Meetings: CE for viruses - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Frederick Conference on CE—Britt Erickson reports from Frederick, MD. Britt Erickson. Anal. Chem. ... Publication Date (Web): December 1, 2000. Cite...
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which of these bacteria is causing the evident that separation scientists have begun bridging the gap between analyt- problem, directly from a urine sample. In another example, Armstrong used ical chemistry and microbiology. CE to quantify the active ingredient (a Daniel Armstrong of Iowa State microorganism) in acidophilus pills. University set the tone with a presentation on the challenges of separating inMicrobes in the tact bacteria. A big problem, he noted, environment is that there are few, if any, pure standards for microbes. Another problem, Characterizing microbes in the environhe pointed out, is that microbes tend to ment is another area in which CE has a aggregate, which can clog separation lot to offer, as demonstrated by Patrick channels. Although sonication helps Gillevet and co-workers at George prevent clumping, it is not foolproof. Mason University and SpectruMedix Microorganisms also tend to secrete Corp. The researchers have been substances that can surveying prokaryotes (bacteria), cause havoc with a fungi, and protists (algae and proseparation, and many tozoa) to establish a baseline inpolymer buffers comventory for microorganisms in esmonly used in CE are tuarine coastal environments. not compatible with According to Gillevet,