Mercury Export from Mainland China to Adjacent Seas and Its

Mercury Discharge from Coastal Industrial Wastewater and Domestic Sewage ..... such as the Mediterranean Sea (8.0–40 ng/g)(91) and Greenland Sea (6...
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Mercury Export from Mainland China to Adjacent Seas and Its Influence on the Marine Mercury Balance Maodian Liu, Long Chen, Xuejun Wang, Wei Zhang, Yindong Tong, Langbo Ou, Han Xie, Huizhong Shen, Xuejie Ye, Chunyan Deng, and Huanhuan Wang Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04999 • Publication Date (Web): 31 May 2016 Downloaded from on May 31, 2016

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Environmental Science & Technology


Mercury Export from Mainland China to Adjacent Seas and Its Influence on the


Marine Mercury Balance


Maodian Liu,† Long Chen,† Xuejun Wang,*,† Wei Zhang,*,‡ Yindong Tong,§ Langbo


Ou,† Han Xie,† Huizhong Shen,† Xuejie Ye,† Chunyan Deng† and Huanhuan Wang†



Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China



100872, China



Ministry of Education Laboratory of Earth Surface Process, College of Urban and

School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing

School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,




Corresponding authors:


Xuejun Wang. Ministry of Education Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes, College of


Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China. Tel: +86-


10-62759190. E-mail: [email protected]


Wei Zhang. School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China,


Beijing, 100872, China. Tel: +86-10-62756122. E-mail: zhw326@

17 18

Word count for text:



Word count for 4 figures, 1 table:



Total Word count:



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ABSTRACT: Exports from mainland China are a significant source of mercury (Hg) in


the adjacent seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea) near


China. A total of 240 ± 23 Mg was contributed in 2012 (30% from natural sources and 70%


from anthropogenic sources), including Hg from rivers, industrial wastewater, domestic


sewage, groundwater, non-point sources and coastal erosion. Among the various sources,


the Hg from rivers amounts to 160 ± 21 Mg and plays a dominant role. The Hg that is


exported from mainland China increased from 1984 to 2013; the contributions from


rivers, industrial wastewater, domestic sewage and groundwater increased, and the


contributions from non-point sources and coastal erosion remained stable. A box model is


constructed to simulate the mass balance of Hg in these seas and quantify the sources,


sinks and Hg biogeochemical cycle in the seas. In total, 160 Mg of Hg was transported to


the Pacific Ocean and other oceans from these seas through oceanic currents in 2012,


which could have negative impacts on the marine ecosystem. A prediction of the changes


in Hg exportation through 2030 shows that the impacts of terrestrial export might worsen


without effective pollution reduction measures and that the Hg load in these seas will


increase, especially in the seawater of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea and


in the sea margin sediments of the Bohai Sea and East China Sea.


Keywords: Hg, mainland China, river, transport, sea, mass balance


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Abstract art


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Methylmercury (MeHg), which is a neurotoxic form of mercury (Hg), affects human


health through the consumption of fish from freshwater and ocean sources.1 Hg can be


cycled rapidly in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and pedosphere, which affects the Hg


concentration in the ocean.2 On a global scale, Hg in the ocean primarily comes from


atmospheric deposition and riverine input. Previous studies estimated that the global Hg


that discharges into the ocean from rivers is 1000–5500 Mg/yr,3-6 nearly 80% of which is


deposited into sea margin sediments.3 The contribution of Hg in the open ocean from


atmospheric deposition is approximately 5200–6600 Mg/yr.7, 8 Therefore, Hg discharges


from rivers may significantly influence offshore and ocean environments and thus


deserve more attention.

