Meet the better-built builder: - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 11, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v047n044.ifc. Publication Date: October 20, .... Surfaces that ward off liquids can keep ice off roofs, bacterial film...
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Meet the better-built builder:

The ProcoaES!

To build better chemical and petrochemical plants for our clients, we started by building better builders. W e call our builders the Procon Pros. And pros they are. Procon Pros are experienced, professional businessmen and fieldmen, process engineers and financiers, purchasers and draftsmen. They work closely together and with client staffs to get jobs done for optimum

payback. Anywhere in the world. And that's what building's all about, isn't it? W h a t are the Procon Pros doing these days? In Texas, building a polybutene unit. In Puerto Rico, a propylene facility. In Spain, a b i o d e g r a d a b l e d e t e r g e n t plant. In Brazil, an ethylene pyrolysis unit. A cumene unit in the Netherlands and a coal hydrogasification plant in Chicago. O f course, they're busy with chemical contract maintenance, too.

Now, call in the Procon Pros to find what they can do for you. Homebase 1111 Mt. Prospect Rd., Des Plaines, Illinois 6 0 0 1 6 , U.S.A. Offices in Chicago, London, Rotterdam, Paris, M a drid, Manila, Sydney, Sao Paulo, New York, Houston, Tulsa, Los Angeles, Singapore and Bangkok.