Mechanistic Modeling of Lubricant Degradation. 2. The Autoxidation of

(1) Can AMG be used to generate reaction mechanisms for low-temperature oxidation of large hydrocarbons? ..... for octane oxidation at 140 °C. All of...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008, 47, 2897-2904


Mechanistic Modeling of Lubricant Degradation. 2. The Autoxidation of Decane and Octane Jim Pfaendtner and Linda J. Broadbelt* Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern UniVersity, EVanston, Illinois 60208-3120

Automated mechanism generation was used to study the condensed-phase oxidation of decane and octane as a means to gain insights into the degradation of lubricating oils. Part 1 of this series established a library of structure-reactivity relationships that enables the estimation of all kinetic data required for solving large reaction mechanisms that model lubricant degradation. Specific reaction rules are proposed that enable automated mechanism generation to be used, for the first time, to study condensed-phase free-radical oxidation of large substrates. Models of decane oxidation were generated, and good agreement with available experimental data was achieved. The optimized parameters were then used to generate predictive models of octane autoxidation. 1. Introduction The quality of lubricating oils is critical to the overall performance and efficiency of an engine. One major indicator of lubricant performance is its serviceable lifetime, or the number of miles a car can drive before the oil must be changed. The chief reason lubricants need replacement is that, once sacrificial antioxidants such as free-radical scavengers are consumed, the lubricant quickly begins to degrade and fail. The degradation of lubricating oils is deleterious to engine performance and operating lifetime.1,2 Accordingly, much work has been done to develop tests that can measure the relative performance of lubricants or even forecast the operating life of a lubricant. Common examples include the oxidation induction time (OIT), total acid number (TAN), or sludge formation tests.3,4 Although such tests provide a quantitative measure of lubricant performance, they typically do not give detailed insight into the mechanism by which a lubricant fails. Since changes in lubricant performance are driven by molecular-level changes in the structure and makeup of the lubricant, it is desirable to have a complete description of the chemistry governing lubricant failure. Kinetic modeling is a necessary part of this process since it is not feasible to determine experimentally the complete set of reactions and reactive intermediates. Common strategies include using a single lubricant mimic to elucidate detailed kinetics and mechanisms or alternatively using a simplified lumped model to describe the complex reaction mechanism governing lubricant degradation.5-7 For example, Blaine and Savage performed a detailed investigation of hexadecane oxidation under conditions similar to those under which a mineral oil or natural lubricants undergo degradation.2,8,9 Since lubricants degrade primarily through autoxidation, mechanistic studies of large hydrocarbons are ideal candidates for model systems from which information about lubricant failure can be inferred. Experimentally, condensed-phase autoxidation of alkanes has been studied extensively, and there are numerous studies reported in the literature. Ochoa et al.10 studied the oxidation of n-octane over 135-145 °C and measured the conversion of octane as well as the appearance and concentrations of all C8based products, i.e., peroxides, alcohols, and ketones, as well * Corresponding author. Phone: [email protected].




as the appearance of five organic acids (C2-C6 acids). The product concentrations were reported as lumped fractions, and no individual product concentrations were given. Over the time scale of the experiments, a maximum octane conversion of 5% was observed, indicating that the experiments remained in the “early oxidation” phase. Additionally, there are three studies of condensed-phase decane autoxidation from which experimental data can be derived for comparison to models.11-13 Data are reported for the appearance of individual decane-derived products and organic acids as well as some information about “late-oxidation” products (smaller alcohols, esters, and lactones). All the data are reported at 150 °C. Surveying the available literature on condensed-phase autoxidation of hydrocarbons shows that, although the early phases of oxidation are better understood, there are still many open questions about the dominant reaction pathways contributing to the formation of stable products, in particular the organic acids. One attractive method for answering these questions and elucidating the key reaction pathways is mechanistic modeling. A mechanistic model comprises all the elementary steps in a reaction network. This is in contrast to a lumped model, which simplifies the model through lumping species, reaction sequences, or both. However, it is not possible to manually construct mechanistic models of lubricant degradation because of the fact that there are literally hundreds of possible reactive intermediates and tens of thousands of reactions. Substantial progress using automated mechanism generation (AMG) techniques has been made for other chemistries including atmosphericchemistry,pyrolysis,andsiliconnanoparticleformation.14-22 However, the principles of automated mechanism generation have yet to be applied to condensed-phase hydrocarbon oxidation. Part 1 of this series established a library of kinetic correlations that are suitable for modeling condensed-phase autoxidation of hydrocarbons.23 This paper is a computational study of the mechanism and kinetics of the autoxidation of decane and octane. We sought to answer the following questions related to oxidation and lubricant degradation: (1) Can AMG be used to generate reaction mechanisms for low-temperature oxidation of large hydrocarbons? (2) What is the optimum set of kinetic parameters so that experimental data is reliably reproduced? (3) How can this approach be used to predict the behavior of a reacting system?

