Meetings - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS Publications)

Dec 4, 1978 - Aug. 24-29, 1980 . San Francisco. March 29-April 3, 1981 . Atlanta. Aug. 23-28 ... Konover Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. ... Hyatt Regency, N...
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C&EN INDEX Annual 1977 Whether you are interested in wide coverage of a general topic or just a brief letter to the editor—if C&EN published it last year, you will find it listed in this comprehensive index. Consider a broad field such as fibers, for example: under that listing you will find research (acrylonitile outlook promising); development (rayon fibers gather new interest with technological improvements); business (DuPont sales in Europe top $1 billion); international news (Yugoslavia's polyester fiber plant operational) and twenty more listings! Most of them cross-indexed to be found easily under other headings, too. In addition, you II find information on many other broad fields—grants, health, OSHA, and so on—many with 50 or more listings! Individual topics, too—ovonic modification, kerogen, bathing caps. Legislation, research, economics, processing . . . whatever aspect of the subject you want to know a b o u t . . . you will find it quickly and easily. Just published, this comprehensive, useful index is available paperbound or in microfiche . . . $25.00. Save time and e f f o r t . . . use the coupon below to order your C&EN INDEX, Annual 1977 edition now!

Meetings Calendar of Events Future ACS national meetings: April 1-6, 1979. Honolulu Sept. 9-14, 1979. Washington, D.C. March 23-28, 1980. Houston Aug. 24-29, 1980. San Francisco March 29-April 3,1981. Atlanta Aug. 23-28,1981. New York City Write Meetings Dept., ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Dec. 11-13. NAS-Sponsored Workshop on Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Materials. Washington, D.C. Write Dr. M. Robbins, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J. 07974. Dec. 11-13. Solar Energy & Conservation Symposium Workshop. Konover Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Write Clean Energy Research Institute, U of Miami, P.O. Box 248294, Coral Gables, Fla. 33124. Dec. 11-13. Seminar on LNG Pipelines for Transport of Refrigeration. Houston. Write Cathy Fisher, Institute of Gas Technology, 3424 South State St., Chicago, 111. 60616.

1979 Jan. 2-5. 12th Annual Mtg. of Society for Historical Archaeology and 10th Conf. on Underwater Archaeology. Hyatt Regency, Nashville. Write George F. Fielder Jr., Tennessee Historical Commission, 170 Second Ave. North, Nashville, Tenn. 37201.

GAS PAINS! Let Rapid Curing Flash Polymerization be the answer* Most gas oven users find it hard to believe how quickly and efficiently we can replace their ovens with Xenon's flash polymerization technique. And they don't even need to add a UV initiator to their material. Maybe you've been skeptical too, but Xenon can make a believer out of you. If you're still using large, bulky, slow curing, gas eating ovens, then you re living in the dark ages. Let us show you the light at the end of that tunnel.

Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Think about it: Your competitors may already have seen the light. Why not get started with our RC 4000; Xenon Corporation's third generation flash polymerization laboratory curing system. Maybe your competition is already using the RC 4000. In that case, you're further in the dark than you think.

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Jan. 3-8.145th AAAS National Mtg. Shamrock Hilton Hotel, Houston. Write Joan Wrather, AAAS, 1515 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Jan. 7-13. 10th Caribbean Chemical Conf. Caracas, Venezuela. Write J. Roberto Ramirez, U of Puerto Rico, Dept. of Chemistry, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. Jan. 12-13 (Date Change). Dreyfus Foundation Conf./Workshop on "Professional Internships for Graduate Students in Chemistry." Northeastern U, Boston. Write Dr. Geoffrey Davies, Chemistry Dept., Northeastern U, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. 02115. Phone (617) 4372822. Jan. 15-17. Symp. on "Clinical and Environmental Applications of Quantitative Thin Layer Chromatography." Philadelphia. Write Dr. Dexter Rogers, Kontes, Spruce St., Vineland, N.J. 08360. Jan. 15-19. 4th Intl. Conf. on Fire Safety. San Francisco. Write Dr. Carlos J. Hilado, Fire & Safety Center, U of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif. 94117. Jan. 15-19. Seminar on Hazardous Waste Management. Vanderbilt U, Nashville. Write Vanderbilt U, Box 6222, Sta. B, Nashville, Tenn. 37235. Jan. 16-19. 34th Annual Symp. on Instrumentation for the Process Industries. Texas A&M U, College Station. Write Dr. R. G. Anthony, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M U, College Station, Tex. 77843. Jan. 16-19. Asian Intl. Chemical & Process Engineering & Contracting Show. Hyatt Convention Centre, Singapore. Write Clapp

Write for our free 50-page catalog: X E N O N corporation 661ndustrial Way Wilmington, MA 01887 (617) 658-8940 TWX: 710-347-0630

You can see the light, though, and Xenon makes it easy. Just call or drop us a line at Xenon and we'll be happy to introduce you to this new method of rapid curing with pulsed light.

