Medical Laboratory Automation, Inc. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 24, 2012 - Medical Laboratory Automation, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (11), pp 954A–954A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60361a756. Publication Date: September ...
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The last pipette you'll ever buy

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Nuclear Conference and Meeting Gatlinburg, Tenn. Oct. 14 to 16, 1975 The International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and the 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology will take place Oct. 14-16, 1975, at the Riverside Motor Lodge in Gatlinburg, Tenn. The meeting is sponsored by the Analytical Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Cochairmen are W. S. Lyon and L. J. Brady; the technical chairman is Enzo Ricci. Registration will take place from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday evening, Oct. 13, at the Motor Lodge; technical sessions will begin on Tuesday. The complete technical program of the meeting is given below. Further information on the meeting is available from W. S. Lyon, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830.

H. A. Laitinen Wins SOCMA Gold Medal

Tuesday, October 14

Herbert A. Laitinen, Graduate Research Professor at the University of Florida and Editor of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,

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has been selected as the

1975 winner of the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association Gold Medal for outstanding work in environmental chemistry. The Medal and $1000 honorarium will be given to Professor Laitinen at a SOCMA luncheon meeting Sept. 4 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Nomination papers cited Prof. Laitinen, well-known analytical chemist, for his university-level efforts during the last five years in the promotion of environmental chemistry as a legitimate and important subdiscipline. He distinguished himself in developing and presenting many of the concepts and ideas basic to the chemical component of interdisciplinary environmental studies, and in initiating, organizing, and administering major university programs of environmental research and teaching. His work on the interaction of lead from automobile exhaust and the uptake of the metal by plants is significant from a public health standpoint. Prof. Laitinen was professor of chemistry at the University of Illinois from 1947 until 1974 when he moved to his present position at the University of Florida. He has been editor of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

since 1966.

He was educated at the University of Minnesota where he received his PhD degree in 1940. Professor Laitinen received the 1961 ACS Fisher Award in Analytical Chemistry and the 1964 University of Minnesota Outstanding Alumni Award.


Neutron Activation Analysis in Biology Chairman: G. F. Clémente, Italy 8:30 Welcome. J. C. White, Director, Analytical Chemistry Division, ORNL 8:35 Investigation of Interaction Between Surgical Implants and Tissue by Activation Analysis. F. Lux, R. Zeisler., J. Schuster, W. Germany 9:00 Trace Cr Determinations by Neutron Activation and Other Methods. J. R. Vogt, A. Abu Samra, F. Lichte, T. R. Ryan, J. Morris, C. H. Vogt, S. R. Koirtyohann, J. O. Pierce, USA 9:20 Application of Neutron Activation Analysis in Investigation of Trace-Element Metabolism. D. Behne, W. Germany 10:00 Multielement Trace Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Neutron Activation Analysis in Biological Matrices. M. Gallorini, M. Di Casa, Ν. Genova, Ε. Orvini, A. Brandone, Italy 10:20 Optimum Procedure for De­ termining Trace Al in Urine by Neutron Activation Analysis. A. J. Blotcky, D. Hobson, J. Leffler, E. P. Rack, R. Recker, USA 10:40 Least-Squares Resolution of Gamma Spectra on PDP-11 Com­ puter. I. Alpha-T for N a l Spectra. II. Resolving Multiplets in Ge-Li Spectra. M. T. Kelley, USA 11:00 Spontaneous-Deposition Ra­ diochemical Separation for Pt De-