10.1021/ie071481z CCC: $40.75 © 2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/29/2008


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 9, 2008

(4) What are the dominant reaction pathways for the formation of major functional groups? The remainder of this paper is divided into four sections. First, we give an overview of the AMG approach. Second, we discuss the mechanics and results of generating large reaction mechanisms for free-radical oxidation. Special attention is given to establishing criteria by which various mechanisms are discarded or selected for further use. Next, models of decane and octane are solved and analyzed. Finally, we discuss the results from both parts of this series together and draw overall conclusions. 2. Computational Details 2.1. Basis for AMG. A number of different formulations of AMG have been put forth in the literature over the last 15 years.14-20,24-34 A central feature in the development of AMG is exploitation of the fact that, although complex reaction networks can be incredibly large, the set of unique types of reactions that occur is relatively small. This is the “reaction family” or “reaction class” concept in which reactions are lumped based on the fundamental rearrangements in atomic connectivity and electronic structure. For example, hydrocarbons reacting via free-radical chemistry undergo a large variety of hydrogen transfer reactions. However, the amount of information needed to specify any hydrogen transfer reaction, namely, the identities of the radical, the hydrogen atom, and the atom to which that hydrogen is connected, is general. Thus, the minimum information required to apply AMG to a given system is the input compounds and the reaction families that are known to be active in that system. A given AMG algorithm will apply all reaction families to input compounds, generate new species, and continue to generate new species/ reactions until mechanism growth is stopped. A major consideration in the application of AMG to free-radical systems is the process by which mechanism growth is terminated. Freeradical chemistry is not inherently convergent, so mechanism growth must be halted using additional criteria. One option is simply to allow the mechanism to grow through successive generations of stable products. This rank-based criterion is attractive since all theoretically possible reactions between species are included in the mechanism. However, the rank-based approach is computationally demanding and can result in enormous reaction mechanisms. The rank-based methodology does not discriminate between species that are more or less kinetically significant in a mechanism, and thus, the reaction mechanism becomes cumbersome to solve and analyze. A more efficient method for applying AMG is known as ratebased mechanism generation.19,28 The central feature of ratebased generation is that the reaction network is simultaneously solved while it is undergoing generation so that the rates of formation of all species can be tracked. This additional information allows the user to classify species as either “core”/ “reactive” or “unreactive”. Only core species are allowed to continue to react further and generate new species and reactions. The decision to include a new species in the group of core species is based on comparing the rate of formation of a given new species against some characteristic rate of formation, Rchar. This characteristic rate of formation is determined by taking the maximum rate of formation of all species in the core mechanism and multiplying it by a user-defined threshold, . Additionally, mechanism generation begins by first specifying a pool of species whose size is designated by s. Thus, mechanism generation can be well-controlled through two additional parameters:  and s. Specific details of our implementation of rate-based AMG are given elsewhere.28

