Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay - ACS Symposium

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13 Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay 1




Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Frederick, MD Department of Biology, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069



Bioassays to detect a wide range of concentrations of allelochemicals were developed to follow a l l e l o ­ pathic a c t i v i t y during compound i d e n t i f i c a t i o n and to determine the biochemical mechanism(s) of plant growth i n h i b i t i o n by the allelochemicals. Compar­ ison of several bioassays f o r s e n s i t i v i t y to phenolic acids, flavanoids, and coumarins showed that the growth and reproduction of cultured Lemna species was i n h i b i t e d at concentrations as low as 50 μΜ. Other assays i n order of decreasing s e n s i t i v i t y were: sorghum seedling growth i n nutrient culture, seed germination, and radicle elongation. The Lemna assay was developed using 24-well culture dishes that provided s i x replications of each treatment. Beginning with three to f i v e fronds per w e l l , the rate of vegetative reproduction and growth rate were determined over a seven-day culture period. Lemna growing i n treatments containing high concentrations of phenolic acids (1000 µM) f a i l e d to produce new fronds and lacked chlorophyll. Lower concentrations (to 250 µM) reduced the growth rate 50% over a seven-day period. Determination of chlorophyll i n Lemna minor and anthocyanin i n Lemna obscura, increased the s e n s i t i v i t y of t h i s bioassay to 0.5 nM concentrations of allelochemicals. The Lemna assays were also useful for determining bioactive fractions extracted from a l l e l o p a t h i c plants. Bioassays are useful tools f o r detecting physiological a c t i v i t y of substances (allelochemicals) i n plant and soil extracts and f o r following a c t i v i t y as extracts are p u r i f i e d and the components separated into various f r a c t i o n s . Frequently, a bioassay detects physiological a c t i v i t y at concentrations much lower than the s e n s i t i v i t y of chemical t e s t s . The choice of a bioassay depends upon the amount of chemical a v a i l a b l e for testing, the suspected physiological a c t i v i t y of the allelochemical, and the s e n s i t i v i t y 0097-6156/ 85/0268-0197$06.00/ 0 © 1985 American Chemical Society



needed for detection. A commonly used assay has entailed the use of leachates from sand-nutrient cultures of suspected allelopaths to i r r i g a t e target plants, using a s t a i r - s t e p array i n which pots containing donor plants are placed at a higher l e v e l than those holding the target plants (1). Other variations of sand culture include incorporation of plant residues into the rooting medium, i r r i g a t i o n with nutrient solutions containing plant extracts, and i r r i g a t i o n through surface-applied plant residues (2, 3). A great number of investigators of allelopathy have used e f f e c t s on seed germination and seedling morphology i n bioassays 03, 4^, 5^, 6). Although germination bioassays are simple and expedient, they often have been used without proper r e p l i c a t i o n and s t a t i s t i c a l analysis (7). Other kinds of bioassays have been used to detect the presence of s p e c i f i c allelochemical e f f e c t s (8), e f f e c t s on ^ - f i x a t i o n (j)), the presence of v o l a t i l e compounds (10) and of i n h i b i t o r y substances produced by marine microalgae (11). Putnam and Duke (12) have summarized the extraction techniques and bioassay methods used i n allelopathy research. Recent developments i n high performance l i q u i d chromatography (HPLC) separation of allelochemicals from plant extracts dictates the need for bioassays with s e n s i t i v i t y to low concentrations of compounds contained i n small volumes of eluent. E i n h e l l i g et a l . (13) described a bioassay using Lemna minor L. growing i n tissue culture c l u s t e r dish wells that maximizes s e n s i t i v i t y and minimizes sample requirements. The reported (14) mechanisms of action of allelochemicals include e f f e c t s on root ultrastructure and subsequent i n h i b i t i o n of ion absorption and water uptake, e f f e c t s on hormone-induced growth, a l t e r a t i o n of membrane permeability, changes i n lipid and organic acid metabolism, i n h i b i t i o n of protein synthesis and a l t e r a t i o n of enzyme a c t i v i t y , and e f f e c t s on stomatal opening and on photosynthesis. Reduced leaf water potential is one result of treatment with f e r u l i c and p-coumaric acids (15). Colton and E i n h e l l i g (16) found that aqueous extracts of velvetleaf (AbutiIon theophrasti Medic.) increased d i f f u s i v e resistance i n soybean [Glycine max. (L.) Merr.] leaves, probably as a result of stomatal closure. In addition, there was evidence of water stress and reduced quantities of chlorophyll i n i n h i b i t e d plants. E i n h e l l i g and Rasmussen (17) reported that i n addition to f e r u l i c and p-coumaric acids, v a n i l l i c acid reduced chlorophyll content of soybean leaves but did not a f f e c t chlorophyll i n grain sorghum [Sorghum b i c o l o r (L.) Moench.]. It is not known whether these reported mechanisms are primary or secondary events i n the i n h i b i t i o n of plant growth by allelochemicals. We investigated the value of d i f f e r e n t bioassays for elucidating the mechanisms of action of allelochemicals i n i n h i b i t i n g plant growth. Materials and Methods Seed germination. Tests for allelochemical i n h i b i t i o n of wild mustard [Brassica kaber (DC.) L.C. Wheeler var. p i n n a t i f i d a (Stokes) L.C. Wheeler] seed germination were made according to the methods of Leather (3). Germination of white clover (Trlfolium



Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay


repens L.) and radish (Raphanus sat!vus L.) seeds was evaluated i n 5-cm p e t r i dishes with one ml of test solution which saturated a 4.9 cm disc of Whatman No. 3 f i l t e r paper. Each experiment contained 6 replications of 50 clover or 25 radish seeds. The germinator was maintained at 25° C with 8 hr of fluorescent l i g h t . Radicle elongation. Pre-germinated sorghum seeds were placed ten each at the top of a 4.5 by 5.0 cm piece of Whatman No. 3 f i l t e r paper saturated with 1 ml of test solution. The seeds were positioned with the emerging r a d i c l e d i s t a l to the paper and aligned with the long axis of the paper. The paper with seeds was placed between the glass plates of a sandwich chromatography chamber and the plates clamped. The plates were placed at a 45° angle i n a germinator f o r 4-6 hr. After the radicles made contact with the paper, the t i p position was indicated by an ink mark on the glass. Measurements of r a d i c l e elongation were made 24 hr l a t e r . This procedure was a modification of the bioassay described by Parker (18). Sorghum seedling growth. Seeds of sorghum were germinated i n vermiculite under greenhouse conditions (35/25° C day/night temperature, 14 hr supplemental l i g h t from metal hallde lamps). After 6 days, the seedlings were transplanted to 80-ml opaque v i a l s f i l l e d with f u l l strength Hoagland and Arnon's (19) solution containing 1.6 times the normal concentration of iron. After 3 days acclimatization, seedlings of uniform size were selected and treated with an allelochemical. Each treatment was replicated 15 times i n a completely randomized design. The plants were harvested 7 days a f t e r treatment and dry weights of the roots and shoots determined. Lemna bioassay. A bioassay f o r allelochemicals using Lemna minor L. (duckweed) growing i n 24-well tissue culture c l u s t e r dishes was previously described by E i n h e l l i g et a l . (13). In addition, tests were made with allelochemicals to determine their e f f e c t s on chlorophyll production by L^. minor. Chlorophyll content of duckweed was determined a f t e r 7 days i n culture using the method described by E i n h e l l i g and Rasmussen (17). In other experiments, t o t a l anthocyanin production by L^. obscura cultured as above was assayed. Harvested L. obscura were soaked i n 3 ml of O.1 M HC1 for 4 hr i n the dark. The solution was f i l t e r e d and the absorbance of the supernatant at 550 rim was determined. The plant residue was dried at 70° C f o r 24 hr and weighed. Anthocyanin content was expressed as ug of anthocyanin per mg dry weight of I J . obscura. In preliminary studies, we observed that ethanol reduced anthocyanin production i n t h i s bioassay. Since many crude fractions need to be s o l u b i l i z e d i n alcohol or other solvent (20), we examined the effects by adding 5 μΐ of ethanol solution to each well. A l l Lemna experiments contained 6 replications of each treatment and were repeated at least one time. Results and Discussion Seed germination. Germination of wild mustard seeds with a dormancy l e v e l of about 50 percent was stimulated a f t e r 10 days to



near 70 percent by 500 and 100 μΜ f e r u l i c acid (Table I ) . High concentrations (750 and 1500 μΜ) of benzoic acid i n h i b i t e d wild mustard germination throughout the 10 day test, but at 150 μΜ germination was delayed at 3 days and by 10 days stimulation was apparent· TABLE I.

