t this age had not dried through uniformly. However, the short length varnish V-15 showed practically a linear relation. I n general, then, varnishes ought to be compared for abrasion value at comparable levels of thickness. EFFECT OF AGE-In order to enhance the effect of aging, panels coated with all the materials under test were maintained at 60" C. (140' F.) in an air oven for a period of 5 weeks and then compared for abrasion value with freshly prepared films. All the coatings were approximately 0.0127 mm. (0.5 mil) in thickness. Table VI1 shows the results of the aging test. Table VII-Effect of Aging on Abrasion Value MATERIAL ABRASIONVALUE,GRAMS/O. 0127 MM. Unaged film0 Aged film L-20 54.8 45.5 L-21 38.9 33.6 L-22 41.3 35 8 V-15 79.2 67.0 V-16 93.0 87.6 118.8 101.0 V-17 a The lacquer films were 2 days old and the varnish 6 days; both were maintained at 70° F. (21.1' C.) and 65 per cent relative humidity prior to test.

Just how much the normal aging of these films was accelerated as the result of maintenance at the elevated temperature is conjectural. For either type of material, it will be observed that the change in abrasion value was not large. It is apparent, however, that the abrasion test reveals the effect of aging. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY OF AIR ON ABRASION VALuE-The various films employed in the present

Figure 4-Apparatus for Measuring Abrasion Resistance

It was thought that it would be of interest to correlate the values for abrasion with those for hardness of the films under the above conditions of humidity and temperature. The Pfund hardness tester (3) was the instrument used for measuring hardness and, as is customary, the load required to give a diameter of impression of 3 units (in this case 0.3 mm.) on the vernier scale of the eyepiece was arbitrarily defined as hardness. The results are summarized in Table IX. of Moisture and Temperature on P f u n d Hardness 70' F . 70' F. 90' F. 90" F . (21.1'C.) (21.1' C.) (32.2" C.) (32.2v C.) MATERIAL 41% R. H. 65% R. H. 41% R. H. 90% R. H. GJ0.3 mm. G./0.3 mm. GJ0.3 mm. GJ0.3 m m . L-17 1050 825 940 500 L-18 1185 850 1200 500 L-19 1000 900 900 500 v-15 500 380 200 2 V-16 285 235 80 10 V-17 150 40 20 4 Baked varnish 1500 1370 1360 900 Varnish enamel 425 265 235 12

Table IX-Effect

The amberol lacquer series (L-20-L-22) showed cracking of the film when tested at the 70" F. and 41 per cent humidity condition and was therefore omitted.



Inspection of Tables VI11 and I X leads to some interesting observations on the behavior of the materials with change in temperature and moisture content of the films. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE-(Q) The temperature coefficient of abrasion is greater for the varnishes than for the lacquers. At 41 per cent relative humidity, a change from 70" F. to 90" F. causes the varnishes to increase in abrasion resistance, while the lacquers, the japan, and the baked varnish decrease over the same range of temperature. The varnish enamel shows no temperature coefficient, (b) All of the materials soften with increase in temperature, the change being greatest in the case of the varnishes. EFFECT OF MOISTURE-(Q) The abrasion values for the varnishes increase markedly with increase in moisture content of the films, the change becoming more pronounced with increasing oil lengths. For example, the longest oil varnish tested, V-17, displays an increase in abrasion value of 45 per cent a t 32.2" C. (90" F.) over the range of humidities investigated. (b) The amberol lacquers show only a slight increase in abrasion resistance with increase in humidity, while the ester gum lacquers, the japan, and the baked varnish appear to pass through a minimum abrasion value in the neighborhood of 65 per cent relative humidity. (c) The hardness for all the materials decreases definitely as the films take up moisture. (d) The spread of hardness values for the varnishes is greater at the lower humidities, the values tending to converge 8s the films absorb moisture. Precision of the Method I n general, the precision of the present test is governed by the uniformity of the film and the accuracy with which its thickness can be measured. A series of 116 different abrasion determinations on various films of fairly good thickness uniformity gave, on omitting the thickness factor, the following distribution of per cent deviations from the mean value: No.