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In addition to rivers, other terrestrial pathways may play key roles in Hg inputs into the

52 53

ocean. Hg discharges from groundwater into the ocean might be an important pathway,


such as the Bangdu Bay in the Korean Peninsula and Waquoit Bay in the northeastern


U.S.9, 10 Hg that is transported from coastal erosion might also be a vital source of


particulate Hg.11, 12 In the Arctic Ocean, the Hg flux from coastal erosion reached 47


Mg/yr, whereas riverine pathways only contributed 13 Mg/yr.11 Hg discharges from


anthropogenic sources in coastal areas, such as industrial wastewater and domestic


sewage discharge, may also contribute to oceanic Hg.13 In addition, non-point source


contributions in coastal areas should be considered in the mass balance of oceanic Hg.14,




balance models of oceanic Hg have focused on limited types of terrestrial pathways, such


as rivers, groundwater and coastal erosion.11, 16

However, most previous inventories of Hg that is exported from land to oceans or mass


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Regional-scale variations in rivers are among the key drivers of the global oceanic


environment,17 especially in China, which is a critical contributor of global Hg cycling.6


Many studies have focused on the total atmospheric Hg emission from anthropogenic


sources in China, which amount to approximately 530–830 Mg/yr.18-21 The Hg that is


released into the atmosphere is attracting extensive attention because of its long-range


transportation. Hg that is exported from land to the oceans may also significantly impact


the environment because of the transportation of Hg by ocean currents.3 A previous study


reported that the total Hg that is discharged from rivers into the North Pacific Ocean is


approximately 2000 Mg/yr, most of which was contributed by China, and has increased


since the 1970s.5 Another study reported that the Yangtze River, the largest river in China


and the third longest river in the world, has been polluted by Hg for years.22 However, no


inventory of the Hg that is discharged into the seas from rivers and other sources in


mainland China has been created. In addition, research on the mass balance of Hg in the


seas near China is lacking. Therefore, the influence of the Hg that is exported from land


to the seas is unclear.


The objectives of this paper include the following. (1) An inventory of the Hg that is


exported from mainland China into the adjacent seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China


Sea and South China Sea) is developed. The inventory includes six pathways: rivers,


industrial wastewater, domestic sewage, groundwater, non-point sources, and coastal


erosion. (2) The inter-annual changes in the total Hg inventory are analyzed. (3) A marine


box model is established to simulate the mass balance of Hg in China’s adjacent seas and


to identify the influence of terrestrial export.



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Six pathways of Hg exportation from mainland China into the four adjacent seas are


investigated. The pathways include rivers, industrial wastewater, domestic sewage,


groundwater, non-point sources, and coastal erosion. The total Hg [Hg(T)] is divided into


dissolved Hg [Hg(D)] and particle-bound Hg [Hg(P)]. The Hg transport flux into the seas


is calculated by multiplying the Hg concentration and the volume/yr or mass/yr. The


calculation of the six pathways is described as follows:



∑  ×  ×  ,


where F (Mg) is the annual mass flux of Hg, C (ng/L, µg/L or ng/g) is the annual Hg


concentration, E (m3/yr or Mg/yr ) is the annual exported volume per year or mass per


year, K is the unit conversion factor, i represents different pathways, and j represents


different sea margins.



A marine box model of the adjacent seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and


South China Sea; see Figure S1, Supporting Information) is constructed based on the Hg


inputs from land to simulate the mass balance of Hg in these seas and identify the


influence of terrestrial transport on the Hg balance of the seawater and sediments.


Mercury Discharges from Rivers. An inventory of the total riverine Hg discharge


from mainland China into the seas is constructed. The Hg data are all measurement data


from the literature (Supporting Information) and are mainly based on CVAAS (Cold


Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) or CVAFS (Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence


Spectrometer) according to the China Environmental Quality Standards for Surface


Water (GB 3838-2002) and Method 1631 of the EPA.23, 24 All the sampling and


measurements were conducted by major scientific research and national monitoring 6

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institutions in China (including Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Research


Academy of Environment Sciences and major universities) and published in peer-


reviewed journals.22, 25, 26 The flux of Hg(D) (Mg/yr) and Hg(P) (Mg/yr) in every river is


obtained by multiplying the Hg concentration by the riverine water discharge.27, 28 The


eight major rivers in China—the Yangtze River (1000 km3 of riverine water discharge


and 0.16 kg/m3 of suspended sediment concentration in 2012), Pearl River (280 km3,


0.084 kg/m3), Yellow River (28 km3, 6.5 kg/m3), Minjiang River (75 km3, 0.028 kg/m3),