X E N O N corporation

Dec. 4, 1978 C&EN


AddTYZOR to improve the crosslinking that improves your product. If you are working with resins containing active hydrogens, Du Pont TYZORR organic titanates can provide the crosslinking key that improves your products properties. Hardness, solvent resistance, electrical characteristics, or heat resistance are examples. There's a wide variety of applications for TYZOR. Printing inks, paints, coatings and gels are some of them. The seven high-purity TYZOR products are non-corrosive and excellent for a broad range of reactivity. Waterstable chelated forms are also available. Find out what our TYZOR organic titanates can do for your product. Send for our 48-page technical brochure. Du Pont Company, Room 35688 Wilmington, DE 19898

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C&EN Dec. 4, 1978


& Poliak Inc., 245 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Jan. 17. 1st John Lawrence Interdisciplinary Symp. on the Physical and Biomedical Sciences. Sioux Falls, S.D. Write Dr. George P. Scott, Dept. of Chemistry, U of South Dakota, Vermillion, S.D. 57069. Jan. 17-18.6th Annual Lightwood Research Conf. Sheraton-Atlanta, Atlanta. Write Pulp Chemicals Assoc, 60 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Jan. 21-24. Intl. Exposition for Food Processors. San Francisco. Write National Food Processors Assoc, 1133—20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Jan. 22-24. Intl. Symp. on Oilfield & Geothermal Chemistry. Houston. Write Karl Dreher, Marathon Oil Co., P.O. Box 269, Littleton, Colo. 80160. Jan. 23-26. Symp. on Optical Data Display Processing & Storage. Orlando Marriott Inn, Orlando, Fla. Write Robert H. Wood, SPSE, 1411 K St., N.W., No. 930, Washington, D.C.20005. Jan. 24-26. 26th Annual Conf. of Western Spectroscopy Assoc. Asilomar Grounds, Pacific Grove, Calif. Write A. Abu-Shumays, Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. Jan. 24-29. Conf. on Corrosion/Erosion of Coal Conversion System Materials. U of California, Berkeley. Write Alan V. Levy, Materials & Molecular Research Div., Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Bldg. 62, Room 351, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. Jan. 25-28. Soap & Detergent Association's Annual Industry Convention. Boca Raton Hotel & Club, Boca Raton, Fla. Write Kathleen Campbell, SDA, 475 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016. Jan. 28-Feb. 2. ACS 4th Winter Fluorine Conf. Daytona Beach, Fla. Write D. D. DesMarteau, Dept. of Chemistry, Kansas State U, Manhattan, Kan. 66502. Jan. 29-Feb. 1. Seminar on Instrumentation in Astronomy—III. Tucson Doubletree Inn, Tucson, Ariz. Write Technical Programs Committee, SPIE National Offices, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, Wash. 98225. Jan. 29-Feb. 2. 34th Annual Conf. of SPI Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute. New Orleans. Write Soc of the Plastics Industry, 355 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. Jan. 30-Feb. 1. Forest Products Research Soc. Conf. on "Hardware for Energy Generation in the Forest Products Industry." Seattle. Write Connie Walling, FPRS, 2801 Marshall Court, Madison, Wis. 53705. Jan. 30-Feb. 2. 6th Annual Conf. on the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces. Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, Calif. Write Robert S. Bauer, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote Hill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304. Feb. 12-13. "Coal Dilemma II"—ACS 4th Winter Symposium on Energy. Sponsored by I&EC Division. Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs. Write Shirley E. Blackwell, ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036.

Call for papers The ACS 34th Northwest Regional Meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn in Richland, Wash., June 13-15, 1979. The meeting will be hosted by the ACS Richland Section. Milton H. Campbell, Exxon Nuclear Co., Richland, is the general chairman of the event. Papers are invited in the following symposia and general sessions: Environmental Chemistry of Pollutants from Fossil Fuel Technology; Recent Advances in Analytical Technol-

Request meeting listings C&EN is now preparing its 1979 Calendar of Meetings and Events to be published in the Jan. 1, 1979, issue. We will list national and international meetings, conferences, symposiums, etc. (no short courses, please) occurring in 1979 which are of broad interest to chemists and chemical engineers. To be listed in the calendar, we need the following: date of event, name or title of meeting, where it will be held, and whom to contact for additional information. For inclusion in the calendar, information should be sent not later than Dec. 8. It should be addressed to: Theresa Rome, C&EN, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; telephone (202) 872-4506.

ogy for Nuclear Waste; Present and Future Demands on Thermochemistry; Chemistry of Polymers; Symposium for Technicians. The general sessions are: analytical, biochemical, chemical education, inorganic, nuclear, organic, and physical chemistry. Special symposia for invited papers only on "Nuclear Waste: Here Today, Here Tomorrow," and "Surface Analysis" will be included in the program. Abstracts on standard ACS forms must be submitted by March 1, 1979, to the program chairman, Dr. L. L. Burger, Battelle Northwest, P.O. Box 999, Richland, Wash. 99352, (509) 942-3327.

Travel award program The U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry of the National Research Council plans to administer a travel award program, with support from private sources, and perhaps from the National Science Foundation, to assist a limited number of selected U.S. scientists to attend the 27th IUPAC Congress in Helsinki, Aug. 27-31, 1979. Interested individuals may request applications from Dr. William Spindel, OCCT, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20418. The deadline for applications is Jan. 6, 1979.



Dr. Harold Meryman American Red Cross Blood Research Laboratory This "Man and Molecules" program is currently being released to radio stations. Check with ACS News Service for stations broadcasting in your area.