24 28 16 2

ii 01 .. 50

0.0 0 . 5 to 1.0 to 2.0 t o 3.0 to

2.0 3.0 4.0

The average per cent deviation of these determinations was 0.99. To illustrate how the precision of the abrasion determinations depends on the smoothness of the film surface, a series of lacquers that exhibited an orange peel surface, when re-spun with a slow evaporating solvent to eliminate orange peel effect, gave the reduction of the average per cent deviation from the mean value from 6.2 to 0.6 per cent. Investigation showed that the method of illumination-

Alcohol Replacing Gasoline in Brazil-Among the methods used in Brazil to encourage the use of alcohol motor fuel instead of gasoline is a 50 per cent reduction in tariff fines in the City of Maceio to motorists using the fuel, according to a statement by the Department of Commerce. The alcohol fuel is a domestic Brazilian product made from sugar waste and is being marketed in competition with imported gasoline, a considerable part of which comes from the United States. The retail price of gasoline during the third quarter of t h e year in Rio de Janeiro ranged from 40 to 45 cents, according t o the department. In the Pernambuco area of Brazil gasoline sales have been

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Le., whether from the rear or from the front-has very little effect upon the attainable precision. The choice of a relatively large bare area, 2 mm. in diameter, for the end point, rather than the first appearance of tiny pinholes was influenced by the fact that the larger area is more representative of the film as a whole. The high order of precision which was obtained in the application of the test justifies this choice of end point. It was found that the time difference between the first pinhole and the end point selected, increased as the total time required for the test increased. Discussion The method of measuring abrasion resistance described in the present paper should provide a useful tool of high precision in research on the formulation of paint materials. Since this method concerns itself primarily with cohesional characteristics of materials it may be used to study the influence of composition on those qualities related to cohesion. A more definite interpretation of the fundamental significance of this test should be obtained in the study now under way in which it is sought to correlate abrasion and hardness with tensile strength and elongation. The direct application of the test to paint films with a view to correlating the abrasion values as measured with service performance still requires considerable study, since abrading forces in service produce wear degradations in a variety of ways. A direct application of the test in the form described may be in the evaluation of the relative abrasion resistance of paint, lacquer, and varnish films when used in the airplane industry. No question of significance need arise in this application, since the air speeds in service and in the test are comparable and it has been shown that relative concentration of abrading particles is negligible when distributed randomly. Quite likely, by a suitable choice of air pressures, particle sizes, and particle concentrations, other typical forms of wear action by forces of abrasion can be made to simulate service conditions, in that manner simplifying the problem of interpretation of the test for practical purposes. As mentioned previously in this paper, the test is not restricted to the evaluation of abrasion resistance of paint materials. For instance, it has been found that various electroplated metals, chromium, zinc, and cadmium, gave a wide range of values for abrasion resistance with a high degree of duplicability. It seems likely that this method may serve as an effective means of investigation of the wearing quality of electrodeposits. Literature Cited (1) Gardner, H. A,, "Physical and Chemical Examination of Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers and Colours," 4th ed., Institute of Paint and Varnish Research, 1927. (2) Lowry, H. H., and Kohman, G. T., J . Phys. Chem., 31,23-67 (1927). (3) Pfund, A. H., Proc. Am. SOC.Testing Materials, 26, 393 (1925).

greatly reduced in recent months and importations have correspondingly decreased. United States exports of gasoline t o Brazil during the first nine months of 1930 exceeded 1,000,000 barrels, which was nearly equal the amount of the corresponding period of 1929. Exports during the month of October, however, were slightly more than 14,000 barrels as compared with more than 120,000 barrels in the same month of a year ago. Whether alcohol motor fuel will be able to maintain itself as a satisfactory substitute for gasoline cannot be settled until the public has learned its effect on motors and carburetors, whether it is more economical and whether it develops satisfactory power.