Chapter 31
Mechanism of the Initial Attachment of Human Vein Endothelial Cells onto Polystyrene-Based Culture Surfaces and Surfaces Prepared by Radiofrequency Plasmas Downloaded by GEORGETOWN UNIV on August 21, 2015 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0602.ch031
Roles of Serum Fibronectin and Vitronectin in Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups 1
John G. Steele , Thomas R. Gengenbach , Graham Johnson , Clive McFarland , B. Ann Dalton , P. Anne Underwood , Ronald C. Chatelier , and Hans J . Griesser 1
Divisions of Biomolecular Engineering and Chemicals and Polymers, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, P.O. Box 184, North Ryde, New South Wales 2113, Australia We compared Primaria and films made by plasma modification of fluoroethylenepropylene using nitrogen-containing gases for their surface composition and for the mechanism of initial colonisation with human vein endothelial cells. Our data are consistent with amide groups being a substantial constituent of the surface chemical composition, on the Primaria and the plasma-prepared samples. In addition, XPS surface analysis and contact angle measurements demonstrated considerable variability in the surface composition of the Primaria and tissue culture polystyrene materials. Attachment of endothelial cells through a fibronectin-mediated mechanism was shown to occur on the nitrogen-containing surfaces, as a result of their ability to adsorb fibronectin in competition with other serum proteins. We propose that Primaria and other nitrogen-containing surfaces differ from oxygen -containing surfaces in that both fibronectin and vitronectin can mediate initial cell attachment, whereas on tissue culture polystyrene and similar surfaces it is vitronectin that mediates initial cell attachment. Recently it has been proposed that in order to understand the relationship between polymer surface chemistry and cell colonisation, the key issue to be determined is the adsorption of specific proteins and their mechanistic role in cell attachment. Whereas it has been put forward that cell attachment requires particular chemical species on the surface of the polymer (with various oxygen-containing groups such as hydroxyl, carboxyl and carbonyl residues having been proposed,/-7), other surfaces with nitrogen-containing groups have also been shown to promote cell attachment (4,5,8). The commonly used cell culture substratum "tissue culture grade" polystyrene, TCPS, has a surface chemistry of oxygen-containing groups whereas the culture surface Primaria has nitrogen incorporated into the polystyrene surface. The surface of Primaria differs from that of TCPS in that Primaria has nearly equal amounts of nitrogen and oxygen whereas TCPS has little or no 0097-6156/95/0602-0436$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
nitrogen (4,5,7,9). Furthermore, films made using plasma etching or deposition reactions support colonisation by fibroblasts and endothelial cells, and these films can be fabricated with either oxygen or nitrogen-containing chemistries (4,5,7,10,11,12). When cell colonisation of surfaces occurs in the presence of serum, the surface may have adsorbed from the serum either Fibronectin (Fn) or Vitronectin (Vn). These serum glycoproteins differ in size and structure, but both can stimulate cell attachment through specific peptide sequences (including but not limited to the cell attachment motif arg-gly-asp) by cellular binding through receptors and proteoglycans on the cell surface (13). In previous reports we have demonstrated that the proteins on polymer surfaces involved in the attachment of human vein endothelial cells differs between two different classes of surface chemistries, when these cells are cultured in medium containing serum (11,14). Cell attachment to TCPS or oxygen-containing plasma films occurs as a result of the binding of Vn, but these surfaces fail to bind sufficient Fn from serum for efficient attachment of endothelial cells and fibroblasts (4,11,14-16). On nitrogen-containing surfaces, however, cell adhesion is dependent upon either Vn or Fn from serum, but either one of them is effective alone (77). This mechanistic difference was tentatively assigned to the presence of amide groups (10,11). In this report we present additional data which support a putative role of amide groups in the adsorption of effective concentrations of Fn for cell attachment, including a demonstration of a role for Fn in the mechanism of cell attachment to Primaria. During this study we observed some variability in the surface composition of TCPS and of Primaria. As these materials are commonly used as reference surfaces in the evaluation of the performance of novel cell growth substrates, the surface composition of a number of specimens of both materials were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in order to study putative variability in these surfaces. Materials and Methods Plasma modification. Plasma fims were prepared by plasma modification of fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer (FEP; DuPont 100 Type A , 12.7 mm wide tape) in a custom-built reactor (17) which enabled the modification of extended lengths of tape and hence the fabrication of numerous identical specimens for the various analyses and cell assays. The sample fabrication procedures which involved the surface treatment of FEP in an ammonia plasma (NH3/FEP) or the deposition onto FEP of thin films from the "monomers" heptylamine (HA) and dimethylacetamide (DMAc) were identical to those previously described (10). For comparison with TCPS, a number of monomers containing oxygen (but not nitrogen) were also used for plasma polymerization (10). A l l plasma-treated and plasma polymerized specimens were stored for at least eight weeks prior to cell assays allowing for equilibration of the surface compositions, which can vary over initial periods of time after fabrication due both to surface restructuring and oxidative processesbut which stabilize typically within a few days to several weeks (75-27). Surface composition analyses of plasma films and polystyrene surfaces. Primaria and TCPS specimens for XPS and contact angle analyses were cut out of the bottoms of multiwell tissue culture plates carrying various batch numbers. XPS analyses were performed on a V G Escalab V unit equipped with a non-monochromatic A l K source and a hemispherical analyser operating in the fixed analyser transmission mode. A power of 200 W (10 kV * 20 mA) was used for excitation. The pressure in the chamber during analysis was typically 2 xl0"9 mbar. The binding energy scale was calibrated with data from sputter-cleaned foils a
