Contact: John. Luong, National Research Council,. Biotechnology Research. Institute, ... Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France. • 36th ASMS Conference ...
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Meetings The following 1988 meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. All 1987 meetings are listed in the January 15, March 15, April 15, May 15, July 15, and September 1 issues. • Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. Jan. 3-9. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Ramon Barnes, Dept. of Chemistry, GRC Towers, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003-0035 (413-545-0035) • 35th Annual Conference of the Western Spectroscopy Association. Jan. 20-22. Pacific Grove, Calif. Contact: Heather Lafferty, WSA Conference Secretary, P.O. Box 10460, Eugene, Ore. 97440 (503-343-1200) • 2nd International Symposium on Preparative and Up-Scale Liquid Chromatography. Feb. 1-3. BadenBaden, F.R.G. Contact: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abt. Tagungen, Postfach 90 04 40, D-6000 Frankfurt/ Main 90, F.R.G. m OPTICS/ECOOSA '88. March 22-25. Birmingham, U.K. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SWIX 8QX, U.K. • 2nd International Symposium on Analytical Methods and Problems in Biotechnology. March 29-31. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Contact: Symposium Secretariat, ANABIOTEC '88, c/o QLT Convention Services, Keizersgracht 792, 1017 EC Amsterdam, The Netherlands • CANBIOCHEM '88. April 12-14. Montreal, Canada. Contact: John Luong, National Research Council, Biotechnology Research Institute, 6100 Royalmount Ave., Montreal, Que. H4R 2H2, Canada (514-496-6175) m Flow Analysis IV. April 17-20. Las Vegas, Nev. Contact: G. E. Pacey, Department of Chemistry, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 • 4th International Symposium on Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and Its Applications (RIS-88). April 18-22. Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: Kathy Stang, National Bureau of Standards, Room A345, Physics Bldg., Gaithersburg, Md. 20899 • Handling of Environmental and Biological Samples in Chromatography. April 27-29. Basel, Switzerland. Contact: R. Frei, Department of Analytical Chemistry, De Boelelaan

1083, Vrije Universiteit, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands • First International Symposium on Separation of Chiral Molecules. May 31-June 2. Paris, France. Contact: Société Française de Chimie, 250 Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France • 36th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. June 5-10. San Francisco, Calif. Contact: Judith Watson, ASMS, P.O. Box 1508, East Lansing, Mich. 48823 (517337-2548) • 195th ACS National Meeting and 3rd Chemical Congress of North America. June 5-10. Toronto, Canada. Contact: B. Hodsdon, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 • ElectroFinnAnalysis. June 6-9. Turku (Âbo), Finland. Contact: Ari Ivaska, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Âbo Akademi, SF-20500 Turku (Abo), Finland • 12th International Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography. June 19-24. Washington, D.C. Con-

tact: Symposium Manager, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, Md. 21793 (301-898-3772) • 9th International Congress on Thermal Analysis. Aug. 21-26. Jerusalem, Israel. Contact: S. Shoval, Everyman's University, P.O. Box 39328, Tel-Aviv 61392, Israel m 102nd Annual AOAC International Meeting and Exhibition. Aug. 29-Sept. 1. Palm Beach, Fla. Contact: Margaret Ridgell, AOAC, 1111 North 19th St., Suite 210, Arlington, Va. 22209 (703-522-3032) • 9th European Congress on Electron Microscopy (EUREM 88). Sept. 4-9. York, U.K. Contact: Congress Secretariat, The Royal Microscopical Society, 37/38 St. Clements, Oxford, OX4 1AJ, UK. • Computer Applications in Analytical Chemistry—COMPANA '88. Sept. 5-8. Jena, G.D.R. Contact: K. Danzer, c/o Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Chemistry, Steiger 3, Jena, DDR-6900, G.D.R.

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