Nov 5, 2010 - AAAS Chemistry Section To Meet in Cleveland. The meeting of the ... 26 to 30 ait the Allecton Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio. Reservations sho...
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City Nov. 2 and 3 at t h e Hotel Roosevelt by the Salesmen's Association of the American Chemical Industry. The clinic, first to be staged by the group, is open to members, any chemical sales manager, salesman, or student of chemistry in his senior year or in graduate school interpc^iutiss. nniitriLirneni: exhibit will be held ested in this branch of the industry. dJiunmnjig dike entire period, Cost to nonmembcTS is $22.50; memfiUteservailtio-iis. shomld be made with P. bers, $20; students, $15. Two luncheons G- ^Damrdbeh of the department of chemiand banquet are included. Registration (caiD eiiDgiim:eermg at Texas A&M. forms may be obtained from Paul Slawter, Jr., in care of the association at 225 Park Okldkoms S t a t e AIChE Meeting Ave., New York City.


MEETINGS ΑΝΏ> P ï t © G i t A M § AAAS Chemistry Secfsos To Meet in Cleveland

The meeting of t h e Che^nin-sfcrv SetcCaoau ( section C ) of the- Amesi-cian Ai^oxcii:a{ti«u'a for the AdvcirjL-tTmTJÎ *oif SL-iMac ιέ- ικ« scheduled for Dec. 26 lo 30) ai iihe A f e ton Hotel in Cleveland, Oioci. Bte*«rvjitions should be made aï an earl> idLaite wjttBu T h e annuaf state meeting of the Oklathe management -of t h e hotel. Locria sectio-osv American Institute of Tuesday, Dec. 26. ΤΛ-XD !be dk-v.u&vid t«o> CEitriTuical EnçineerSv will be held on the industria] tours of interest to «c-Ibeaimàsfcs. junxifl icj^EiiSwuis· of t h e University of Tulsa Oct. Wednesday is being held -openn ifiosr *es~ 7_ withj the Tuilsa Section as host. W. R. sions dealing -with general papers- TSiM^r Senrarem. Oeep Rock Oil Corp., is general wishing to present papers ai iihii-s im&etett2im.r .Λ.Ι.ΓΤΓΠΤΚΤΓΤΙ and T. C EIIiotT Stanolind Oil should advise t h e secretary aniïd jpxnojvixdl··.·· inuJ Ca> (CO., is in charge of public relahim w-ith a cop>· of an aibstractt amid ti!W t-oinpletcd paper (if possible"} ΌΟΏ ιϋπ hrcT h e technical program, devoted to the iore Nov. 1. itetnjtfiTjJ! f^hject of Eight hydrocarbons and A symposium on steroids i> ibcjas-jz jurEujituural! -zas- Eioruids, will cover supply, d e ranged for Thursday, one >ona imiOKr£Limi!iL nmuiidL a n d uses of Eight hydrocarbons, re­ chemistry arranged for Friday, anad jinu cent nrendLs in natural gasoline plant deevening session on medicinalls ILS fo»eimi)'_z sugxiL. delated coking techniques, and sub­ planned. jects cEo^ely allied to refinery operations, The Saturday program eo>n>i5it> io>ir JLIU iia-cEmding recovery of sulfur and manufac­ all-day s>"mposium on inse-LlK-ides jumf ture of carbon black from natural gas. an all da>' session on halh-stacK. S measure pore size in packagianigr imateirEaEs;; and testing for impact feituscre-

Oil Chemists Plan V a r i e d Program a t San Francisco The following papers are scheduled for the fall meeting of the American Oil Chemists Society at Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, Sept. 26 to 2 8 : KARL BRANDT.



SeMËa@ techniqiues employed for fine juaxi heavy- tonnage chemicals^ sales servixce> and t h e natroduction of new chemicals wiiM b e ciovered dmrmg a two-day "chemiiciB sales cfeie^ to· b e held in New York

World Economic


tion of Fats and Oils. H. W. MILNER. Possibilities in Photosynthetic Methods for Production of Oils and Protein. C. T. SMITH. A New Solvent Extractor for Oleaginous Substances. LEVIN.


A New

Solvent FEUGE


Rendering AND






Bleaching of Cottonseed Oil in Hexane. G. C. CAVANAGH. Color Removal from (Continued on page


CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society



1 1 1

Baton E o icsggee , Xjdhousoii ?R ?'?-iTl Xjcihrilscm JE? T1 Louisa aax» n a S t a tl e Urrrx^ersir?· Uirrx^ersit?· S o u t h A r lkcaannssaa s , E l iDcrrado"

1 I ] J 1 I 1

Southeastern X terxxaan , Ο L e c t u r e H a l L Hdcf Hdce iLnstxtnte", ÎInKtifrnle·, Houston Southwest Louisiana, M-aïesUc ^larjeiifcic· Hot