Metal Chelates of Alkanol-substituted Amines1 - Journal of the

James L. Hall, Warren E. Dean, and Edward A. Pacofsky. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1960, 82 (13), pp 3303–3308. DOI: 10.1021/ja01498a018. Publication Date: ...
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July 5 , 1960


reaction 5 as compared with (4) is accepted as evidence that this reaction is accomplished by removal of a proton (and formation of a chelate ring) as shown in equation 5 rather than by the simple addition of the hydroxide ion as in reaction 4. A similar argument may be applied to equations 2 and 3, and i t will be shown later12 that the equilibrium constant for reaction 3 is greater than for (2). The complex ion Cu(en):(OH-) evidently undergoes no further reaction with strong base, even in 1 N ~ o l u t i o n . ~The complex ion Cu[hen(OH)hen(O-)] +l decomposes above $H 10 to form the product shown in equation 2 with one mole of amine being set free. The complex ion Cu [hen(OH)~] 2+2 reacts with sodium hydroxide but the type of complex shown by equations 4 and 5 is formed only to a limited extent. Instead, the decomposition of the 1 : 2 complex to form the product shown in equation 3 with the release of one mole of amine begins in the range of QH 8.5 to 9.0 which is a t a lower concentration of base than is required for formation of the five-coordinate complex. (12) J L H a l l , M7 E. Dean and E A P x o f a k y , THIS JOURNAL, 82, 3303 (1960)




The 1: 1 complexes of copper(I1) ion and each of the amines en, hen(0H) and h e n ( 0 H ) ~may all be formed a t pH 5.5 to 6. As more amine is added to solutions of these 1: 1 complexes the second amine molecule is added to each below PH 7 . 5 . The second amine molecule is not displaced from Cu(en)z+2by 1 N sodium hydroxide. The ion Cu [hen(OH)]2+2 is so decomposed by 1 N sodium hydroxide, and Cu [hen(OH)n]2 + 2 is decomposed by a niuch lower concentration of sodium hydroxide. For the tetraalkanol-substituted ethylenediamine there is no evidence for formation of a 1: 2 complex. The reactions of equations 1, 2 and 3 all take place a t about QH 7.0. The 1 : l coniplex of the tetraalkanol-substituted amine reacts with sodium hydroxide a t a slightly lower QH. The reactions which have been established between sodium hydroxide and the copper(I1) ion complexes of ethylenediamine and of the three alkanol-substituted ethylendiamines form a groundwork for the interpretation of QH titration curves for a number of systems involving various metallic ions and a number of alkanol-substituted amines. Several such studies are included in an accompanying report.l2





Metal Chelates of Akanol-substituted Amines’ B Y JAMES L. HALL,~ V A R R E N E. DEAXA N D EDWARD A. PACOFSKY RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 14, 1959 The chelate compounds formed between each of the metallic ions copper(II), nickel(II), cobalt(II), cadmium(I1) and zinc(I1) and each of seven different alkanol-substituted ethylenediamine molecules have been investigated by the potentiometric method of Bjerrum. The mono- and di-substituted amines form both 1: 1 and 1: 2 complexes with metallic i0ns.l I n general the 1: 1 complexes of these amines react with strong base either to form 1:2 complexes and the metallic hydroxides or t o form uncharged chelate compounds by loss of protons from the 1: 1 complexes. I n several instances the 1 : 2 complexes are decomposed in alkaline solution to yield the same final product as for the 1: 1 complexes. In general the chelates having the highest stability as shown by log K 1 have the lowest acidity as shown by pK.4, and pK.4,. The tetraalkanolsubstituted amines form only 1: 1 complexes with the metallic ions. In general 2-hydroxypropyl substitution leads t o greater stability of the chelate compounds than does 2-hydroxyethyl substitution. For each amine, the order of stability of the complexes with the various metallic ions follows the usual order except t h a t the cadmium(I1) ion complexes of the tetraalkanol-substituted amines are more stable than would be anticipated.

