Metallography of Aluminum Alloys. By Lucio F. Mondolfo - The Journal

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c h a p t e r on “Stability of Solutions” has been oniitted n n d \vi11 appenr in 1-olume 11. The chnpters entitled “\-olunietric Methods of Organic Analysis” and “3Iethods f o r D e t e r mination of t h e Ecjuiv:dence P o i n t ” have heen coiisiderably revised. T h e number of referelires to the original liternture has been greatly increased. T h e general appearance of tlir hook lias lieen co1isider:ibly improved. Anyone interested i n the thenry of volumetric processes vi11 find tliis book very helpful and instructive. ITOBIRT



TedJOOk Of QlcCf??tilClfil’€f ! l O , ~ f l r l f C . ~ ~ ? l C l ~ l J S ~ 13y S. I. 11, l < O L T H O F F A S U E. E . S . \ S D I ; r , l . . 794 p p . Xew Torir: T h e &Iacniill:in Company. 1943. Price: S4.50. T h i s textbook now r.ppcars i n its first revision. T h e nriginal edition was published in 1036. Their own use of t h e t e s t and suggestions 2nd criticism froin others during these seven years have led tlie authors t o make :i n u n h e r of significnrit improvements. Quoting from t h e preface, “Fuller trentnient has been given organic reagents. spectrophotometry. errors, and other topics; a n d :I discussion of aniperotnetric titrations has heen introduced. T h e chapters on t h e forinntion and properties of precipitates, copreripitation phenoiiienn. rind t h e theory of c1ectronu:rlysis 11:ive l v e n revised.” T h e use of three sizes of type is retained. Quoting from t h e prc,fnce t o the first edition: “In order t o facilitate the IMFLof tlir present I)ook for iiistriictionnl purposes, t h e authors liave made use of three difl‘crcnt types of p r i n t . viz.: (1) tlie finest to indicnte ninteria! which is more or less infnrniativc i i i clinracter (reagents, :ipparntus. technique of operations. e t ? . ) . ( 2 ) the intermedi:ite type to indicate niaterial of :icivaiicc~icIi:ir;ictrr. nnd (3) t h e largest for i n a t e r i d t o he offeretl i n :in elementary course.” T h e work covere:l is prcsented under tlie following ninin subdivisions: ”Stoieliii,inetrS..” “Gravimetric ,Innlysis: Tlieorcticnl, Practical. Grnvimetric I)cteriiiiiiatioiis.” “Voluinetric Annlysis: Theoretical. Practic:il, Volumetric 1)eteriiiiii:itions.” ‘.Pli~sicochemic,zl AIetliods.” “Analyses of C‘oriiplcx 1I:iterinls (Rrass, Steel, Silicnte Rocks I . ” T h e tables of atomic ivciglits. grnviinetric fncrors, a n d four-place lognritlims, formerly in t h e appendix. :ire n n w ill. :i four-pnge foldcr fitting i n t o :I pocket in tlie iiiside I~oolicover. T h e ninny excellent features of the cnrlier edition, togetlirr with t h e improvements miti expansions indicn t ed above, ilia kc this :in outst nixling t e\: t I)ook. C. II. SHIFLETT.

J I e t a l l o y r a p h y o,f - i l t / r t i i t l i / r t i .4!logs, 1Jy LVCIOF. 1 I o s i 1 o t ~ 0 .351 p p . ; 452 fig. S e n T o r k : J o h n TViley a u d Sons, I n c . , 1943, Price : $4.50. T h i s book was written especially for plaint nirt:illnrgists ~ l i iiiake o arid use t h e ni:iny different aluminum allnys, rather tlinn :is n testhi)oli for s t a d e n t s ; hence tlie practical nspects of metallograpliy :ire stressed rind few details o n the fundumentals of metallurgy o r metallography linve heen included. Some topics h:iw been over-emphasized, Iy-hile others have been covered only 1)rieAy or have been left o u t . The su\)ject i n genernl lins been covered much more cnnip1eteIy f o r nictn!l\ii t s n-oricing Jvitli :\luriiiniiiii casting :illoys t h a n for those concerned with \yrouylrt proclurts. T h e contents of this 1,ook :%redivided i n t o fom. parts.. ns follon-s: I . Equilibrium Iliagranis. 11. Polishing ant1 Etching. 111. Coniiiwrci:il .\lloys. IT‘. Effect of F:ibricating on t h e PIierostructrire. In tlie first tn-o p a r t s , t h e respective subjects :ire covered rather completely. In t h e last two parts, however, inany topics of iniportnnce are touched upon only briefly or are not nwntioned nt :ill. T h e most vnluahle featrirr of this b o o k is t h e excellent a n d unusunlly complete collection of hinary and more coniples eqiiilihriuiii di:igrauis of various nluminurn alloy systenis, These make u p t h e one hundred nnci fifty pages of P:irt I. The diagrams are clearly drawn and fairly accurate :ind i n many instances have heen revised h y the author t o bring theni u p t o d a t e . T h i s coliection of diagrnms shonld prove t o be very useful for reference pur-



poses. Pome of t h e phase fields in t h e more complex diagrams, horn-ever, are open t o question. T h e Tvell-established practices for polishing speciniens are clexritjecl in Part 11,together with a brief mention of metllods for metallographic polishing and a descripticin of n method proposed b y ?he nuthor for preparing specimens rapidly by a liigli-speed high-pressure b u f f ing p r r i c c t l i : ~ ~ T h e l a t t e r iiietliotl. 1ion.ever. is contrary t o nietnllogrnphic principles nntl i t s itse is i y . t i t considered ad\ ihle f o r good nirtnllographic n-ork. T h e vcirious etching soliitions geiier;i!ly employed for aliuiiinuni alloys are listed :tiid described, In some cases. t h e clnt:: srr, not sufficient1)- complete t C J facilitate choice of t h e best etching soiurion for a specifir :ill(~yor t e m p r r . Allmiit forty constituents are described. :ind their apprnrance n-it11 t1itTerei;t etching treatments is illustrated by micrographs. Some of these constituent5 : i r ~neiv 11iit ::re little-kno~vnphases of doubtful coniniercial iniportnnce. Tlie etching c1ini~:ictc~riu~ics oi all of the constituents with s i s different etching solntions are incladed i n t:iI)ill:ir Corm. I n I'nrt 111. the norni:il niicrustructiires of hoth cast a n d n.rought alloys have beeti d T h e information would h:ive been niucll grouped together in four rntlier h r ~ ~ aclasses. mnre w c r n l if coninierci:il alloy designations a n d nominal alloy compositions h:id been inclutlctl. Tl!e method of presentation leaves something t o he desired from t h e stnndpoint r l i ~isiiigtl:e t l n t n for reference purposes. Tlie section on tlie important wrought alloys o f tlir dtir:iluiiii:i type. for esaniple. is f a r too brief and does not cover ndequately tlie niicrot h a t are ehnracteristir of t h e various conditions of these alloys. s t r u c t u i ~ a fentiires l The iiif