Meetings Tuesday afternoon Total-Internal-Reflection Fluorescence of Surfaces and Thin Films Low-Power Plasmas for AES and MS II Advances in Extraction Methodologies II Elemental Characterization of Semiconductor Samples: Can We Keep Up with Moore's Law? II 1998 Anachem Award Symposium II FT-IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Molecular Luminescence ICP Fundamentals and Diagnostics Industrial Applications of IR/NIR Spectroscopy Innovations in Environmental Technology and Measurement Methods IV LC/MS Analysis of Drugs: Instrumentation and Applications II Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Bioanalysis Novel Developments in Raman Spectroscopy Practices and Advances in Voltammetry II Speciation: Health and Nutrition Thin Organic Films for Chemical Sensors LI ICPMS: Insights and New Approaches II
Wednesday morning Advances in Atomic Spectroscopy II Biosensing Advances in DNA and Separations Chemometrics in Sensor and Spectroscopic Applications Clinical and Biomedical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy and Imaging Current Trends in Direct Elemental Analysis of Solids Dynamic Infrared Spectroscopy of Polymer; ICP Mass Analyzers: A Dynamic Area of Development Innovations in Environmental Technology and Measurement Methods V SAS Symposium—Analytical Spectroscopy Four Revolutionary Decades New Frontiers in Analytical Mass Spectrometry I Fundamentals and Environmental Applications of Electrochemistry Vibrational Spectroscopy at Surfaces Advances in Instrumentation and Techniques
Wednesday afternoon Plenary Lecture: Steven Weinberg FACSS and the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (co-sponsored poster session)
Thursday morning Environmental and Industrial Applications ICPMS: Insights and New Approaches III New Frontiers in Analytical Mass Spectrometry II Computational Methods I
604 A
Spectroscopic Analysis for Structural Information of Semiconductor Surfaces Reaction and Collision Cell Techniques in Atomic Mass Spectrometry Infrared Online and Process Analysis Long-Wavelength Absorption and Fluorescence Applications Spectroscopy and Microscopy in Bioanalytical Chemistry Surface Plasmon Resonance Methods Trace Organic Analysis I Investigations of Materials, Surfaces, and Interfaces I Applications and Developments in Raman Spectroscopy Advances in Atomic Spectroscopy III
Thursday afternoon ICPMS: Insights and New Approaches IV Environmental and Industrial Applications II Advances in Chemometrics Computational Methods II Mass Spectrometry Atomic Spectroscopy: In Honor of James Holcombe Capillary Electrophoresis for Clinical Analysis Environmental Mass Spectrometry Industrial Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Laser Spectroscopic Methods Useful in Protein Crystal Growth Trace Organic Analysis II Fiber Optics: Design and Application Advances in Extraction, Separation, and Flow Techniques Investigations of Materials, Surfaces, and Interfaces II
Conferences 112th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition Sept. 13-17. Mont real, Quebec, Canana Contact: AOAC International-DB, Meet ings and Education Department, 481 N. Frederick Ave., Suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2417 (800-379-2622; 301-924-7077; fax 301-924-7089; meetings®; 5th Conference of t h e International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans Sept. 26-30. Lyon, France Contact: Trace Element Institute for UNESCO, Immeuble Le Condorcet, 1 place de l'Ecole, B.P. 7021, 69342 Lyon, Cedex 07 France (33-0-4-72-80-82-90; fax 33-0-4-78-58-8671;
[email protected])
Analytical Chemistry News & Features, September 1, 1998
Sensors Expo Fall '98 Oct. 6-8. Chicago, ,L Contact: Epocon, 363 Reef Rd., Fairfield, CT 06430 (203-256-4700; fax 203-332-4569;
[email protected]; http://www. Analitika '98 Oct. 12-14. Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa Contact: Pat Bayley, Analitika '98, P.O. Box 426, Cramerview, 2060 South Africa (tel/fax; 27-11-465-4015;
[email protected]; analit98.htm) μ - T A S '98 3rd International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis Systems Oct. 13-16. Banff, Alberta, Canana Contact: L. MacDougall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G2 (403-492-0530; fax 403-492-8231; MicroTAS@chem.; Mátrafüred '98 International Symposium on Electrochemical and Biosensors Oct. 14-17. Matrafiired, Hungary Contact: Gabor Toth, Matrafiired '98, Conference Office of the Technical University of Budapest, H-llll Budapest, Muegyetem rakpart 3. (36-1-463-2666; tel/fax 36-1-463-3542;
[email protected]) International Symposium on Laboratory Automation and Robotics Oct. 18-21. Boston, MA Contact: James N. Little, 68 Elm St., Hopkinton, MA 01748 (508-435-9500; fax 508-4353439;
