Merck Postdoctoral Fellowships Available - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - This program is supported by Merck & Co., Inc., manufacturing chemists of Rahway, N. J., and administered by the National Research Counc...
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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK commercial models. Because the methods and rate of carbonization are important in determining the quality of coke pro­ duced, the new oven was designed with particular attention to these factors. The oven deviates in construction from other test-ovens in that its heating walls are made of 472-inch silica brick and contain zoned, heat-input arrangements to com­ pensate for heat losses at the ends, the top, and bottom of the charge. A copy of Report of Investigations 4923, "Development of New, Experi­ mental Coke Oven," may be obtained from the Bureau of Mines, Publications Distribution Section, 4800 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 13, Pa.

the Pennsylvania Association of Dyers and Cleaners have been awarded the Phila­ delphia Textile Institute's research depart­ ment. Included in the Laundry Owner's $5000 fellowship will be the study of quality con­ trol in the individual laundry under the association's certification program. Under the Dry Cleaner's fellowship, for the same amount, the institute will assist the asso­ ciation in the preparation of technical bulletins on new fibers and the handling and analysis of problem garments.

Bureau of Mines Surveys Petroleum Industry

manufacture of pipe, may be tested also. When this research project is completed a comprehensive report will be distributed to all public health officials, colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Vick to Award Two Pharmaceutical Fellowships Pharmaceutical research fellowships will be awarded this year by Vick Chemi­ cal Co. to the two most outstanding stu­ dents pursuing graduate work at the school of pharmacy, University of North Carolina. The fellowships provide $1200 each, and will be under the direction of E. A. Brecht, dean of the school of pharmacy, through the N. C. Pharmaceutical Re­ search Foundation. The recipients will be selected by the school faculty.

The Bureau of Mines has published two bulletins on gasoline production in the United States. A survey of natural gaso­ RESEARCH line and cycle plants as of Jan. 1 (Informa­ tion Circular 7645) summarizes the num­ Merck Postdoctoral ber of plants and production capacity Diffusion Rates of Gases Fellowships Available since 1930, with emphasis on 1951. The Through Metal Films The National Research Council has an­ productive capacity of these plants Jan. 1 Hanson-Van Wiolde-Munning Co., nounced the availability of the Merck was 811,596 barrels per day, an increase Matawan, N. J., is sponsoring a graduate of 163,691 barrels since Jan. 1, 1950. Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships in the During the two-year survey period the fellowship as part of its continuing longNatural Sciences for 1953-54. All fields range policy of promoting the study of of physics, chemistry, and biology, plus total number of operable plants declined fundamental research in electroplating and by 33, to 521. In 1930 there had been the preclinical medical sciences, are open 999 plants operating, with a combined allied fields. Joseph M. Tobin is the new to applicants for Merck fellowships. fellow, elected by the faculty at Michigan These fellowships carry stipends of capacity of 245,000 barrels per day. The Bureau's Information Circular 7646 State College. He will study the diffusion $6000 and traveling expenses, and are rates of gases through metal films. offered to citizens of the United States deals with petroleum refineries, including cracking plants as of Jan. 1. During 1951 with a Ph.D. equivalent in physics, chem­ istry, or biology. Candidates must also the total number of petroleum refineries EDUCATION have at least three years of postdoctoral decreased to 350 compared to 357 a year professional experience in their major before. However a gain of 369,241 barrels field, only one of which may have been in daily refinery crude throughput capac­ fellowship work. This program is sup­ ity in 1951 brought the total to 7,332,885 Maine Offers Special Lectures in ported by Merck & Co., Inc., manufactur­ barrels daily. The capacity of the average Puip Technology ing chemists of Rahway, N. J., and ad­ refinery to process crude oil was 20,951 The University of Maine is giving a ministered by the National Research barrels per day, an increase of 1445 over series of 14 lectures by specialists in the the previous year. Council. Applications filed with the Reported as under construction Jan. 1 pulp and paper industry. The lectures are Council must be postmarked on or before was an additional crude oil capacity of being given in a course in pulp technology· Dec. 10, 1952. Speakers who have already given lee· The fellowships will be awarded in the 282,680 barrels per day. tures are: Fay Hylotid and I. B. Douglass, The petroleum industry had facilities late winter or early spring, with the tenure University of Maine; E. L. Giddings and of the one-year appointments beginning to produce cracking gasoline at the rate G. C. E. Johanson, Penobscot Chemical at any approved date between4July 1 and of 2,015,943 barrels per day as of Jan· 1. Fibre Co.; Kenneth Sawyer and Warren Oct. 1, 1953. A fellow may study abroad This is a gain of 162,837 barrels over the Daniel, Great Northern Paper Co·; and only when his type of proposed training previous year. Refineries reported 119,030 John Hegeman, Brown Co* can be obtained more effectively in a barrels per day additional cracking capac­ Speakers scheduled to give the remain· selected foreign institution, and as a rule ity under construction at the beginning of ing lectures are: Herman Bayer» St· Regis this year. he is expected to work in an institution Co.; Emerson Lewis» Eastern Corp.; H. L. other than that at which he had most of Field, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co.; his academic training. Plastic Pipe Being J· R. Lientz, Union Bag & Paper Co.; B. A· Further information and application Evaluated for Rural Use Bittner and R· T. Creep, S. D. Warren Co. blanks may be obtained from the Fellow· ship Office, National Research Council, Λ plastic pipe research evaluation study 2101 Constitution Ave·, Washington 25, is being sponsored by the Society of the Education Note . . . D.C. The departmenti of electrical engineer­ Plastics Industry» Inc. and conducted by A similar fellowship program has been the National Sanitation Foundation at the ing and physics of the University of established in Canada by Merck & Co. University of Michigan. It is set up to Illinois» in cooperation with several com­ Ltd., the Canadian subsidiary of Merck, determine the performance characteristics panies in the electronics Industry, will con­ and is admlnlftered there by the National of plastic pipe in the transmission of water duct a summer session on semiconductors Research Council of Canada. for rural supply systems. The plastic raw and transistor electronics. Courses will be materials currently involved are poly­ offered in three areas: a general survey of ethylene, polystyrene» cellulose acetate· semiconductors, physics of transistors, and Quality Control Study a t butyrate, and copolymers of polyvinyl transistor circuits. Inquiries should bo ad­ Textile Institute chloride· As this two year's study pro­ dressed to the department of electrical en­ Fellowships sponsored by the Pennsyl­ gresses· it la possible that additional plastic gineering, Unlvenlty of Illinois, Urbane, vania Laundry Owner9· Association and raw materials, currently being used In the 111.