Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 27 and 28, 1938 ... 1938. Local Sections. AKRON. Women's City Club, November 15. Dinner, 6...
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INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY IOWA. Iowa City, November 15. Din­ ner, Alpha Chi Sigma House, 6 : 0 0 p. M.; meeting, Chemistry Auditorium, 7:30 P. M., "Spectroscopy of Fats," b y George O. Burr. K A N S A S CITY.

Kansas City, Mo., N o ­

vember 8. "The Study of Chemical Structure b y Means of t h e Infrared Absorption spectrum," by W . H. Rodebush. KANSAS

American Chemical Society 9 7 T H MEETING.

Baltimore, Md., April 3

to 7, 1939. 98TH MEETING. Boston, Mass., fall of 1939. 99TH MEETING. Cincinnati, Ohio, spring of 1940. 100TH MEETING. Detroit, Mich., fall of 1940. AKRON





Club, Akron, Ohio, November 11. Speaker, W. C. Geer, Consultant. FIFTH




POSIUM, Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, on "Fluid D y ­ namics." Carnegie Institute of Tech­ nology, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 2 7 and 28, 1938. T H I R D A N N U A L SYMPOSIUM, Division of

Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, on "Intermolecular Action." Brown Uni­ versity, Providence, R. I., December 27 to 29. 1938. Local Sections AKRON. Women's City Club, Novem­ ber 15. Dinner, 6 : 3 0 p. M.; meeting, 8 p. M., "The Chemical Constitution of Petroleum/' b y F . D . Rossini. ALABAMA. Birmingham, November 12. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemistry»" b y B . S. Hopkins. AMES. Ames, Iowa, November 16. Din­ ner, Memorial Union, 6 p. M.; meeting. Chemistry Building Auditorium, 7:30 p. M., "Spectroscopy of Fats," by George O. Burr. CALIFORNIA. Engineers' Club, San Fran­ cisco, November 7. "Hydrocarbons," by Frank C . Whitmore, President,




November 9 . "The Study of Chemical Structure b y Means of t h e Infrared Absorption Spectrum," by W . H. Rodebush. LEXINGTON. Lexington, Ky., November 16. "Formation and Destruction of a Paint Film," by William Krumbhaar. LOUISVILLE. Louisville, Ky., November 14. "Formation and Destruction of a Paint Film," by William Krumbhaar. MARYLAND. Remsen Hall, Johns Hop­ kins University, Baltimore, October 28. Meeting, 8 : 1 5 P. M., "Volatile Metal Carbonyls," b y A. A. Blanchard. MILWAUKEE. October 28. "Silicon I m ­ pregnation of Iron and Steel," b y Henry K. Ihrig. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis, November 16. "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C Whit­ more, President, AMERICAN CHEMICAL

VOL. 16, N O . 2 0

trophotometry i n t h e Study of t h e Structure o f Vitamin ft.» b y A . E . Ruehle. S T . LOUIS. St. Louis University School of Medicine, November 7. Meeting, 7 : 4 5 p. M., ' T h e Study o f Chemical Struc­ ture by Means o f the Infrared Absorp­ tion Spectrum," by W. H . Rodebush. SOUTH CAROLINA.

Spartanburg, N o v e m ­

ber 15. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field o f Chemistry," b y B. S. Hopkins. SOUTH J E R S E Y .



Country Club, Perm's Grove, N . J., November 15. "The U s e of Sulfanil­ amide for Bacterial Infections," b y E . K . Marshall, Jr. SOUTHEAST K A N S A S .

Pittsburg, N o v e m ­

ber 11. "The Study of Chemical Structure b y Means of the Infrared Absorption Spectrum," b y W. H . Rode­ bush. SOUTHEAST



October 2 8 . "Modern Theories of Solution," b y Harold B . Friedman. November 11. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chem­ istry, 1 ' b y B . S. Hopkins. SOUTHERN




October 31. "Hydrocarbons," by Frank C Whitmore, President, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.


more, President, AMERICAN CHEMICAL

VIRGINIA. Richmond, November 4. "The . Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemistry," b y B. S. Hopkins.



MONTANA. Bozeman, November 14. "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C. Whit­ NASHVILLE. Nashville, Tenn., November 9. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neg­ lected Field of Chemistry, ,r by B. S. Hopkins. NORTH CAROLINA. Wake Forest, Novem­ ber 3. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemistry," by B . S. Hopkins. NORTH JERSEY. Essex House, Newark, N. J., November 14. " T h e Influ­ ence of Constitutional Factors o n the Properties of Electrolytes," b y Charles A. Kraus. NORTHEAST T E N N E S S E E .


November 7. Dinner, Franklin Club, 7:00 P. M.; meeting, 8:00 P . M., "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemistry," by B . S. Hopkins. NORTHERN




town, November 11. Speaker, F. D . Rossini, National Bureau of Standards. NORTHWESTERN UTAH.