Introduction There is considerable evidence for the participation in chelation of the hydroxyl groups of certain alkanol-substituted amines. Such chelation may be expected if the nitrogen and oxygen atoms can be included in the same five-membered ring. Coordination of both nitrogen and oxygen atoms evidently is involved in the complex ions formed in solution and in the solid compounds formed between transition metal salts and the ethanolamine^^-^ and substituted ethanolamine^.^ (1) Supported by the Office of Ordnance Research, U. S. Army. From a portion of the Ph.D. Dissertation of W. E . Dean, West Virginia University, 1959. (2) Ratios represent the relative proportions of the metallic ion and amine in t h a t order. (3) W. Hieber and E. Levy, A n n . , 500, 14 (1933); 2. onorg. allgcm. Chem., 219, 225 (1934). (4) H . Rrintzinper and B. Hesse, ;hid,, 248, 315,351 (1941). ( 5 ) P. S. James, Master’s Thesis, West Virginia University, 1957. (ti) 11‘. E. Dean, Master’s Thesis, West Virginia University, 195G.

A previous study in this Laboratorys has shown that the 1 : l copper(I1) ion complex of a tetraalkanol-substituted ethylenediamine (4-hpn, included in Table I) acts in solution as a dibasic acid of appreciable strength. There is evidence to support the assumption that this acidic property is due to enhancement of the acidity of hydrogen atoms of the hydroxyl groups upon coordination of the oxygen atoms. Similar conclusions have been reached for the copper(I1) ion complexes of hns and 2-hn.1° Martell, Chaberek, Courtney, Westerback and Hyytiainen” have considered the ques(7) Fr. Hein and W. Beerstecher, 2. anovg. ollgcm. chem., 282, 93 (1955). (8) J. L. Hall, F. R . Jones, C. E. Delchamps and C. W. McWilliams, 79, 3361 (1957). (9) J. L. Hall and W. E. Dean, i b i d . , 80, 4183 (1958). (10) J. L. Hall and W. E. Dean, ibid., 82, 3300 (1960). (11) A. E. Martell, S. Chaberek, Jr., R . C. Courtney, S. Westerhack and H. Hyytiainen, ibid., 79, 3036 (1B.57). %e this article for several references to previous work. T H I S JOURNAL,


2 4 etOH = -C?H,OH, iprOH = -CH,CHOHCH, Abbreviations

Substit iients 2 3


etOH hn or hen-OH etOH 2-hn or 2-hen(OH)* iprOH hpn or hpen-OH 2-hpn or Z-hpen(OH)? iprOH 4-hnor &hen( OH), etOH hn-3-hpn or hen-OHetOH 3-hpen( OH)3 I-hpn or 4-hpen(OH), iprOH




Ii H H

I1 etOH




etOH iprOH

H etOH iprOH

iprOH etOH iprOH

iY,N’-Di(2-hydroxypropyl)-ethplenediamine N,N,N’,S’-Tetra(2-h~droxyethyl)etliylenedian~ine






