Meetings Short Courses - American Chemical Society

search on all aspects of luminescence analysis. The scientific ... New York Academy of Sciences, Con- ference Dept., 2 East 63rd St., .... stituí fü...
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News Ghent, Belgium. May 11-14, 1987. The symposium will cover current re­ search on all aspects of luminescence analysis. The scientific program will consist of plenary and invited lectures and submitted research papers and posters. Abstracts should be submit­ ted before Dec. 31, 1986, to W. Baeyens, Symposium Chairman, Lab­ oratory of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Analysis, State University of Ghent, Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000Ghent, Belgium.

Meetings The following meetings are newly list­ ed in ANALYTICAL



1986 meetings are listed in the Janu­ ary through August issues. 1986 • Physiological NMR Spectrosco­ py—From Isolated Cells to Man. Sept. 24-26. New York, N.Y. Contact: New York Academy of Sciences, Con­ ference Dept., 2 East 63rd St., New York, N.Y. 10021 • 10th International Congress for Instrumentation and Automation (INTERKAMA '86) Oct. 6-11. Dusseldorf, F.R.G. Contact: INTER­ KAMA '86, Dusseldorf Messegesellschaft mbh NOWEA, Postfach 32 02 03, Ό-4000 Dusseldorf, F.R.G. • 5th International Symposium on New Spectroscopic Methods for Biomedical Research. Oct. 7-9. Se­ attle, Wash. Contact: Mady Lund, 206-545-1229 • 6th International Conference on Instrumentation/Automation in the Paper, Rubber, and Plastics In­ dustries. Oct. 27-29. Akron, Ohio. Contact: A. Kaya, Department of Me­ chanical Engineering, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 1987 • Laser Applications to Chemical Analysis. Jan. 26-29. Incline Village, Nev. Contact: Optical Society of America, Laser Applications Meet­ ing, 1816 Jefferson PL, N. W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036 • 193rd ACS National Meeting. April 5-10. Denver, Colo. Contact: Barbara Hodsdon, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 • International Symposium on Analysis of Neurotransmitters. April 7-10. Stockholm, Sweden. Con­ tact: Swedish Academy of Pharma­ ceutical Sciences, P.O. B. 1136, S-lll 81 Stockholm, Sweden

m Ion-Ex '87. April 13-16. Wrexham, Clwyd, U.K. Contact: P.A. Williams, Research Division, The North East Wales Institute, Deeside, Clwyd CH5 IBR, U.K. • 9th Australian Symposium on Analytical Chemistry. April 27May 1. Sydney, Australia. Contact: J. Eames. 9 AC Secretary, P.O. Box 137, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113, Australia • International GPC Symposium '87. May 11-13. Chicago, 111. Contact: Mary Ellen Goffredo, Waters Chro­ matography Division of Millipore Corp., 34 Maple St., Milford, Mass. 01757 • 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Luminescence Spec­ trometry in Biomedical Sciences. May 11-14. Ghent, Belgium. Contact: W. Baeyens. Symposium Chairman, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Chem­ istry and Drug Analysis, State Uni­ versity of Ghent, Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000-Ghent, Belgium • Scientific Computing and Auto­ mation 1987. May 13-15. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Contact: Keith Fo­ ley, Elsevier Science Publishers, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, the Netherlands • 31st Educational Conference and Annual Meeting of the Ameri­ can Association of Bioanalysts. May 18-22. Grand Traverse Village, Mich. Contact: AAB, Suite 918, 818 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. 63101 • Euro Food Chem IV. June 1-4. Loen, Norway. Contact: Euro Food Chem IV, Conference Secretariat, Norwegian Food Research Institute. P.O. Box 50, N-1432 As-NLH Norway • Colloquium Spectroscopicum In­ ternationale XXV. June 21-26. To­ ronto, Canada. Contact: L. Forget, Conference Services Office, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa K1A 0R6, Canada m l l t h International Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatogra­ phy. June 28-July 4. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Contact: Organisalie Bureau Amsterdam bv, Europaplein, 1078 GZ Amsterdam, the Nether­ lands m 6th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. Aug. 24-28. Vienna, Austria. Contact: INTERCONVENTION, P.O. Box 80, A-l 107 Vienna, Austria m 194th ACS National Meeting. Aug. 30-Sept. 4. New Orleans, La. Contact: Barbara Hodsdon, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 • Euroanalysis VI. Sept. 7-11. Par­ is, France. Contact: GAMS, 88 Boule­ vard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, France • 101st AOAC Annual Internation­


al Meeting and Exhibition. Sept. 14-17. San Francisco, Calif. Contact: Margaret Ridgell, AOAC, 1111 N. 19th St., Suite 210, Arlington, Va. 22209 • Symposium on Accuracy in Trace Analysis—Accomplishments, Goals, Challenges. Sept. 28-Oct 1. Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: Kathy Stang, National Bureau of Stan­ dards, A353 Physics Bldg., Gaithers­ burg, Md. 20899 • European Conference on Appli­ cations of Surface and Interface Analysis. Oct. 19-23. Fellbach, F.R.G. Contact: U. Nagorny, Max Planck In­ stitut fur Metallforschung, Institut fur Werkstoffwissenschaften, Seestr. 92, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, F.R.G.

Short Courses ACS Short Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact the De­ partment of Educational Materials, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202-872-4508). The following courses are offered in conjunction with the EAS meeting in New York, Oct. 20-24. Special Topics in Liquid Chroma­ tography. Oct. 18-19. Lloyd Snyder, J. J. Kirkland, and John Dolan. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmembers The Electronic Laboratory: Tutori­ als and Case Histories in Lab Auto­ mation. Oct. 18-19. Raymond Dessy. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmem­ bers Effective Management of Chemical Analysis Labs. Oct. 18-19. Mary McKown and John H. Taylor, Jr. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmem­ bers Capillary Gas Chromatography. Oct. 18-19. Stuart Cram and Milos Novotny. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmembers Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements. Oct. 18-19. John K. Taylor. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmembers Gas Chromatography/Mass Spec­ trometry. Oct. 18-19. J. Throck Wat­ son and O. David Sparkman. $495, ACS members; $575, nonmembers