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Mechanisms of Methyl Mercury Net Degradation in Alder Swamps

Mar 14, 2018 - ... net producers of the neurotoxin monomethylmercury (MeHg) and are largely responsible for MeHg bioaccumulation in aquatic food-webs...
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Environmental Processes

Mechanisms of methyl mercury net degradation in alder swamps: the role of methanogens and abiotic processes Rose-Marie Kronberg, Jeffra K Schaefer, Erik Björn, and Ulf Skyllberg Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00081 • Publication Date (Web): 14 Mar 2018 Downloaded from on March 16, 2018

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Environmental Science & Technology Letters


Mechanisms of Methyl Mercury Net Degradation in Alder Swamps: the Role of Methanogens and Abiotic Processes

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Rose-Marie Kronberg1, Jeffra K. Schaefer2, Erik Björn3, and, Ulf Skyllberg1*

8 1Department

of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural


Sciences, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden



of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New

Brunswick, NJ 08901

14 3Chemistry

Department, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden

16 *Corresponding author: Ulf Skyllberg. Phone: +46 (0)90-786 84 60; e-mail:


[email protected]


1 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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ABSTRACT Wetlands are common net producers of the neurotoxin monomethylmercury (MeHg)


and are largely responsible for MeHg bioaccumulation in aquatic food-webs. However, not all wetlands net produce MeHg - notable exceptions are black alder (Alnus glutinosa)


swamps which net degrade MeHg. Here we report the mechanisms of MeHg demethylation in one such swamp (EHT), shown to be a sink for MeHg during four


consecutive years. The potential demethylation rate constant (kd) in soil incubations was ~3 times higher in the downstream (EHT-D: kd ~0.14 d-1) as compared to the


upstream part of the swamp (EHT-U: kd ~0.05 d-1). This difference concurred with increased stream and soil pH, and a change in plant community composition. Electron


acceptor and inhibitor addition experiments revealed that abiotic demethylation dominated at EHT-U while an additional and equally large contribution from biotic


degradation was observed at EHT-D, explaining the increase in MeHg degradation. Biotic demethylation (EHT-D) was primarily due to methanogens, inferred by a decrease in kd


to autoclaved levels following selective inhibition of methanogens, not sulfate-reducers. While methanogen-specific transcripts (mcrA) were found throughout the wetland,


transcripts clustering with Methanosaetaceae were exclusive to EHT-D, suggesting a possible role for these acetoclastic methanogens in the degradation of MeHg.



Mercury (Hg) in general, but more specifically the neurotoxin monomethylmercury (MeHg), tends to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the aquatic environment. Exposure


from fish consumption is of particular concern to humans, and in Sweden alone Hg concentrations in fish are above consumption guidelines (0.02 mg kg-1 ww)1 in most of


its ~100 000 lakes, and the problem is persisting.2,3 The amount of MeHg available for bioaccumulation is the net of two concurrent processes; methylation of inorganic


divalent Hg (HgII) and MeHg demethylation. Methylation is primarily an anaerobic

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process while demethylation occurs in both anaerobic and aerated environments.4–6 Our


understanding of biotic methylation mechanisms has greatly improved over the last years, including identification of the two genes hgcA and hgcB by which MeHg is formed


in bacteria and archaea.7 Our understanding of mechanisms and factors in control of MeHg degrading processes in natural environments are however less developed.


Both abiotic and biotic demethylation occur, with photolysis of MeHg in surface waters being the major sink of MeHg in aquatic environments,8 and the focus of most


MeHg degradation studies.9 There are two known pathways for biotic demethylation; 1) the combined actions of the organomercurial lyase (MerB) and mercuric reductase


(MerA),10 converting MeHg to Hg0 and CH4, and 2) an “oxidative” pathway where MeHg is degraded to HgII and either CO2 and/or CH4, allowing for potential recycling of HgII


back to MeHg.4 The former pathway dominates in Hg contaminated areas while the latter is more common at unpolluted sites.5,6 Aerobic organisms known to degrade MeHg


via the mer pathway10 have recently been shown to degrade MeHg independent of mer, including some methanotrophs11 and a Pseudomonas sp.12 In anoxic wetlands and


sediments, both methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) have been implicated in the oxidative demethylation of MeHg4,13 and some SRB strains with this ability have


been identified.14 No methanogen capable of demethylation is known and only one isolate has been tested.15 Iron reducing bacteria (IRB) have been inferred as


demethylators in sediment samples16 and one strain, Geobacter bemidjiensis was recently shown to demethylate MeHg in a laboratory experiment.17