To implement the rate-based criterion, the mechanism is coupled with reactor design equations, and the model is solved on-the-fly for conditions that are the same as or representative of the experimental data that is being modeled. The experiments we sought to model were continually replenished with oxygen and were found to be under kinetic control. We modeled this semibatch operational mode by setting the initial oxygen concentration at its saturation value and forcing the ODE governing oxygen, dCO2/dt, to be zero under all conditions. At 25 °C and 1 atm of oxygen, O2 is sparsely soluble in octane and decane and its liquid-phase mole fractions were reported to be 2.05 × 10-3 and 2.18 × 10-3, respectively.35 Using this data and the partial pressure of O2 used under the given experimental conditions, the liquid-phase concentration of O2 was calculated by assuming Henry’s Law behavior. 2.2. Specification of Reaction Rules. Part 1 of this series established a library of kinetic correlations suitable for use in estimating rate coefficients in hydrocarbon autoxidation. Each of the kinetic correlations given in Table 1 of Part 123 corresponds to a specific elementary reaction family. The reaction families represent all of the individual types of reactions that are applied when using AMG to generate mechanisms. In addition to specifying the change in atomic connectivity and electronic configuration, AMG also uses a set of “reaction rules” to intelligently apply reaction families and curb mechanism growth. For example, abstraction of hydrogen atoms from terminal methyl groups is well-known to proceed much more slowly compared to abstraction of hydrogen atoms from methylene groups. Accordingly, we eliminated this reaction channel in the code through implementation of the appropriate reaction rule, i.e., do not allow hydrogen atoms attached to methyl groups to be abstracted. The key reaction rules we employed in this work along with the corresponding rationale are given in Table 1. It was observed that, in particular, rule 3 in Table 1 exerts a strong influence on the size of the mechanisms obtained from AMG. In Section 3.2, we relax some of the reaction rules and demonstrate that the mechanisms are larger, but their ability to capture experimental data is not substantially different. We note that many of the reaction rules implemented here were crafted with the intention of using AMG to build reaction networks of hexadecane or other systems that better represent real lubricants in future studies. 2.3. Formulation of Rate Equations and Model Solution. Since our implementation of AMG relies on repeated solution of the growing mechanism during generation, the specification of all thermodynamic and kinetic parameters is crucial to accurate generation of reaction mechanisms. We have employed a systematic hierarchy for specification of thermodynamic and kinetic properties identical to that described by Broadbelt and Pfaendtner.14 All thermodynamic properties were obtained from experimental data reported in the NIST Structures and Properties database36 or estimated using group additivity.37 Missing group additivity values were augmented by calculations in our research group.38 All rate coefficients were specified using the library of kinetic correlations given in Part 1. Since the structurereactivity relationships we developed in Part 1 faithfully reproduce the very small number of experimental rate coefficients available relevant to octane or decane autoxidation, we elected to simply use these structure-reactivity relationships in development of our kinetic models. Our approach strictly enforces thermodynamic consistency. When forward and reverse reaction pairs are written by the AMG algorithm, only one rate coefficient was specified from the correlations in Table 1 of Part 1, and the rate coefficient for the opposite direction is

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 9, 2008 2899 Table 1. Specific Reaction Rules for Implementation of Lubricant Degradation via Autoxidation in AMG rule no.

reaction family


hydrogen abstraction

reaction rule


no abstraction of hydrogen from methyl groups


no abstraction by carboncentered radicals


no hydrogen abstraction from a molecule containing more than two oxygen atoms oxygen does not abstract hydrogen from methyl groups hydroperoxide decomposition may occur between any alkylhydroperoxide and a hydrogen atom on a CH2 group of the substrate only peroxide linkages undergo bond fission


primary initiation


hydroperoxide decomposition


bond fission


radical recombination

The bond dissociation energy is much higher, and therefore, the rate of abstraction of these hydrogens is much slower, making this reaction route relatively unimportant over the temperature range of interest (130-150 °C). This is also confirmed by the absence of any terminal-group functionalized products. No 1-peroxides, alcohols, or aldehydes were reported for octane10 or decane.11-13 When lubricant degradation/hydrocarbon autoxidation are under kinetic control, molecular oxygen adds to carbon-centered radicals essentially instantaneously. We are developing models for early oxidation/degradation of lubricants and tracking evolution of products up to organic acids. (See rule 1 rationale.) In early oxidation, nearly all of the CH2 groups in the system are on the substrate. At the temperature range of interest, there is not enough thermal energy to result in appreciable breakage of CsC bonds via bond fission. It has been noted that disproportionation of peroxy radicals dominates their termination. In addition, XOOOX and XOOOOX (XdC or H) species have not been detected experimentally.

