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Nov 5, 2010 - Oak Ridge Summer Symposium. The third annual Oak Ridge summer symposium will be held Aug. 27 to Sept. 7. It is presented by the Oak Ridg...
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{MEETINGS A N D P R O G R A M S Oak Ridge Summer Symposium The third annual Oak Ridge summer symposium will be held Aug. 27 to Sept. 7. It is presented by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory a n d the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies under the sponsorship of the American Society for Engineering Education and will be conducted by 2 3 engineers, educators, and physicists. T h e program o f talks to be given is as follows: Aug. 2 7 Τ. Κ. G L E N N AN.

Engineering and the

Objectives of the Atomic Energy mission. J. A . L A N E .


These talks will be held during t h e morning in Center Theater at Oak Ridge. Other talks of general interest will b e held in the evening at the Oak Ridge High School auditorium, they are: "Some Eco­ nomic Aspects of Atomic Power," by C G. Suits, Aug. 27, and "The Atomic En­ ergy Commission Reactor Program." r>y L. R. Hafstad, Sept. 5.

Food Technologists Announce N e w Officers Charles N. Frey of Standard Brands, Inc., N e w York, has been elected presi-

The Contributions of En­

gineering to Nuclear Energy' Develop­ ment. A. M. WEINBERG. Elementary Nuclear Concepts. I. Aug. 28 S. H. SCHURR. Atomic Power.


I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress O f Industrial Chemistry

Aspects of

Discussion led by S. II. SCHURR.

A. M. WEINBERG. Concepts. II.

Elementary- Nuclear

Aug. 29 A. M. WEINBERG. Elementary Nuclear Concepts. III. J. A. SWARTOUT. The Chemical Prob­ lems in the Development of Reactors. I. A. V. MASKET. A Simplified Approach to Reactor Calculations. I. Aug. 30 A. M. WEINBERG. Elementary Nuclear Concepts. I V . A. V. MASKET. A Simplified Approach to Reactor Calculations. II. K. Z. M O R G A N . Standards of Radiologi­ cal Protection and Control. NT. F. LANSING. Survey of Reactor Types. Sept. 4 G. E. E V A N S . The Materials of Reactor Construction. I. A. V. MASKET. A Simplified Approach to Reactor Calculations. III. J. A. SWARTOUT. The Chemical Prob­ lems in the Development of Reactors. II. R. S. MORTON. Environmental Prob­ lems of Radioactive Waste Materials. Sept. 5 E . P. BLIZARD. Nuclear Radiation Shielding Principles. R . N. LYON. Thermal Problems in Re­ actor Design. J.




Control of Reactors. Sept. 6 G. E . E V A N S . The Materials of Reactor Construction. II. M A S O N BENEDICT. Stable Isotope Sepa rations. W . K. EISTER. The Treatment of Radio­ active Wastes. Μ . Μ. M I L L S . Hazards Associated with L o w Power Research. Sept. 7 Panel Discussion on Nuclear Engineer­ ing-



R. C. E R N S T .

will be flown north to the field for a day's inspection tour and will return to Edmon­ ton to take part in the technical sessions which will last the rest of t h e week. T h e s e technical sessions will discuss the geology, mining, separation, and refin­ ing of biturninous sands a n d will b e led by experts on these various phases. G. S. Hume, director-general of scientific services of Canada's Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, will be chairman of the sessions on geology. Another wellknown authority o n biturninous sands tak­ ing part in these technical sessions will be S. M. Blair, consulting engineer of Toronto, w h o is author of t h e well-known Blair Report o n these sands prepared for the Alberta government and released earlier this year. Anyone interested in attending this symposium is requested t o communicate with the H o n . Dr. J. L. Robinson, Min­ ister of Industries and Labour, Govern­ ment of t h e Province of Alberta, Edmon­ ton.

C. N. Frey dent of the Institute of Food Technolo­ gists. Other officers are: Β. Ε. Proctoi:, president-elect; Philip K. Bates, treasurei, Berton S. Clark, assistant treasurer; and Col. Charles S. Lawrence, executive secretary.

Electrochemical Notional Convention Meeting again ir Detroit after n i n e years, t h e autumn national convention, Oct. 10 to 12, of the Electrochemical S o ­ ciety will be its 100th conclave. Conven­ tion headquarters will b e at the Hotel Statler. An intensely interesting program of technical sessions, plant visits, and social entertainment has been prepared for at­ tending members. The huge industrial production facilities of Detroit provide unlimited opportunities for members t o see something of the part electrochemistry is contributing to industrial advancement. Special plant visits have been arranged by the Detroit committee at the new F o r d disposal plant at Monroe, at the D o w Chemical Co. at Midland, and at the Chrysler plant.

