Memorial Issue in Honor of Kenneth N. Marsh: Preface - Journal of

Thomas J. Hughes and Eric F. May. Fluid Science & Resources Division, School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, University of Western Australia, ...
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Memorial Issue in Honor of Kenneth N. Marsh: Preface he helped develop techniques for reliable measurements of the purity of materials, phase equilibria (including vapor−liquid, liquid−liquid, and solid−liquid), densities and excess volumes, bubble and dew points, virial coefficients, excess enthalpies, enthalpies of combustion, total enthalpies, low temperature heat capacities, viscosities, diffusion coefficients, thermal conductivities, relative dielectric permittivities, and interfacial tensions. In this memorial issue, many contributions honor Ken’s work on these measurement techniques. Phase equilibrium was one of Ken’s major interests.9−19 Klauck et al. present measurements of the vapor−liquid(−liquid) equilibria of ternary mixtures comprising water + cyclohexanol + cyclohexane, toluene, or cyclohexylamine. Ken would be particularly pleased to see that these authors had distilled their reagents to increase their purity.2 The paper of Haidl and Dohnal describing a new technique to accurately measure the solute limited activity coefficient of water in low volatility organic solvents would no doubt have been of interest to Ken. Jou et al. present measurements of the solubility of nitrous oxide, as an analogue to examine the physical solubility of carbon dioxide, in monodiethanolamine solutions. Ken and co-workers developed an FTIR method for measurements of the vapor−liquid equilibrium (VLE) of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide and alkanolamines.20 In addition, Ken collaborated with one of the coauthors of Jou et al. (Mather) in measurements of the enthalpy of solution of carbon dioxide in alkanolamines.21 Al Ghafri et al. present bubble and dew point measurements on the system carbon dioxide + heptane + toluene measured visually using a variable volume cell, which aligns well with Ken’s past work on the phase equilibrium of systems containing carbon dioxide.22 Additionally the papers of Altway et al., Chen et al., Matsuda et al., Pla Franco et al., and Swanepoel and Schwarz are concerned with the phase equilibrium of systems containing alcohols which align with Ken’s work on phase equilibrium of mixtures containing alcohols.23,24 Siahvashi et al. present measurements of the solid−liquid equilibrium (SLE) data for mixtures of cyclohexane + octadecane. This work adds another straight-chain + cyclohexane SLE binary in addition to measurements made by Marsh and co-workers on the SLE of cyclohexane + tetradecane and hexadecane.10 Mathias and Kister demonstrate the effect of phase equilibrium uncertainties on ethyl acetate purification. Ken and coauthors emphasized the importance of including robustly estimated uncertainties for phase equilibrium measurements.25 Although, he principally focused on measurement of phase equilibria, Ken published some theoretical papers mainly related to Yukawa mixtures.26−30 In this vein, Ruszczyński et al. describe a model which correlates liquid−liquid equilibrium in terms of Henry’s law and unsymmetrically normalized activity coefficients in each phase, and Rowland et al. describe how the measured critical T and p of helium, which are influenced by

Photo courtesy of Cathryn Marsh. Used with permission.


his special issue is in honor of Kenneth (Ken) Neil Marsh and his contributions to chemical thermodynamics and thermophysical property measurement and prediction. Ken died on the 27th of July 2016 following a stroke 12 days prior. Tributes to Ken were made at the 24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (24th ICCT) held in Guilin, China, in August 2016.1−3 In 2015, it was announced that Ken would be the recipient of Rossini Award from the International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics and deliver the corresponding Lecture at the 24th ICCT. Ken was gratified to be receiving this award and had already prepared notes and slides for his Rossini Lecture, which were presented on his behalf by Professor J. P. Martin Trusler at the conference.2 During the same conference session, we (E.F.M. and T.J.H.) also paid tribute to Ken’s career and contribution to the chemical thermodynamics community1 and our group at the University of Western Australia.3 The objective of this preface is to illustrate the alignment of Ken’s research interests with the papers presented in this memorial issue, rather than restate his extensive lifetime achievements and career contributions, which were covered both at the 24th ICCT and in recently published obituaries, including in this Journal.4,5 This issue consists primarily of papers aligned with Ken’s varied and wide-ranging research interests and includes contributions from many researchers who worked with and knew Ken well. Ken was passionate about the necessity for high-quality experimental measurements of thermophysical properties6 and the evaluation and compilation of experimental data with robust uncertainty estimates, particularly for reference materials that allow calibration of apparatus or validation of new experimental techniques.7,8 Over the course of his career, © 2017 American Chemical Society