Physical Science

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Building, University of Utah, Salt Lake CINCINNATI. November 9. "Formation City, October 28. Meeting, 7:30 P. M., and Destruction of a Paint Film," b y "H>drocarbons," b y Frank C. Whit­ William Krumbhaar. more, President, AMERICAN CHEMICAL COLORADO. Cosmopolitan Hotel, Den­ SOCIETY. ver, October 26. Dinner, 6:30 p. M.; OKLAHOMA. November 10. "The Study meeting, "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C. of Chemical Structure by Means of Whitmore, President, AMERICAN CHEMI­ the Infrared Absorption Spectrum," CAL SOCIETY. by W. H . Rodebush. EAST TENNESSEE. Knoxville, November OMAHA. Omaha, Nebr., November 17. 8. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neg­ "Spectroscopy of Fats," by George O. lected Field of Chemistry/ 1 by B. S. Burr. Hopkins. OREGON. Corvallis, November 9. "Hy­ EASTERN N E W YORK. Schenectady, drocarbons," by Frank C. Whitmore, November 16. "The Influence of Con­ President, AMERICAN CHEMICAL S O ­ stitutional Factors on the Properties CIETY. of Electrolytes," b y Charles A. Kraus. PHILADELPHIA. November 17. "Chem­ E R I E . November 14. Speaker, F . D . ical Microscopy, Illustrated by MicroRossini, National Bureau of Standards. projection," by C. W. Mason. FLORIDA. Gainesville, November 18. PITTSBURGH. Mellon Institute of Indus­ "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected trial Research, November 10. "What Field of Chemistry," b y B . S. Hopkins. Is in Petroleum," b y F. D. Rossini. GEORGIA. Georgia School of Technology, PRINCETON. October 27. "Volatile Metal Atlanta, November 14. Dinner, Dining Carbonyls," b y A. A. Blanchard. Hall, 7:00 p. M.: meeting, 8:00 P. M., PUGBT SOUND. Chemistry Building, "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected University of Washington, Seattle, Field of Chemistry," b y B . S. Hopkins. November 10. Dinner, 6 : 3 0 P . M . ; ILLINOIS-IOWA. Rock Island, Illinois, No­ meeting, "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C. vember 14. "Spectroscopy of Fats," Whitmore, President, AMERICAN CHEMI­ b y George O. Burr. CAL SOCIETY. INDIANA. Indianapolis, November 11. ROCHESTER. River Campus, University "Formation a n d Destruction of a of Rochester, November 7. Dinner, Paint Film, 99 b y William Krumbhaar. 6 : 0 0 P. M.; meeting, 7:00 P. M., "Spec­



Pulaski, November 5. Dinner, 6 : 3 0 p. M . ; meeting, " T h e Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemis­ t r y / ' by B. S. Hopkins. WASHINGTON-IDAHO BORDER.


November 11. "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C . Whitmore. WESTERN




November 15. Dinner, 6:45 p. M . ; meeting, 8 : 3 0 P. M., " T h e Influence of Constitutional Factors o n t h e Proper­ ties of Electrolytes," b y Charles A · Kraus. WILSON D A M . November 10. "The Rare Earth Group—A Neglected Field of Chemistry," by Β . S. Hopkins. WISCONSIN. Madison, November 17. Dinner» University Club, 6 : 0 0 p. M.; meeting, Main Auditorium, Chemistry Building, "Hydrocarbons," b y Frank C. Whitmore.

Other Scientific Societies A I R H Y G I E N E FOUNDATION.

Mellon I n ­

stitute, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 17. Annual meeting. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTS A N D COLORISTS.

TEXTILE Biltmore

Hotel, Atlanta, Ga., December 2 and 3 . Annual meeting. AMERICAN INSTITUTE O F CHEMICAL E N ­

GINEERS. Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., November 9 t o 11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF M I N I N G A N D METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS. Tucson,

Ariz., November 1 to 5. AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY.


111., November 2 5 a n d 26. Washing­ ton, D . C , December 27 t o 29. AMERICAN P U B L I C H E A L T H ASSOCIATION.

Kansas City, Mo., October 25 to 28. NATIONAL P A I N T , V A R N I S H , AND LACQUER

ASSOCIATION. Ambassador Hotel, A t ­ lantic City, N . J., October 26 t o 28. OPTICAL SOCIETY O F AMERICA.


Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Canada, October 27 t o 29. SOCIETY O F CHEMICAL INDUSTRY.


cal Engineering Group. Burlington House, London, November 7. X I I I T H NATIONAL EXPOSITION O F P O W E R AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Grand

Central Palace, N e w York, Ν . Y . , D e ­ cember 5 t o 10.