September Symposium on Bituminous Sands A symposium on the development of Alberta's bituminous sands will be held for o n e week beginning Sept. 9, under the auspices of the government of Alberta. T o start off the symposium, the delegates CHEMICAL

The 24th session of t h e International Congress of Industrial Chemistry, or­ ganized b y the Societe de Chimie Indus­ trielle, will b e held from N o v . 2 5 to D e c . 1 in Paris, France. A l l of the prob­ lems which pertain to applied chemistry from the scientific, technical, and e c o ­ nomic points of view will be studied in the following 19 sections: 1. Analytical chemistry 2. Installation and arrangement of the factory 3. Water treatment 4. Urban hygiene and safety 5. Combustible solids, liquids, and gases 6. Minerals and metals 7. Electrochernistry 8. Atomic techniques 9. Materials for building and highway construction 10. Glass and refractories 11. Industrial organic products 12. Cosmetics, soaps, a n d waxes 13. Paint, plastics, and rubber 14. Cellulose 15. Tanning and glue 16. Sugars and fermentation industries 17. Food products 18. Agricultural chemistry 19. History of chemistry Specialists of different countries have been invited to present their papers. At the same time, there will be held t h e first exhibition of chemistry, which "will group together eveiything of interest t o t h e factories and laboratories, equipment, raw materials, and products. In the plan of the exhibition, a special room will be made available free of charge for inventors, where they can present all the objects or types of apparatus that have not been commercialized and w h i c h have been created for the purpose of particular tests, either in t h e plant or in the labora­ tory. T h e nonprofit associations and groups of the field of chemistry will also have the possibility of exhibiting panels giving a resume of their activities. A N D



Finally., an important presentation of magarröes and technical works in aB the ßeMs widere dseinistry plays aoa important irole will lie organized. During the early days of the exhibition and before t h e opening of the congress, a series o f conferences o n general chemistry w i ß b e held ander t h e auspices o f the Cemire d e Periectfonnexnent Technique and the S o o e t e d e s A m i s de la Maison d e la Chimie- There will also be a n important program of scientific and technical

New Text

For all reservations for t h e above meetings. vvfiiSe to Societe d e Chimie Industrielle, 2 S Rue Saint-DoEoinique, Paris VH T France.

Brooldiaveii National Laboratory C o n f e r e n c e A conference entitled the Chemistry and Physiology of t h e Nucleus will b e held at Brookhaven National Laboratory from Aug. 1 5 to 17. This conference, which is being organized and sponsored b y the laboratory's biology department, will feature I S speakers a n d 5 demonstrations. Each speech will b e followed hy a period for free discussion. T b e invited papers will be published as soon a s possible after t h e conference. ΑΠ inegumes for reserva­ tions should b e addressed t o : Biology D e ­ partment, Brookhaven National Labora­ tory, Upton, L . L, N e w York.

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National Mineral Feeds Convention


T h e board o f directors of the National Mineral Feeds Association has fixed Sept. 18 and 19 as its 1951 annnal convention dates. T h e convention will b e held at the Bisniark Hotel, Chicago, IIL


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CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society Diamond Jubilee Meeting, 120th National. N e w York City, Sept. S - 7 , 1951. 121st National Meeting. Buffalo, Ν . Υ., Marcb 2 S - 2 7 , 1952. Milwaukee, Wis., March 30-April 3 , 1 9 5 2 . l%?nd National Meeting. Atlantic City, N . J. Sept. 1 4 - 1 9 , 1 9 5 2 . 123rd National Meeting. Los Angeles, CaliL March 1 5 - 2 0 , 1 9 5 3 . 124th National Meeting. Chicago, DL, Sept. 6-11» 1953.

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Other Organizations American Pliarjnaceutical Association. Buffalo, Ν . Υ . Aug. 2 6 - 3 1 . Gordon Research Conference ( A A A S ) . N e w Hampton and N e w London, Ν . Η. June 1 8 - A u g . 3 L International Congress o f Pure and A p ­ plied Chemistry, ,Xlltfn. N e w York City. Sept. 1 0 - 1 3 , 1 9 5 1 . International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. XVIth Conference. N e w Yoik CSty, Sept. S - 9 , 1 9 5 1 ; Washington, L>. CL^Sept. 1 4 - 1 5 , 1 9 5 1 . Salesmen's Association of the American Chemical Industry. C o i f Tonrnarnent. Nassau Conntrv Club, Glen Cove, L . L Aug. 14. V O L U M E




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