Special Issue: Memorial Issue in Honor of Ken Marsh Published: September 14, 2017 2475

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00726 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2475−2480

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


quantum phenomena, are better replaced with effective values for calculation of mixture vapor−liquid equilibrium at conditions far above helium’s true critical point where quantum effects are negligible. Measurements of calorimetric properties were another of Ken’s major research interests.31−39 The papers of Emel’yanenko et al. and Silva and Ribeiro da Silva present enthalpies of formation determined from combustion calorimetry. Ken performed enthalpy of combustion measurements with Professor Stig Sunner of Lund University in Sweden.35,40 Ken was instrumental in the measurement of thermal transitions and heat capacities at UWA by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).41−44 In this issue, Hnedkovsky et al. present heat capacities measured by differential scanning calorimetry for aqueous solutions of potassium hydroxide, and Zhong et al. present melting temperatures and enthalpies of fusion for theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine measured by differential scanning calorimetry as well as the solubilities of these compounds in water and organic solvents. Bazyleva et al. present condensed state properties of the antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug amantadine hydrochloride, which include measurements of the heat capacities and solid−solid transitions by adiabatic and differential scanning calorimetry. The paper by Gmehling and co-workers combines two of the experimental techniques used and developed extensively by Ken, reporting measurements of VLE and excess enthalpies for mixtures containing N,N-dimethyacetamide. Measurement of densities and excess molar volumes were another primary area of Ken’s research interests.45−57 Tsankova et al. present densities, dielectric permittivies, and dew points for argon + carbon dioxide mixtures determined from a microwave re-entrant cavity resonator. This paper builds upon Ken’s previous work with radio frequency re-entrant cavities.57,58 Ken also studied the measurement of densities by the vibrating tube method. Here Fang et al. present measurements of the density of liquid mixtures of 1-butanol and diethylene glycol dimethyl ether mixtures at pressures up to 100 MPa. Cibulka presents the partial molar volumes at infinite dilution of four 2-alkoxyethanols in water, and Reyes-Garcia and Iglesias-Silva present measurements of the density of corn oil + alkane blends at atmospheric pressure determined using the vibrating tube technique (viscosities by pellet microviscometry are also presented). Ken understood well the utility and importance of vibrating tube measurements of density,54,57,59−62 although he was of the view that manufacturer’s claims of uncertainty were often overly optimisitic.2 The high-accuracy measurements of phase behavior and density for a binary gas mixture of H2 + CO2 by Richter and co-workers using a magnetic suspension balance would have been of interest to Ken given its combination multiple property measurements together with a rigorous uncertainty analysis. Viscometry, particularly by the vibrating wire technique, was another area of research interest for Ken.53−56,62−70 As Wakeham et al. discuss, Ken was a strong advocate for the development of a high temperature, high pressure viscosity reference material, and he would have greatly appreciated the efforts presented promoting tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate for this purpose. Further to his interest and efforts related to reference fluids, Ken was dedicated to the evaluation of thermodynamic data and their compilation in databases. He was instrumental in the transition of the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) from a card index system to computerized databases.2