Qiantang River (33 km3, 0.16 kg/m3), Luan River (3.0 km3, 0.79 kg/m3), Liao River (2.4


km3, 0.27 kg/m3) and Hai River (0.27 km3, 0.038 kg/m3)—were included in this study to


estimate all the riverine Hg that was discharged in 2012 because the monitoring data for


some small rivers are limited. The locations of these eight rivers are presented in Figure


S1, and their total riverine water discharge comprised 84% of that from all rivers in China


in 2012. Concentration data of the Hg(T) (ng/L), Hg(D) (ng/L) and Hg(P) (ng/L) for the


eight main rivers were collected from the literature.


If a work provided only [Hg(D)], the partition coefficient log10KD = log10


([Hg(P)]/[Hg(D)]) (the unit of [Hg(P)] is pg/kg, and the unit of [Hg(D)] is pg/L) is used


to estimate [Hg(P)].5, 28 The unit conversion of [Hg(P)] (ng/L and ng/g) is based on the


suspended sediment concentration of the corresponding river. In this study, the log10KD


value of 3.8 ± 0.084 that was calculated by this study (based on existing data in Table S1,


Supporting Information) is used for all rivers except the Yellow River. A log10KD value


of 2.1 ± 0.077 is used for the Yellow River because of its extremely high suspended


sediment concentration. The research of Chen et al. also proved this phenomenon in the


Yellow River. In their paper, the log10KD values of Cr, Pb and Zn in the Yellow River 7

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were 2.4, 3.7 and 2.0, respectively.29 The riverine water discharge, suspended sediment


discharge and suspended sediment concentrations are acquired from the Hydrologic Data


Yearbook,30 China River Sediment Bulletin31 and China Water Resources Bulletin.32 The


yearly trends of Hg concentrations could be obtained for some major rivers such as the


Yangtze River, Pearl River and Yellow River. However, the Hg data of other small rivers


are limited, so the Hg concentration is assumed to have remained unchanged after the


year 2000 for these rivers when estimating the Hg flux; this assumption was also adopted


by Amos et al.5


Mercury Discharge from Coastal Industrial Wastewater and Domestic Sewage.


Discharge volume data of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage are collected from


the China Statistical Yearbook,33 China Environmental Statistics Yearbook34 and China


Marine Statistical Yearbook.35 The data on industrial wastewater that discharges directly


into adjacent seas are specific to every coastal city. The Hg concentrations of industrial


wastewater are specific to the primary industrial sectors (provided in Table S2,


Supporting Information). A weighted mean concentration of Hg is applied to calculate the


Hg flux based on the wastewater discharge intensity of every industrial sector.


The data on domestic sewage that is discharged into adjacent seas are specific to every


coastal province, and the estimation method is similar to that of the Hg discharges from


industrial wastewater. The domestic sewage discharge is divided into untreated discharge


and treated discharge. The treatment rates of domestic sewage are collected from the


China Environmental Statistics Yearbook.34 The variations in the Hg flux into adjacent


seas from industrial wastewater and domestic sewage from 1984 to 2013 are estimated by


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multiplying the discharged volume and Hg concentrations. Details are provided in the


Supporting Information.


Mercury Discharge from Groundwater. The estimation of Hg discharge from


groundwater into adjacent seas in 2012 and changes from 1984 to 2013 is similar to the


riverine pathway estimation in this study and previous studies,9, 11, 36-38 except for the


discharge intensity data. Previous studies used the submarine groundwater discharge


(SGD) to multiply the concentration of Hg in groundwater.9, 36-38 However, the SGD


(Figure S2, Supporting Information) includes submarine fresh groundwater discharge


