MERCK & CO., INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

MERCK & CO., INC. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (5), pp 35A–35A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60137a729. Publication Date: May 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of...
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Among chemists, the morning coffee-break is a well-established custom. During these informal symposia much worthwhile data are exchanged. We should like to sit in and tell you about some of our many hundreds of MERCK LABORATORY CHEMICALS. COLLECTOR'S ITEM

H u m a n foibles know n o bounds. Some people like t o read dictionaries; others collect catalogs. F o r t h e l a t t e r we'd like t o call a t t e n t i o n t o t h e latest edi­ tion of t h e M E R C K LABORATORY C H E M ­ ICALS CATALOG. T h i s opus, our t w e n t i ­

eth in fifty years, is physically bigger (6" χ 9" pages), easier t o read, a n d arranged according t o A.C.S. nomen­ clature. F o r t h e edification of our friends, t h e catalog gives specs on all our reagents, including many organic solvents. Ranges of useful t r a n s m i t t a n c e are listed for t h e spectro solvents. This year's catalog is an extra-galactic ef­ fort. L e t us know how m a n y copies you need a n d t h e y will b e sent t o you— gratis, of course. UNIVERSAL O R G A N I C SOLVENT

DlMETHYLFORMAMIDE MERCK, l i k e money, h a s unusually wide appeal. I t s


low evaporation rate a n d ability t o lure complex organics into solution have m a d e it popular with all kinds of chromatographers. Feed chemists on t h e other h a n d report Dimethylformamide is frankly indispensable in t h e determination of NiCarbazin, a new t y p e of drug used t o prevent coccidiosis in poultry. Also, protein chemists are intrigued—finding Dimethylformamide with its high dielectric properties d a n d y as a reaction solvent for amino acids. In fact, if i t ' s organic a n d tough t o dissolve, reach for t h e Dimethylforma­ mide a n d watch your fingers, D o c t o r ! Skeptics should send for our technical d a t a sheet. AMMONIUM


Determination of bashful steroids in hydrocortisone-salicylate or predniso­ lone-salicylate combinations h a s been observed t o cause severe contusions t o the analytical psyche. T h e following is



I t ' s been postulated t h a t inanimate matter made t h e j u m p t o life via t h e effects of ionizing radia­ tion on solutions of simple chemical compounds. An interesting b i t of evidence to support this concept in­ volves t h e use of Merck A m m o n i u m Acetate. Aque­ ous dilute solutions of this relatively simple com­ p o u n d when exposed in ubiquitous polyethylene bags t o beta-radiation of 2, 10, 20, 30 a n d 50 M r e p in a v a n d e Graff electron accelerator resulted in t h e synthesis of glycine, aspartic acid a n d an unknown amino acid believed t o b e diaminosuccinic acid.

offered as non-pharmaceutical t h e r a p y . E x t r a c t an aqueous, slightly alkaline suspension of t h e sample with M e r c k Chloroform Reagent. R e m o v e t h e steroid-containing chloroform phase via a syringe, evaporate off t h e chloro­ form a n d acidify with a sulfuric-acetic acid (both Merck Reagents) mixture. Mix, shake, a n d stand. One hour after addition of t h e Mixed Acid Reagent, read t h e absorbence a t 470 ιημ on a spectrophotometer against a Mixed Acid R e a g e n t Blank. T h e n check re­ sults against a s t a n d a r d hydrocortisone solution. Believe y o u me, neighbor, n o sneaky steroid is going t o duck o u t on this one! W r i t e for Technical Service Bulletin A-36 a n d get complete details.

T h o u g h yields of these AA-inspired amino acids could h a r d l y b e described as heavy, t h e y were a n y t h i n g b u t in­ tangible. T h i s is not t o imply t h a t under certain circumstances A m m o n i u m Ace­ t a t e does n o t h a v e an ephemeral side.



Tools for Accurate

Used as an eluting agent for ionexchange resins, AA leaves n o residue on evaporation — a happy, practical t h o u g h t for chromatographers.


& CO., INC.

Chemical Division R A H W A Y ,



© Merck & Co., Inc.

VOL. 30, NO. 5, MAY 1958 ·

35 A