recombination may not result in the formation of tri-oxy or tert-oxy linkages

rigorously calculated using the equilibrium constant and the forward rate coefficient. For the specific case of hydrogen transfer reactions, the ordering in Table 1 of Part 1 reflects the priority in assigning which rate coefficient is calculated using a structure-reactivity relationship and which rate coefficient is calculated using thermodynamic consistency. Additionally, all radical recombination reactions were assigned using the structure-reactivity relationship defined in Part 1, and their corresponding bond fission reaction rate coefficients were defined using equilibrium constants. 3. Free-Radical Decane Oxidation: Mechanism Generation and Results 3.1. Mechanism Generation and Selection. To begin building a kinetic model of decane autoxidation, we used the AMG approach to generate mechanisms with varying values of the threshold . Preliminary results confirmed that the mechanism size and quality were only influenced slightly by the size of the initial species pool, s. Accordingly, we selected a value of s )15 and used that for all remaining studies. As expected, however, the value of  had a significant impact on the size and quality of the mechanism obtained. We established three criteria in order to select a reaction mechanism for further consideration: (1) All experimentally observed molecular products must be present in the reactive core of species and the mechanism obtained from AMG. (2) The mechanism size as measured by the number of species and reactions should be increasing marginally (or have reached a plateau) with further increases in . (3) The error between the model results and the experimental data should be decreasing marginally (or plateaued) with further increases in . The conditions of the experimental studies of Syroezhko et al.12,13 were used for model development and validation. Since the data provided by Syroezhko et al.12,13 are lumped, we also employed a lumping strategy for the model output. However, we note that, if desired, all of the individual product distributions

Table 2. Changes in Size and Sum of Squared Residuals between the Model Results and the Experimental Data for the Models Generated Using AMG as a Function of E; The Data Are Generated for Decane Oxidation at 150 °C -log 




1a 2a 3 4 5 6

72 128 232 253 323 395

657 1806 4980 5356 8912 13606

474 486 454 466

a The final mechanism did not contain all experimentally observed species; therefore, the SSR values are not calculated.

are available. In calculating the error between the model results and the experimental data, we compared the concentrations of four lumped products: peroxides (2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-decanehydroperoxide), alcohols (2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-decanol), ketones (2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-decanone), and nine organic acids (C1-C9 acids) at 150 °C. Additionally, we examined the behavior of the error between the model results and the experimental data using a weighted measure of error,

SSRweighted )




(yobs[i] - ymodel[i]) 0.1yobs[i]



where SSR is the sum of squared residuals, y are the lumped species concentrations in mol L-1, and the index i refers to the set of all species, temperatures, and times for which experimental data is available. This formula assumes a relative error in each observation of 10% and calculates the residual accordingly. The growth of the model (species and reactions) versus the parameter  and the convergence of error versus  are given in Table 2. The data in Table 2 are reported using -log , and thus, the mechanisms increase in size with increasing -log  (decreasing ). For models with a threshold value of 10-3 and lower, all of the observed products are included in the reactive core. Thus, the first criterion is met very early on in mechanism generation. For values of -log  ) 3 and 4, a slight plateau is seen in the numbers of species and reactions, as reported in Table 2.


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Table 3. Characteristics of Mechanisms Generated for Six Different Cases Used to Test One of the Reaction Rules in Table 1 and Demonstrate the Importance of Using Reaction Subfamilies for Hydrogen Transfer mechanism no.





1a 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b

3 3 3 3 3 3

127 232 241 257 262 262

2 651 4 980 6 273 9 600 10 965 10 965

1 558 474 474 474 474 474

a Mechanism generated using a single hydrogen transfer structurereactivity relationship and no reaction “subfamilies”. b Mechanisms 2-6 are generated by relaxing reaction rule 3 in Table 1. Mechanism 2 was generated without modifying rule 3, mechanisms 3-5 have the number of allowable oxygen atoms increased from 3-5, respectively, and mechanism 6 has rule 3 turned off completely.