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
(Ni, Ag, Au and Cu) (22). With a pass energy of 30 eV, the width (FWHM) of the A g 3d5/2 peak was 1.5 eV. Linearity of the binding energy scale was assessed using PTFE tape as a reference material that yielded a binding energy separation of the F Is and C Is (CF2 component) peaks of 397.3 ± 0 . 1 eV, in agreement with literature data (23): A value of 285.0 eV for the binding energy of the main C Is component ( C H ) was used to correct for charging of the specimens under irradiation, except for NH3/FEP, for which charge correction was done assuming a peak position of 291.6 eV for the C F 2 component. High resolution spectra were recorded on individual peaks at a pass energy of 30 eV with a step width of 0.078 eV/channel. The elemental composition of the surface was determined by a first principles approach (24); atomic number ratios were calculated with integral peak intensities, using a nonlinear Shirley type background, and published values for photoionisation cross-sections (25). The inelastic mean free path of the photoelectrons was assumed to be proportional to E0.5, where E is the kinetic energy (26). The transmission function of the analyser had previously been determined to be proportional to E- 0.5. Individual components of the C Is signal of oxygen-containing plasma polymers and TCPS were fitted assuming a Gaussian/Lorentzian lineshape and using damped nonlinear least squares regression (27). For the nitrogen-containing plasma surfaces and Primaria, too many components and secondary shifts were expected to warrant such fitting. For both types of samples, however, the TCTC* shakeup satellite to the C Is peak was clearly separated and could be quantified. Spectra were collected at various angles of the photoelectron emission relative to the specimen surface (angle dependent XPS; ADXPS). The ADXPS intensity data were converted into depth profiles using a algorithm by Tyler, Castner and Ratner (28) and assuming a value of 3 nm for the electron attenuation length of a C Is photoelectron in a polymeric matrix (29).
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The random error associated with quantitative elemental analysis had previously been determined to be < 8 % on our unit using known, reproducible standard samples. The contribution of systematic errors is difficult to estimate, but the F/C ratio determined on PTFE tape agreed to within 3% with the theoretically expected value of 2. Also, several plasma-treated polymers and plasma polymer coatings had earlier been analyzed both on our unit and on a Surface Science Instruments SSX-100 spectrometer equipped with a monochromatic A l K source, located at NESAC/BIO, University of Washington, Seattle, and elemental ratios obtained on the two different instruments agreed to within 1 to 2 % (18,19). As polymer samples can be susceptible to X-ray induced decomposition under nonmonochromatic irradiation, degradation-related compositional changes were minimized by exposing specimens to X-rays for less than one minute before the start of the data acquisition. Total exposure time did not exceed 30 minutes. The contact angle apparatus and method has been described elsewhere (30) and measurements were performed in quadruplicate. Standard deviations were typically 1 to 2o, with somewhat larger uncertainties at (receding) angles below 10°. a
Cell culture and cell attachment assays. The culture of human vein endothelial (HUVE) cells was as previously described (11,14). The H U V E cells to be used in an attachment assay were metabolically labelled with radioactive methionine, as follows. Confluent cultures were passaged on the day before use in the attachment assay, then labelled by culture for 18 hr in methionine-free Medium 199 (Cytosystems, Sydney) containing 15% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS) and supplemented with S-methionine (Amersham, Australia) at a concentration of 5 uCi/ml. Cells were washed briefly with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) then a cell suspension prepared by incubation with 0.1% (w/v) trypsin/0.02% EDTA (in PBS) 35
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
solution at 37°C to cause retraction of the cell boundaries. The cells were displaced from the TCPS by pipetting of the solution, collected and centrifuged in serum-free culture medium then resuspended in fresh serum-free medium. The cell attachment assays were performed in Primaria (24-well tray, Becton Dickinson cat. no. 3847), or TCPS (Corning 24-well tray, cat. no. 25820) dishes. In experiments where various different sera were used, the cells were seeded in 50 ul of serum-free medium into wells which had been pre-loaded with 50 ul of 2 X serum concentration. FBS depleted of either Vn or Fn was prepared by methods described previously (15,16). Immunoassays showed that the Vn-depleted FBS retained normal Fn content and the Fn-depleted FBS retained normal Vn content. The cells were cultured in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37°C for 90 minutes then the wells were washed twice with PBS to remove nonattached cells and the attached cells were removed by overnight digestion with 0.1% (w/v) trypsin/0.02% E D T A solution. The digests were transferred to counting pots and the S content was determined by liquid scintillation counting.