Effect of F e r u l i c (FA) and Benzoic (BA) Acids on the Germination of Wild Mustard Seeds Germination^/


3 day

H2O Control 100 μΜ FA 500 μΜ FA 1000 μΜ FA

50.6 60.6 58.4 58.4

a a a a

"" 10 day 54.6 a 69.7 c 67.0 be 60.0 ab

H 0 Control 50.6 c 54.6 c 150 μΜ ΒΑ 41.0 b 68.6 de 750 μΜ ΒΑ 12.0 a 12.0 b 1500 μΜ ΒΑ 3.0 a 3.0 a l/ Means In each column followed by the same l e t t e r are not s i g n i f i c a n t l y different at the 5% l e v e l of probability according to Duncan*s Multiple Range t e s t . 2

The rate of germination of white clover seed was stimulated by 100 μΜ f e r u l i c acid through the i n i t i a l 24 hr of the test (Table I I ) . Germination of clover was delayed by 500 μΜ f e r u l i c acid, but a f t e r 36 hr no differences were observed at 100 to 500 μΜ concentrations. High concentrations (1000-2000 μΜ) were consis­ tently i n h i b i t o r y . Radish seed germination was not affected by f e r u l i c acid levels tested except at 24 hr when those i n 500 μΜ were less than controls. TABLE I I .

Effect of F e r u l i c Acid (FA) on the Germination of White Clover and Radish Seed

White clover Radish 24 hr 36 hr 18 hr 24 hr 36 hr X germination!' H 0 Control 30.0 be 51.4 b 62.0 b 58.0 a 78.0 be 86.7 a 100 μΜ FA 43.0 d 62.4 c 72.6 b 56.0 a 76.7 be 88.7 a 250 μΜ FA 37.0 cd 71.0 c 74.6 b 44.7 a 67.3 ab 82.7 a 500 μΜ FA 19.6 a 47.6 ab 62.0 b 51.3 a 58.0 a 86.7 a 1000 uM FA 19.4 a 41.2 a 45.6 a 49.3 a 74.7 be 85.3 a 2000 μΜ FA 21.4 ab 39.4 a 45.4 a 49.3 a 83.3 c 92.0 a 1/ Means i n each column followed by the same l e t t e r are not s i g n i f i c a n t l y different at the 5% l e v e l of probability according to Duncan's Multiple Range t e s t . Treatment

18 hr


Radicle elongation. The r a d i c l e elongation test was the least sensitive bioassay. Only very high (2000 μΜ) concentrations of f e r u l i c acid i n h i b i t e d the r a d i c l e elongation of pre-germinated grain sorghum (Table I I I ) . In e a r l i e r Investigations we observed i n h i b i t i o n of r a d i c l e elongation i n t h i s test using extracts of



Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay


sunflower (Hellanthus annuus L.) at a l e v e l of 4 g/100 ml H2O whereas log d i l u t i o n s of the extract were not active (unpublished data). TABLE I I I . Effect of F e r u l i c Acid (FA) on Radicle Elongation of Pre-germinated Grain Sorghum Control

250 μΜ FA

25.8 + 1.0

500 μΜ FA 1000 μΜ FA mm + SEM a f t e r 24 hr 28.7 + 1.7 24.8 + 1.7 23.1 + 1.0

2000 μΜ FA 16.6 + O.9*

* D i f f e r s s i g n i f i c a n t l y from the c o n t r o l , Ρ • O.05 Grain sorghum seedlings. The growth of grain sorghum i n nutrient culture was inhibited by 250 μΜ concentrations of s a l i c y l i c a c i d (Table IV). Threshold concentrations were variable under greenhouse conditions but were consistently lower than i n seed germination or r a d i c l e elongation experiments. E i n h e l l i g and Rasmussen (17) reported the threshold concentration f o r i n h i b i t i o n of grain sorghum by v a n i l l i c , p-coumaric, and f e r u l i c acids, to be 500 μΜ. A recent study shows that 200 μΜ f e r u l i c acid i n h i b i t s grain sorghum growth when day temperature is 37° C (21), TABLE IV. Effect of S a l i c y l i c Acid (SA) on Grai. Sorghum Seedlings Growing i n Nutrient Solution Concentration SA (μΜ) 0 50 100 250 500 1000 ± J Values are the treatment. Means not s i g n i f i c a n t l y Duncan's Multiple