May and Rowland discuss the critical importance of databases and data evaluation with application to thermodynamic modeling of aqueous electrolyte systems. Aqueous electrolytes were also an early research interest of Ken.71−73 In the paper of Liang et al. the data requirements for modeling gas hydrate related mixtures are discussed. The authors conclude that data are necessary to fit parameters in the models, but in turn the thermodynamic models can help recommend experimental measurements that are needed. On data evaluation, Diky illustrates a useful new way of scaling the axes of composition plots to better represent the whole composition range and reveal more detail in the low solubility region. Part of his interest in databases related to the critical evaluation of critical properties,74−77 which built upon his contributions to the measurement of fluid critical points.78 The paper of Young et al. reports critical temperatures of chloroalkane + hydrocarbon binary mixtures and aromatic halocarbon + alkane binary mixtures. Additionally the paper of Ihmels et al. presents vapor pressures and vapor−liquid critical points of four pentene isomers. Ken was a leader of research into ionic liquids, primarily in the thermodynamic properties as well as solubilities of solvents and cellulose.14,62,79−91 His review paper from 2004 has over 700 citations thus far.80 In this memorial issue, Nazet et al. present densities, refractive indices, viscosities and electrical conductivities of five nonimidazolium ionic liquids, Regueira et al. present high pressure rheological data of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium n-hexylsulfate and trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate, and Tong et al. present the densities and viscosities for a series of aqueous amino acid ionic liquids. Seddon and co-workers discuss the modeling of VLE for ionic liquid systems containing perfume materials; Seddon was a collaborator with Ken and many others on an IUPAC initiative to establish reference properties for ionic liquids in the period 2004−2011.41,87,92 Gas hydrates were another area of strong research output for Ken.93−95 Akhfash et al. present measurements of the hydrate equilibrium curve that show how monodiethanol amine, sometimes used as a corrosion inhibitor in wet gas pipelines, also thermodynamically inhibits the formation of gas hydrates. Ken’s interests in semiclathrate hydrates and tetraalkyl ammonium salts94 are reflected in the papers of Sugahara and Machida, who measure the stability of tetrabutylammonium bromide hydrates as a function of pressure using differential scanning calorimetry, and of Peters and co-workers who used tetrahexylammoniumbased solvents for separating thiophene and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Peters and Marsh, together with long-term collaborators Sloan and Koh, were key members of a team whose 2004 Science publication showed how tetrahydrofuran could be used to help store appreciable quantities of H2 in clathrate hydrates at moderate pressures.96 The thermophysical properties of refrigerants was another of Ken’s many interests.52,59,78,97 Two papers are presented on the properties trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (R1233zd(E)), a newly developed nonflammable refrigerant and foam blowing agent, with low global warming potential, short atmospheric lifetime, very low ozone depletion potential, and low toxicity. Di Nicola et al. present new measurements of the saturated vapor pressure. Perkins et al. present thermal conductivity measurements by the transient and steady-state hot-wire technique for the liquid, vapor and supercritical fluid. Accurate measurements of thermal conductivity was another area where Ken made an important contribution, particularly through his collaboration 2476

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00726 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2475−2480