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3 5
Determination of adsorption of Fn and V n to T C P S and Primaria. The amounts of Fn and Vn which adsorbed to Primaria and TCPS from serum-free medium or from medium containing FBS, were measured using radiolabelled Fn and Vn. Fn and Vn were radiolabelled with 1251 using the chloramine T method (see 31). The labelled Fn and Vn were stored for up to 4 weeks at -70oC. Following the radiolabelling reaction and subsequent storage, a proportion of the radioactivity is not able to adsorb to polymer surfaces (57). The proportion of the radiolabelled protein preparation which was adsorbable to Dynatech polyvinylchloride (PVC) trays was determined at various times of storage by a sequential binding method (31). At the time of use, the adsorbable fraction of 5 l labelled Vn was between 60 - 78% of the total radiolabel content and for ^l-¥n, the adsorbable fraction was 49 - 70% of the total radiolabel content. To measure the amount of Fn and Vn which adsorbed to Primaria and TCPS from serum-free medium, radiolabelled Fn or Vn was added to solutions of 5 or 10 ug Fn or Vn/ml and a 50 ul aliquot per well (containing 2 - 5 x 10 cpm) was incubated at 37°C for 90 min. To measure the amount of Fn and Vn which adsorbed to Primaria and TCPS from culture medium containing serum, FBS containing 50 ug of either Fn or Vn /ml of serum (made by the addition of Fn or Vn to depleted FBS) was used to make up solutions containing 10 or 20% (v/v) of FBS in culture medium. Radiolabelled Fn or Vn was added to the solutions and triplicate wells were incubated with 50 ul of solution for 90 min at 37°C. The wells were washed with three washes of PBS, then were cut from the dish using a hot wire and the adsorbed 1251 was measured. The total amount of adsorbable label was calculated from the total amount of radioactivity added per well and the proportion of this radioactivity which was determined to be adsorbable to Dynatech P V C trays. This total amount of adsorbable label, the radioactivity on the wells, the known Fn or V n concentration and the surface area of the well in contact with solution (0.63 cm2) were used to calculate the amounts of Fn or Vn adsorbed to Primaria or TCPS and expressed as ng/cm . 12
Results Surface Analysis of Plasma films, Primaria and T C P S . The surface composition of the N H 3 / F E P , Primaria, D M A c and H A specimens was characterized by the presence of the elements C, N , and O. Two examples of XPS survey spectra are reproduced in Figure 1. The elemental ratios depended
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Table I. Elemental composition determined by X P S at an emission angle of 70 degrees of representative specimens of P r i m a r i a and nitrogen-containing plasma polymers, and N H 3 plasma treated F E P FIC Sample NIC OIC Primaria
H A film
DMAc film
somewhat on the plasma conditions; representative values are listed in Table I. Oxygen was present on all surfaces, although the process gases N H 3 and H A did not contain oxygen and the plasma system was leak-tested carefully. Detailed analyses presented elsewhere have shown that the oxygen content in these surfaces arose from post-fabrication uptake of atmospheric oxygen which reacted with trapped, carbon-centered radicals (18-20). Grazing angle FTIR analysis of H A plasma polymers revealed that the C=0 stretch region contained two partially overlapping bands assigned to amide and carbonyl groups respectively. For D M A c , the C=0 stretch band was centered at a position typical of amide groups, but a higher energy