Experiment 1

Experiment 2

mg dry wt.l/ 209.8 cd 227.9 cd 213.7 d 220.1 cd 260.9 d 184.6 be 165.8 b 206.8 be 76.0 a 172.4 b 57.9 a 66.5 a means of 15 plants harvested 7 days a f t e r i n each column followed by the same l e t t e r are different at the 5% l e v e l of probability using Range t e s t .

Lemna bioassay. The growth of minor i n tissue culture dishes has been reported to have been i n h i b i t e d by 50 μΜ concentrations of allelochemical (13). Results of experiments designed to compare the a c t i v i t y of different allelochemicals on the growth of L. minor are shown i n Tables V and VI. A l l the compounds except chlorogenic acid decreased the f i n a l frond number and dry weight when supplied at 1000 μΜ concentration. However, 250 μΜ chlorogenic acid inhibited both of the measured growth parameters. The 250 μΜ concentration of e s c u l e t i n was also i n h i b i t o r y . These results compare with those reported previously for f e r u l i c acid (13). Another important feature of t h i s bioassay is the a b i l i t y to detect stimulatory levels of compounds. This was shown i n tests with catechin where stimulation of growth and frond production was measured at levels as low as 50 μΜ (Tables V and VI).



TABLE V. Comparison of Allelochemicals on the F i n a l Frond Number of L. minor Growing f o r 7 Days i n 24-well Tissue Culture Cluster Dishes Concentration μΜ



Chlorogenic Vanillic acid S copoletin acid #

0 35.7 c 39.5 a 52.5 a 54.5 ab 43.5 a 50 59.3 a 39.3 a 45.7 ab 43.5 b NSi/ 100 49.0 b 37.0 a 41.8 abc 55.0 ab 42.8 a 250 42.3 be 23.0 b 36.0 bed 58.0 a 36.2 ab 500 35.8 c 11.2 c 39.3 bed 28.3 c 24.5 b 1000 10.3 d 4.0 c 40.8 abc 4.2 d 4.0 c U Values are the means of 6 replications harvested 7 days a f t e r treatment. Means i n a column followed by the same l e t t e r are not s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e r e n t at the 5% l e v e l using Duncan's Multiple Range t e s t . U No sample. TABLE VI. Comparisons of Allelochemicals on the Dry Weight of L^. minor Growing f o r 7 Days i n 24-well Tissue Culture Cluster Dishes Concentration yM

Chlorogenic Vanillic Esculetin acid Scopoletin acid Dry wt. 0 2.9 c 3.3 a 4.5 ab 3.9 ab 3.7 ab 50 5.4 a 3.6 a 4.8 a 3.4 b NSi/ 100 4.5 b 3.1 a 3.6 ab 4.5 a 3.8 a 250 4.3 b 1.4 b 2.8 c 4.5 a 3.7 ab 500 3.2 c O.6 b 4.2 ab 2.9 b 2.4 b 1000 1.9 d O.3 c 4.6 a O.6 c O.2 c L Values are the means of 6 replications harvested 7 days a f t e r treatment. Means i n each column followed by the same l e t t e r are not s i g n i f i c a n t l y different at the 5% l e v e l using Duncan's Multiple Range t e s t . U No sample. Catechin


Additional research with Lemna species has indicated that parameters other than direct growth measurements may be more sensitive i n t h i s bioassay. Table VII compares growth and chlorophyll content of L^. minor as affected by catechin. F i n a l frond number was i n h i b i t e d by 1000 μΜ catechin and stimulated at lower concentrations of 50 and 100 μΜ. Chlorophyll content on a per-frond basis, however, was consistently i n h i b i t e d by catechin and was concentration dependent to 100 μΜ. Lemna obscura fronds contain high quantities of anthocyanin that are extractable by soaking the fronds i n O.1 M HC1. L. obscura growth i n the culture dish bioassay was similar to that of L^. minor and appeared to be more s e n s i t i v e to low l e v e l s of allelochemicals. Anthocyanin concentration was affected by low concentrations of s a l i c y l i c acid (Table V I I I ) . F i n a l frond number and dry weight were consistently reduced by 100 μΜ and 500 μΜ concentrations of s a l i c y l i c acid whereas anthocyanin formation was i n h i b i t e d by 50 yM concentrations of s a l i c y l i c acid and stimulated by O.5 μΜ.



Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay


TABLE VII. E f f e c t of Catechin on the Growth and Chlorophyll Content of Lemna minor L. Growing i n 24-well Tissue Culture Cluster Dishes Concentration catechin, μΜ

Final frond no.

Chlorophyll ^g/frond)

% of control 50 125.1* 100 127.9* 250 110.0 500 98.7 1000 26.5* * D i f f e r s s i g n i f i c a n t l y from the control, Ρ - O.05.

100.6 80.8 61.8* 49.8* 21.3*

TABLE VIII. Effect of S a l i c y l i c Acid (SA) on Growth and Anthocyanin Content i n Lemna obscura L. Cultured i n 24-well Tissue Culture Cluster Dishes Concentration SA, (μΜ)

Final frond no.

Final Anthocyanin dry wt. (mg) (\i&/mg dry wt.) % of control O.5 96.3 93.1 134.4* 1.0 93.1 104.5 88.4* 5.0 84.4* 93.7 94.0 10.0 100.5 127.2* 102.7 50.0 88.7* 123.5* 48.5* 100.0 62.4* 84.6* 30.6* 500.0 13.3* 56.2* O.0* * D i f f e r s s i g n i f i c a n t l y from the controls, Ρ » O.05 by t test. The use of ethanol or other organic solvents f o r dissolving plant allelochemicals to permit bioassay may influence the results of sensitive bioassays. We examined the effects of several d i f f e r e n t concentrations of ethanol on frond production and anthocyanin content i n L^. obscura. The results show that both f i n a l frond number and anthocyanin content were decreased when the culture medium contained O.133 or greater percent ethanol (v/v) (Table IX). TABLE IX. Influence of Ethanol Amendments on F i n a l Frond Number and Anthocyanin Content of _L. obscura Growing i n 24-well Tissue Culture Cluster Dishes

O.0 Final frond no. Anthocyanin (Ug/mg dry wt.)

Percent ethanol (v/v)!/ O.017 O.033 O.067 O.133 O.200 O.267 O.333

















i/Results are the means of two experiments, 6 times.

each value replicated



The results of our experiments with several bioassays f o r the determination of allelochemical a c t i v i t y show differences i n threshold levels for i n h i b i t i o n or stimulation. We have demonstrated that anthocyanin production by L^. obscura growing i n 24-well tissue culture c l u s t e r dishes is the most sensitive to allelochemicals. Other assays i n order of decreasing s e n s i t i v i t y were: 1) chlorophyll production and growth of L^. minor i n tissue culture dishes, 2) sorghum seedling growth i n nutrient culture, 3) seed germination, and 4) r a d i c l e elongation. Selection of a bioassay depends on the growth parameters to be measured and the quantity of allelochemical available. For example, the sorghum seedling bioassay used i n our studies may be the best for determining the uptake, d i s t r i b u t i o n , and metabolism of known allelochemicals where quantity of compound is not a factor and the use of radiolabeled materials would be expedient. Additional investigation is required to determine i f effects on these pathways are primary or secondary mechanisms of action and i f the same mechanisms are applicable to more anatomically complex plants and under a range of environmental conditions. The Lemna bioassay, as previously described (13), is p a r t i c u l a r l y useful for the determination of bioactive fractions collected during HPLC of extracts from a l l e l o p a t h i c plants. A c t i v i t y has been detected i n the Lemna bioassay with HPLC fractions of unknown allelochemicals from sunflower using quantities as low as 5 μΐ of a 28 ppm w/v solution (see Saggese et a l . this publication). Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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Mechanisms of Allelopathic Action in Bioassay


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RECEIVED June 12, 1984