METALAB Equipment Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

METALAB Equipment Company. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (11), pp 51A–51A .... ACS Editors Reflect on the Impact of Women Mentors. “Who has been an impac...
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Instant-Change Hand Torch

ANALYST'S C O L U M N each reference occupies just the position in its matrix t h a t would otherwise repre­ sent its serial number. The microabstracts can be slightly larger than the serial number holes, as no supporting area is needed between images as is required between perforations. A light diffuser between the search stack and the film ma­ trix permits the small index holes to il­ luminate the larger areas of the microabstract matrix. The information sought can then be read by viewing the illumi­ nated frames under a microscope. In the bureau's experimental work on the Microcite feature, cards and matrix 3'Λ by 7 3 / 8 inches are used with a capacity for 1000 micro-abstracts. With another Mierocite technique under consideration, the Peek-a-boo holes would be used only to locate the abstract. Posi­ tioning a locating pointer of an automatic readout device at a light spot on the card stack would cause the corresponding ab­ stract to be illuminated and projected for reading. This arrangement would permit the indicating hole to be very much smal­ ler than a micro-abstract, and allow flexi­ bility in distribution of the abstract posi­ tions. For preparing bibliographies in answer to reference questions, the Mierocite fea­ ture could also eliminate other timeconsuming operations. If the film matrix (a negative in this case) were sandwiched between the search stack and a suitable photographic printing paper, light passing through the holes in the card stack would provide illumination for printing the selected references. The time and effort involved in duplicating the information for enclosure in a letter could be avoided by printing directly on a sensitized postal card. The reference information could be made ready for immediate mailing to the inquirer, who could read it on any of several commercially available micro­ image projectors. Extensions of the basic Peek-a-boo principle and the Mierocite feature are being further investigated. The Mierocite technique may be utilized with any system in which documents can be identified by serial number. As it of­ fers improvement on an already powerful reference tool, the Mierocite technique should bo of interest to organizations hav­ ing research libraries, reference services, catalog divisions, or other offices with in­ dexing problems. Improved equipment for punching and viewing the Peek-a-boo cards has been designed at the bureau to provide a capac­ ity of 18,000 document numbers with a card size of 5 by 8 inches. Interest shown by several manufacturers indicates t h a t equipment of this type may soon become commercially available. However, stand­ ard accounting machine cards and a hand punch are adequate for applying the Peek-a-boo principle to small collections.


No Flashback under a n y c o n d i t i o n s


T h u m b Control of V a l v e s



A completely new idea in Gas-Oxy Hand Torches. With three interchangeable heads constructed on the Polymix principle, the extraordinary "Instant-Change" Hand Torch will burn manufactured or natural gas at regular city pressures, as well as hydrogen, pro­ pane and others.

Burner tips are easy to change. Just squeeze the handles . . . the tip drops out and you replace it by inserting the new tip be­ tween the prongs. With these three different size tips you can work glass tubings from the smallest up to . 85 mm. Pyrex Brand. Tips can be freely tilted to any angle.

S i m p l y press h a n d l e s t o eject or insert t i p .

Holder and t h r e e tips N o . PM2C —

$77 50 Ask for Catalog 5 4 , also free copy of


Apparatus Company, Inc.

m a n u a l "Glass Blowing on the Glass Lathe".


For further information, circle number 51 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A



h METALAB for INDUSTRIAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL HOSPITAL use... rrom our vast experience in laying out the nation's finest laboratories, METALAB can show you how to obtain maximum working and storage area in a minimum of space . . . how to make current equip­ ment adaptable to any possible future needs . . . and how to achieve true econ­ omy in laboratory equipment. This knowhow, plus the use of only the finest laboratory-tested materials, assures you of obtaining the most at Metalab for your laboratory budget.

Cutaway view of our standard base unit: This construction technique permits you to inter­ change drawers and cupboards by utilizing the same base cab­ inets as your laboratory require­ ments change. METALAB mass-production meth­ ods, which have been adapted to custom laboratory equipment and furniture results in "custom" q u a l i t y u n i t s at " s t a n d a r d " prices.


Our Engineering Dept. will be pleased to solve your laboratory planning problems without any cost or obligation on your part. Write today for our literature !


M E T A L A B Equipment Company 2 5 2 DUFFY A Y E . , HICKSVILLE, L O N G ISLAND,


Our new 180 page Catalog is available upon request on your company letterhead

Please visit us in Booth 356 at Chemical Show—N.Y. Coliseum—Dec. 2 - 6 , 1957. For further information, circle number 51 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page S3 A V O L . 2 9 , N O . 1 1 , NOVEMBER


51 A