shoulder indicative of the presence of a significantly smaller amount of carbonyls was present. XPS compositional data for four wells each from four Primaria multiwell plates and for two wells each from four TCPS plates are shown in Figure 2. There was significant compositional variability both between plates and within wells on one plate. Earlier analyses in which only one well from a plate was measured showed in some instances even larger variations from the mean of the values shown in Figure 2; for instance, one Primaria well was measured with a N/C ratio of 0.043 and an O/C ratio of 0.128, suggesting less extensive surface treatment than for the four plates shown. The variability of the Primaria surfaces was also manifested in contact angle measurements; representative data are shown in Figure 3 and suggest variable treatment efficiencies. In the case of TCPS likewise to that of Primaria, there were large variations observed in the O/C ratio. The data shown in Figure 2c were obtained from TCPS plates with different batch numbers, but analysed at the same time. Earlier analyses of single wells from individual plates had shown larger variability, for instance an O/C ratio of 0.14. The depth distribution of the nitrogen-containing groups was assessed by ADXPS. The depth profiles of the Primaria and NH3/FEP surfaces are shown in Figures 4A,B. This NH3/FEP sample (B) possessed a relatively low oxygen content since it had not stabilized yet; aged samples showed analogous depth profiles but for a higher oxygen content (data not shown). H A and D M A c plasma polymers did not show significant compositional variations with depth. For the Primaria and NH3/FEP surfaces, IR intensities were insufficient to allow such characterization. Accordingly, the binding energy of the XPS N Is peak was measured in order to determine the chemical nature of the dominant contribution to the N signal (Table II). In all cases the peak position is consistent with a predominant amide N contribution. This position would also be consistent with imides, but the IR identification of substantial concentrations of amides in the case of the H A and D M A c films suggests that these two types of surfaces comprise mainly amides. The slightly higher binding energy for Primaria is thought to relate
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
Binding Energy
800 (eV)
Figure 1. XPS survey spectra of Primaria and D M A c plasma polymer on FEP.
Figure 2. XPS atomic ratios determined at normal (zero degrees) photoelectron emission: (a) N/C, and (b) O/C of four wells each from four Primaria multiwell plates (A -D), and (c) O/C of two wells each from four TCPS plates (A - D).
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Figure 3. Advancing (A), sessile (S) and receding (R) air/water contact angles of representative untreated polystyrene, TCPS, and Primaria samples.
• . . ,—r—i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •
' A
80 60
1 | —
C (CHx) C (non CHx) 1
j" j •
20 0'> 0
i TI i. .i—.H. 15
Depth (A) below surface
Depth (A) below the surface
Figure 4. Compositional depth profiles by angle dependent XPS of Primaria (A) and NH3/FEP (B).
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
Table II. Binding energy of the XPS N Is peak for Primaria, HA and DMAc plasma polymers, and N H 3 plasma treated FEP N Is B.E. Sample
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400.67 ± 0.14a
H A film
400.0 ± 0 . 1
DMAc film 400.0 ± 0 . 1 uncertainty may possibly be larger than for other materials; see text for discussion. from the 16 samples shown in Figure 2.