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


(10) Snow, R. L.; Ott, J. B.; Goates, J. R.; Marsh, K. N.; O’Shea, S.; Stokes, R. H. Solid + liquid) and (vapor + liquid) phase equilibria and excess enthalpies for (benzene + n-tetradecane), (benzene + nhexadecane), (cyclohexane + n-tetradecane), and (cyclohexane + nhexadecane) at 293.15, 298.15, and 308.15 K. Comparison of Gm E calculated from (vapor + liquid) and (solid + liquid) equilibria. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1986, 18, 107−130. (11) Marsh, K. N. New methods for vapor-liquid-equilibria measurements. Fluid Phase Equilib. 1989, 52, 169−184. (12) Yurttas, L.; Holste, J. C.; Hall, K. R.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N. Semiautomated Isochoric Apparatus for p-V-T and Phase Equilibrium Studies. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1994, 39, 418−23. (13) Linek, J.; Wichterle, I.; Marsh, K. N. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Water + Diacetone Alcohol, Ethyl Methanoate + Water, and Ethyl Methanoate + Phenol. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1996, 41, 1219−1222. (14) Wu, C. T.; Marsh, K. N.; Deev, A. V.; Boxall, J. A. Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Butan-1-ol. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2003, 48, 486−491. (15) Kandil, M. E.; May, E. F.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; Trebble, M. A.; Trengove, R. D.; Huang, S. H. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Measurements of Methane + 2-Methylpropane (Isobutane) at Temperatures from (150 to 250) K and Pressures to 9 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 2725−2731. (16) Kandil, M. E.; Thoma, M. J.; Syed, T.; Guo, J.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; Huang, S. H.; May, E. F. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Measurements of the Methane + Pentane and Methane + Hexane Systems at Temperatures from (173 to 330) K and Pressures to 14 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 4301−4309. (17) Hughes, T. J.; Kandil, M. E.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; Huang, S. H.; May, E. F. Phase Equilibrium Measurements of (Methane + Benzene) and (Methane + Methylbenzene) at Temperatures from (188 to 348) K and Pressures to 13 MPa. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2015, 85, 141−147. (18) May, E. F.; Guo, J. Y.; Oakley, J. H.; Hughes, T. J.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; Huang, S. H. Reference Quality Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Binary Systems Methane + Ethane, + Propane, + Butane, and + 2-Methylpropane, at Temperatures from (203 to 273) K and Pressures to 9 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2015, 60, 3606−3620. (19) Hughes, T. J.; Guo, J. Y.; Baker, C. J.; Rowland, D.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; Huang, S. H.; May, E. F. High pressure multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibrium data and model predictions for the LNG industry. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2017, 113, 81−90. (20) Rogers, W. J.; Bullin, J. A.; Davison, R. R.; Frazier, R. E.; Marsh, K. N. FTIR method for VLE measurements of acid-gas-alkanolamine systems. AIChE J. 1997, 43, 3223−3231. (21) Carson, J. K.; Marsh, K. N.; Mather, A. E. Enthalpy of solution of carbon dioxide in (water + monoethanolamine, or diethanolamine, or N-methyldiethanolamine) and (water + monoethanolamine + Nmethyldiethanolamine) at T = 298.15 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2000, 32, 1285−1296. (22) Duarte-Garza, H. A.; Holste, J. C.; Hall, K. R.; Marsh, K. N.; Gammon, B. E. Isochoric pVT and Phase Equilibrium Measurements for Carbon Dioxide + Nitrogen. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1995, 40, 704−11. (23) Marsh, K. N.; French, H. T. Liquid-vapor equilibria, excess Gibbs energies and excess volumes of binary isomeric butanols + cyclohexane mixtures. Int. DATA Ser., Sel. Data Mixtures, Ser. A 1984, 239−256. (24) Feng, Y.; Xie, R.; Wu, Z.; Marsh, K. N. Vapor-liquid equilibria for ammonia + methanol. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1999, 44, 401−404. (25) Chirico, R. D.; de Loos, T. W.; Gmehling, J.; Goodwin, A. R. H.; Gupta, S.; Haynes, W. M.; Marsh, K. N.; Rives, V.; Olson, J. D.; Spencer, C.; Brennecke, J. F.; Trusler, J. P. M. Guidelines for reporting of phase equilibrium measurements (IUPAC Recommendations 2012). Pure Appl. Chem. 2012, 84, 1785−1813. (26) Marsh, K. N.; McGlashan, M. L.; Warr, C. Thermodynamic excess functions of mixtures of simple molecules according to several equations of state. Trans. Faraday Soc. 1970, 66, 2453−2458.

