Metabolic Pathways in Microorganisms (Cheldelin, Vernon H

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BOOK REVIEWS whether the mathematical development would be better left to a reference or references and thus limit the article to a physical discussion of the phenomena. Many of the articles on theoretical physics do this with what appears to be satisfactory results. One can justifiably ask of what value a dictionary of physics can be when science is expanding and developing so rapidly? I t ia because of the rapid expansion of science that such a reference source is needed. Also science tends to proceed by drvrlnprwnt rathw than ~ b r ~ (p. ItI ~ C C . From the one \.alum? so i ~ uv:tilublc r it w o ~ l dn m m r that this dirtionarv will hr as authdrkative and complete itspossible. Thus i t does give one a chance of getting reliable information about a, suh~ecttogether with the possibility of following up with references. This dictionary is truly mcyclopaedic and should be of considerable use to every scientist whose work has any bearing on physics.

R. J. STEPHENSON The College of Woosler Wooster, Ohio

Mefabolic Pathways in Microorgmnisms Vernon H . Cheldelin, Science Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvalli~. John Wiloy & Sons, Inc., 91 pp. Figs. New York, 1981. viii and tables. 13 X 19 em. $3.50.


The volume is based on the third series of E. R. Squihb Lectures on Chemistry of Microbial Froduets delivered a t the Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University. Most of the results discussed are hased an original research conducted by theauthor and his colleagues at the Science Research Institute of Oregon State University. Chapter 1 is oonoerned with carbohydrate metabolism in aoetic acid bacteria which are obligate aerobes with no functiming Kreb's cycle. It is shown that in these virtually unique organisms the pentose cycle carries t,he bulk of carbohydrate rn~tabalictraffic. Chapter 2 describes a radiorespirometcr and its use in demonstratime oarticular oathwavs. C h a ~ t e r3 discusses multiple oxidation pathways, particularly those of energy produotion and synthesis. This short book sums up important facts in carbohydrate metabolism which are of interest to chemists and physiologists. I t is an excellent summary of the special, somewhat narrow area to urbich it is devoted.


ROYL. WHISTLER Pupdue University J~jayette,Indiana



Journol o f Chemical Education