to attachment to aromatic ring structures, and the presence of a shakeup satellite to the N Is peak is in agreement with this interpretation. For NH3/FEP, the charge correction was done using a value for the C F 2 peak which does not take into consideration possible secondary shifts consequent upon substitutions by the plasma treatment; accordingly, there is a potentially larger and presently undefinable uncertainty in the N Is binding energy value. Nevertheless, the value also corresponds well to that of amide groups. Several NH3/FEP samples have been assessed elsewhere by surface derivatization by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), which is a reagent probing for amine groups {18). After storage, the surfaces no longer were reactive, indicating disappearance of amine groups; this is consistent with oxidation of amines to amides, which are not capable of reaction with FITC. Thus, in summary, all four nitrogen-containing surfaces appeared to be qualitatively of similar composition, with amide groups being a major component. Oxygen-containing groups also were on the surfaces as a result of post-fabrication oxidation; carbonyl groups were evident in IR. TCPS and oxygen-containing plasma polymers could not be analyzed to the same extent because there are too many possible functional groups contributing to the C Is signal. Curve fitting enables determination only of classes of groups; derivatization reactions are needed for more detailed characterization. Involvement of Fn in initial attachment of endothelial cells. The initial attachment of H U V E cells onto these amide-containing surfaces during the first 90 min after seeding was stimulated by the presence of FBS in the seeding medium. The attachment of H U V E cells to Primaria in serum-free medium was 40.1 ± 6.2 (mean ± S E M of 5 experiments) of that in medium containing 15% (v/v) FBS; the proportion of cells which had spread was similarly lower in serum-free medium (87.3 ± 3.9% of cells when the medium contained FBS as compared to 51.3 ± 20.7% of cells seeded in serum-free medium). Selective depletion of Fn and Vn from the FBS prior to addition to the culture medium was conducted, in order to determine the requirements for these two adhesion factors in the stimulation of H U V E cell attachment. Table III shows that when both Fn and Vn had been removed from the FBS, H U V E cell attachment to Primaria was reduced to be less than that in serum-free medium. FBS that had been depleted of Vn alone stimulated cell attachment to equivalent levels as with intact FBS, as did FBS that had been depleted of Fn alone. These results show that the stimulation of H U V E cell attachment to Primaria by FBS was dependent upon either serum Fn, or Vn. Figure 5 shows that almost identical results were obtained for H U V E cell attachment to the ammonia plasma film surface, but that there was a higher dependence upon the
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Table III. Comparison of Primaria and T C P S for the involvement of Fn and V n in stimulation of H U V E cell attachment by 15% (v/v) serum Surface and Culture medium
HUVE cell attachment Mean + SEM
Fn Adsorbed (nglsq cm)
Vn Adsorbed (nglsq cm)
% (100) + 4.0 77.6 + 3.1 74.1 + 5.5 14.2 ± 3 . 8
31.4 0 0
0 47.0 0
% (100) + 6.4 25.6 + 5.4 80.4 + 2.4 14.6 + 3.5
12.4 0 0
0 47.5 0
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Primaria: FBS Depleted of Vn Depleted of Fn Depleted of Vn and Fn TCPS: FBS Depleted of Vn Depleted of Fn Depleted of Vn and Fn
serum Fn content than the serum Vn content. These results with the amidecontaining surfaces contrast with those previously described for oxygen-containing surfaces, such as TCPS and plasma films deposited with methanol, ethanol or methylmethacrylate (10,11). On these oxygen-containing surfaces, the stimulation of H U V E cell attachment by FBS was dependent upon the Vn component, whereas cell attachment was essentially independent of the serum Fn content. The ability to selectively remove Vn from FBS enabled the involvement of Fn in H U V E cell attachment to the amide-containing surfaces to be tested by repletion experiments. Figure 6 shows the dependence of stimulation of H U V E cell attachment to Primaria and TCPS upon the serum Fn content, at several concentrations in the range of 0 - 2 ug/ml Fn. For the Primaria surface and in the absence of Vn, H U V E cell attachment correlated with the Fn concentration, whereas on TCPS no stimulation of H U V E cell attachment was demonstrated.
Adsorption of Fn and Vn in medium containing other serum proteins. The adsorption of Fn and Vn onto Primaria and TCPS was determined at two concentrations that were equivalent to the concentrations found in cell culture media. For the situation where the content of Fn or Vn in FBS is 50 ug/ml of serum and the serum content is either 10% and 20% (v/v), the concentration is 5 ug/ml and 10 ug/ml. Table IV compares the amounts of Fn and Vn that adsorbed to Primaria and TCPS at these Fn and Vn concentrations, from serum-free medium and from culture medium containing FBS. The surface density of Fn that adsorbed from medium containing other serum proteins was reduced as compared to that from serum-free medium, the competition from other serum proteins reducing adsorption to 3 - 13% of that from serum-free medium. Furthermore, there was a difference between the surfaces in the extent to which competition from other serum proteins reduced the amount of Fn that adsorbed to Primaria and TCPS. On Primaria, 10 - 20% (v/v) serum reduced Fn adsorption to 10 - 13% whereas on TCPS, the adsorption of Fn was reduced to
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
Figure 5. Requirement for serum Vn and Fn for the attachment of H U V E cells on the NH3/FEP surface. H U V E cells were seeded in serum-free medium (bars with diagonal stripes) or medium containing 15% (v/v) intact FBS (open bars), Vn-depleted FBS (shaded bars), Fn-depleted FBS (dotted bars) or FBS depleted of both Fn and Vn (bars with horizontal stripes) and cell attachment was measured after 90 min. Mean ± SEM.