Anaerobic stimulation of HgII methylation dictate wetlands as sources of MeHg to downstream environments.18,19 However, a black alder (Alnus glutinosa) swamp


(Edshult: EHT) was established as a significant and consistent MeHg sink during four years,19 and a follow-up synoptic screening implied Alnus swamps acting as MeHg sinks


in general.20 Further, the studies at EHT demonstrated decreasing MeHg pools alongside

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increasing potential demethylation rate constants in soils along the water pathway


through the wetland. Here we investigated the mechanisms of MeHg demethylation in the soils of


EHT, using experimental incubations with amendments of electron acceptors and specific microbial inhibitors, and an autoclaved control to determine the contribution


from abiotic processes alone. We also constructed clonal libraries and used gene transcription data, attempting to reveal the microbial communities degrading MeHg.


Our results clarify that abiotic demethylation is widely distributed with an equal contribution from biological demethylation in the downstream part of the swamp where


rates of demethylation peaked. Methanogen transcripts were abundant and demethylation was strongly inhibited by bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES); thus implying


methanogens as important for the biological demethylation. Because of the ubiquity and activity of methanogens in soils and wetlands, our findings provide an important leap


forward towards a mechanistic understanding of the MeHg dynamics on the landscape level. Similar to wetlands serving as nitrogen and phosphorous traps in order to protect


surface waters from eutrophication,21 wetlands with the ability to degrade MeHg20 should be recognized and actively used for mitigation purposes.



A short description of methodology follows with more details in the Supporting Information, where also the study sites are described briefly. All sites have been


described in detail elsewhere.20,22 Soil sampling and handling. Soil and stream waters were sampled at all sites (seven


Alnus swamps and two Sphagnum peatlands) in May 2010 and at the Alnus swamp EHT in August 2012, following clean sampling protocols. Samples were double bagged, then


put in a cooler on ice and transported to the lab the same day (2012) or within a week (2010). In the lab, samples were refrigerated at 4°C until transferred to a N2 filled

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glovebox (COY) at least 24h prior to incubation experiments. Ancillary chemistry, and MeHg and total Hg (HgTOT) analyses are described previously.20,22


Incubation studies. Enriched stable Hg isotope tracers were used for the determination of potential methylation and demethylation rate constants (km and kd), following a


previously described protocol.23,24 Briefly, soil was homogenized in the glovebox and distributed (~10 g) to 50 mL centrifuge tubes (Sarstedt). Incubations in 2012 were


prepared in triplicate for each treatment. For monitoring demethylation, isotope tracers (Me198HgCl (92.78%) and Me204HgCl (91.67%) in 2010 and 2012, respectively) were


mixed into the soil and then split into two tubes; T0 and T48. The T0 tubes were immediately put on dry ice and stored frozen at -20°C until analysis. The T48 tubes were


incubated dark, at room temperature for 48 h after which they were frozen at -20°C. Subsamples (1.0 g) were collected at T0 and T48 for molecular analysis. Details


regarding the kd calculations, incubation studies, RNA/DNA extraction, RT-PCR amplification, cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic classification are provided in


Supporting Information. Sample incubations in 2012 were supplemented with SO4, colloidal FeIII, and


colloidal MnIV as electron acceptors. We used MoO4 and BES as specific inhibitors of SRBs and methanogens respectively.25 Abiotic demethylation was examined using


autoclaved soil. Ambient levels of sulfate was ~20µM and Fe was ~0.6 mM, based on empirical data from previous years.20,22 Sulfate was added at a final porewater


concentration of 20 times ambient, and molybdate was added at the same concentration to keep the total amendment low and thus specific to SRB. Amounts of added FeIII and


MnIV corresponded to 2 mmol/L porewater and were added as a suspension in MQ. The BES addition had a final concentration of 10 mM in porewater.