tion of participation of such alkanol hydroxyl groups in coordination and have concluded that the weight of evidence is in favor of direct coordination of the metallic ion by the hydroxyl group. The detailed studies which have been made5-’” of the copper(I1) complexes of a mono-, a di- and a tetraalkanol-substituted ethylenediamine over a wide range of alkalinity afford a reasonable basis for the interpretation of the PH titration curves for the mixtures of metallic ion salts and the several different alkanol-substituted amines studied here. The present report gives the results of a study, by a modification of the method of Bjerrum,’? to determine the formation constants of the chelates iormed between several different metallic ions and several different alkanol-substituted ethylenediamines. The reaction of each of the complexes with strong base is also described. The amines used in the present work are listed in Table I. Each of these alkanol-substituted amine molecules may form two or more fivemembered chelate rings 6 t h a metallic ion. The metallic ions included in the present study are copper( II), nickel(11), cobalt(11), cadmium(11) and zinc (11). In addition some qualitative studies were made with manganese(I1) and iron(111)salts. Experimental T h e experimental method consisted of potentionietric titrations with sodium hydroxide, using t h e glass electrode, of t h e acidified solution of the chelating agent, in the absence of t h e metallic ion and in the presence of various proportions of the metallic ion. This is the method of Bjerrum’* following a modification somewhat like t h a t used by Chaberek and Martell.’& Apparatus and Procedure.--A Beckman Model G pH meter with extension electrodes was used t o record the hydrogen ion concentrations. Titrations were performed in a 100 ml. tall form Berzelius beaker fitted with a plastic cover which had openings t o accommodate a stirrer, the glass and calomel electrodes, t h e burette tip and uitrogen inlet arid outlet tubes. T h e beaker was secured in a water bath maintained a t a temperature of 25 Z!Z 0.05’. (12) J, Bjerrum, “Metal Ammine Formation in Aqueou? Solution.” P. Haase and Son, Copenhagen, 1041. (13) S. Chaberek, Jr., and A. E. hlartell, TXIY JOURNAL, 74, 6032 (19.52).


S-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-~,iY’,N’-tri(2-h~droxyprop~~l)ethy~enediamine N,S,?;’,S’-Tetra( 2-1iydroxypropyl)ethylenediamine

T h e ionic strength at the beginning of each titration was adjusted to 0.5 by addition of potassium nitrate. T h e initial concentration of the amine was ordinarily 0.004 d l with enough nitric acid present t o neutralize the amine and provide 0.002 JI in excess. The initial volume was adjusted t o 200 ml. of solution. rlddition of approximately 1.0 AT sodium hydroxide produced only a small dilution effect during titration. Presaturated nitrogen was passed through the vessel before and during the titration. For solutions of ratio 1: 1, both metallic inn and amine were initially 0.004 J I . For t h e 1:2 solution the metallic ion concentration was 0.002 JI arid the amine concentration was 0.004 AI. Solutions having a greater excess of amine are not included in the present report since higher complexes were not formed with a moderate excess of amine. I t \vould be desirable, however, to have titratioxi curves with a n cxcess of amine for more precise determinatiim of the formation constants of some of the 1:2 complexes. Materials.-Copper(I1) perchlorate hexahydrate and nickel( 11) perchlorate hexahydrate were prepared from the corresponding reagent-grade carbonates as described previously.14 Cobalt( 11) perchlorate, manganese(I1) perchlorate, iron(II1) perchlorate, zinc(I1) sulfate and cadmium sulfate were all obtained as hydrated, reagent-grade salts and were used without further purification. The 4-hpn, hn and 2-hn were t h e same as described previously.*-’O T h e hpll and 4-hn were obtained from the LVyandotte Chemicals Corporation. T h e 2-hpn and hn-3-hpn nere obtained from the Visco Products Co. In general, these amines were samples which had been prepared by t h e manufacturers’ laboratories for research work. For some, vacuum distillations or recrystallizations were performed for further purification. For each the neutral equivalent of t h e material used correspoiitled very cloiely to the weighed amount.

Calculations T h e equations for t h e determination of t h e stability constants are adapted from those of Bjerrum.’z T h e particular equations used here were derived following the form given by Carlsnn, McReynolds and Verhoek Values of p K m , and ~ R A Ht h?e, dissociation constants for t h e conjugate acids of the amine, were determined from the titration curves of the amine in the absence of chelating metallic ions. These values are required for t h e calculation of the stability constants. They are of considerable interest in themselves and will be reported separately. From the titration curve of each metallic ion-amine mixture, values of pi1 and fi were calculated and plotted. If the plot of fi as a function of pi1 was distinctly stepwise, the values ( i f log K , and log K? were taken as equivalent to p.4 a t ri = 0.5 and ii = 1.5, respecIf t h e curve was not steprise, the values of the nts thus determined were used i i s approximate values from which t h e actual constants were c:ilculated b y the coli(1.1) J . M . Bolling and J. I,. Hall, i h i i i . , 7 5 , :i