Cell attachment (% cells)
Fn concentration (ug/ml) in medium Figure 6. Comparison of Primaria with TCPS for the attachment of H U V E cells in the 90 minutes after seeding in media containing 15% (v/v) of Fn- and Vn depleted serum and replenished with the indicated final Fn concentrations. The histogram shows H U V E cell attachment to Primaria (solid bars) and TCPS (open bars). Mean ± S E M ; mean of triplicate determinations.
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Downloaded by GEORGETOWN UNIV on August 21, 2015 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0602.ch031
3 - 5%. The surface densities of Fn that adsorbed onto TCPS and Primaria from serum-free medium were between 162 - 450 ng/sq cm, which compare to a calculated value of 300-5000 ng/sq cm for a close-packed monolayer of Fn, depending upon the presumed orientation of the molecule (32). Interestingly, although the amounts of Fn that adsorbed onto Primaria from medium containing other serum proteins was higher than for TCPS, the amounts that adsorbed onto Primaria from serum-free medium was less than to TCPS. Similar surface densities of Vn adsorbed onto Primaria and TCPS, in both the case of serum-free medium and also from medium containing serum proteins (depleted of endogenous Fn and Vn). The presence of serum proteins reduced the amount of Vn that adsorbed to approximately 26 - 32% of that from serum-free medium. Whereas the Primaria surface bound more Fn in the presence of competing serum proteins than did TCPS, the surfaces showed equivalent adsorption of Vn in the presence of serum (Table IV). Discussion The analysis presented here of the role of amide surface groups in the mechanism of initial attachment of human endothelial cells is based upon the correlation between the presence of amide groups and the demonstrated involvement of Fn in cell attachment, shown by repletion experiments. These repletion experiments were conducted after Vn had been removed from the F B S , as for both nitrogencontaining and also other hydrophilic surfaces without amide (eg TCPS, oxygencontaining plasma films), adsorbed Vn provides one mechanism of cell attachment (11,14,16,33-35). The surface chemistry of nitrogen-containing plasma films and Primaria. The main point of interest arising from the present study of surface compositions of Primaria and nitrogen-containing plasma films is the close analogy between the depth profiles and the surface functional groups of Primaria and NH3/FEP. Thus one may consider the four N-containing surfaces included in this and our previous studies (being D M A c , NH3/FEP, HA/FEP plasma films and Table I V . The effect of other serum proteins upon adsorption of Fn and V n to Primaria as compared to T C P S Adsorbed Adsorbed Fn or Vn concentration from from Surface mdium serum-free with serum medium (ng/sq cm) (ng/sq cm) 5 ug/ml Fn in 10% (v/v) FBS
TCPS Primaria
236.8 162.8
11.7 21.6
lOug/ml Fn in 20% (v/v) FBS
TCPS Primaria
450.7 293.2
15.4 29.4
5 ug/ml Vn in 10% (v/v) FBS
TCPS Primaria
154.4 137.8
40.5 43.6
10 ug/ml Vn in 20% (v/v) FBS
TCPS Primaria
236.6 229.4
71.4 70.5
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
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Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
Primaria) as related materials, albeit with hydrocarbon or fluorocarbon backbone structure. It is likely that polar groups, including in particular amides, will make major contributions to the surface interactions of these materials. A previous analysis of the surface chemistry of Primaria showed the nitrogen content to be similar to the oxygen content, and that the nitrogen may be bonded directly to the aromatic ring of polystyrene or one carbon from the ring (4,5,9). We note that our XPS data for Primaria differ somewhat from previous analyses (4,5) in that we found the N content to be only about half of the O content, whereas previous studies had reported nearly equal amounts of the two elements. One possible explanation rests on the observation that plasma-treated surfaces continue to incorporate O over extended periods of time (18,19); the Primaria specimens we analysed may simply have been older and thus have incorporated additional O by the slow, extended post-fabrication oxidative process. This study has documented considerable variability in the elemental composition of specimens of Primaria, suggesting either variability in the commercial process used for surface modification or variability in stability during storage. Some variability of composition was also seen with TCPS, but to a lesser extent. Such variability is of concern, because Primaria and TCPS are commonly used as reference materials in cell colonisation assays. The nitrogen content of Primaria varied considerably more than did the oxygen content. Interestingly, the nitrogen contents and oxygen contents did not appear to be related, suggesting that they are not incorporated by the same primary mechanism. Furthermore, the shakeup satellite intensity appeared to be inversely proportional to the nitrogen content, although the low intensity observed made accurate quantitation difficult. The