Meetings - American Chemical Society

15th International Workshop on. Preparative/Process Chromatography. (PREP 2002). June 16–19, 2002. Washington, DC. Contact: Janet Cunningham, Barr. ...
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Pine Ave. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A3 (514-398-3770; fax 514-398-4854; [email protected]; ca/hplc2002)

9th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS9) July 7–10, 2002. Boston, MA 15th International Workshop on Preparative/Process Chromatography (PREP 2002) June 16–19, 2002. Washington, DC Contact: Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-668-6001; fax 301-6684312; [email protected]; www.

224th ACS National Meeting Aug. 18–22, 2002. Boston, MA Contact: American Chemical Society Meetings Department, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202872-6059; fax 202-872-6128; natlmtgs@; 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Aug. 25–29, 2002. Barcelona, Spain Contact: Rosa Nomen, Institut Químic de Sarriá, Universitat Ramon Llull, vía Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona (34-93-2672000; fax 34-93-205-6266; [email protected];

European Conference on Analytical Chemistry Sept. 8–13, 2002. Dortmund, Germany Contact: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker–Euroanalysis, P.O. Box 90 04 40, 60444 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (49-69-7917358; fax 49-69-7917-475; [email protected];

Contact: Jo Walton, IMCS9 Conference Secretariat, Elsevier Science, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom (44-1865-843643; fax 44-1865-843-958; [email protected];

Contact: John F. Stobaugh, 2095 Constant Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047 (stobaugh@ku. edu; fax 785-864-5738; edu/~pbasymp)

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Contact: Janet Cunningham, c/o Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-668-6001; fax 301-6684312; [email protected]; www.

14th International Symposium on Chirality (ISCD) Sept. 8–12, 2002. Hamburg, Germany

50th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics June 2–6, 2002. Orlando, FL Contact: ASMS, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505-989-4517; fax 505-989-1073; [email protected];

15th Tandem Mass Spectrometry Workshop December 4–7, 2002. Lake Louise, Canada Contact: Margaret Northcott, Box 1030, Didsbury, Alberta, Canada T0M 0W0 (403335-3707; fax 403-335-3101; mnlouise@;

25th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography May 13–17, 2002. Riva del Garda, Italy Contact: Pat Sandra, I.O.P.M.S., Kennedypark 20, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium (32-56204960; fax 32-56-204859; pat.sandra@;

2nd North American Bioanalytical Forum (NABF 2002) Sept. 29–Oct. 2, 2002. Kansas City, MO

15th International Symposium, Exhibit, and Workshops on Preparative/ Process Chromatography (PREP 2002) June 16–19, 2002. Washington, DC

26th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2002) June 2–7, 2002. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Contact: HPLC 2002 Secretariat, 1110

A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 2

Contact: Wilfried A. König, University of Hamburg, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, 20146 Hamburg, Germany (49-404-2838-2824; fax 49-40 4-2838-2893; iscd14@chemie.;

29th Annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS 2002) Oct. 7–12, 2002. Providence, RI Contact: FACSS National Office, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Sante Fe, NM 87505 (505-820-1648; fax 505-989-1073; facss@;

4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE 2002) Oct. 11–14, 2002. Shanghai, China Contact: Wei Shi and Xin Liu, 457 Zhongshan Rd., Group 1807, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, China 116023 (86-411-437-9059; fax 86-411-4379065; [email protected]; http://www.