Melting points of ethane and three of its deuterated modifications

Lowell J. Burnett, and Burton H. Muller. J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1970, 15 (1), pp 154–157. DOI: 10.1021/je60044a013. Publication Date: January 1970...
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(14) Rossini, F.D., J. Res. Nutl. Bur. Std. 6, 1 (1931). (1.5) Rossini, F.D., Zbid.,21, 491 (1938). (16) Rossini, F.D., "Experimental Thermochemistry," F.D. Rossini, Ed., pp. 297-320, Interscience, New York, 1956. (17) Smith, N.K., Good, W.D., J. CHEM.ENG.DATA12,572 (1967). (18) Wagman, D.D., Evans, W.H., Parker, V.B., Halow, I., Bailey, S.M., Schumm, R.H., Natl. Bur. Std. ( U S . ) Tech. Note 2703, 1968.

RECEIVED for review February 26, 1969. Accepted June 13, 1969. Work conducted under an Interservice Support Agreement between the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, U. S. Air Force, Project 9713, Program Element 681308, and the Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of the Interior. Contribution No. 165 from the thermodynamics laboratory of the Bartlesville Petroleum Research Center, Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of the Interior, Bartlesville, Okla. 74003.

Melting Points of Ethane and Three of Its Deuterated Modifications LOWELL J. BURNETT and BURTON H. MULLER Department of Physics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming


A pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance method has been used to determine both the apparent melting point and the impurity correction for samples of ethane and three of its deuterated modifications. The true melting points were found to be: CH,CH:, 89.82O K., CH,CD, 89.13O K., CHD,CHD, 89.89O K., and CHD,CD, 89.82" K.

I N T H E P A S T , considerable confusion has surrounded a n accurate determination of the melting point of ethane. As late a s 1960, t h e Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (6) quoted a value of 101.2"K., measured a t the t u r n of the century ( 7 ) . Results obtained later, notably 89.4'7" ( 1 1 j , 89.89" ( 1 2 ) , and 90.35' K. (3), have slowly been incorporated into reference books duri n g the last ten years. As late as 1949, Gutowsky et al. ( 5 ) quoted the melting point of ethane as 101.0" K., while reporting t h e observation of a narrow liquid-like nuclear magnetic resonance line a t about 91" K. I n the course of a t t e m p t s to understand spin-lattice relaxation in liquid and solid ethane ( 4 , 8 ) , the authors learned of this uncertainty in the ethane melting point and were unable t o find a n y melting point measurements f o r the deuterated modifications of ethane. To measure these melting points, a nuclear magnetic resonance ( N M R ) technique ( 1 ) was developed which appears to give both the melting points of the samples and the t r u e melting points a s reliably a s t h e conventional heat capacity method ( 1 2 ) . By t h e t r u e melting point of a substance, the authors mean t h e melting temperature of a sample of t h a t substance whose impurity content is small enough or innocuous enough to have no measurable effect on the experimental determination of this temperature. EXPERIMENTAL

The melting points and their impurity corrections were determined using this pulsed N M R method. According to the Raoult theory of impurity premelting ( 1 0 j , the fraction of t h e sample which is liquid, A ( T ) , at a n y temperature T below the apparent melting point, ( T m ) A ,follows the equation 154

J o u r n a l of Chemical a n d Engineering Data, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1970

where A is equal to the difference between T,, the t r u e melting point, and (T!,l)A.1 is also proportional to the fraction of impurity molecules which depress the melti n g point-that is, of a type soluble in the melt but not appreciably soluble in t h e crystals-and the proportionality constant is t h e (mole fraction) freezing point depression constant. A ( T ) is measured directly by observing the amplitude of the spin echo of pulsed NMR. The two parameters, (Tr,l)Aand 1,a r e adjusted for a best fit to the experimental points and then added to provide the t r u e melting point. F o r samples of ethane of reasonable purity, C.P. grade, neither the validity of t h e method nor the t r u e melting points obtained depend upon the sample purity (I). The CH,,CH, sample was prepared from Phillips Petroleum Co. research grade ethane. As with all t h e samples, i t was exposed to a Misch metal getter in order to remove paramagnetic oxygen ( 8 ) and then sealed in a glass sample tube of 3.5-mm. i.d. and approximately 80-mm. length. Thus, all o u r measurements were taken along the vaporization curve. The melting range f o r this sample ( F i g u r e 1) was about O.l"K., and its impurity correction was 0.007" K. Consequently, this sample is considerably purer than t h a t of W i t t and Kemp (22), and of comparable purity to t h a t of Clusius and Weigand ( 3 ) . The CH,CD,, CHD,CHD2, and CHD,CD, samples were obtained from Merck, Sharp, and Dohme of Canada, Ltd. The overriding impurities in these samples were reported by the manufacturer to be other deuterated modifications of ethane. Analysis by the National Bureau of Standards of the lots from which our samples came indicated t h a t each contained 93 t o 95%

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8ol 1












Figure 2. Diagram of melting point measurement system

Figure I . Reciprocal of liquid fraction as a function of temperature for CH3CH3 A



-F i t



of Equation 1 to points Temperature of a data point obtained for sample just after it had been liquified. This represents a n upper bound to ( T , , , ) . t


of t h e appropriate deuteration and approximately 7 t o 5 % of a deuteration containing one less deuteron. T h e impurity corrections and X , t h e inferred mole per cent of liquid-soluble solid-insoluble impurities present in these samples a s found in this work, a r e given in Table I. T o obtain t h e impurity content, t h e freezing point depression constant f o r ethane was calculated to be 23.5" K. from a knowledge of the heat of fusion (I.%?), assumed to be the same f o r all the ethanes. While t h e heat of fusion is dependent to some extent on the imp u r i t y content, the consequent variation of t h e heat of fusion h a s a negligible effect on o u r measurements. T h e most important considerations f o r any melting point measurement a r e t h e homogeneity and stability of t h e t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e sample and t h e accuracy of the determination of t h e sample temperature. A liquid oxygen bath was used to control the sample temperature, a s t h e boiling point of oxygen is very close t o t h e melti n g point of ethane. A block diagram of t h e system used t o control and measure t h e temperature of t h e sample is shown in F i g u r e 2. The pressure over the oxygen bath was controlled by a Cartesian manostat, which will maintain a differential pressure to within i 0 . 1 mm. of mercury. I n this application, where t h e fluctuations in pressure f r o m the evaporating liquid were very small, control of the differential pressure was considerably better. The copper NMR coil and a copper sheath encased t h e sample tube with wires extending from t h e sheath to t h e copper sample case. These wires were in direct thermal contact w i t h a National Bureau of S t a n d a r d s calibrated platinum resistance thermometer ( F i g u r e 3 ) .


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Figure 3. Cross section of sample case showing sample a n d thermometer placement A, 108 mm.; B, 18 mm.;

C, 5


The resistance of the platinum thermometer was read on a Honeywell Rubicon Model 1551 Mueller bridge, recently calibrated by t h e Honeywell Co. The copper case minimized temperature gradients in t h e immediate oxygen bath. To minimize the hot spots common to temperature-controlling baths, copper wires were also s t r u n g longitudinally along the Dewar. An indication of t h e stability of this temperature system is provided by the experimental points obtained directly below t h e apparent melting point for some of t h e p u r e r samples. In CH3CH3, f o r example, t h e NMR spin echo signal height changes by a factor of 5-e.g., the 0.02" K. immediately below from 2 to 10 volts-over t h e apparent melting point. During. the t a k i n g of d a t a Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 15,

No. 1, 1970



7.5 Y.

T 4%