with Perkins on measurement and development of reference values for the thermal conductivity of propane.98 Finally, it is fitting to see a paper by Span and co-workers describing accurate speed of sound measurements and the development of fundamental equations of state for octamethyltrisiloxane and decamethyltetrasiloxane. Ken’s doctoral research involved the use of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane with benzene or carbon tetrachloride to study the effect of mixing small and large molecules on a system’s density, viscosity, mutual diffusivity, and VLE.99 The motivation for this work came from Ken’s supervisor, Professor Robin Stokes, who hoped it might provide insight into the entropy of mixing of large and small ions in water without the complicating effects of electrical charge.100 As is often the case in life, it seems that this somewhat tangential initial direction led to the tremendously broad and successful research career of Kenneth Neil Marsh, which as demonstrated by this Special Memorial Issue of the Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, impacted so many fields and individuals.

Thomas J. Hughes* Eric F. May

Fluid Science & Resources Division, School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Eric F. May: 0000-0001-5472-6921 Thomas J. Hughes: 0000-0003-1420-5149 Notes

Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS.


(1) May, E. F. In Memoriam: Kenneth N. Marsh. Presented at the 24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Guilin, China, 21−26 Aug, 2016; Session 21. (2) Trusler, J. P. M. 50 Years of Thermophysical Property MeasurementsThe Rossini Lecture by Kenneth Marsh. Presented at the 24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Guilin, China, 21−26 Aug, 2016; Session 21. (3) Hughes, T. J. Ken Marsh: A Review of his Recent Publications and his Contribution at the University of Western Australia. Presented at the 24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Guilin, China, 21−26 Aug, 2016; Session 21. (4) Wakeham, W. The Life and Career of Kenneth Neil Marsh. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2017, 104, 288−289. (5) May, E. F.; Hughes, T. J. Kenneth Neil Marsh (1939−2016). J. Chem. Eng. Data 2016, 61, 3389−3390. (6) Goodwin, A. R. H.; Marsh, K. N.; Wakeham, W. A.; Eds. Measurement of the Thermodynamic Properties of Single Phases; Experimental Thermodynamics; Elsevier (for IUPAC): Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2003; Vol. VI. (7) Marsh, K. N. Recommended Reference Materials for the Realization of Physicochemical Properties; Blackwell Scientific (for IUPAC): Boston, MA, 1987. (8) Marsh, K. N. Role of reference materials for the realization of physicochemical properties. Past, present, and future. Pure Appl. Chem. 2000, 72, 1809−1818. (9) Marsh, K. N. A general method for calculating the excess Gibbs free energy from isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1977, 9, 719−724. 2477