Not surprisingly, though, the model begins to quickly increase in size for the last two values of  we investigated since very small threshold values will allow many more species and reactions to be included. The third criterion, the SSR, is therefore used as the more definitive criterion since this quantifies whether these additional species and reactions affect the ability of the model to capture the data. The SSR values are essentially converged at a value of -log  ) 3, as shown in Table 2. We note that the mechanisms obtained for decane oxidation are quite large, even with the strict reaction rules outlined in Table 1, and it is of interest to keep the mechanism as small as possible to facilitate solution and analysis. On the basis of all of the data presented in Table 2, we selected the mechanism corresponding to -log  ) 3 (232 species and 4 980 reactions) for further analysis. However, before performing a detailed analysis of the kinetics and mechanism of decane oxidation, we used the -log  ) 3 mechanism to investigate the impact of some of the reaction rules specified in Table 1. 3.2. Reaction Rules Curb Mechanism Growth Effectively. In Part 1, it was postulated that it was necessary to use six unique hydrogen abstraction subfamilies in order to accurately specify the kinetics for these reactions. To test the impact of this hypothesis on the mechanisms generated using AMG, we built the mechanism using the Evans-Polanyı´ relationship and the EoA and R values regressed by Blowers and Masel39 for all hydrogen transfer reactions. We note that, for the range of heats of reaction relevant to lubricant degradation, the Evans-Polanyı´ relationship using the parameters in Table 1 in Part 1 (general correlation) has nearly identical rms, average, and maximum errors compared to the Blowers and Masel correlation (see Table 4 in paper by Blowers and Masel).39 Given this good agreement between the two correlations, we simply used the general Evans-Polanyı´ relationship for this analysis. The results from this are given as mechanism 1 in Table 3. Although the mechanism did include all of the experimentally observed species, the SSR value is over three times larger than those for all of the mechanisms shown in Table 2, even those with the highest threshold. While the experimental and theoretical results tabulated in part 1 provided strong support for using reaction subfamilies, the data given in Table 3 unequivocally show that the subfamilies bring the reaction mechanism in much better agreement with experimental results. Next, the impact of rule #3 in Table 1 on the characteristics of the mechanisms generated was investigated. Rule #3 is essentially an artificial control of the mechanism size based on the hypothesis that hydrogen transfer from molecules with many oxygen atoms is not relevant in early oxidation of large hydrocarbons. It is, therefore, important to verify that this does not adversely affect the quality of the results obtained. Mech-

Figure 1. Base model solution for decane oxidation. The model has 232 species and 4 980 reactions. The parameters used in solving the model are given in Table 1 of Part 1. Experimental data from Syroezchko et al.13 (obtained at 150 °C) are given in symbols, and the AMG modeling results are shown with lines. Lumped product species are given: peroxides (circles, heavy solid line), alcohols (squares, dotted line), ketones (diamonds, solid line), and acids (filled squares, dashed line).

anism 2 in Table 3 corresponds to the mechanism summarized in Section 3.1 that was generated with rule 3 in place. We incrementally relaxed rule 3 by increasing the number of oxygen atoms in a stable molecule that was allowed to participate in hydrogen abstraction from 3 to 4 to 5. These results correspond to mechanisms 2-5 in Table 3, respectively, and mechanism 6 is the result of turning off rule 3, thereby allowing an unlimited number of oxygen atoms. As expected, the numbers of reactions and species grow as the reaction rule is relaxed and turned off. These mechanisms increase to such large sizes that the computational cost for solving the mechanism is markedly increased. The calculated SSR values for mechanism 2 and mechanisms 3-6 are essentially the same, verifying that the additional species and reactions included in the more expansive mechanisms do not contribute to the agreement with experimental data. Given all of these analyses, we proceeded with mechanism 3 as summarized in Table 1. 4. Model Solution and Analysis 4.1. Base Model Solution and Parameter Estimation. Using the semibatch reactor model described above and a stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver,40 the model solution for the -log  ) 3 mechanism was obtained. The predicted concentration profiles are compared to the experimental data in Figure 1. Comparison between our mechanistic model and the lumped experimental data is performed by simply calculating the lumped species concentrations for a particular functional group by summing over all the individual species concentrations. To solve the model, we used the 15 structure-reactivity relationships identified in Table 1 of part 1 (6 subfamilies for hydrogen transfer and 9 other families) for a total of 45 parameters (A, EoA, and R values) that were fixed at the values in Table 1 of Part 1. One additional parameter was used to define the branching ratio between the two disproportionation channels as discussed in Part 1. The total number of kinetic parameters required to solve the decane model was 46. Note that rate coefficients for different reactions in a given family were distinct based on differences in the heats of reaction, such that 4 980

