Meet Foamed Aluminum - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Bjorksten Research Laboratories has come up with a process to honeycomb aluminum with air cells, making the metal almost as light as ba...
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EQUIPMENT Meet Foamed Aluminum Its uses are still in doubt, but Bjorksten Labs has an experimental continuous process for making it (CONTINUOUSLY FOAMED aluminum is

now beyond the lab stage. Bjorksten Research Laboratories has come up with a process to honeycomb aluminum with air cells, making the metal almost as light as balsa wood. What it could be used for is anybody's guess so far, but the foamed metal seems to have a big potential as a substitute for lumber in many construction uses. Aluminum foam has some interesting properties. It is: • Light weight—apparent. specific gravity is less than one (vs. 2.7 for unfoamed metal). • Fireproof and corrosionproof. •Adaptable to sawing, nailing, cementing, and bolting. •Rigid because of improved grain structure.

Bjorksten Laboratories has succeeded in making aluminum foam continuously with a process which foams the aluminum, then quenches it to prevent collapse. Here, an operator eyes a loaf of "aluminum french bread" coming from the cooling bath 56



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But some problems still have to he solved. One of these is how to make the foam into strips and boards of exact dimensions. Another is its low compressive strength—which complicates casting, welding, or forging operations. "If you give it too much of a mechanical workout, the bubbles break," says Johan Bjorksten. But, he feels, foamed metals could become important, since foaming is a good way to improve rigidity while still keeping the weight down. Bjorksten went to work on foaming metals in the late forties under an Air Force contract. Since then, the program has cost more than $100,000. • Uses Gas-Forming Solids. Worked out b y John C. Elliot, the aluminum foam process hinges on gas-forming solids such as titanium and zirconium hydrides. The hydride is suspended in a eutectic mixture of aluminum and magnesium that melts below the hydride's decomposition temperature. Injecting this suspension into molten aluminum (657° C.) or into a high melting aluminum-magnesium alloy releases hydrogen gas and results in a foam. The foam is cooled by quenching before it gets a chance to subside. Speed of gas formation is rapid, especially when the metal of the hydride alloys with aluminum. Aluminum foam can be made con-

Density of foamed aluminum can be widely varied—from around 10 to about 6 5 lbs. per cu. ft. Here, a lightweight piece of aluminum foam floats next to a block of pine in water tinuously. The first foams were made in a crucible, until William S. Fiedler and his team devised a method for continuous operation. This phase of the work was supervised by Charles Tanis of the Air Force's Air Materiel Command. • Bubble Size Varies. Strength and apparent specific gravity vary quite a bit, depending on the bubble size and number. These in turn depend on the kind and amount of gas-former used, dissociation temperature, and how fast foam cooling is done. Bubble diameters can range from one-sixteenth inch (or even less sometimes) to an inch or more. Aluminum or varying proportions of aluminum and magnesium can be foamed this way. Since the melting temperature varies with the alloy's composition, different gas-formers can be used. Titanium, barium, and lithium aluminum hydrides work. With these, higher pressures are needed so that decomposition and gas release doesn't occur too quickly. In use, the hydride suspension is made under pressure at slightly above solidification temperature, and the pressure released when foaming is to start. Compounds like copper phthalocyanin, organic silicon derivatives, and other silicon containing materials can also be used.

Cold Feat An environmental test chamber which is cooled without the usual heat transfer equipment, has been developed by Associated Testing Laboratories. Cooling is produced by vaporization of a refrigerant—usually C0 2 —released into the refrigerated area through a control valve. The results, according to ATL: rapid cooling, close temperature control, economical operation. Using C 0 2 , stored at 285 p.s.i. and 0° F., ATL cooled the chamber to a minimum temperature of —108° F. Temperatures will drop to —250° F. with liquified nitrogen or air, says ATL. El

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• Filter cartridge, developed by Hilliard, filters particles down to five microns, from oil and water, accord­ ing to the company. The cartridge consists of resin-impregnated filter paper which is pleated, cured, and formed around a metal center tube. End plates and a protective shield make up remainder of t h e cartridge. Ε ΙΟ

• High s p e e d rotary filler, now mar­ keted by Frazier & Son, fills 300 con­ tainers per minute with powders. The unit handles cans, jars, and plastic dis­ pensers without making any dust, the company says. Ε8

• All-nylon filters, by Danielson Mfg., are custom molded for specific require­ ments. The filters are used for lube, diesel, and hydraulic oils, water, blood, gasoline, and air, according to the com­ pany. Ell

Processing . · * • N e w g a s cleaner, by Hankison, con­ denses moisture and oil vapors and fil­ ters solids from compressed air or gas. Internal condenser, disposable filter cartridge, and automatic condensate discharge are combined in the one unit.



φ Zoo's Who This is the "Giraffe," mechanical vari­ ety, a highly trained and useful indus­ trial species. Its habitat i s the Esso re­ finery in Baton Rouge, La. Here, two employees operate the controls of the hydraulic neck which stretches 50 feet in the air and swings around in a full circle. This eliminates scaffolds on many high level repair jobs.