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(27) Arrieta, E.; Jḑrzejek, C.; Marsh, K. N. Numerical MSA solution for binary Yukawa mixtures. J. Chem. Phys. 1987, 86, 3607−3626. (28) Arrieta, E.; Jedrzejek, C.; Marsh, K. N. Simplified GMSA for Yukawa mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilib. 1987, 37, 287−292. (29) Arrieta, E.; Jedrzejek, C.; Marsh, K. N. Monte Carlo results for binary multi-Yukawa mixtures. Evaluation of the accuracy of the mean spherical approximation for realistic hard-core potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 95, 6838−6848. (30) Arrieta, E.; Jedrzejek, C.; Marsh, K. N. Mean spherical approximation algorithm for multicomponent multi-Yukawa fluid mixtures: Study of vapor-liquid, liquid-liquid, and fluid-glass transitions. J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 95, 6806−6837. (31) Battino, R.; Marsh, K. N. An isothermal displacement calorimeter for the measurement of the enthalpy of solution of gases. Aust. J. Chem. 1980, 33, 1997−2003. (32) Castro-Gomez, R. C.; Hall, K. R.; Holste, J. C.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N. A thermoelectric flow enthalpy-increment calorimeter. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1990, 22, 269−278. (33) Costigan, M. J.; Hodges, L. J.; Marsh, K. N.; Stokes, R. H.; Tuxford, C. W. The isothermal displacement calorimeter: Design modifications for measuring exothermic enthalpies of mixing. Aust. J. Chem. 1980, 33, 2103−2119. (34) Ewing, M. B.; Marsh, K. N.; Stokes, R. H.; Tuxford, C. W. The isothermal displacement calorimeter: design refinements. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1970, 2, 751−756. (35) Marsh, K. N.; Månsson, M. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of triethoxymethane and tetraethoxymethane by rotating bomb calorimetry. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1985, 17, 995−1002. (36) Marsh, K. N.; O’Hare, P. A. G., Solution Calorimetry. , Experimental Thermodynamics, Vol IV; For IUPAC, Blackwell Scientific: Oxford, U.K., 1994. (37) Marsh, K. N.; Ott, J. B.; Wormald, C. J.; Yao, H.; Hatta, I.; Claudy, P. M.; Van Herwaarden, S. In Calorimetry; Elsevier Science B.V., 2003; pp 325−385. (38) Moller, D.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Hall, K. R.; Holste, J. C. Enthalpy-increment measurements from flow calorimetry of carbon dioxide and of carbon dioxide-ethane {xCO2 + (1-x)C2H6} from pressures of 15 MPa to 18 MPa between the temperatures 230 K and 350 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1993, 25, 1273−1279. (39) Möller, D.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Hall, K. R.; Holste, J. C. Enthalpy-increment measurements from flow calorimetry of CO2 and of {xCO2+(1-x)C2H6} from pressures of 15 to 18 MPa between the temperatures 230 and 350 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1993, 25, 1273−1279. (40) Goodwin, A. R. H. Preface to the Kenneth N. Marsh Festschrift. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 4280−4281. (41) Hughes, T. J.; Syed, T.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; May, E. F. Heat Capacities and Low Temperature Thermal Transitions of 1Hexyl and 1-Octyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 2153−2159. (42) Syed, T. H.; Hughes, T. J.; Marsh, K. N.; May, E. F. Isobaric Heat Capacity Measurements of Liquid Methane, Ethane, and Propane by Differential Scanning Calorimetry at High Pressures and Low Temperatures. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2012, 57, 3573−3580. (43) Syed, T. H.; Hughes, T. J.; Marsh, K. N.; May, E. F. Isobaric Heat Capacity Measurements of Liquid Methane + Propane, Methane + Butane, and a Mixed Refrigerant by Differential Scanning Calorimetry at High Pressures and Low Temperatures. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2014, 59, 968−974. (44) Oakley, J. H.; Hughes, T. J.; Graham, B. F.; Marsh, K. N.; May, E. F. Determination of melting temperatures in hydrocarbon mixtures by differential scanning calorimetry. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2017, 108, 59−70. (45) Levien, B. J.; Marsh, K. N. Excess volumes for mixtures of globular molecules. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1970, 2, 227−236. (46) Stokes, R. H.; Levien, B. J.; Marsh, K. N. A continuous dilution dilatometer the excess volume for the system cyclohexane + benzene. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1970, 2, 43−52.

