Meetings: ICAS 2001 - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Meetings: ICAS 2001. Anal. Chem. , 2001, 73 (13), pp 387 A–389 A. DOI: 10.1021/ac012475u. Publication Date (Web): July 1, 2001. Note: In lieu of an ...
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ICAS 2001 T

he 3rd International Congress on Analytical Sciences (ICAS 2001) will be held Aug. 6–10 at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. The meeting will feature 5 plenary lectures, 26 symposia and general sessions, and more than 950 contributed papers and posters. The topics discussed will cover a wide variety of fields including energy, resources environment, health sciences, and nanotechnology. Registration is $436 for members, $527 for domestic participants, $181 for students, and $436 for overseas participants. The registration fee includes a welcome party on Aug. 6 at the Okuma Garden House on the university campus, refreshments during the conference, and a CD copy of the proceedings. For additional information, contact ICAS 2001, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (8135841-7237; fax 81-35841-6037;; http://

Tuesday afternoon New trends of atomic spectroscopic methods for solid sample analysis Novel methodologies for nanospace chemistry


Program Tuesday morning Opening ceremony Plenary lecture: Miniaturization and chip technology—What can we expect? A. Manz (Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, U.K.) Plenary lecture: Capillary electrophoretic techniques toward the metabolome analysis, S. Terabe (Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan)

New horizons in separation science Smart chemical and biochemical sensing/sensors New trends in electrochemical sensing based on bio- and biomimetic affinities Proteomics and MS Advanced chemical analysis by flowinjection and flow-based methods Advanced imaging technology for bioscience New instrumentation for dioxin analysis Chemo-affinity support

Advanced analytical vibrational spectroscopy Wednesday morning Plenary lecture: Threading intercalation to double-stranded DNA and the application to DNA sensing, especially in array technique, M. Takagi (Kyushu University, Japan) Plenary lecture: Evolution and revolution in instrumentation for plasma-source MS, G. M. Hieftje (Indiana University)

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Plenary lecture: Exploring new opportunities with sum-frequency nonlinear optical spectroscopy, Y. R. Shen (University of California, Berkeley) Wednesday afternoon New directions for analytical atomic spectrometry in the 21st century New trends of atomic spectroscopic methods for solid-sample analysis II New horizons in separation science II Smart chemical and biochemical sensing/sensors II New trends in electrochemical sensing based on bio- and biomimetic affinities II Advanced chemical analysis by flowinjection and flow-based methods II Advanced imaging technology for bioscience II Advanced analytical vibrational spectroscopy II Micro- and nanoscale analysis on a chip New phase in X-ray analysis, from super-soft to super-hard X-rays Chemical bonding state analysis of surfaces by electron spectroscopy and SPM Chemometrics in analytical chemistry Thursday morning Micro- and nanoscale analysis on a chip Advanced analytical vibrational spectroscopy III Smart chemical and biochemical sensing/sensors III Advanced chemical analysis by flowinjection and flow-based methods III New directions for analytical atomic spectrometry in the 21st century II Chemometrics in analytical chemistry II New phase in X-ray analysis, from super-soft to super-hard X-rays II Applied laser spectroscopy New fields, concepts, and methodologies in electroanalytical chemistry Separation science and chemometrics Analytical chemistry curriculum for future generations of chemists New era of nuclear probes using particle beams for development of life, material, and environmental sciences Thursday afternoon Nanochemistry at liquid–liquid interfaces Novel methodologies for nanospace chemistry

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Micro- and nanoscale analysis on a chip II Materials for separation science Smart chemical and biochemical sensing/sensors IV Advanced chemical analysis by flowinjection and flow-based methods IV New phase in X-ray analysis, from super-soft to super-hard X-rays III Applied laser spectroscopy II New fields, concepts, and methodologies in electroanalytical chemistry II Chemical bonding state analysis of surfaces by electron spectroscopy and SPM II Separation science and chemometrics II Analytical chemistry curriculum for future generations of chemists II Friday morning New fluorescent probes and detection systems in bioscience Porphyrins in analytical chemistry New era of nuclear probes using particle beams for development of life, material, and environmental sciences II Establishing chemical metrology in the 21st century Nanochemistry at liquid–liquid interfaces II Novel methodologies for nanospace chemistry II Materials for separation science II Smart chemical and biochemical sensing/sensors V New phase in X-ray analysis, from super-soft to super-hard X-rays IV New fields, concepts, and methodologies in electroanalytical chemistry III Chemical bonding state analysis of surfaces by electron spectroscopy and SPM III Friday afternoon New fluorescent probes and detection systems in bioscience II Porphyrins in analytical chemistry II New era of nuclear probes using particle beams for development of life, material, and environmental sciences III Nanochemistry at liquid–liquid interfaces III Novel methodologies for nanospace chemistry III Materials for separation science III New phase in X-ray analysis, from