(SFGD) and recirculated saline groundwater discharge (RSGD).39, 40 The SFGD is the


submarine fresh groundwater discharge, which originates from surface stream water in


the mainland. The RSGD is the process of seawater penetration into the sediment and re-


suspension of particles that originated from seawater. In addition, researchers have


proven that the SFGD/SGD ranges from 1% to 40% in many areas. If the SGD is applied


to calculate the Hg flux of groundwater from land into the seas, the result may be


overestimated. Therefore, the SFGD is applied in this study to calculate the Hg


discharges from groundwater. The ratio of the SFGD to the riverine water discharge into


adjacent seas is used to estimate the flow of SFGD. A value of 6% is chosen for this


estimation according to previous studies.39-43


Mercury Transport from Coastal Non-Point Sources. Non-point sources are an


important terrestrial source of Hg that is exported into the ocean. Coastal soil can be


eroded by rain and transported into coastal seas.14, 15 Therefore, estimating the Hg that is


exported from non-point sources is necessary. The total sediment that is transported from


non-point sources into the seas is estimated as follows: 9

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E5=∑  ×  ×  ,

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where E5 is the sediment that is transported from non-point sources, M is the erosion


modulus (the mass of soil that is eroded by waterpower in a given time and area, with


units of Mg/km2·yr; provided in Table S5, Supporting Information), L is the length of the


coastline,44, 45 W is the width of the survey region, and j represents sea margins. In this


study, 20 km is set as the width of the survey region, which is the average value,


according to the features of the Chinese coastline46, 47 to estimate the contribution from


coastal soil erosion by rainfall (Table S5, Supporting Information). The Hg


concentrations of the coastal soil were obtained from the Chinese Soil Element


Background Value 1990 (Table S7, Supporting Information).48 The standard error (SE) of


the Hg concentration is estimated by SD/√ − 1 (n is the sample size). The standard


deviation (SD) of the Hg concentrations are provided in the Chinese Soil Element


Background Value 1990.48 The Hg flux from non-point sources into the seas from 1984 to


2013 is estimated using the changes in the climate conditions during this period.


According to a previous study,15 the erosion modulus is proportional to the square of the


rainfall intensity.


Mercury Transport from Coastal Erosion. The method of calculating the Hg that is


transported into the ocean from coastal erosion is similar to that of previous research


(Figure S3, Supporting Information)11, 16, 49. The total sediment flux from coastal erosion


into the four seas is estimated as follows:


E6=∑  ×  ×  ×  ×  ,



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where E6 is the sediment that is transported from coastal erosion, R is the erosion rate, L


is the length of the coastline, P is the proportion of eroded coastline, B is the bank height,


D is the soil density, and j represents sea margins. The erosion rates are chosen separately


for the four seas and are provided in the Supporting Information. The bank heights of the


four seas are estimated based on previous studies,50-53 which ranged from 2 to 6 m and


were set at an average of 4.5 m. The length of the coastline was obtained from previous


studies.44, 45 The soil density was estimated based on previous studies,54-57 ranging from


1.2 to 2.0 g/cm3 and set to 1.5 g/cm3. The proportion of eroded coastline was reported by


Ji to be 46% for the Bohai Sea, 49% for the Yellow Sea, 44% for the East China Sea and


21% for the South China Sea.58 The Hg concentrations that are adopted in the non-point


source estimation in this study were used for the coastal erosion estimation. The variation


in the Hg contributions from coastal erosion from 1984 to 2013 is estimated through


changes in the climate conditions during this period.59


Mercury Mass Balance of Chinese Seas. A marine box model is developed to


simulate the Hg mass balance of seawater in the four seas and sea margin sediments.


Eight boxes are established to represent the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea,


South China Sea, and their sea margin sediments. Hg can transport between the seas,


atmosphere, and land, and deposits ultimately in marine sediments. In the reservoirs


representing the seas, Hg comes mainly from land export, atmospheric deposition and


oceanic current transport from other oceans. Hg can also transport between each reservoir


through oceanic currents and sediment transport (Figure S4, Supporting Information).


The Hg mass flows between each box are expressed by first-order differential equations


as follows:2 11

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dm / dt = Km + s,

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where m is the mass of every reservoir (Mg of Hg); K is the coefficient of mass flow


from reservoir i to reservoir j, which is represented by Kij = Fij/mi; Fij (Mg/yr of Hg) is


the mass flow from reservoir i (source) to reservoir j (sink); and “s” is a vector that


describes the external forcing (Mg/yr) from the deep mineral reservoir.


