Resource Based Learning and Skills Training in Analytical Chemistry
Chemometrics in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Application of Spectroscopic Techniques to Reaction Monitoring
Thin Films
Chromatography and Separations II
Chemical Speciation
Ultrasensitive Detection in Bioanalysis
Collision & Reaction Cell Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy
Laser Techniques in Atomic Spectrometry I
Sample Introduction and Fundamental Studies in Atomic Spectrometry
Tuesday afternoon Industrial Applications of Chemometrics Focal Plane Detectors in Mass Spectrometry Analytical Chemistry in Forensic Science I Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy Chromatography and Separations I Education in Analytical Chemistry
FACSS Young Investigator Symposium— Nurturing the Forces That Will Shape 21st Century Analytical Chemists
Molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy
On-line Spectroscopy for Process Control and Process Monitoring
Photoacoustic/Photothermal Spectroscopy II
Photoacoustic Photothermal Spectroscopy I
Raman Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Raman Instrumentation and Techniques III
Time-Resolved IR Spectroscopy I
Sample-Preparation/Flow Injection Techniques for Atomic Spectrometry Spectroscopic Methods
Wednesday afternoon
Molecular Emission Spectroscopy II
Forensic Roundtable—Future Directions of Analytical Chemistry in Forensic Science
Spectroscopic Properties of Single Biological Molecules
Thursday afternoon Analytical Spectroscopy Atomic Spectrometry II Biological Analysis Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Keynote Lecture—Applied Science Frontiers in Law Enforcement
IR Imaging and Bio-Spectroscopy
Thursday morning
Mass Spectrometry of Polymers II Raman Microscopy and Imaging
Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces
Wednesday morning
Mass Spectrometry of Polymers I
Miniaturized Optochemical Sensors
Fundamentals and Varied Applications of the Electrospray Process in Analytical Spectroscopy IV
Raman Instrumentation and Techniques II
Look at the Spectrum—A Symposium in Memory of Bob Jakobsen
Laser Techniques in Atomic Spectrometry II
Analytical Chemistry in Forensic Science II
Advanced Applications of Glow Discharge Sources
Application of Mass Spectrometry
Anachem Award Address
Spectroscopic and Microchip-Based Bioanalysis
Atomic Spectrometry I
Analysis of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Materials
Spectroscopic Instrumentation for Portable and “On-site” Applications
Analytical Chemistry in Forensic Science III
Time-Resolved IR Spectroscopy II
Biomedical and Biophysical Applications of IR Spectroscopy
IMSC ’00 T
he 15th International Mass Spectrometry Conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 27 through Sept. 1, at the Palacio de Congresos. Registration is $472 (85.000 pesetas) for attendees and $305 (55.000 pesetas) for students. Along with two poster sessions, there will be 531 abstracts (not including late-breaking abstracts). For more information, contact Ana Costejà, Palau de Congressos/Department de Convencions Av. Reina Mª Cristina,
556 A
08004 Barcelona, Spain (34-932-332377; fax 34-934-262-845; 15imsc@; 15imsc).
Program Monday Plenary Lecture: Profiling and Imaging of Peptides and Proteins in Biological Tissues and Samples Using MALDI MS, R. Caprioli Fundamentals
A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 0 0
Biochemical and Biological Applications
Instrumentation and Ionization
Tuesday Plenary Lecture: Gas-Phase Ion Chemistry, H. Schwarz Fundamentals II Biochemical and Biological Applications II Instrumentation and Ionization II
Wednesday Plenary Lecture: Separation Techniques in MS, M. Linscheid Fundamentals III Biochemical and Biological Applications III
Sample Decomposition 2000 Oct. 2–4. Graz, Styria, Austria Contact: Manuela Eberl, Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Micro- and Radiochemistry, Graz University ofTechnology, Technikerstrasse 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria (43-316-873-8301; fax 43-316-873-8304;
[email protected]; http:// events/sd2000)
Instrumentation and Ionization III
Thursday Plenary Lecture: Time-of-Flight MS for the New Millennium, M. Guilhaus Fundamentals IV Biochemical and Biological Applications IV
26th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists Oct. 11–14. Saratoga Springs, NY Contact: Christopher Montagna, NEAFS, P.O. Box 103, South China, ME 04358-0103 (207-287-2727; fax 207-287-6832;
[email protected])
Analytical Organic Mass Spectrometry
Friday Plenary Lecture: New Instrumentation and Capabilities in Plasma-Source Mass Spectrometry, G. Hieftje Inorganic MS Biochemical and Biological Applications V Analytical Organic Mass Spectrometry II
Workshops New Trends in Instrumentation for Mass Spectrometry Robert J. Cotter Fundamental Mass Spectrometry Research in the Frame of INTAS Projects Evgueni Nikolaev Other workshops will be announced at a later date.
3rd International Colloquium on Process-Related Environmental Analytical Chemistry Oct. 4–7. Leipzig, Germany Contact: J.A.C. Broekaert, Institute for Analytical Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Linnéestraße 3, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany (49-341-97-36100/36091; fax 49-341-9736115/36097;
[email protected].
Millennium Tandem Mass Spectrometry Workshop Nov. 29–Dec. 2. Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada Contact: Margaret Northcott, Geological Survey of Canada, 3303-33rd St., N.W., Calgary, AB, Canada T2L 2A7 (403-2927041; fax 403-292-7159; mnorthcott@;
International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA) Oct. 9–11. Zürich, Switzerland Contact: Marco Mazzotti, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, ETH Zentrum ML G 25, Sonneggstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland (41-1-632-2456; fax 41-1-6321141;
[email protected]; 11th Conference of the Society for Chromatographic Sciences Oct. 26–27. Kyoto, Japan Contact:Terumichi Nakagawa, Kyoto University, Yoshida Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan (fax 81-75-7534578;
[email protected]) 17th Montreux Symposium on Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Nov. 8–10. Montreux, Switzerland Contact: Jan van der Greef, University of Leiden, LACDR, Division of Analytical Chemistry, P.O. Box 9502, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (31-71-527-4220; fax 31-71-527-4277; l.beijs@chem.; http://www.dplanet. ch/users/montreux-lcms00) 20th Symposium on Capillary Electrophoresis (SCE 2000) Nov. 29–Dec. 1. Awaji, Kobe, Japan Contact: Yoshinobu Baba, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Tokushima, Shomachi, Tokushima 770-8505, Japan (fax 81-88-633-9507;
[email protected]; http:// SCE2000.html) 10th Symposium on Handling of Environmental and Biological Samples in Chromatography (IAEAC) Apr. 1–4, 2001. Mainz/Wiesbaden, Germany Contact: M. Frei-Häusler, P.O. Box 46, CH4124 Allschwil 2, Switzerland (41-61-4812789; fax 41-61-482-0805; iaeac@dplanet. ch;
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