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super-soft to super-hard X-rays V New fields, concepts, and methodologies in electroanalytical chemistry IV


IUPAC International Congress on Analytical Sciences (ICAS2001) Aug. 6–10, 2001. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Contact: M. Fujinami, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (81-3-5841-7237; fax 81-3-58416037;;

9th International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis Oct. 17–20, 2001. Beijing, China Contact: BCEIA 2001 General Services Office, Rm. 585, 54 Sanlihe Rd., P.O. Box 2143, Beijing 100045, P.R. China (8610-6851-2200; fax 86-10-6851-1814;,;;

CE in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Aug. 19–21, 2001. Boston, MA Contact: Karen Bertani, California Separation Science Society (CaSSS), 156 South Spruce Ave., Ste. 207A, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4556 (650-876-0792; fax 650-876-0793;;

5th International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems (µTAS) Oct. 21–25, 2001. Monterey, CA Contact: Karen Bertani, California Separation Science Society (CaSSS), 156 South Spruce Ave., Ste. 207A, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4556 (650-876-0792;


fax 650-876-0793;;

Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908 (804-924-9430; fax 804-924-5718; med9b@;

3rd HPLPµS Symposium on Emerging Technologies—Protein Analysis Oct. 25–26, 2001. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Contact: Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, S-111 81 Stockholm, Sweden (46-8-723-5000; fax 46-8-20-5511;;

17th Annual Waste Testing and Quality Assurance Symposium (WTQA 2001) Aug. 12–16, 2001. Arlington, VA Contact: Ms. Eileen O’Toole, 2000 Kraft Dr., Ste. 1000, Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540-557-6007; fax 540-557-6085; eileen_;

5th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health & Life Sciences: Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Aug. 26–30, 2001. San Francisco, CA Contact: Marilyn F. Schwartz, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0446 (415-476-4893; fax 415-502-1655; sfms@; symposium)

3rd International Symposium for New Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2001) Sept. 17–19, 2001. Barcelona, Spain Contact: Joseph M. Bayona, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas y Ambientales de Barcelona, Jordi Girona 18, E-08034 Barcelona (34-93-400-6100; fax 34-9320-45904;;

Contact: Maria E. DiLorenzo, Association for Laboratory Automation, P.O. Box 800572, University of Virginia, Health

2nd International Conference on Countercurrent Chromatography (CCC-2002) April 15–20, 2002. Beijing, China Contact: Xibai Qiu, c/o Chinese Chemical Society, P.O. Box 2709, Beijing, 100080, China (86-10-625-68157/64020; fax 86-10625-68157;;

26th International Symposium on HighPerformance Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2002) June 2–7, 2002. Montreal, Quebec, Canada

CE in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries: Practical Applications for the Analysis of Proteins, Nucleotides, and Small Molecules Aug. 19–21, 2001. Boston, MA

Contact: HPLC 2002 Secretariat, 1110 Pine Ave. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A3 (514-398-3770; fax 514-3984854;; http://www.

Contact: California Separation Science Society (CaSSS), 156 South Spruce Ave., Ste. 207A, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4556 (650-876-0792; fax 650-8760793;; http://www.

16th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (HPCE 2003) Jan. 18–23, 2003. San Diego, CA

10th International Symposium and Exhibit on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Extraction, and Processing Aug. 19–22, 2001. Myrtle Beach, SC

Contact: Catherine Federle, California Separation Science Society (CaSSS), 156 S. Spruce Ave., Ste. 207A, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4556 (650-876-0792; fax 650-876-0793; cepharm)

Contact: Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-898-3772; fax 301-898-5596;

21st International Symposium and Exhibit on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides Nov. 11–14, 2001. Orlando, FL Contact: Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-898-3772; fax 301-898-5596;

smallTalk2001: The Microfluidics, Microarrays, and BioMEMS Conference Aug. 27–31, 2001. San Diego, CA

ang Mai 50200, Thailand (66-53-9433415; fax 66-53-222-268 or 66-53-892-274 or 66-53-892-277; 11icfia@science.cmu.;; http://www.

Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS ’01) Oct. 7–12, 2001. Detroit, MI Contact: FACSS National Office, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505-820-1648; fax 505-989-1073;;

11th International Conference on Flow-Injection Analysis December 16–20, 2001. Chiang Mai, Thailand Contact: Kate Grudpan, Department of Chemistry, Chiang Mai University, Chi-

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