Hg flows between the eight boxes (four seas and relevant sediments) are set to be


changeable from 1984 to 2013 because of the unstable Hg input from the land. Hg inputs


from atmospheric deposition and ocean currents from other oceans are assumed to be


constant. This box model is established by combining the inventory that was developed in


this study and measurement data from the literature (Table S8, Supporting Information).


The exchange between particulate and dissolved Hg phases is not considered, but the


Hg(T) output from seas because of fishing in coastal areas is considered. The data from


fish catches were provided in the China Marine Statistical Yearbook,35 and the


concentrations of Hg in fish are provided in Table S8 (Supporting Information). Hg


atmospheric dry deposition, wet deposition and evasion from the sea surface from the


literature are applied.16, 60, 61 The amount of Hg in the sea margin sediments is estimated


from the sea margin area, the density of the sediment, the interaction depth and the


concentration of Hg. The Hg in the seawater can deposit within the surface sediment,62


and the Hg in surface sediment can release into the water volume,63 which can create


instability in the vertical Hg concentrations in the surface sediment.64 The depth of the


unstable layer is called the "interaction depth". The interaction depth is set by the depth at


which Hg from the sediment could directly affect the seawater, which ranges from 20 to


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100 cm;62, 65-67 an average of 50 cm is chosen here. Details of the parameters are provided


in Table S8 (Supporting Information).


This marine box model is applied to identify the influence of Hg from the mainland to


the seawater and sea margin sediments. The trends in the Hg concentrations in each sea


and their surface sediments are simulated, and the trends in the Hg concentrations in each


reservoir from 2014 to 2030 are predicted based on the variations in the Hg(D) and Hg(P)


flux from the mainland into the seas from 1984 to 2013. Three scenarios (increasing,


stable and decreasing Hg concentration) are considered. An increase is predicted based on


the extrapolation of Hg flux changes from the mainland to the seas from 1984 to 2013.


Stability is predicted based on a stable Hg flux from the mainland in 2013. A decrease is


predicted based on the 12th Five-year Plan of Environmental Protection,68 in which heavy


metals that are discharged from human activities are planned to decrease by 15% from


2007 to 2015, with this reducing trend estimated to be maintained through 2030.


Uncertainty Analysis. Different Hg data in various jurisdictions, sectors and


analytical analyses result in uncertainties. The method that was used by Amos et al. is


applied to estimate the uncertainty.5 The standard error (SE) of the Hg concentration data


is calculated by using the bootstrapping method.5, 69 The SEs of [Hg(T)], [Hg(D)] and


[Hg(P)] are calculated for every pathway. When the number of concentration data from


different literature (n) is ≥ 3, the bootstrapping method is applied to repeat sampling


1,000 times to simulate the distribution of the Hg concentration. When n < 3, the SE is


assumed to be 65%.5 The SEs of the Hg concentrations from the other five pathways are


calculated with the same method. The errors for all pathways are added in quadrature.5


The uncertainties of the Hg concentrations in seawater and sediment are estimated by 13

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applying Monte Carlo simulations. The uncertainties are repeatedly calculated 1,000


times by randomly drawing all inputs from distributions that were simulated by the


bootstrapping method.70, 71 Some parameters do not have standard errors, so their SEs are


assumed to be 65% of the mean, as shown in a previous study.5 The medians and 25–75


percentiles are calculated to quantify the concentrations and characterize the uncertainties.




Mercury Export into the Adjacent Seas and Trends. The total Hg that was exported


into the adjacent seas from mainland China in 2012 was estimated to be 240 ± 23 Mg


(Table 1). The export from rivers, industrial wastewater, domestic sewage, groundwater,


non-point sources and coastal erosion were considered in this inventory. The total Hg that


was discharged from rivers into these seas was 160 ± 21 Mg in 2012 (Table 1) (67% of


the total exported Hg). Riverine pathways were the largest source of exported Hg but


contributed less than previous studies in the Mediterranean (84%) and Yellow Seas


(77%),13, 16, 72 which might be partly attributed to the inclusion of Hg from industrial


wastewater, domestic sewage, groundwater, non-point sources and coastal erosion in our


study (Table 1). The total Hg that was discharged into these seas from Chinese rivers in


