meeting of the executive committee, division of chemical education

prints of its report and "Trade Analysis." (2) Mr. McGill, Chairman, reported that two men had been added to his Committee on High. School Chemistry: ...
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MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION At a meeting of the Executive Committee held April 9, 1940 in Cincinnati, the following action was taken. (1) A motion carried that we discharge the Committee on Chemical Education of Non-Collegiate Type, with thanks and that we appropriate funds necessary for one hundred reprints of its report and "Trade Analysis." (2) Mr. McGill, Chairman, reported that two men had been added to his Committee on High School Chemistry: T. A. Nelson of Decatur, Illinois High School; and R. D. Reed of New Tersev State Teachers Colle~e, Montclair, New jersey. (3) Dr. Charles Parsons, Secretary of the Ameri-


can Chemical Society, had asked the Executive Committee to name a Committee to work with Committees from some other organizations on "Improvement and Organization of the Teaching of Physics and Exact Sciences in High Schools and Grade Schools." A motion carried that our present Committee on High-School Chemistry shall constitute such a Committee. The Secretary of the Board of Publication reported that the Board had elected Dr. N. W. Rakestraw as Editor of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION for the term August 1, 1940 to September 1, 1942. PAULH. FALL,Secretary