[email protected]; Precision Thermometry Workshop Oct. 19-23. Gaithersburg, MD Contact: Andrea Swiger, NIST, Bldg. 221, Rm. B128, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 (301-9754800; fax 301-548-0206; andrea. swiger® International Symposium on Industrial and Environmental Monitors and Biosensors Nov. 1-6. Boston, MA Contact: Tuan Vo-Dinh, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA (360-676-3290; fax 360647-1445;
[email protected]; http://www. Annual Conference of t h e Analytical Laboratory Managers Association Nov. 4-6. Phoenix, AZ Contact: Judith A. Sjoberg, Analytical Laboratory Managers Association, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505-989-4683; fax 505-989-1073)
24th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists
Nov. 4-7. Newport, RI Contact: Mary Beth Raffin, Connecticut State Police Forensic Laboratory, 278 Colony St., Meriden, CT 06451 (203-639-6400; fax 203-6396485)
Immunochemistry Summit V I I and 3rd Workshop on Biosensors and Biological Techniques in Environmental Analysis
Dec. 1-3. Las Vegas, NV Contact: Kathy Lauckner, UNLV Harry Reid Center, Box 454009, Las Vegas, NV 891544009 (708-895-1423; fax 702-895-3094;
[email protected])
1998 Eastern Analytical Symposium
Nov. 15-20. Somersett N] Contact: Eastern Analytical Symposium, P.O. Box 633, Montchanin, DE 19710-0633 (302738-6218; fax 302-738-5275;
[email protected])
6th International Symposium on Advances in Electrochemical Science and Technology 3rd Symposium Nov. 26-28. Cheenai on Analysis of (Madras), India Peptides Contact: SAEST, Sept. 7-9. Stockholm, Karaikudi - 630 006, Tamil Nadu, India (91Sweden 04565-22368; fax 91-04565-22088; cecrik® Contact: Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, S-lll 14th Asilomar 81 Stockholm, Sweden (46-8-723-50-00; fax Conference 46-8-20-55-11;
[email protected]; on Mass Spec trometry Oct. 2-6. Pacific NMHCC's 2nd Annual Bioanalytical Grove, CA Technologies International Contact: Scott A. McLuckey, Oak Conference Ridge National LaboSept. 14-15. Baltimore, MD Contact: NMHCC Bio/Technology, 71 Second ratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 378316365 (423-574-2848; fax 423-576-8559; Ave., 3rd Floor, Waltham, MA 02154
[email protected]) (888-670-8700; fax 941-373-1638; biotech®; WorldPharm International Pharmaceutical Exposition and Conference
15th (Montreux) Symposium on Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Sept. 22-24. Phiiadelphia, PA Contact: Denise Madden, WorldPharm, 859 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401-6806 (541984-5335; fax 541-343-7024; dmadden®;
Nov. 11-13. Montreux, Switzerland Contact: Marianne Frei-Hausler, IAEAC Secretariat, Postfach 46, CH-4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland (41-61-481-27-89; fax 41-61-482-0805;
[email protected])
Combinatorial Chemistry: Beyond Pharmaceuticals
Oct. 22-23. Newark, DE Contact: Engineering Outreach, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716-3101 (302-8314863; fax 302-831-8179; outreach@mvs.; DeptsPrgms/EO/CombChem.html) NanoTech '98—2nd Annual European Conference on Micro and Nanoscale Technologies for the Biosciences
Nov. 24-26. Montreux, Switzerland Contact: Dave Morehouse, Av. de Provence 20, CH-1000 Lausanne 20, Switzerland (41-21626-4630; fax 41-21-624-1549; symposia®;
22nd International Symposium on Chromatography
Sept. 13-18. Rome, Italy Contact: F. Dondi, Dept. of Chemistry, Universita di Ferrara, Via L. Borsari 46,1-44100 Ferrara, Italy (39532-29-11-54; fax 39-532-24-07-09; mo5@dns.; International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA '98)
Sept. 23-25. Strasbourg, France Contact: Francoise Brionne, ENSIC, 1, rue Grandville, BP 451, F-54001 Nancy, Cedex, France (33-383-17-50-03; fax 33-383-35-08-11;
[email protected])
International Ion Chromatography Symposium 1998
Sept. 28-Octt 1. Osaka, Japan Contact: Janet Strimaitis, Century International, P.O. Box 493, Medfield, MA 02052-0493 ((08359-8777; fax 508-359-3778;
[email protected]) International GPC Symposium '98
Oct. 4-7. Phoenix, AA Contact: Stacy Rodrigues, Waters Corporation, 34 Maple St., Mailstop MC, Milford, MA 01757 (508-482-2674; fax 508-482-2674) 2nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Capillary Electrophoresis and Related Microscale Techniques (APCE '98)
Oct. 8-11. Dallan, China Contact: Bingcheng Lin, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhongshan Rd. 457,116023 Dalian, People's Republic of China (86-411-4671991; fax 86-411-3622302;
[email protected]; http// 9 t h Annual Frederick Conference on Capillary Electrophoresis
Oct. 19-21. Frederick, MD Contact: Margaret L. Fanning, SAIC Frederick, NCI-FCRDC, P.O. Box B, Frederick, MD 21702 (301-846-5865; fax 301-846-5866;