• Vapor condensers with capacities up to 15 million B.t.u. per hr. are now available from Niagara Blower. The condensers conserve water and provide high vacuum for evaporators used in chemical process and food industries.

• Portable plating-solution filter, de­ signed by Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning, combines motor, centrifugal pump, and filter in one unit. It can be used for filtering or transfer pumping at rates to 900 gal. per hr. Ε 12



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July 2 9 , 1 9 5 7


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ί "Karbaloy" fire extinguishing agent is now adapted to a pressurized 2l/-2 gal. extinguisher by Fyr-Fyter. The agent is effective against class A and class Β fires and is nontoxic, the com­ pany says. Ε2 ί N e w line of flexible shafts, pro­ duced by S. S. White Industrial Divi­ sion, includes couplings ready to install. Each inner shaft element is of wire with a neoprene casing, and each unit comes equipped with female couplings at each end. Έ3 • General Tire & Rubber has a n e w

poly ether based urethane foam. The lightweight foam is strong and durable, according to the company, which ex­ pects it to be used for cushioning and for sound and thermal insulation. High tensile strength allows the foam to be sewn or stitched and compatibility with other materials does away with the need for an inert lining between the foam and its covering, says General. E4

• Spiral cut nylon tubing, produced by The Polymer Corp., can be used for wire bundling, grommet functions, or as covers for flexible shafts. Ε5 • Radiation shielding of granulated lead in a paraffin wax base is now be­ ing produced b y California Ink. Ε6


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EQUIPMENT (Continued

placement of 100 c u . ft. per min., at 870 r.p.m., with discharge pressure u p to 1 5 0 p . s . i . Ε 17

from page 59)

• N e w plate m a g n e t , by Stearns Mag­ netic Products, uses offset air gap prin­ • Rapid Machinery i s n o w manufactur­ ciple to remove t r a m p iron from flow­ ing Marion mixers w i t h a roller chain ing material in chutes a n d conveyors. drive. This drive complements t h e W i t h an offset air g a p , t r a m p iron can standard gear drive a n d is n o w avail­ not gain sufficient m o m e n t u m to escape Ε 18 able in conversion kits. Ε 1 3 the magnet, t h e company says. • N e w aluminum a l l o y , developed b y Alcoa, h a s h i g h resistance t o corrosion and stress corrosion u n d e r continuous or intermittent exposure to 150° F . to 300° F . , t h e company claims. Alcoa believes t h e alloy, d u b b e d X 5 4 5 4 , should find extensive u s e in t h e proc­ ess a n d transportation industries. € 1 4 • Asbestos a n d diatomite combine to form a filter aid n o w marketed b y Johns-Manville as "Fibra-Flo." J-M has developed 110 combinations of t h e filter aid for varied industrial uses. Ε IS • Delanium Graphite is marketing a new graphite rupture disc for process pressure vessels. T h e discs come in sizes from 2 t o 6 in. a n d ratings of 5 to 75 p.s.i.g. Ε 16 • Gardner-Denver is now making a two-stage, air-cooled, 2 0 h p . , vertical air compressor. I t h a s a piston dis­ 68



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Fluid Handling · . · • Combination v a l v e , newly designed by Norwalk Valve, controls back pres­ sure and suction on natural gas meters and distribution systems. I t h a s t w o soft seated diaphragms that give posi­ tive shut-off, Norwalk says. Ε 19 • Hastelloy C pump with Teflon im­ pellers, bearings, a n d packing is now being manufactured by E c o Engineer­ ing for severe corrosive service. T h e self-priming rotary p u m p handles ca­ pacities to t w o gal. p e r rnin. and pres­ sures to 50 p.s.i. Ε 20 • Danger Signal bull plugs, now avail­ able from Crawford Fitting, pin-point dangerous openings in p i p e lines. R e d bands on t h e plugs a r e easily seen. A chain a n d ring attaches to a valve or piping t o prevent loss. Ε 21

Instruments · · . • Westing house is now manufacturing two n e w silicon power rectifiers which provide currents u p t o 3 5 a n d 2 2 a m p . halfwave with a maximum peak in­ verse voltage u p to 6 0 0 volts. Ε 22 • Portable bench-type hydraulic a n d pneumatic test stand, developed by Farris Engineering, pressure tests equipment without an external source of power. It tests valves a n d fittings hydraulically u p to 3000 p.s.i. Ε 23 • Electro-hydraulic valve actuator, now being produced b y Askania Regu­ lator, operates from standard control­ lers, r e m o t e positioning devices, or measuring elements. Ε 24 • Density g a g e , by Ohmart, attaches to piping a n d measures density, specific gravity, or per cent solids of process materials b y their absorption of gamma radiation. Radioactive source is shielded with lead a n d attached with lead-laminated brackets. Ε 25

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