METALAB Equipment Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 17, 2012 - Chem. , 1962, 34 (9), pp 98A–98A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60189a758. Publication Date: August 1962. Copyright © 1962 American Chemical Societ...
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Fluoride Bibliography. A selected bibliography covering the quantitative colorimetric determination of fluoride using the reagent 3-aminomethyl alizarin-JV,A?'-diacetic acid (alizarin complexan) is now available. Burdick and Jackson Laboratories, 1953 S. Harvey St., Muskegon, Mich. 601 Liquid Scintillation Counting. New, 9-page brochure on "Organic Com­ pounds For Liquid And Plastic Scin­ tillation Counting" presents a discus­ sion of methods and the properties of compounds used. Arapahoe Chemicals, Inc., 2855 Walnut St., Boulder, Colo. 602

all of the requirements of Lab-Power for industrial and research laboratories. Write for Metalab Catalog 6-C.

pH Electrodes. Information on 30 electrodes (glass, reference, metallic) used in pH measurements, electrometric titrations, and many other laboratory projects is given in a 12-page booklet. Coleman Instruments, Inc., 42 Madison St., Maywood, 111. 603 Catalog. Precision measurement in­ struments and their components are featured in this 8-page catalog. Illus­ trations and specifications complete the individual descriptions of instruments. ESI- Electroscientific Industries, Inc., 7524 S. W. Macadam Ave., Portland 19, Ore. 604 Gas Chromatography. Brochure "Gas Chromatography—Unique Tool for Research—Development-AnalysisQuality Control" describes applications, and operational and manufacturing problems encountered in gas chroma­ tography. New developments in the field are presented along with services offered by the laboratory. Evans Re­ search and Development Corp., 250 E. 43rd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 605 Low Temperature W o r k .

METALAB Equipment Company A s u b s i d i a r y of Crescent Petroleum 252 DUFFY A V E N U E , H I C K S V I U E , Circle No. 113 on Readers' Service Card 98 A



Corporation L. Ι . , Ν . Υ .

The use of

solid and liquid C 0 2 in direct and in­ direct low temperature work is pre­ sented. Information is available from charts and graphs on thermal conduc­ tivity of insulating materials, physical properties of solvents, physical proper­ ties of carbon dioxide, and the flow rate of low pressure C0 2 . Brochure.No. 5950. Liquid Carbonic Division, General Dynamics Corp., 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, 111. 606 Lubrication. Bulletins BK-19-a, BK20-a, BK-21-a, describe lubricants used in bearings, air compressors, machining