variability of Primaria surface composition was also detected in contact angle measurements. As Chinn and Ratner have found that the surface treatment effects on Primaria can be partially removed by washing (Ratner, B.D.; University of Washington, personal communication, 1993), the method of measurement of contact angles may interfere with the reliability of this method of analysis of the surface. Since the rate of such a dissolution of fragmented, modified surface polymer chains from Primaria is not known at present, it is not possible to predict whether such a dissolution process interferes with the results of either contact angle measurements or the initial cell attachment assays (which were conducted for 90 minutes culture). Furthermore, it is possible that in the cell attachment assay the adsorption of proteins onto the surface may cover it sufficiently rapidly and effectively as to block the release of low molecular weight polymeric material into the medium. The consequences of partial elutability of modified surface layers is in need of study and caution is indicated until we have an improved understanding. Mechanism of the initial attachment of human vein endothelial cells onto P r i m a r i a and amide-containing plasma films. The comparison between surfaces containing amide groups and oxygen-containing surfaces in the involvement of Fn in the initial attachment of endothelial cells was quite stark, when compared to the common ability of these two groups of surfaces to support cell attachment in a Vn-dependent reaction. Whereas the amide-containing surfaces showed effective cell attachment with as little as 2 ug/ml Fn in the serum component of the culture medium, the oxygen-containing surfaces did not support cell attachment in this medium (present study,//). These cell attachment results are supported by data comparing Primaria and TCPS for the adsorption of Fn and Vn (present study,56). Adsorption of higher levels of Fn was also seen previously with nitrogen-containing plasma polymers (4) but not with other nitrogencontaining surfaces made using a nitrogen plasma (12). The Primaria surface adsorbed Fn surface densities that were approximately 185-190% of those to TCPS, when the adsorption was from serum-containing medium. These results
In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Downloaded by GEORGETOWN UNIV on August 21, 2015 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0602.ch031
contrasted to the adsorption of Vn from serum-containing medium, which was similar on Primaria and TCPS (present study ,36). Furthermore, the amounts of Fn that adsorbed to Primaria from serum-free medium were only 66% of those to TCPS. Taken together, these results indicate that the Primaria surface promotes the adsorption of Fn in competition with other serum proteins; This higher avidity of the Primaria surface is the result of a reaction that is somewhat specific to Fn, in that it is demonstrated under conditions of competitive binding and that it is not seen with Vn. The Fn-binding reaction of Primaria and the active conformation of the adsorbed Fn is sufficiently effective as to provide a Vn-independent mechanism for the colonisation of the amide-containing surfaces by human vein endothelial cells, not seen with oxygen-containing surfaces. The results of the Fn adsorption experiments lead to emphasis on the adsorption of Fn to amide-containing surfaces as a key difference from oxygencontaining surfaces. Although the repletion experiments show that the Fn adsorbed onto the amide-containing surfaces is active, it will also be of interest to compare the conformation of Fn adsorbed onto these surfaces with that on oxygen-containing surfaces using monoclonal antibodies to the cell-binding regions of Fn (37,38). In previous studies of Fn adsorbed on TCPS and the hydrophobic surface unmodified polystyrene (PS), it was shown that Fn adsorbed onto the hydrophobic surface was compromised in its cell attachment activity, including for attachment of H U V E cells (39,40,14). Further evidence that the polymer surface chemistry can affect the activity of Fn was obtained with chemically-derivatized self-assembled monolayers and attachment of neuronal cells and fibroblasts^/,42). Although the correlation between the presence of amide groups on the Primaria surface and the Fn-binding reaction suggests that it may involve interaction of the surface of Fn with surface amide groups, the determination of the precise binding mechanism (if indeed it is a single mechanism) will be a challenging project, particularly as it will need to be studied under competitive binding conditions.
Acknowledgements We thank Ms S. Mayer and Mr Zoran Vasic for their expert technical assistance. This work was supported in part by the IRD program of DITAC and by AMBRI Ltd., Cyanamid Australia Pty Ltd., Telectronics Pty Ltd. and Terumo (Australia) Pty Ltd.
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Cell Attachment to Surfaces Containing Amide Groups
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In Proteins at Interfaces II; Horbett, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.