2012 represented 2.9% and 6.5% of the previous global riverine inventory, according to


Amos et al. and AMAP/UNEP, respectively.5, 6 The calculation method was the same,


and the disparity mainly resulted from the KD value. In a previous study, the log10KD


value was 4.7 ± 0.3;5 however, the suspended sediment concentration in the Yellow River


was much higher than that in the other rivers in China. Therefore, using the KD of other


rivers to calculate the Hg discharge of suspended sediments into the Yellow River would


result in an overestimation. In this study, 2.1 ± 0.077 was used for the Yellow River, and 14

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3.8 ± 0.084 was used for the other rivers. The Hg(P) concentration of the Yellow River


was 12 ng/g for this river’s KD value. If the KD of other rivers were to be used to calculate


the Hg(P) concentration of the Yellow River, the result would be 590 ng/g.


Correspondingly, the Hg(P) flux of the Yellow River would be 2.2 Mg/yr or 110 Mg/yr;


notably, the latter value is 50 times higher than the former. Previous studies have reported


that the [Hg(P)] concentration of the Yellow River ranged from 12 to 200 ng/L (1.8 to 31


ng/g; the suspended sediment transport rate of the Yellow River was 6.5 kg/m3 in 2012)73,




Hg(P) in rivers with high suspended sediment concentrations, such as the Yellow River.


Table 1. Export of Hg into Adjacent Seas from Mainland China in 2012

. Clearly, the KD values of other rivers cannot be used to calculate the concentration of


Hg(T) export

Hg(D) export

Hg(P) export





160 ± 21 a

71 ± 12

86 ± 9.6

Industrial wastewater

25 ± 5.0

8.0 ± 3.0

17 ± 7.0

Domestic sewage

1.0 ± 0.15

0.34 ± 4.6×10-2

0.71 ± 0.10


8.7 ± 3.5

6.1 ± 2.4

2.6 ± 1.1

Non-point source erosion

36 ± 7.5 b

n/a c

36 ± 7.5

Coastal erosion

8.2 ± 1.8 d


8.2 ± 1.8


240 ± 23 e

86 ± 13

150 ± 14


All the data are expressed as the mean ± SE (standard error) and retain two significant digits. The errors

of every pathway are added in quadrature.5 bHg is assumed to remain in particle form and flow offshore directly from the non-point source. cNot available. dThe exported Hg by coastal erosion is estimated in a particulate state.11 eThe SE of the total Hg flux, which is added from all six pathways, is also estimated by adding in quadrature.


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Figure 1 provides the seasonal variation in Hg(T) discharges from the Yangtze River


and Yellow River and the variation in riverine water discharge in the two rivers in 2012.


The Hg(T) flux was remarkably affected by the riverine water discharge.

302 303

Figure 1. Seasonal variation of total Hg discharged from the Yellow River (A) and Yangtze River (B), and


the variation of riverine water discharge in 2012.


Figure 2 (A) shows the variation in the Hg(T) that is discharged from the Yangtze


River, Pearl River and Yellow River from 1984 to 2013. The Hg fluxes of these rivers are


remarkably influenced by the Hg concentration and riverine water discharge.27, 28 The


annual Hg(T) discharge from the Yangtze River increased over the last 30 years, and the


annual Hg(T) discharge from the Pearl River decreased in recent years. Because the


annual water runoff in the Yangtze River and Pearl River showed no obvious variations


during this period, the changes in the Hg flux could be attributed to the concentrations.


