Melvin Calvin Murray Goodman Fred W. McLafferty - ACS Publications

cussion of terms or concepts of special value in the field of the ... Service Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth ... Director of Pu...
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EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Fred Basolo Frank A. Bovey Melvin Calvin Murray Goodman Ernest Grunwald Jack Halpern

Harold Hart Dudley R. Herschbach Richard L. Hinman Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Rudolph A. Marcus Fred W. McLafferty

SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR © Copyright, 1969, by the American Chemical Society. Published monthly by the American Chemical Society at 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042. Application for second-class postage pending at Easton, Pa. Accounts of Chemical Research publishes concise, critical reviews of research areas currently under active investigation. Most articles are written by scientists personally contributing to the area reviewed. Reviews need not be comprehensive. Indeed, they m a y be concerned in large part with work in the author's own laboratory, providing t h a t relevant contributions by other investigators are mentioned sufficiently to place the author's research in perspective. Articles should be directed concurrently to a general audience of research-minded chemists and to scientists directly concerned with t h e subject of t h e article. I n general, the first four or five pages of the manuscript should be directed mainly to the general audience, providing background and orientation as well as discussion of terms or concepts of special value in the field of the article. Because of the limited amount of journal space available, the usual allotment per article is five or six journal pages. This corresponds roughly to a total of 20-25 pages of manuscript, bibliography, and drawings. Most reviews are written in response to invitations issued by the Editor. Unsolicited manuscripts are also considered. Manuscripts for publication and editorial correspondence prior to acceptance of manuscripts for publication should be sent to J O S E P H F . BTJNNETT, Editor, Accounts of Chemical Research, University of California, Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the general instructions given in t h e American Chemical Society " H a n d book for Authors. ' ' Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, and they should be submitted in triplicate. Additions and Corrections will be published once yearly, in the December issue. Extensive or unusual alterations in an article after it has been set in type are made at the author's expense, and it is understood t h a t by requesting such alterations the author agrees to defray the cost thereof.

Charles N. Reilley John A. Schellman Dexter B. Sharp Howard E. Simmons Gilbert Stork Ernest Wenkert

Charles R. Bertsch

The American Chemical Society and the Editors of Accounts of Chemical Research assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by authors of articles. Correspondence regarding accepted papers, proofs, and reprints should be directed to Research Journals Production Office, American Chemical Society, 20th and N o r t h a m p t o n Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042. Senior Production Editor: CHARLES R. BERTSCH. Assistant Senior Production Editor: M A R I A N N E C BROQAN. Business and Subscription Information Remittances and orders for subscriptions and for single copies, notices of changes of address and new professional connections, and claims for missing numbers should be sent to the Subscription Service Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Change of address notification should include both old and new addresses, with Z I P codes, and a mailing label from a recent issue. Allow four weeks for changes of address to become effective. Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed (1) if received more than sixty days from date of issue plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim, (2) if loss was caused by failure to notify the Subscription Service Department of a change in address, or (3) if the reason for the claim is "missing from files." Subscription rates for 1969: to members, $5.00 per year; to nonmembers, $10.00 per year. Postage to Canada and countries in the Pan-American Union, S 1.00; all other countries, $1.50. Single copies, current year: $1.50. Postage, single copies: to Canada and countries in the Pan-American Union, $0.15; all others, $0.20. Rates for back issues available from Special Issues Sales Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036. This publication and the other ACS periodical publications are now available ou microfilm. For information write t o : M I C R O F I L M , Special Issues Sales Department, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036.

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