Metabolic Pathways in Microorganisms. - Journal of the American

Metabolic Pathways in Microorganisms. Carl F. Cori. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1962, 84 (8), pp 1518–1518. DOI: 10.1021/ja00867a062. Publication Date: Apri...
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Chemical purity and radiochemical purity, and the tests using isotope dilution, radio-autograph and gas-liquid chromatography are covered in chapter 6. The discussions of “isotope dilution” analysis and paper chromatography of labeled compounds are excellent. The review of counting methods and procedures covered in chapter 7 is complete and thorough and covers the standard procedures in common use. The author assumes a greater knowledge than is possessed by the average person reading this chapter. The theory of the flow counter is not explained nor is the “proportional region” defined. Under the discussion of “standards” the author neglects to warn that radioactive plastics do not always give the same count on both sides of the film. A sensible explanation of the precautions and safeguards necessary when working with radioactive materials is given. The methods for disposal of wastes and allowable contamination differ little from American practice. The reasonable attitude of the author toward handling modest amounts of carbon-14 should do much toward allaying fears of the beginner in this field of chemistry. The book is recommended to all contemplating entering this field of research. RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH INST.,INC. 663 LIPANST. A. R. RONZIO 4, COLORADO DENVER

Vol. 84

for various microorganisms of the extent of glucose catabolism by way of glycolysis-Krebs cycle, pentose cycle and Entner-Doudoroff pathways. The third lecture is devoted to general considerations of metabolic pathways of carbohydrate. The role of the pentose cycle in supplying T P N H for synthetic reactions is stressed. Some stimulating ideas are to be found in this well-written booklet which is dedicated to Roger J . Williams. DEPARTMENT O F BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CARLF. CORI ST. Lours 10, MISSOURI

HES, States of Matter. By E. A. ~ ~ O E L W Y N - H U GLecturer in Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge. Oliver and Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh 1, Scotland. 1961. 100 pp. 14.5 X 22.5 cm. Price, 15 s. The eight chapters correspond to eight lectures on general theory and the seven states of matter: crystalline, gaseous, metallic, liquid, dissolved, ionic and interfacial. In the preface the author says that he has applied the concept of intermolecular force “as directly and in as simple a form as possible.” Simplicity is attained by ignoring complicated cases and sweeping most of them under the rug. The book is most successful in the first four chapters where this is done ruthlessly and the discussion is limited almost entirely to Metabolic Pathways in Microorganisms. E. R. Squibb monatomic elements and ions. The last four chapters are less simple because these restricLectures on Chemistry of Microbial Products, Presented a t the Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State tions are generally removed, because the material is inUniversity of New Jersey. By VERNONH. CHELDELIN, herently more complicated, and also, it seems to me, because Director, Science Research Institute, Oregon State the author thinks much less clearly about those things which University. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue he learned as an undergraduate than about those which he 91 pp. 13 X 19 picked up later by himself. I can see no excuse for deSouth, New York 16, N. Y. 1961. ix veloping the laws of ideal solutions the way Raoult did. cm. Price, $3.50. Much use is made of the “Mie equation” for the mutual In the first two lectures Cheldelin reviews the extensive energy, of two molecules a t a distance a cm. apart work he and his associates have carried out on the different + = Aa-n Ba-” metabolic pathways of Acetobacter suboxidans. This aerobic organism is unique, even among closely related species of Acctobacter, in being unable to carry on oxidations by way “where A and B are positive constants and n and m integers of the citric acid cycle. Of the intermediates of the cycle, with n > m.” citric acid is the only one which is weakly oxidized. OxalThe low point in the book is the discussion of the van der acetate yields pyruvate and acetate. This raises the ques- Waals “statical pressure” term in the last chapter. Contion (as yet unanswered) of the origin of amino acids which fusion between a , the instantaneous distance between two normally arise from the cycle, especially glutamate and molecules, and the average distance leads to the conclusion aspartate. that the van der Waals term denotes m = 3 in the “Mie Quantitative data on Cl4OZarising from the oxidation of equation.” In chapter 111, however, equation 70 from the glucose or gluconate labeled in the C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4 and author’s approximate treatment of the second virial coefficiC-6 position indicate that the pentose cycle is the terminal ent corresponds exactly to the van der Waals equation. I t oxidation route in this organism and that virtually all the shows that m may have any value greater than 3 and less COZformed from glucose arises in this manner. There is than n (and not necessarily integral), which is the same no indication that glycolysis is operative in the intact organ- result as that obtained by the rigorous treatment. ism. When cell-free extracts are treated with Dowex-50 The high point for this reviewer is Table I in Chapter I , to remove magnesium ions and coenzymes, it becomes pos- where the equilibrium distance and the energy of interaction sible to demonstrate some of the glycolytic reactions with a t that distance of the pairs Na+-F-, Na+-OHZ, OHrOHz fructose diphosphate as substrate. In the presence of and Ne-Ne are calculated from the known charges of the magnesium ions the pentose cycle is favored to the virtual ions and dipole moment of water with the assumption that exclusion of glycolysis. all have the same repulsion potential as neon with n = 9. Most of the enzymes of the pentose cycle and some ancil- It’s crude but very good fun. lary enzymes were identified in cell-free extracts of the Moelwyn-Hughes continues the awarding of unusual organism and several of these enzymes were purified. There credits for scientific advances. One erroneous one is a are also a number of particle-bound dehydrogenases present good example of how stories grow. He calls the relation which oxidize individual polyhydroxy compounds such as In y = A c< Mellanby’s law and refers to Cohn and Edsall, mannitol and sorbitol to the extent of one atom of oxygen where I say (p. 27), “It is worth noting that the dependence per molecule of substrate. A soluble dehydrogenase oxidizes upon the square of the valence and upon the square root either end of the sorbitol molecule depending on which pyri- of the concentration were both first discovered empirical!y dine nucleotide ( T P N or DPN) is present. by Mellanby in his study of the solubilities of globulins 111 The biochemical literature is replete with discussions of the salt solution.” I misunderstood a statement that Mellanvalidity of “traffic counts” by means of specifically labeled by’s results could be expressed as log S/So = A & as saying compounds, an indication that there is dissatisfaction with that Mellanby had so expressed them, and I failed to check many of the methods so far developed. When more than the original reference. Mellanby discussed neither log s one pathway is operative in the same organism, as is usually nor &. Moreover, his globulin was a mixture, so his solubilithe case, data based on specific activity of Cot or of inter- ties are not directly related to the activity coefficient. M y mediary products have limited quantitative significance. statement about the square of the valence, however, is corThese problems are discussed and it is pointed out that cer- rect and is not affected by the fact that Mellanby studied a tain advantages arise when the yields rather than the specific mixture. activity of Cl*OZ from various metabolites are measured. OF CHEMISTRY This radiorespirometric method, as developed in the author’s DEPARTMENT INSTITUTE laboratory, is illustrated by showing the time course of COS MASSACHUSETTS GEORGESCATCHARD OF TECHNOLOGY yields. from specifically labeled substrates by various 39, MASSACHUSETTS organisms. In a summarizing Table estimates are given CAMBRIDGE