This observation is verified in the literature. The Hg pollution in the Yangtze river 16

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became increasingly serious from the 1980s to the 2000s,75-77 whereas the Hg pollution in


the Pearl River Basin was well controlled.26, 78 The annual Hg(T) discharge from the


Yellow River decreased from 1984 to 2002 and increased from 2003 to 2012 with the


variation in the riverine water discharge,79 whereas the Hg concentration exhibited no


obvious variation tendencies.73, 80


The Hg that was exported from other pathways cannot be ignored (33% of the total Hg


that was exported from mainland China in 2012). The contributions of the other five


terrestrial pathways are presented in Figure 2 (B). The Hg that was transported from non-


point sources was the second largest source, amounting to 36 ± 7.5 Mg (15% in 2012),


but exhibited no obvious tendencies from 1984 to 2013 (Figure 2 (B)). The contribution


of Hg from industrial wastewater was slightly less than that from non-point sources,


which were 25 Mg (10% in 2012). However, the contribution of Hg from industrial


wastewater increased rapidly from 1984 to 2013 (Figure 2 (B)) because of the


development of industry.34 The Hg discharge from domestic sewage was similar to that


from industrial wastewater and increased rapidly from 1984 to 2013 because of rapid


increases in population and urbanization. However, the contribution from domestic


sewage was small, which were 1.0 Mg (0.42% in 2012). The contribution of Hg from


groundwater was 8.7 Mg in 2012 (3.6%) and increased from 1984 to 2013 because Hg


pollution in groundwater in China has become more serious in recent years.81, 82


Wastewater irrigation was the most important source for Hg contamination in soil and


groundwater in China.83 The contribution of Hg from coastal erosion was 8.2 Mg (3.4%


in 2012), which remained unchanged from 1984 to 2013.


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Hg that is exported from anthropogenic and natural sources of mainland China can be


differentiated based on the results of Mason et al.84 According to their model of the


preindustrial global mercury cycle and current global mercury cycle, 80% of the Hg that


is discharged from rivers, 10% of the Hg that is discharged from surface soil erosion, and


80% of the Hg that is discharged from groundwater originated from human activities.


Based on these assumptions, the Hg that was exported into adjacent seas from all the


natural sources that are considered in this study from mainland China was estimated to be


75 Mg in 2012 (30% of all exported Hg). Anthropogenic sources contribute 170 Mg


(70%), approximately 1/3 of the Hg emissions into the air from anthropogenic sources in


China, which were estimated to be 538 t in 2010.20

345 18

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Figure 2. Total exported Hg from mainland China to the seas and changes from 1984 to 2013. (A)


Contributions of total Hg from the three main rivers of China (Yangtze River, Pearl River and Yellow


River); (B) Contributions of total Hg from the other five terrestrial pathways.


Mass Balance of Hg in China’s Adjacent Seas and the Influence of Exported


Mercury. A marine box model was developed to simulate the Hg mass balance in the


four adjacent seas of China. We found that the total Hg that was exported from various


sources in mainland China (53% of the total Hg input) was the dominant Hg input into


the seas. The significant terrestrial inputs in this study could be attributed to strong


anthropogenic activities, high sediment transport in rivers, and the involvement of more


input sources in this study. The amount of Hg from atmospheric deposition in China’s


adjacent seas was 140 Mg in 2012 (30%). The proportion of Hg that was deposited into


sediment was 50% of the total Hg output. Hg evasion from surface sediment and surface


water comprised 2.4% of the total Hg input and 26% of the total Hg output of the seas.


The amount of Hg that was transported from China’s adjacent seas into the Pacific Ocean


and other open oceans (Figure 3) through oceanic currents was 160 Mg in 2012 (40% of


the total Hg output from the water body). This process may influence the Hg mass


balance and aquatic ecosystem of the Pacific Ocean.


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Figure 3. Hg mass balance in China’s adjacent seas and sea margin sediments in 2012 (unit: Mg). Hg(D): Hg in dissolved phase; Hg(P): Hg in particulate phase.


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The total Hg concentrations in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South


China Sea were 55 (uncertainty from -16% to 23%), 2.1 (-25% to 50%), 2.4 (-35% to


75%) and 1.0 (-35% to 62%) ng/L in 2012, respectively. The result for the Bohai Sea was


remarkably higher than those for the other seas, ranging from 25 to 100 ng/L.85-88 This


value could be attributed to the well-developed industry in surrounding provinces87 and


the small, shallow (average depth of 20 m) and relatively enclosed waters of the Bohai


Sea.85-87 However, the Hg concentration in the sediment of the Bohai Sea was not


significantly higher than those in the other seas. The Yellow River, which has the second


largest mass of suspended sediment discharge in the world,89 contributes abundant


sediment to the Bohai Sea. The literature (Table 1, Supporting Information) proved that


the Hg(P) concentrations in the sediment of the Yellow River are lower than other major


rivers,26, 74, 90 which might explain the relatively low Hg concentrations in the sediment of


the Bohai Sea.