(47) Ewing, M. B.; Marsh, K. N. Excess Gibbs free energies, excess enthalpies, and excess volumes of cycloheptane + 2,3-dimethylbutane. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1974, 6, 43−47. (48) Marsh, K. N.; Ott, J. B.; Costigan, M. J. Excess enthalpies, excess volumes, and excess Gibbs free energies for (n-hexane + n-decane) at 298.15 and 308.15 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1980, 12, 343−348. (49) Marsh, K. N.; Ott, J. B.; Richards, A. E. Excess enthalpies, excess volumes, and excess Gibbs free energies for (n-hexane + n-undecane) at 298.15 and 308.15 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1980, 12, 897−902. (50) Marsh, K. N.; Richards, A. E. Excess volumes for ethanol+water mixtures at 10-k intervals from 278.15 to 338.15 k. Aust. J. Chem. 1980, 33, 2121−2132. (51) Marsh, K. N.; Allan, W. A.; Richards, A. E. Excess enthalpies and excess volumes of 1-nitropropane + , and 2-nitro-propane + , each of several non-polar liquids. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1984, 16, 1107−1120. (52) Duarte-Garza, H. A.; Hwang, C.-A.; Kellerman, S. A.; Miller, R. C.; Hall, K. R.; Holste, J. C.; Marsh, K. N.; Gammon, B. E. Vapor Pressure, Vapor Density, and Liquid Density for 1,1-Dichloro-1fluoroethane (R-141b). J. Chem. Eng. Data 1997, 42, 497−501. (53) Lundstrom, R.; Goodwin, A. R. H.; Hsu, K.; Frels, M.; Caudwell, D. R.; Trusler, J. P. M.; Marsh, K. N. Measurement of the viscosity and density of two reference fluids, with nominal viscosities at T = 298 K and p = 0.1 MPa of (16 and 29) mPa·s, at temperatures between (298 and 393) K and pressures below 55 MPa. [Erratum to document cited in CA143:254360]. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2005, 50, 1787. (54) Kandil, M. E.; Harris, K. R.; Goodwin, A. R. H.; Hsu, K.; Marsh, K. N. Measurement of the Viscosity and Density of a Reference Fluid, with Nominal Viscosity at T = 298 K and p = 0.1 MPa of 29 mPa·s, at Temperatures between (273 and 423) K and Pressures below 275 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2006, 51, 2185−2196. (55) Al Motari, M. M.; Kandil, M. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Goodwin, A. R. H. Density and viscosity of diisodecyl phthalate C6H4(COOC10H21)2, with nominal Viscosity at T = 298 K and p = 0.1 MPa of 87 mPa-s, at temperatures from (298.15 to 423.15) K and pressures up to 70 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2007, 52, 1233−1239. (56) Kandil, M. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Goodwin, A. R. H. Measurement of the viscosity, density, and electrical conductivity of 1-Hexyl-3methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide at temperatures between (288 and 433) K and pressures below 50 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2007, 52, 2382−2387. (57) Kandil, M. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Goodwin, A. R. H. Determination of the Relative Permittivity and Density within the Gas Phase and Liquid Volume Fraction Formed within the Two-Phase Region for (0.4026 CH4 + 0.5974 C3H8) with a Radio Frequency Re-entrant Cavity. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2007, 52, 1660−1671. (58) Kandil, M. E.; Marsh, K. N.; Goodwin, A. R. H. Determination of the Relative Permittivity, ε′, of Methylbenzene at Temperatures between (290 and 406) K and Pressures below 20 MPa with a Radio Frequency Re-Entrant Cavity and Evaluation of a MEMS Capacitor for the Measurement of ε′. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2008, 53, 1056−1065. (59) Hou, H.; Holste, J. C.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N. Experimental densities for compressed R134a. Int. J. Refrig. 1992, 15, 365−371. (60) Hwang, C.-A.; Iglesias-Silva, G. A.; Holste, J. C.; Hall, K. R.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N. Densities of Carbon Dioxide + Methane Mixtures from 225 K to 350 K at Pressures up to 35 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1997, 42, 897−899. (61) Stouffer, C. E.; Kellerman, S. J.; Hall, K. R.; Holste, J. C.; Gammon, B. E.; Marsh, K. N. Densities of Carbon Dioxide + Hydrogen Sulfide Mixtures from 220 K to 450 K at Pressures up to 25 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2001, 46, 1309−1318. (62) Pinkert, A.; Ang, K. L.; Marsh, K. N.; Pang, S. Density, viscosity and electrical conductivity of protic alkanolammonium ionic liquids. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 5136−43. (63) Wakefield, D. L.; Marsh, K. N. Viscosities of nonelectrolyte liquid mixtures. I. n-hexadecane + n-octane. Int. J. Thermophys. 1987, 8, 649−662. 2478

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00726 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2475−2480

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00726 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2475−2480