measuring gas or liquid

F. FISHER. SCIENTIFIC. Boston. Buffalo. Chicago. Charleston, W. Va. Cleveland Detroit. New York ... flat white, and exterior white paints. Raw materia...
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pilot model synthetic resin kettles. These kettles are made of stainless steel and are available with a choice of Dowtherm, electric, or steam heating plants. Cooking conditions in produc­ tion kettles can be exactly duplicated. In addition to the heating plant, the kettles have cooling elements, con­ densers, and all recording and indicating controls. Bull. LB-1, Dept. IEC, Brighton Corp., 820 State Ave , Cincinnati 4, Ohio. 25

gas or liquid ΨΜΜΆ F


Paint Formulations. Suggested paint formulations with poly(vinyl acetate) emulsions are the subject of this new 7-page bulletin. The bulletin gives formulas for primer sealers, interior flat white, and exterior white paints. Raw material sources are also given. Bull. PVB-521A, Dept. IEC, Colton Chemical Co., 1747 Chester Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio. 26

FLOW-METER KIT does it quickly, efficiently!

Pumps. New catalog lists complete line of rotary pumps and hydraulic pump motors. The pumps featured in the catalog have only two moving parts— equal sized pumping gears—operating in a case with proper amount of clear­ ance. The manufacturer also has pre­ pared a helpful manual on how to solve pumping problems. This manual illus­ trates such problems as unloading tank cars of given capacities in a given amount of time, and should be very helpful to process engineers in choosing the best pump for certain applications. Cat. 957 and "How to Solve Pumping Problems," Dept. IEC, Geo. D. Roper Corp., Rockford, III. 27

Here is an easy-to-operate, port­ able kit which measures liquid flow-rates in the range from 0.025 cc to 2100 cc per minute and gases from 2 cc to 38,000 cc per minute. These wide ranges are handled by four interchangeable glass flow-tubes, with two cali­ brated glass and four calibrated steel ball floats. In operation, the flowing gas or liquid lifts the cali­ brated ball. The scale is read at the point of balance, and a graph supplied shows the corresponding flow-rate.

Radioactive Measuring Instruments. New catalog illustrates and describes over 30 new radioactivity measuring instruments. Featured are: scaling units, rate meters, gamma-ray spectrom­ eter systems, scintillation detectors, portable survey instruments for alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron measurements, and nuclear accessories. A four-color insert is included which describes and illustrates typical instrumentation for a nuclear biochemical laboratory, an in­ dustrial nuclear research laboratory, and four typical medical radioisotope labora­ tories. Cat. Q, Dept. IEC, NuclearChicago Corp., 229 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, III. 28

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Kit * | JL *T Case SEND FOR DATA SHEET 1 30

F Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh

o r order direct from : Fisher Building, P i t t s b u r g h 1 9 , P a .

FISHER SCIENTIFIC Buffalo Chicago Detroit New York St. Louis Washington

Charleston, W. Va. Philadelphia Montreal Toronto

America's largest Manufacturer-Distributor of Laboratory Appliances and Reagent Chemicals Circle No. 112 ft-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 115 A 1 12 A


Research and Pilot Plant Equip­ ment. Twelvepage catalog illus­ trates and de­ scribes new line of gas fired and steam heated continuous rotary dryers, gas fired and electri-


fast, accurate t e s t s for pH, CHLORINE with TAYLOR COMPARATORS Help Control Chemical Processes, Water Purification, Boiler Water, Waste Treatment

G e t a c c u r a t e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s of p H , chlorine, b r o m i n e , p h o s ­ p h a t e , Q A C , n i t r a t e in a m a t t e r of m i n u t e s w i t h l i g h t w e i g h t , portable Taylor Comparators. O n - t h e - s p o t , colorimetric t e s t s give y o u d e p e n d a b l e o p e r a t i o n a l d a t a in t h r e e e a s y s t e p s . T e s t i n g consists of c o m p a r i n g t h e t r e a t e d s a m p l e w i t h t h e m o v a b l e color s t a n d a r d slide u n t i l colors m a t c h . Y o u t h e n r e a d v a l u e s direct from slide. C o m p l e t e w a t e r a n a l y s i s is o n l y a little m o r e detailed w i t h the Taylor W a t e r Analyzer.

COLOR STANDARDS GUARANTEED Be sure to use only Taylor reagents and accessories with Taylor Com­ parators to assure accurate results. All Taylor liquid color standards carry an unlimited guarantee against fading. SEE YOUR DEALER for T a y l o r s e t s o r im­ m e d i a t e r e p l a c e m e n t of s u p p l i e s . Write d i r e c t f o r FREE HANDBOOK, " M o d e r n pH a n d Chlorine Con­ t r o l " . G i v e s t h e o r y and a p p l i c a ­ tion of p H c o n t r o l . I l l u s t r a t e s a n d d e s c r i b e s full T a y l o r l i n e .

CO. W. A. TAYLOR AND 7 3 0 2 YORK RD. · BALTIMORE-4, MD. Circle No. 112 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 115 A