[email protected]) Connecticut Separation Science Council
Oct. 30. Danbury, CC Contact: James D. Stuart, Department of Chemistry, U-60, 215 Glenbrook Road, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-4060 (860-486-3068; fax 860-486-2981; smart®; http://www.lib. 12th International Symposium on High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis and Related Microscale Techniques (HPCE '99)
Jan. 23-28, 1999. Palm Springs, CA Contact: Joan Saluzzi, c/o Rhema Association Management, P.O. Box 411106, San Francisco, CA 94141-1106 (415-487-9876; fax 415487-9875;
[email protected]; http://www. 23rd International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid-Phase Separations and Related T e c h niques (HPLC '99)
May 30-June 4,1999. Granada, Spain Abstracts due by Oct. 16,1998. April 10,1999 is the deadline for late-breaking abstracts. Contact: Ana Costeja, Palacio de Congresos, Department de Conventions, Avda. Ma Cristina s/n, 08004 Barcelona, Spain (34-932-332377; fax 34-934-262-845;
[email protected];
Analytical Chemistry News & Features, September 1, 1,98
HPLC ' 9 9 23rd International S y m p o s i u m on H i g h
Why Wait for the Mail?
Phase Separations and Related Techniques G r a n a d a Exhibition and Conference C e n t e r May 3 0 - J u n e 4 , 1999
Short Courses
G r a n a d a , Spain
Session topics will include all practical and fundamental aspects of analytical and preparative liquid separations ( L C , CE, C E C ) including micro- and nano-LC technologies.
Available only to ACS Web Edition subscribers,
Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable) puts readers in the world of real-time science. For all ACS
Deadline for submission of regular abstracts is October 16,1998. To be considered for an oral presentation and for the preliminary program, all abstracts must be received by this date.
journals, each article is posted
Deadline for late-breaking abstracts is April 10, 1999. Abstracts received after this date will only be included in an addendum to the final program.
to the journal's home page when it has completed rigorous peer-review, editing,
A key feature of HPLC '99 will be the international technical exhibition supported by a selected program of vendor's seminars.
Articles ASAP are published anywhere from 2. to 11 weeks before they appear in print, enhancements that put Web Editions at the head of the and functionality.
Practical SFE Methodology for the AOAC Methods program Quality Assurance for Analytical Laboratories Statistics for Method Development
Sept. 18-20. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nov. 10-12. Gaithersburg, MD ISO 9000, ISO/IEC Guide 25, and the Laboratory Sept. 19-20. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nov. 9-10. Gaithersburg, MD Implementing Good Laboratory Practices Intralaboratory (In House) Analytical Method Validation
The following courses are reing offered by the Analytical Laboratory Managers Association, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505-989-4683; fax 505-989-1073) Nov. 3-4. Phoenix, AZ Managing t h e Modern Laboratory
Articles ASAP- one more way to Know It Now with ACS information, visit the ACS Publications website,
Nov. 4. Phoenix, AZ PBMS—New Opportunities w i t h Environmental Analyses
The following course is being offered by NanoTech'98, SciTec Conference Coordination Office, Av. de Provence 20, CH-1000 Lausanne 20, Switzerland (41-21-626-4630; fax 41-21624-1549) Nov. 22-23. Montreux, Switzerland Microsystems Technology
For more details check our website at
ACS 606 A
Sept. 12-13. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nov. 9-10. Gaithersburg, MD
class for flexibility
Web Editions. For more S Y M P O S I U M SECRETARIAT Ms. Ana Costeja, Palacio de Congresos.Avda. Ma Cristina s/n, 08004 Barcelona, Spain Phone 34-93-233-23-77 Fax 34-93-426-28-45 e-mail t o
[email protected] The following courses are reing offered by AOAC International, 481 N. Frederick Ave., Suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2417 (800-379-2622; ;01-924-7077; fax 301-9247089;
[email protected]; http://wwu>.
and is fully approved for
and carry all the electronic The event will be highlighted by one of the richest social programs ever in this meeting series.
1998 Conference on Spectroscopy in Process and Quality Control
Oct. 26. London, UK Contact: Simon Roberts, Advanstar Communications, Advanstar House, Sealand Road, Chester CHI 4RN, United Kindgom (44-1-244-378888; fax 44-1244-370011;
[email protected] P e r f o r m a n c e Liquid
H P L C '99 will be held in Granada, Spain—one of the most exciting and picturesque cities in the world.
Analytical Chemistry News & Features, September 1, 1998