Statistics. The data was analyzed using the software Graphpad Prism (USA). For the incubation studies, ANOVA was used to test for significant differences between control


and treatments. If the null hypothesis was rejected, analysis proceeded with Dunnett’s

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multiple comparisons test, with 7 comparisons in total. For the regression analyses, the


data was log-transformed (natural logarithm) for normality before significance analysis. All tests were carried out at the 0.05 significance level, and we used the significance


level of 0.10 as marginally significant.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Demethylation in Alnus swamps in contrast to Sphagnum peatlands. The Alnus


swamps in this study have previously been indicated as net MeHg sinks,19,20 and site Edshult (EHT) has proved to be a consistent net MeHg sink during four consecutive


years. Here we determined kd in anoxic soils sampled in the upper, lower and western parts of Edshult (EHT-U, EHT-D, and EHT-W), as well as in the center of six additional


Alnus swamps (Kolsboda, Kvillehult, Klasentorp, Löneberga, Steglehylte, and Nybygget), see Figure S1. Demethylation rates were also determined in the bog and fen parts of the


Sphagnum peatland Långedalen (LDN-B and LDN-F), and in one other Sphagnum peatland (Ystebo). All sites are located across southern Sweden.


Molybdate was added to incubations to specifically inhibit SRB, as previous studies with freshwater sediments,4,13,26 periphyton,27 and in culture14 suggest SRB


involvement in MeHg degradation (Figure 1). However, with only two exceptions (EHTW and Steglehylte), molybdate not only failed to inhibit demethylation but had the


opposite effect; stimulating MeHg degradation at the Alnus sites. In contrast, at the peatland sites molybdate inhibited demethylation at four sites out of five. The lack of


inhibition by molybdate at the Alnus sites agrees with our earlier findings at EHT,22 and indicates that in the native soil, SRB are competing with the MeHg demethylating


community for energy and/or nutrients. Since methanogens often are stimulated by molybdate addition, due to shared electron donors (e.g. H2, formate)25,27–29 and similar


energy yields, these results imply methanogens in the demethylation of MeHg, as reported previously.4,13,26 The inhibition of demethylation by molybdate in the less

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productive peatlands may be indicative of either direct demethylation by SRB or inhibition of methanogens metabolizing syntrophically with SRBs.4,30


Regression analyses (post hoc) suggest that kd was positively related to pH, within the interval 4.7 – 6.4 (r2=0.63, p=0.018), and negatively to the C/N (r2=0.39,


p=0.097, marginally significant), Figure S2. Although these relationships are based on relatively few data points, they agree with the conceptual model for boreal wetlands


proposed by Tjerngren et al.19,22 According to this model, the km/kd ratio shows an optimum at intermediate trophic status (reflected by C/N) and acidity (reflected by pH),


where the decrease is mainly driven by increased demethylation as enhanced with improved nutrient conditions. With the exception of sites Klasentorp and Löneberg our


wetlands followed this model well (Figure S3). Spatial variability in demethylation mechanisms across the Alnus swamp Edshult.


Triplicate anoxic soil incubations showed that the control sample kd in the downstream part of Edshult (EHT-D) was two to three times higher than in the upstream portion


(EHT-U) near the inflow (~0.14 d-1 and ~0.05 d-1, respectively: Figure 2), well in agreement with our previous studies at this site where the same pattern was observed


in 2006, 2008, and 2009.20 Further, the abiotic (autoclaved) demethylation was similar at EHT-D and EHT-U (0.06 – 0.08 d-1). We cannot exclude the possibility that autoclaving


caused physiochemical changes, somehow enhancing demethylation and masking biological demethylation at EHT-U. However, the remarkable similarity in kd between


the autoclaved incubations (across the wetland), most live incubations at EHT-U, and BES-inhibited incubations at EHT-D are not likely coincidental. Instead, a simpler


explanation is that abiotic MeHg degradation is a common process throughout the swamp with biological demethylation adding to the increased demethylation at EHT-D.


Potentially stimulatory (SO4, FeIII, and MnIV) or inhibitory (MoO4 or BES) amendments were also investigated (Figure 2). Similar to the 2010 incubations


discussed above (Figure 1), molybdate had either no effect (EHT-U) or slightly

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stimulated (EHT-D) demethylation. The addition of BES inhibited demethylation at EHT-


D and decreased kd down to autoclaved levels (~0.08 d-1), providing strong support for methanogens degrading MeHg here. Similar findings were reported in sediments of the


Florida Everglades.4,5 At EHT-D, FeIII gave significantly higher kd compared to the control (p