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individual rate coefficients were quantified by these parameters. It is also important to note that the A values are based on representative values, and although the assumption of a single A value to characterize all reactions in a given family is reasonable, variations of individual A values can be as great as, for example, 2 orders of magnitude for hydrogen transfer reactions.41,42 Given that the model results are a pure prediction, the agreement between the model results and the experimental data shown in Figure 1 is very exciting. The relative yields of the lumped species are correct, and all yields are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental data. The yield and selectivity of the lumped ketone species are predicted the least well, with the yield off by a factor of 2.8 at the longest time. Given that representative values were used for the frequency factors, we sought to improve the agreement of the model with the experimental results through parameter estimation. All optimizations were performed using GREG,43 a nonlinear parameter estimation code that uses gradient-based searches to find local minima. To perform parameter estimation for the decane models, the data presented by Syroezhko et al.12,13 were used in the minimization of an objective function based on the weighted sum of squared residuals shown in eq 1. There are two important issues to note before the results obtained via parameter estimation are presented. First, the parameters that were optimized were selected based on conventional sensitivity analysis and insights based on experience with the solution of the model. Sensitivity analysis directly quantifies the relationship between model output (concentrations) and input parameters (A, EoA, and R values, or the branching ratio). Specifically, we used the sensitivity matrix44 “∂Fi/∂kj” where Fi is the rate of change (dCi/dt) of species i and kj is a kinetic parameter (A, EoA, and R values). Parameters with large values of ∂F/∂kj, where ∂F/∂kj is the sum over all experimentally measured species at a given time t, were selected for adjustment. Second, it is important to note that the -log  ) 3 mechanism we obtained was created using the parameters given in Table 1 of Part 1 via rate-based AMG. The values of the optimized parameters were thus used to regenerate the -log  ) 3 mechanism, and optimization was performed again on the same parameters using the new mechanism. This iterative cycle was continued until the characteristics of the mechanism and the values of the optimized parameters converged. On the basis of the results obtained from sensitivity analysis, we selected four parameters for optimization: A (hydrogen abstraction[alkylperoxy radicals + alkanes]), A (hydrogen abstraction[alkylperoxy radicals + alkylhydroperoxides]), A (hydroperoxide decomposition), and A (disproportionation, “channel A”). These four values had very large absolute values of the sensitivity coefficient ∂F/∂k for many of the experimentally observed species. Additionally, it was revealed through sensitivity analysis that the secondary initiation step “hydroperoxide decomposition” had a far greater influence on the overall chemistry as compared to other initiation reaction channels. Using the iterative approach described above, it took three cycles of parameter optimization and regenerating mechanisms to obtain convergence in the model size, optimum parameters, and SSRweighted. The final model had 259 species and 5 663 reactions, representing an increase from the original -log  ) 3 model. The initial and final optimized parameters are given in Table 4. We note that, in particular, the pre-exponential factor changed the most for A (hydrogen abstraction[alkylperoxy radicals + alkylhydroperoxides]) and manifests itself in changes in the ketone concentration, indicating that one overall pre-exponential factor for hydrogen transfer reactions, while a generally reason-

Table 4. Optimized Parameters for Decane Oxidationa reaction family A (peroxy radical disproportionation)b A (hydrogen abstraction)c A (hydroperoxide decomposition) A (hydrogen abstraction)d

initial value

final value

recommended range


6.75 × 10 6

6.7-13 × 106

107 106

2.07 × 107 1.46 × 106

2.0-2.3 × 107 1.4-3.4 × 106


5.40 × 108

5.4-42 × 108

a The initial and final pre-exponential factors (L/mol‚s) are given. To obtain the final optimized parameter set, three cycles of optimization and AMG were required. The final column contains a range of recommended values of this parameter set based on octane and decane modeling as detailed in Section 4.2. b Pre-exponential factor for “channel A” of the disproportionation reaction family as shown in Figure 1 of Part 1 of this series. c Preexponential factor for the “alkyperoxy radicals + alkanes” subfamily. d Preexponential factor for the “alkyperoxy radicals + alkylhydroperoxides” subfamily.