The Hg concentrations of the other three Chinese seas were also larger than those in


the other major oceans around the world.3 The total Hg concentrations in the sea margin


sediments of the four seas were 31 (-23% to 35%), 27 (-22% to 43%), 37 (-44% to 110%)


and 47 (-42% to 71%) ng/g in 2012, respectively. These values were within the ranges of


other seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea (8.0–40 ng/g)91 and Greenland Sea (6.0–260


ng/g).92 The result of Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the uncertainties in the Hg


concentrations mainly came from ocean currents, but the uncertainties in the Hg


concentrations of sediments were higher than those of seawater.


The temporal variations in the Hg mass balance in the four seas and their sediment


margin areas from 1984 to 2013 were determined according to the box model results and 21

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are depicted in Figure 4. In Figure 4, the Hg(T) concentrations in the seas changed with


the Hg inputs. The increase in the Hg(T) concentrations in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea


over the last 30 years was significant (Figure 4 (B1) and Figure 4 (B2)) because their sea


reservoirs of Hg were relatively small, which were 84 Mg and 36 Mg, respectively


(Figure 3) in 2012. The increase in the Hg(T) concentration in the East China Sea was


also significant (Figure 4 (B3)) because of the effect of the Yangtze River. The variation


in the Hg(T) concentration in the South China Sea was insignificant because the sea


reservoir of Hg in the South China Sea was 5100 Mg in 2012 and the Hg input from


mainland China was relatively small. In addition, no significant increase in Hg input was


observed in the South China Sea (Figure 4 (A4)).


Small changes were observed for the concentrations of Hg(T) in the sea margin


sediments from 1984 to 2013, which were significantly different from the seawater


(Figure 4(C)). Only 40% of the Hg(P) from mainland China was deposited into the sea


margin;93 this proportion in a previous study3 was approximately 72% in the North


Pacific Ocean. Sediment transport was considered in the box model93 because the Hg(P)


in sea margin sediments could be transported to the open ocean. Sea margin sediments


cannot be recognized as the most important sink in the marine biogeochemical cycle in


this area.5


The Hg concentrations in China’s adjacent seas could remain stable or slightly increase


from 2014 to 2030 (Figure 4 (C)) according to the stable and decreasing scenarios if


effective measures are implemented to control the Hg that is exported from


anthropogenic sources in mainland China. However, the Hg concentrations in the


seawater of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea and the sea margin sediments 22

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of the Bohai Sea and East China Sea could rise to a relatively high level in 2030


according to the increasing scenario if the Hg that is exported from mainland China


continuously increases. Due to the limit of measurement data of Chinese adjacent seas,


the model gives a relatively rough prediction from 2014 to 2030. In order to provide a


better prediction in the future, more studies should be carried out with the support of


extensive sampling and monitoring, as well as the improvement of the model.

417 418

Figure 4. Variation in the Hg that was exported from 1984 to 2013 and predictions of Hg in the seawater


and sea margin sediments from the box model. (A) is the flux of particulate Hg and dissolved Hg from


mainland China from 1984 to 2013, (B) is the total Hg concentration in the seawater and uncertainty, and


(C) is the total Hg concentration in the sea margin sediments and uncertainty. (1) is the Bohai Sea, (2) is the


Yellow Sea, (3) is the East China Sea, and (4) is the South China Sea. Predictions to 2030 were included in


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Figures (B) and (C). The observational data in the figure are all from previous studies and are provided in


Table S8 (Supporting Information).




Supporting Information


The Supporting Information includes the complete Hg concentration data of every


pathway and detailed descriptions of the data that were used to estimate the Hg that was


exported from mainland China.




This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41571484,


41130535, 41471403). The authors would like to thank the editor and three reviewers for


their insight comments and improvements on the manuscript.



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