Figure 2. Improved model solution for decane oxidation. The model has 259 species and 5 663 reactions. The parameters used in solving the model were the same as those used for the model in Figure 1 but updated with the data in Table 4. Experimental data from Syroezchko et al.13 (obtained at 150 °C) are given in symbols, and the AMG modeling results are shown with lines. Lumped product species are given: peroxides (circles, heavy solid line), alcohols (open squares, dotted line), ketones (diamonds, solid line), and acids (filled squares, dashed line).

able assumption is not sufficient for this particular hydrogen transfer subclass. The decane model was then solved again using the four optimized parameters. The improved model results are given in Figure 2. As can be seen in Figure 2, the improved model results are in better agreement with the experimental results than the purely predictive model shown in Figure 1. The weighted SSR value for the final model was 259, representing an improvement of almost a factor of 2 in the decane model. However, it is stressed that only a small number of parameters (4 out of 46), three of which changed only subtly, were adjusted to obtain this agreement. An inherent advantage of the modeling approach used in this study is the ability to interrogate the reaction network and elucidate the dominant overall reaction pathways. This is illustrated for decane oxidation in Figure 3 in which the entire reaction network of almost 6000 reactions is reduced to a handful of dominant reaction channels. For clarity, a lumping scheme is employed and just the reaction pathways that contribute most significantly to the consumption of decane and the formation of the four major product groups are shown. All


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Figure 3. Concise summary of the reaction pathways to the major product classes based on analysis of net rates for decane oxidation at 150 °C.

species labeled with an R represent C10, or decane-derived, species. Species resulting in the degradation of the decane backbone are labeled with either an R′ or an R′′. The diagram in Figure 3 gives a concise yet quantitative picture of the overall chemistry that is occurring in the decane oxidation mechanism. On the basis of the diagram, there are several salient conclusions that can be drawn about decane oxidation chemistry. First, in the condensed phase, the consumption of alkylhydroperoxides is dominated by the “hydroperoxide decomposition” reaction channel. Quantitative analysis of the rates of reaction showed this to be over 1000 times faster than the comparable O-O bond fission reaction in alkylhydroperoxides. Second, the ketone species are formed through a combination of the disproportionation and hydrogen transfer + β -scission channels. As expected, disproportionation dominates at early times, and the contribution of the hydrogen transfer channel increases at longer times. Third, at the conditions of interest for condensed-phase oxidation of large alkanes, β-scission is the dominant reaction channel for alkoxy radicals. Therefore, the majority of alcohol species are formed through disproportionation reactions. This also helps to explain the lower yield of alcohols compared to ketones and acids. Finally, the majority of organic acids are formed through the Baeyer-Villiger reaction pathways, as shown in the diagram. However, there is a noticeable fraction that is formed by decomposition of the peracid (via the “hydroperoxide decomposition” reaction channel) and subsequent hydrogen abstraction. At a reaction time of 4 h, the ratio of net rates of reaction is 80:20 in favor of the Baeyer-Villiger pathway. 4.2. Extension to Octane Oxidation. We next tested the applicability of these parameters to other systems by modeling the oxidation of octane at 135-145 °C. The data we sought to model were provided by Ochoa et al.,10 who also included information about the conversion of the octane substrate. The data provided are lumped species concentrations up to 4 h of reaction time at 140 °C and substrate conversion at 135, 140, and 145 °C. This data has great utility for testing the applicability of our modeling framework to other temperatures, smaller substrates, and the overall conversion of the substrate. Using the updated parameter library obtained by replacing the relevant values in Table 1 of Part 1 with the optimized frequency factors in Table 4, we used AMG to generate a mechanism for octane oxidation at 140 °C. All of the reaction rules in Table 1 were used, and we generated a mechanism corresponding to -log  ) 3 and s )15. The mechanism had 121 species and 1 868 reactions. The model predictions are compared to the experimental data in Figure 4. As can be seen in the figure, the model is able to predict the correct relative yields of all species, and the predicted octane conversions are in good agreement with the data. It is important to stress, however, that we have predicted this behavior with no parameter optimization. The agreement with experiment is very encouraging given that the substrate undergoing oxidation is different and the comparison was performed at different temperatures than those studied in Section 4.1 for decane. In order to underscore the sensitivity of the models to the representative frequency factors, we performed

Figure 4. Predicted base model solution for octane oxidation. The model has 121 species and 1 811 reactions. The parameters used in solving the model are given in Table 1 of Part 1 and updated with the optimized parameters in Table 4. Experimental data from Ochoa et al.10 are given in symbols, and the AMG modeling results are shown with lines. Octane conversion data are given in panel (a): 135 °C (open symbols, solid line), 140 °C (filled symbols, dotted line), and 140 °C (partially filled symbols, dashed line). Lumped product species are given in panel (b): peroxides (circles, heavy solid line), alcohols (squares, dotted line), ketones (diamonds, solid line), and acids (filled squares, dashed line).

the same optimization procedure for octane as described above for decane. The final mechanism obtained had 124 species and 2 014 reactions, and the optimized model solution is given in Figure 5. The best-fit values obtained for the four parameters (all A values given in L mol-1 s-1) are A (peroxy radical disproportionation) ) 1.27 × 107, A (hydrogen abstraction) [“alkyperoxy radicals + alkanes” subfamily] ) 2.33 × 107, A (hydroperoxide decomposition) ) 3.44 × 106, and A (hydrogen abstraction) [“alkyperoxy radicals + alkylhydroperoxides” subfamily] ) 4.21 × 109. The first three parameters changed only subtly from the optimized decane values, and the fourth parameter changed only by a factor of 7 from the optimized decane value. The overall influence of these minor changes of the representative frequency factors is best seen by comparing Figures 4 and 5. On the basis of the new values obtained for octane oxidation, we give recommended ranges for all of these frequency factors in Table 4. We propose that these parameters can be used with confidence in modeling condensed-phase

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important in obtaining a tractable mechanism. It was demonstrated that very aggressive reaction rules can be employed within the AMG approach and that these reaction rules effectively control the mechanism size without an impact on the model solution. Without any parameter regression, the model results for decane oxidation were in very good agreement with observed experimental data. Using sensitivity analysis and qualitative model interrogation, four parameters were selected for adjustment. The improved model provided much better agreement with the experimental results. AMG was then applied to the modeling of octane based on the parameters obtained from decane. The octane model provided predictive agreement with the experimental data, and it was shown that very minor adjustment of the four parameters yielded improved agreement. Using the improved library of structure-reactivity relationships, the possibility now exists to build the first models of the thermal degradation of much more realistic lubricant-like molecules. Acknowledgment This work was partially supported by the NSF IGERT program (Award No. DGE-0114429) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications under TG-CTS050021 utilizing the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. Literature Cited

Figure 5. Improved model solution for octane oxidation. All of the parameters used in solving the model are the same as those used in generating Figure 4 with the exception of the four adjustments as described in the text. Experimental data from Ochoa et al.10 are given in symbols, and the AMG modeling results are shown with lines. Octane conversion data are given in panel (a): 135 °C (open symbols, solid line), 140 °C (filled symbols, dotted line), and 140 °C (partially filled symbols, dashed line). Lumped product species are given in panel (b): peroxides (circles, heavy solid line), alcohols (squares, dotted line), ketones (diamonds, solid line), and acids (filled squares, dashed line).

octane, nonane, or decane oxidation at temperatures ranging from 135 to 150 °C, and their extension to larger hydrocarbon substrates is likely to be reasonable. 5. Conclusions We have used AMG to create the most detailed reaction mechanism to date for low-temperature free-radical oxidation of hydrocarbons. Using the library of kinetic correlations developed in part 1, we employed a rate-based AMG approach to build large mechanistic models that included key elementary reaction steps. Decane oxidation at 150 °C was used as a test system to probe the ability of AMG to generate models of freeradical autoxidation chemistry. It was shown that, although the user-specified parameter  is very important in controlling mechanism growth, the implementation of reaction rules is also

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ReceiVed for reView October 31, 2007 ReVised manuscript receiVed February 20, 2008 Accepted February 23, 2008 IE071481Z